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Steddings and dark channelers


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i was reading a theory on wotmania about steddings and ogeir and the book of translation.  During this a couple of thought came to me.

1.  If the Ogier leave will the steddings retain the properties of cutting off the source?

2.  If they do retain those properties, wouldnt that make perfect jails for the dark channelers?

Just a random musing, flame away.

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    Yes it would keep the dark channelers from using the True Source, but I don't think the Ogier will ever leave and I don't think they would want to be called upon to babysit the darkfriends. Just my thought. :)

1. If the Ogier leave will the steddings retain the properties of cutting off the source?
If they do not, will they still be stedding? Will the stedding still remain?


I don't think the Ogier will ever leave
They have to leave so they can come back. There are Ages when they are not here.

1. If the Ogier leave will the steddings retain the properties of cutting off the source?


Yes, if I remember right Egewene feels different when Perrin and her camp in the abandoned stedding right before they get captured by the white cloaks.


1. If the Ogier leave will the steddings retain the properties of cutting off the source?
If they do not, will they still be stedding? Will the stedding still remain?


I don't think the Ogier will ever leave
They have to leave so they can come back. There are Ages when they are not here.

with impunity i attack, sorry ares but questions do not answer questions, "Veritas Vincit"

Thanks Sab that is what i was hoping someone would mention.  With a simple Ashaman bond, like Tovienes and Gabrelles, all it would take is "stay within the stedding"



First question, there would be a chance that steddings would still cut off the True Source.  I think steddings existed before Ogier arrived; and not all steddings are not inhabited by Ogier.


Second question, I guess you are referring to True Power channelers.

Steddings I think would also cut off the True Power as it does with the One Power.

Them being a jail, I am not sure since anyone can walk in and out of them.  They would need to be heavily guarded to prevent escape.


with impunity i attack, sorry ares but questions do not answer questions, "Veritas Vincit"

Thanks Sab that is what i was hoping someone would mention. With a simple Ashaman bond, like Tovienes and Gabrelles, all it would take is "stay within the stedding"

Questions can answer questions, if they are the right questions, my name is Mr Ares, get it right, and I disagree with Sab's point - we are, after all, not just talking about the Ogier wandering off somewhere (which would not remove the stedding), so much as them magically removing themselves from the world, and taking the stedding with them could be seen as an entirely reasonable proposition under the circumstances. Is there any reason why there should still be stedding left when the Ogier leave?


I think steddings existed before Ogier arrived.

If we assume the Ogier appeared in the AoL, the logically the Stedding would have come when they came. If the Ogier disappear, I don't know if the Stedding go with them. They survived the Breaking, so I'd assume they would stay.

Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

Will the stedding still remain?

Why wouldn't they?


Perhaps steddings always exist.


For all we know they're always dotted around the planet. They'd only become of any consequence when the people of a particular Age learnt to channel.

Aren't the stedding an effect of Ter'angreal?

Not that I'm aware of.


Wouldn't it a difficult job to create, using the Power, an area in which no Power can be used?

Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

Far Madding...

Yeah... but that's got the guardian sitting right there ... there's been no indication of an object which powers the steddings....


But yes, curse you Maj  ;), there's Far Madding ...


Will the stedding still remain?

Why wouldn't they?


Perhaps steddings always exist.


For all we know they're always dotted around the planet. They'd only become of any consequence when the people of a particular Age learnt to channel.

Perhaps they did always exist, but if they came with the Ogier, the chances are they will go with the Ogier. And if they came with the Ogier, and were thus not truly a part of the world, that would explain both the absence of the Source and why they cannot be accessed from T'a'r.


If we assume the Ogier appeared in the AoL, the logically the Stedding would have come when they came. If the Ogier disappear, I don't know if the Stedding go with them. They survived the Breaking, so I'd assume they would stay.
The Ogier survived the Breaking as well, but they won't stay. Why should the stedding, if they came with the Ogier? Also, time is a Wheel. If they came with the Ogier, they must go so they can come again the next time the Wheel turns. Either they came, so they must go, or they were always here.

Couldn't the steddings themselves be their vehicle for relocation? When the time comes, the steddings could relocate, taking anyone / anything within to another reality. The Ogier's inability / reluctance to remain outside the stedding could be a sort of built in safety measure to ensure they aren't left behind.


Doesn't seem feasible they can just pack up a stedding since if you could then none would fall to the blight, you could just remove it before the blight got there. Perin and Egwene rested in an abandoned stedding, if the ogier could remove it why leave it just abandoned?  If they can take them, maybe they don't remember how, even the Ogier have forgotten some knowledge. Most likely once built it stays.  if they were so easy to create or remove the ogier wouldn't of had such a problem locating them again after the breaking.


If I remember right they don't understand how they became so linked to them during the breaking.


Why don't the Seachen Ogier have the same problem?

I think steddings existed before Ogier arrived.


Far Madding's ter'angreal seems to be one indicator.

Maybe the Creator created steddings so that Ogier could have a place to live.


Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

Perhaps they did always exist, but if they came with the Ogier, the chances are they will go with the Ogier.


Far Madding's ter'angreal seems to be one indicator.

How so?


The ter'angreal was created, if I remember correctly, as the result of the efforts to save the world during the Breaking, a way to deal with all the mad men.


How is that related to a phenomenon that no-one can understand?


One is made by mankind, the other is inexplicable.

is (appart from the powerblocking) Far Maddings ter'angreal at all similar to Steading.

I'm not sure, I don't recall the feeling of calm and the general restorative properties of the Stedding being mentioned in Far Madding.


(By restorative I mean the feeling of being rested, etc..)

Doesn't seem feasible they can just pack up a stedding
No-one is suggesting you could. Not with ease, anyway.
Perin and Egwene rested in an abandoned stedding, if the ogier could remove it why leave it just abandoned?
They didn't know it was there.
Why don't the Seachen Ogier have the same problem?
There were more stedding on the other side of the Aryth, so they never lost the stedding.


I think steddings existed before Ogier arrived.


Far Madding's ter'angreal seems to be one indicator.

No, it doesn't

Maybe the Creator created them so that Ogier could have a place to live.
Seems rather backwards to me. "I've created these things, but they don't work properly...Of course! I'll create an environment specially suited to their needs!"


Perhaps they did always exist, but if they came with the Ogier, the chances are they will go with the Ogier.
Not that big an if.

Couldn't the steddings themselves be their vehicle for relocation? When the time comes, the steddings could relocate, taking anyone / anything within to another reality. The Ogier's inability / reluctance to remain outside the stedding could be a sort of built in safety measure to ensure they aren't left behind.


I have to point out that the Ogier's inability/reluctance to remain outside the boundaries of a stedding did not appear until the Breaking when they couldn't find them.  This was termed the Longing.  What actually causes the Longing is not known.  The steddings themselves could be the vehicle for the translation but I don't believe that is the cause for the Longing.  This leads to some interesting questions.


I don't recall if it was ever mentioned how the Ogier interact with steddings and vice versa.  Before the Breaking, could an Ogier survive outside of a stedding? 


Were steddings necessary to the Ogier for survival or were they just considered home to them?   


The answers to those questions could help to define what the role of the steddings will be when/if the Ogier use the Book of Translation. 


But in response to the orginal question:


Yes, an abandoned stedding is still a stedding so IMO should retain the steddings properties of stopping channeling. 


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