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Best SNES games


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I would suggest Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7 and the list goes on...


Yeah, I've played them. My favorite PS1 games are:


1. FF7

2. Legend of Dragoon

3. FF 9

4. FF Tactics

5. Chrono Cross

6. Gauntlet Legends (was also available on GameCube)


PS2 games I play regularly are FF 10, FF 12, FF X2, Kingdom Hearts 2, and the Guitar Heroes.

I also play FF 11, but on the PC.




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Xenosaga is for PS2 only as far as I know.


I would suggest Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7 and the list goes on...


Yeah, I've played them. My favorite PS1 games are:


1. FF7

2. Legend of Dragoon

3. FF 9

4. FF Tactics

5. Chrono Cross

6. Gauntlet Legends (was also available on GameCube)


PS2 games I play regularly are FF 10, FF 12, FF X2, Kingdom Hearts 2, and the Guitar Heroes.

I also play FF 11, but on the PC.





Only change I would make to this is to take out Gauntlet and put in FF8 or Alundra 2

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I think you'll love FF7. It was the first game to go away from the classic FF template, imo. I loved the Materia system, and the introduction of FMV's were just beautiful. That's a big reason why I loved FF9 so much...the FMV's were stunning for it's time.


I did not like FF8. I couldn't stand to get through the game, I was so disappointed.

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I think you'll love FF7. It was the first game to go away from the classic FF template, imo. I loved the Materia system, and the introduction of FMV's were just beautiful. That's a big reason why I loved FF9 so much...the FMV's were stunning for it's time.


I did not like FF8. I couldn't stand to get through the game, I was so disappointed.


Sounds good, is an FMV like a cut scene? Also the reason why I liked Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross is the ability to run from any battle and the fact that there was no random battles. Those just got so annoying after a while.


PS the last Final Fantasy I played was 6 for the SNES and I liked it, except I saved over my file >:(

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A staple in all the FF's is random battles. With the exception of Mustic Quest, 11 (not sure haven't played it), and 12. And 7 is the best one I've played, having a combination on Hades + Added Effect materia on your weapon was unstoppable, especially with the Ultima Sword. Which brings up another idea....  what about a post of peoples favorite materia combos? And if you cant remember the weapons capacity look it up at like gamefaqs.com or something..

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N64 was the console I played Gauntlet Legends on! Lol, not GameCube. After awhile I just get them mixed up. :P



1. Pokemon Stadium (laugh all you want--the game is AWESOME).

2. Gauntlet Legends


I didn't actually ever own a N64, my boyfriend at the time did, so my play experiences are quite limited.


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Super Mario RPG

Chrono Trigger

Breath of Fire 2

Secret of Mana

Seiken Densetsu 3

Final Fantasy 6




Final Fantasy 9

Legend of Dragoon


Xenogears was pretty good up until you got to the second disk, which is apparently where the programmers gave up. Seriously, the game had me in its grip until disk two became an endless series of battles with walls of text detailing what goes on in between tossed carelessly around instead of, you know, scenes or an actual game or something. Threw the thing down in disgust without finishing it and never looked back.


I really didn't like FF7. Don't know why. Maybe I just hated the Materia system, much like I later hated FF8's Junction system. Likewise I didn't much care for the combat system of Chrono Cross. Didn't really like the story, either, assuming there was one in among all those random events and fifty thousand one-dimensional characters.


You know, I think I'm kinda spoiled by the graphics nowadays; it's hard to go back to the old SNES FFs where the sprites were like sixteen pixels.

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A staple in all the FF's is random battles. With the exception of Mustic Quest, 11 (not sure haven't played it), and 12. And 7 is the best one I've played, having a combination on Hades + Added Effect materia on your weapon was unstoppable, especially with the Ultima Sword. Which brings up another idea....  what about a post of peoples favorite materia combos? And if you cant remember the weapons capacity look it up at like gamefaqs.com or something..


Is FF7 the only one with materia or did they continue that in the rest of the games?

If I had played 7 in sure I would have a fav combo, but I have yet to do so lol


N64 was the console I played Gauntlet Legends on! Lol, not GameCube. After awhile I just get them mixed up. :P



1. Pokemon Stadium (laugh all you want--the game is AWESOME).

2. Gauntlet Legends


I didn't actually ever own a N64, my boyfriend at the time did, so my play experiences are quite limited.



ROFL pokemon stadium! Is that the one where you send your pokemon to the arena and duke it out? I only ever played pokemon on gameboy  :D


Great choices Reyler, you should try Zelda and maybe Secret of Mana for the SNES.

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Erm, Secret of Mana is on my list. I've played Zelda, but I'm not all that crazy about it. They didn't retain the Materia feature, but they did try other complicated nonsense. The Junction system in FF8 and the weird system of the weaponry in FF10, f'r instance. There was a lot of stupid happening in FF10.


Also, granted you can evade battles in Mario RPG, but why would you? It's such an easy game!

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Is FF7 the only one with materia or did they continue that in the rest of the games?

If I had played 7 in sure I would have a fav combo, but I have yet to do so lol


Technically? No.

In a philsophical way? Sure.


IN FF8, you got 'magic' basically as a loot item, you could 'steal' it from mobs, or 'nodes' on the ground, you could level up Summons to give you spells ( I think), but most spells had basically a X x XX value use (like Potion x99).


FF9... I don't even know what htey had, I kinda skipped over that one..


FF10, they use a 'grid' system.

Basically you put 'spheres' in a grid, and that grid determines how your characters stats/spells/ect work. Its highly complicated.

FFX-2 (Yes, FF's first actual Sequal) used a combination of the Grid System and the job system.

FF11 (mmorpg) uses a job system, no grid no materia.

FF12 uses a combination of a job system, a grid system, and a min-max stat system...

Escentially each character has a 'grid', or 'pathway' and everytime you level up, you can put lets say 'spheres' in the 'holes', and every 'hole' would give you stuff like Fire, Fira, Firaga, Or things like 'light armor, medium armor' heavy armor'. the above is a completely watered down version, but escentially any character can have any skill/spell/ability as any other character. There aren't 'classes' per say, you can have the main sword wielding dude into a panzy healer, and the panzy chick healer type as the dmg dealing lady in your party. ITs basically up to you how to do it.

Stat wise, all the characters are basically the same, so no one character is 'best' at one specific 'role'. If you had enough time, enough levels you could probably give all your characters, (or your main party) all of the best gear/weapons/spells...

Btw, I don't like that system at all.

The job system is fine, each job has its own unique feel, and you can just as easilly 'level' each job to max, and keep switching until each of your characters has max level on all the jobs for all I care. But eliminating the 'job' and opening up all the skills on a 'grid', where you can be wearing heavy armor shooting of Omega Death Rays, kinda loses its apeal in my eyes...

Mostly because, when I see 10,000 skills, I want to put as many points into every single thing I possibly can. Instead of 'specializing'. I want all the 'bells and whistles' even if it makes me weak. :P

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Erm, Secret of Mana is on my list. I've played Zelda, but I'm not all that crazy about it. They didn't retain the Materia feature, but they did try other complicated nonsense. The Junction system in FF8 and the weird system of the weaponry in FF10, f'r instance. There was a lot of stupid happening in FF10.


Also, granted you can evade battles in Mario RPG, but why would you? It's such an easy game!


Whoops didn't even see it. It must be that pink lettering throwing off my vision. I love how they have the same story (and I love figuring out the story in video games) in like 20 different Mario games but they all still rock.


Ugh, I HATE random encounters. They suck so bloody much. That's one of the reason I love Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. You can see where the enemies are usually and can sometimes sneak past them, or at least prepare for them.


For me the Final Fantasy games are not as fun because of that. I forget if you can run from battles in FF, but you can run from anything, even boss battles in Chrono Cross. I forget if you can do that in C-Trigger.


Also I forgot Perfect Dark on the N64 list  ;)


about Sinister's post


And I am guessing that the system in FF10 was similar to that of the Chrono Cross Element system, but maybe a bit more complicated. In CC, you have Elements (spells or special attacks) that are of different levels and it's a lot of strategy to place them in different slots to receive bonuses and deal more damage to enemies. I actually never really liked the job system, I prefer to take what I'm given.

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I actually never really liked the job system, I prefer to take what I'm given.


Ditto, having an established mage,tank,dmg,support makes knowing who to give equipment/ect so much easier. ;)

However given the choice between the Job System, and the Jobless-System of FFXII, I'd perfer the job system.

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Actually the system in FF10 is totally different from Chrono Cross's system, except for the whole part where there's no such thing as consistent stat growth. The system Sin and I are talking about in FF10 is not the combat system, but the ridiculous leveling system, the Sphere Grid, where, when you level up, you don't actually "level up" in the sense of other RPGs. Rather, you move around a path and get to select ONE augment, like +4 to strength or defense or a new spell or some such. It actually really blows, because your ability to fight the enemies you come across does not increase as their difficulty does. When I first played the game, I found that I was still getting my butt kicked by the same kinds of monsters that were kicking it six hours earlier. And the amount of exp you need to make the next level still keeps increasing with each level. Come on Square, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


On the other hand, in Chrono Cross, the stat gains are completely frigging random and most of the time you get squat for defeating monsters. Also stupid.


As for the Job system, assuming you mean the actual Job system from FF5 and not just the concept of character classes, even that broke itself wide open by allowing job abilities to be used in other jobs, especially the Mime class where you could basically do whatever the freak you wanted. In FF6, everyone except Gau and Umaro could learn every spell available, and magic was equippable in FF7 and FF8. FF10 starts out with character classes, but eventually that falls apart when you get the ability to move characters onto eachother's part of the Sphere Grid and gain their stat bonuses and abilities. FF9 was the last main series game to have set classes, and the only one since FF4. Most other recent FF games have been determined to make their characters completely blank slates.

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Actually the system in FF10 is totally different from Chrono Cross's system, except for the whole part where there's no such thing as consistent stat growth. The system Sin and I are talking about in FF10 is not the combat system, but the ridiculous leveling system, the Sphere Grid, where, when you level up, you don't actually "level up" in the sense of other RPGs. Rather, you move around a path and get to select ONE augment, like +4 to strength or defense or a new spell or some such. It actually really blows, because your ability to fight the enemies you come across does not increase as their difficulty does. When I first played the game, I found that I was still getting my butt kicked by the same kinds of monsters that were kicking it six hours earlier. And the amount of exp you need to make the next level still keeps increasing with each level. Come on Square, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


On the other hand, in Chrono Cross, the stat gains are completely frigging random and most of the time you get squat for defeating monsters. Also stupid.


As for the Job system, assuming you mean the actual Job system from FF5 and not just the concept of character classes, even that broke itself wide open by allowing job abilities to be used in other jobs, especially the Mime class where you could basically do whatever the freak you wanted. In FF6, everyone except Gau and Umaro could learn every spell available, and magic was equippable in FF7 and FF8. FF10 starts out with character classes, but eventually that falls apart when you get the ability to move characters onto eachother's part of the Sphere Grid and gain their stat bonuses and abilities. FF9 was the last main series game to have set classes, and the only one since FF4. Most other recent FF games have been determined to make their characters completely blank slates.


Interesting, ok ya I get it now. I only played FF10 for like 1/2 an hour at my friends house so I'm not exactly familiar with it. That stuff about the enemies leveling up as you do (assuming thats what you meant) is kind of like Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion where, as you get more powerful, so do the enemies.


PS I never used Gau or Umaro anyway, I go with the main guys, Terra, Sabin, Locke etc...

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For FFX I had all the characters with a FULL read it full sphere grid by time i got to Sin. Try using weapons with Overdrive-> AP, Triple Overdrive, Triple AP, and a Warrior, Healer, Slayer or whatever was the best tactic (?) for that char.


On all the FF's that I can remember correctly you can run from any battle except a boss fight or other special fight.


For FF9 you had weapons, armor, helmets, etc. that you extracted abilities from. You then either knew the spell or gained an ability, and with the abilities you used the crystals to activate them. Only you have a set amount of crystals depending on your level. So having auto-reflect, reflect X2 (?), on Vivi (black mage) then you woudn't be able to have too much more than that.  My favorite chars for 9 by the way were Zidane (monkey boy), Dagger or Eiko (princess/orphan), Steiner or Quina (knight/blue mage hermaphrodite), and Vivi (black mage).

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No, I don't mean the monsters level up as you do (although they did that in FF8), I mean that, with the dumbass Sphere Grid in place, you'll run into new and stronger monsters, but your stats probably won't have gone much of anywhere in a while and they'll maul you.


And those abilities, Generic Dragon Name Person, are mostly restricted to the Ultimate Weapons, most if not all of which can't be obtained until after defeating Yunalesca. You spent way too much time level grinding.


And let me explain FF9's ability system a little better before Cross gets confused again. All equipment has inherent abilities, and by equipping those on a compatible character and earning ability points along with EXP through battle, they can gain that as a permanent ability. Abilities have set values, which make it so you can only activate so many at a time, depending on your level. And also, by the time you could teach Vivi Reflectx2, he'd be able to equip way more abilities than just that and Auto-Reflect. Auto-Regen and Auto-Haste kick ass, though.


I don't know why anybody would bother with the four secondary characters in FF9, anyway. Okay, Freya and Quina I understand because Dragon's Crest and Frog Drop can each be powered up to do 9999 damage each, but even so, neither one of them is much of a character. And screw Amarant and Eiko too. Vivi rocks, Steiner rocks, Zidane rocks, and Garnet... well she's more versatile than Eiko.

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I liked Quina because she was so versatile and able to heal, attack, and buff. And Eiko had better spells than Dagger and the only holy summon. Gotta admit though that by Memoria I was using Bahamut and Ark most of the time. Once you find Hades it's not that hard to get 99 garnets (for you people that dont know for most of the summons the item that they are linked to such as Bahamut with the garnet, the more of that item that you have the stronger they are). I never really touched Freya except for parts she had to be in. By not too much more than that I was going by big abilities but you're right about that I forgot completely about auto-haste, and regen.


Oh and you explained the spell and ability system better too reyler. It's been a few years since I played the game so sorry for any screwups or confusion.

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