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A bit of bad news....


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My grandmother passed away at about 12:45am, Saturday.  The burial was earlier today.  It was a beautiful service, and I know she would have liked it.  I have had a rough few days to say the least, but despite how much I'll miss her, I know she's in a better place.  If there is a Heaven, no one deserves to be there more then her.  She was the most selfless, caring, giving person I've ever known or ever will.  Kind to everyone, she always worried more about us then herself.  She was like our Mother for a very long time, and I have learned so many things from her in my life.  I'm thankful for everyday I had with her, and I know that someday I will see her again.


I don't plan on taking any additional time off because of this, I just wanted you all to know what she meant to me.  It helps to be here with people who care about me.  It hurts to know that so many I care for will never get to meet her now, she was an amazing woman.  Thank you all so much for being here in my time of need.  I love you all, and wouldn't know what to do without you.

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*hugs* This is a rough time of year to be losing people who are so close to you. I'm glad you're keeping it positive, though, and you're right. You'll see her again. And what a reunion it will be when you do!

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*hugs*  I'm so sorry Kelly girl..I know from chatting the other night the sorrow this brings to you.  I also know...there is now a huge whole where MawMaw lived in your life...just remember to keep it filled and filling it with love!  Of all of us here and your family..and let the memories of that wonderful woman you loved live there!



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