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To choose an Amrylin


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    Again, am still re-reading Lord of Chaos and just finished the part of Egwene becoming the next Amrylin. I think everyone would agree that being an apprentice to the wise ones prepared Egwene in many ways to not only be able to overcome being a puppet, to the hall, but also become a very good Amrylin to stand on her own. Sure, Egwene has her problems, but doesn't everyone in the books, from time to time?  So, now to choose an Amrylin if Egwene wasn't able to do it or some other reason.


    To help you out, you may want to read Lord of Chaos, chapters 34-36.


    First of all, you want to pick out someone who will be strong and be able to help Tarmon Gaidon (unless of course you choose the Black Ajah).

Who, would you choose out of all who are already Aes Sedai? If you were to choose an Accepted or Novice? Now for the big question. The ONLY thing that I read during these chapters is that the Amrylin needs to be a WOMAN. To Quote Beonin (Ch. 35 In the Hall of the Sitters), "The Amyrlin Seat, she is Aes Sedai-the law is quite clear; several places it is stated, 'the Amyrlin Seat as Aes Sedai'-but nowhere is it said that it is necessary to be Aes Sedai to become Amyrlin. The law that sets forth how the Amyrlin is to be chosen, it merely says 'the woman who is summoned' or 'she who stands before the Hall." We also see later in the chapter that everyone needs to be a woman to see the ceremony, other than that, why can't we have a woman who cannot channel. Once she is named Amyrlin, she is AES SEDAI!


    For the first, I would choose probably, Moiraine, once she got saved from the Tower. She is one who would be able to do what needs to be done, yes she has enemies, but I think she could overcome that.

    The second, I would like to see Theodrin. Out of all of the Accepted, I like her best and she seems to have her head clear compared to Faolin.

    The third, of course was the hardest and I would like to see Renee Harfor. She has Camelyn running very smoothly and she doesn't take nonsense from nobody.

    OK It's your Turn!!


I picked each of these, because of a few basic qualities that all leaders should have:


a) They are knowledgeable, each of these have had experience *bossing* people around.

b) They are confident, They will not lose faith because someone says they are wrong.

c) They are firm, the would not be a lax ruler who lets the world slid by, the would hold their people firmly and keep them doing what is best for them.


I'm pretty sure that when I wrote it there was another reason, but I cannot remember it now.


Cadsuane. She would run the sort of White Tower that the public would end up trusting. Cadsuane doesnt seem much of a manipulator and thats the sort of figurehead the Tower should have, especially now that Saidin is clean. I think her age would be the only issue.


Either her or Moiraine for me.

especially now that Saidin is clean.


Yes, but keep in mind that there are a lot of AS who still aren't convinced that saidin is clean.


That could make a big difference in their opinion.


I have but one choice,  Amys.  Cleary of all the women portraid in the book, besides Soriela*too old*, she is strogest women there is. She would whip the Aes Sedai into a nice force.  However, I beleive after it is all said in done, Logain will be named the Tamrylin Seat.


The Ring of Tamyrlin was worn by the First Amung The Servants and it is from a corruption of this symbol of office that the word Amyrlin (and Amyrlin Seat) are derrived IIRC, but I dont see why they would name a "Tamyrlin Seat".


I'm not I believe that it is somewhere mentioned that the ring was an Angreal of some sort, but I could be completely wrong, possibly in one of the Glossaries?


Caddy doesn't want it and wouldn't do it.  The rest of the AS are still uneasy with Siuan, so that would be a difficult sell, and Moiraine is too closely associated with her.  Nynaeve has Lan; and to me, her management skills and allegiance to duty are questionable, especially after she abandoned Emonds Field to chase the Wonder Kids.  Faile?  Egwene was enough of a stretch - there'd be outright rebellion.  I'd pick my favorite, Verin, although her motives are questionable and I'm not sure she'd do it, either. 


I agree that RJs prep work for Egwene was great; she was ready to be AS, even if none of the other AS really knew it.  No one's picking Elayne?   


Cadsuane has been known to bodily attack former Amyrlins and she has already refused to take the Seat on several occasions. Nobody forces La Caddy into anything lol. Not even the Hall. She is by far my favorite Aes Sedai, but I don't know if she'd be a good Amyrlin. She's too used to getting her way, having to negotiate, debate and compromise with the Hall doesn't seem like something she'd be good at.


Moiraine, my second favorite. The whole idea of leading anything horrifies her. She ran away as newly raised Aes Sedai to prevent them from putting her on the Cairhienen throne. Unlike Siuan, who always had a talent for adopting the situation she ended up in, Moiraine would keep shafing at it. Which would ultimately lead to either a super tight reign on the Hall or letting them run the show completely.


My personal favorite would be Alys, or Alice, or whatever her name is. That non-channeling woman from the Kin that keeps every single one of the channelers in check, by shere force of her personality and nothing else. The one that has Nyneave jump and pay attention just by smiling at her. Now that is the type of woman I personally would love to follow. *nods*


Second: I first had Amys here, but as Aiel she is a bit too naive and too honest to be able to handle all the intricacies of the Great Game. And I don't think that the Last Battle will simply eliminate the use of the Great Game. So um... no, not Amys.

So instead, my second choice is: Avienda. She may be young still, but she has already shown a talent of interacting, adopting, accepting and respecting other cultures. That shows a remarkable talent for empathy and insight, something I think a good Amyrlin needs in abundance, lest she wants to alienate every ruler and every nation from the White Tower. Also, she seems less prone to the same naivite that other Aiel hold on to. Weirdly enough, I think it would be easier to fool Amys than Avienda. Avienda would hate it at first, till she would settle into her role. Then she would be a superb Amyrlin.


Third: Tuon.

Yes, I know, shock & horror. lol But once she has had proper training (with the White Tower, the Kin ànd the Aiel), I believe that she would make a great Amyrlin too. Her training definately made her ready for a position in high power, she knows all the ins and outs of manipulative games so the Great Game wouldn't be much of a problem for her, she knows how to keep high officials in check and how to rally allies to her cause. AFTER she has had all the training required, and has been cleaned from the prejudices and other silly nonsense the Sanchean have built their beliefs on, I really do think she would make a fabulous Amyrlin.


Moiraine is my favorite Aes Sedai without a doubt, the first trustworthy Aes Sedai we met, but Cadsuane runs a reasonably close second, especially after she disrupted Semirhages disguise.


Egwene probably has it in her to become a great Amyrlin seat, but if she dies...


Moiraine is one of my absolute favorite characters, too. But I'm not sure she'd like being the Amyrlin seat (she'd probably be too bored). She is made for adventure and heroic action, I think.


Cadsuane and Sharina are both too old, IMO. Nynaeve is great in many ways, but not for this task... Elayne has other things to do. Bodewhin is too young. Nicola is a troublemaker, but she may become more mature - still seems like a long shot. I don't think Romanda or Lelaine would be any good for the job.


So, maybe Kiruna or Theodrin or Saerin could be suitable. Kiruna is a noble (trained to deal with such things) & Saerin is dedicated to rooting out the Black Ajah (much needed). Theodrin, though she's yet to prove herself, certainly has many years ahead of her to do so.


Why would Sharina be too old?


She's only old for a non-channeler. Given her strength now that she is channeling she'll live for hundreds more years, more or less depending on whether or not Egwene decides not to be an idiot and continue binding everyone with the Oath Rod.


I think she's 66 or 67. Let's say she could have vitality and health (as non-channeler) until she's 75. That would be 8 more years. As channeler she might live maybe 6 times longer. That's around 50 years to live and work as Amyrlin Seat. On the other hand, I think I read she will "retreat into her middle years" (RJ). That may mean that she could serve for, say, up to 180 years.


OK, you're right! She might be a good choice for Amyrlin Seat. She certainly has the personality for it.


Dragoncon ’05 report:

Q: Since sul’dam have abilities normally associated with channelers only, do they also slow?

RJ: No, not unless they actually begin to channel. Slowing is a function of actually channeling. If you have the ability to learn, and you never learn to channel, you are not going to slow, you will age at a normal fashion. Sul’dam are women who can learn and as they develop the affinity, as they have been doing this for a little while, they begin to slide toward the ability to channel, but they never step over. I believe I have someone say that one of these women felt almost as if she should be able to channel, but not quite. They are getting closer and closer to the brink but they will never step over without conscious effort.


Robert Jordan’s blog, December 19:th 2005:

As an aside, I saw somewhere that I supposedly said that Sharina Melloy will not grow younger.  If I did, then I misspoke.  Sharina will not grow young, but she will grow younger in appearance, as will any other older women who begin to channel.  For Sharina, by way of example, she will “regress” into apparent middle age, but no younger.


I would interpret that to mean that Sharina will not get 100% of the full channeler lifespan that she could have had. Regress into middle age sounds like she won't start aging from being 25 again. And since slowing is caused by actual channeling, it seems to me that she has missed the train on the period from early twenties up to middle age. Do you have anything that would suggest something else?



    Thank you for all who have replied. Robert Jordan has made so many wonderful characters and its neat to put them in other shoes to see how it would work. Keep it coming and am very appreciated to all. :)


I believe that Egwene has all the necessary tools to become a great Amyrlin (just like Elayne has all the necessary tools to become a great Queen), she just has to mature and gain experience first.  Even so, I think she's done a good job of outmaneuvering the rival factions and outwilling Elaida.


Otherwise, I'd have to say Moiraine.  She is my favorite Aes Sedai, she has lived the Game of Houses her entire life, she has plenty of experience as Aes Sedai, and she has proven she knows how to deal with people like Rand al'Thor.


I love Moiraine, and no doubt she'd manage very well, but i don't see her heart being in it.


Other than Egwene I'd put forward either Tarna or Pevara. Both are in control of themselves, and havn't fallen fool to the glamour of being Aes Sedai. I think either one would make brilliant amyrlins--ironic too because they are both Reds.


Kiruna is to proud. Theodrin too weak, Saerin to... focussed. Which can be bad in a leader,


I think one person briefly mentioned the idea of Verin being Amyrlin.


I think Verin would be well suited as Amyrlin, certainly capable of doing the job, but might she be a little too... I don't know, I guess "detached" is the word I'm looking for?  She doesn't seem as involved in the politics of the Tower as a lot of the other AS, but I have always gotten the impression that she could play those games, but usually chooses not to.  I mean, she's certainly caught up in the Tower's own version of Daes Daemar (spelling?), but she usually seems to be doing her best to avoid getting mixed up in those sort of "games".


Moiraine is my favorite Aes Sedai without a doubt, the first trustworthy Aes Sedai we met, but Cadsuane runs a reasonably close second, especially after she disrupted Semirhages disguise.


Moiraine obviously doesn't want to be... she was never in the tower anyway. If I had to choose I would choose Siuan Sanche.


Moiraine for sure. Out of just about every character in the series, I admired Moiraine the most because she always stayed committed to the task at hand: helping Rand win the Last Battle when it did come. I have no reasons to suspect she wouldn't do the same with the Amrylin duty.

Unlikely as another Red being raised is, I think Sylviana would do a great job


I dunno... Sylviana is strong, and capable--but her attempts to break Egwene speak of her willingness to submit herself into her perception of the task at hand. I think that is dangerous in a leader--especially in a leader in current times.


Despite seeing the reality in Egwene she never hesitates to believe she is doing the right thing--that is dangerous. A leader must be capable of entertaining possibilities beyond what they want--even if they go on to act against those possibilities.


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