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[MOVIE] Wolverine


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Hugh Jackman should stick to playing Wolverine cause he was good at it. 


I read that Gambit will play a VERY small part in the movie.. so don't get too excited. 



laaaaame! he's like one of my favorite mutants!


He fights with a quarterstaff and his power is to make things into explosives...


and come on- whats more cool that killing people with exploding playin cards? (though personally I'd used throwing knives. land one in the chest, boom, dead guy on the floor)

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Asside from Wolverines Adamantium Skeleton, and his ridiculously fast healing.

Apparently in the Comics, Wolverines Name, came from more then just his ability to heal, He actually had BONE claws.

The Adamantium 'replaced' his bones, hence for 'why' he's able to extend claws, (cause any alteration his body would revert back...).


Also, When Magneto Ripped out Wolverines Adamantium Skeleton, he still retained his 'claws'. As bones none-the-less.


The only thing I can't figure out, is how Wolverine looks the same, when he got Sabertooths adamantium skeleton... I mean, if they 'switched skeletons', wouldn't wolverine have Sabertooths build?


Also, WTF doesn't wolverine get hungry as F*** when he suffers a major wound?!

That constant regenerations gotta take up a ton of calories! Talk about... carboloading? :P

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You do realise the bone claws were just a retcon, right? The name was originally because he was vicious, tenacious, and very hairy. Also, I thought he just got the adamantium coating Sabretooth's skeleton, not the skeleton itself.

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You do realise the bone claws were just a retcon, right? The name was originally because he was vicious, tenacious, and very hairy. Also, I thought he just got the adamantium coating Sabretooth's skeleton, not the skeleton itself.


Well, considering both Marvel and DC, basically rebooted every comic superhero they have ever done, alot of things change. + Wasn't that introduced in 1 comic, after his skeleton was ripped out, and 1 as a 'prequil'?

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I think what you're thinking of as a "prequel" is Origin, which didn't come out until like 2001 or 2002, by which point it had been almost a decade since the adamantium was removed, which happened twenty years after the character's inception. I always kind of thought the bone claws were pretty stupid, like they thought Oh wouldn't it kick ass if Magneto tore the adamantium right out of Wolverine's body, and then they did it, and then someone said Hey wait a second now what do we do with him?

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Well it makes sense when you wonder why he had claws (and how do they work) in the first place. If they were purely adamantium, there would be no reason they could sheath and unsheath except be surgery which his body would fix anyways. This way, his body started with bones claws and the mechanics for them to work.

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Well, my understanding of the adamantium process, was it replaced the bone, inside the body, not they rip his bones out, and replace bones inside... I think it would be safe to say, that they simply 'coated' his bones in adamantium... Hellava lot easier (and cheaper)...


Anyways, I thought I posted this earlier, but I do know that both DC & Marvel, completely rebooted most of there comic series, simply becuase when they were first made, they still had MANY censors on them, which escnetially 'skewed' there vision...


One being is that superheros can not KILL. (This was a federal law)

Once that got repealed/relaxed, most of DC and Marvel got reinvented... Which imo allowed them to 'retcon' things they wanted to do, but couldn't... Not necissarilly a bad thing...

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Marvel didn't really ever reboot, per se, as that implies completely starting over (unless you count the Ultimate universe, which sucks), they just changed their minds every five years or so. The only thing I can think of in the primary continuity that would count is Brand New Day in Spider-Man, which only rearranged a few parts of his reality, mostly because that twat Joe Quesada couldn't deal with the idea of Spider-Man being married.


DC's primary reboot came as a result of Crisis on Infinite Earths, which they have in recents years milked for everything it's worth, the whole point of which was to take all the confusing multiple universes they had floating around and smash them all into one linear perspective. And then I guess within the last year or two (I don't much follow comics these days) they decided to completely undo that so now there's a multiverse again.


Also, the only regulator of comics I've ever been aware of is the Comics Code Authority, whose primary purposes were to A) put EC comics out of business sense nobody could compete with them, and B) shut up that retard Fredric Wertham who claimed that comics were responsible for the dissolution of morality among the young much like an early Jack Thompson. It's still around, but after Marvel told them to kindly go boink themselves back in '01, nobody much cares anymore. DC still gets rated somehow, although heaven only knows how considering some of the stuff they've done in the last decade, but nobody else that matter does. Also, the CCA never had any legal authority over anything.

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Hmm, I remember reading an article awhile ago, about an actual law passed by congress, concerning comics/heros/ect.

Part of this had ALOT to deal with the Cold-War, propaganda machine...

After about 92, and a few years into the clinton reign, maybe just prior to bush, 'or into it?', that law got taken down, and the 'reboot' happened. ;)


But, I haven't actually 'followed' the comics as much as you have Reyler, I'm just going by what I have read about em. ;)


I mean, Comics are spendy now days! MTG was a pain to justify keeping up when I only got to play a few games with, but with comics in the mid-90s being near worthless, in both quality, but also in there actual 'value' to others... The Collection I bought growing up, is basically worth what I paid for them back then... (which is with inflation, about double what I paid for em. Back when gas was $0.89 a galon. ;)

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Okay, I officially have no idea what you're talking about. I know that Moral Majority asshole Wertham got Congress to investigate comics, and that resulted in the Comics Code, which was an intra-industry self-regulator and nothing governmental, and that was early fifties, but I am aware of no actual law regulating comics. And how could there be without infringing on the First Amendment?


But there was no reboot of anything in the mid-nineties, unless it be that people started to realise that comics had sucked hard that decade and started trying to make better ones. And 90's comics are so worthless price-wise because they were being geared towards the speculator market, what with such blatant stunts like holofoil and/or gatefold covers. Anybody who ever bought a comic or a toy or whatever as an investment needs to be beaten senseless with mining equipment for reducing the availability to those who would buy them simply to enjoy.


Also, and I meant to state this before, you're like the only person who thought they actually replaced Wolverine's skeleton with metal. Sorry.


I don't know what it is, but my shirt smells sexy!

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Also, and I meant to state this before, you're like the only person who thought they actually replaced Wolverine's skeleton with metal. Sorry.


Am I the only person who thought that? Nope, they didn't really go into alot of 'detail' (well, except possibly in Project-X) about how Wolverine actually got his skeleton, and the idea that Adamantium is indestructable, and I'm not sure (Cause its been so long since I've read an x-men comic, or what not) but didn't they also say in the comics that once adamantium was formed, it couldn't be 'altered' in shape? So what I have to wonder is, how exactly someone 'stripped' sabertooth of his adamantium skeleton, and gave it to wolverine... (Though, wasn't the guy who did it, some kinda 'demi-god'?)


Also, if wolverines name just came from how he acted... whats with the hair-do? :P

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You're expecting comic book science to be consistent?  :D But if you want to get technical, it can't be affected by conventional science, but it can be tampered with by folk like Magneto who can manipulate it at the molecular level.


And his hair was a lot more subtle originally. The nineties went crazy and you had guys who didn't know what the hell they were doing draw him and suddenly his head is a trapezoid.

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