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A dreary little trip... (Bringing the Darkness Home cont.)


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Kyn was standing beside his horse, holding the reins of Loraines and everyone else was already astride their own mounts, save the pair of children and one of the Tower Guards who had been assigned to drive the cart they were taking back to Tar Valon. Perivar and Kabria were off on their own a little bit, not unsurprising considering their newly forged bond. It seemed to Kyn like Perivar kept flicking his eyes over to the Accepted, but that could have just been his imagination as well. Melenis had the Tower Guards drawn up and ready to move out just as soon as Loraine finished her business with the Innkeeper.


It was cold, the winter had begun to set in in the Borderlands and that in and of itself made it time to head south, back to Tar Valon. Finally Loraine emerged from the Inn and they were off headed down the road, bringing these children to who knows what once they arrived. The only trick was getting them there.



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Perivar stuck the lance into the ground point first.  He carried it since it had been a gift from Dangar, truth to tell he did not know if he would ever grow accustomed to it.  It seemed cumbersome though it may come in handy if circumstances dictated.  He strung his bow then placed it in its leather case which was hanging near Nightdancer's right shoulder.  A quiver hung on the left side along with another leather case that held his Singuata.  His sword sat sheathed on his back though he could have it out in the blink of an eye.


Perivar was mounted on Nightdancer near Kabria who sat calmly on her mount, Blade.  The newly bonded pair were almost knee to knee yet they sat slightly apart from the others.  It was not intentional though it seemed almost commonplace now.  They were part of the group yet not, it was an odd arrangement.  He could attempt to explain it to a person who was unfamiliar with the ways of the White Tower yet they would not understand without experiencing it for themself.  His thoughts drifted back to the mission.  No amount of training could have prepared him for this trip yet it had to be done.  His mind drifted again to duty in general.  There was a time when he thought being bonded would solve any issues that he had regarding duty and obligations to the Tower yet it just seemed to complicate them.  One thing for sure is that nothing was ever simple.   


The tension amongst the party would be noticeable even to an untrained eye.  Bringing the children safely to Tar Valon would be no easy task and they were all on edge even if it didn't show.  Clearly the Shadowspawn would not make this an easy trip, there would be attempts to retrieve the children.  He would bet anything that the Shadowspawn would attempt to bar their path to Tar Valon.  Their destination was obvious and there was no way to make them think otherwise.  Honestly he was surprised that Shadowspawn had not made any attempts to enter the city.  The strife between Shienar and Arafel had left the garrison depleted.  Perhaps they were confident that they could easily snatch them back as soon as the party was out of reach of the city.  This might prove to be the most difficult mission which Perivar had been a part of.  He was nowhere near as seasoned as Kynwric yet he had a few deadly encounters under his belt.


Outwardly he was calm except for the occasional glances at the Accepted.  Their breath misted in the cool morning air.  Tar Valon was not so far south of the Borderlands for him to forget the climate.  Perivar was resigned to his duty when it came to the Accepted yet it still made no sense to him.  Why send them two Accepted?  Clearly it would have been better to send two Aes Sedai.  What would they be allowed to do if anything?  Sure they were not bound by the three oaths though he was almost certain that they would be expected to act as if they were.  It was his duty to keep an eye on them yet he did not know the parameters which had been given to them by the Aes Sedai.  Light he was not sure they had been given any.  Rasheta, the Aes Sedai who brought them here was not coming with them.  He tried to ask Kabria about the Accepted yet everytime he mentioned it she simply told him to keep an eye on them.  Perivar's main task was Kabria's safety though he would not shirk a duty even if it should have been assigned to another.  Surely it would have been best to put a guardsman or two to watch over each of the Accepted though that was not to be.  It was his duty whether he liked it or not.


Perivar turned his head and smiled at Kabria.  The thoughts were racing through his head so fast that he missed her cool study of him.  His smile seemed to have no effect on her.  He kept his voice low, it was for her ears alone.  "I fear they have had plenty of time to bar our way.  I don't mean to sound gloomy Kabria, we have a task to do and we will all do our best I am sure, but what we faced weeks ago will be nothing compared to what awaits us now."  He slammed his gauntleted fist against his thigh which was the equivalent to a shout of rage.  "We sat here for weeks allowing them to build up a force large enough to thwart are plans while we awaited aid.  All we gained were two Accepted and a handful of Tower Guards.  We could have used half a dozen Aes Sedai and a full banner of Guardsmen.  Even that might not have been enough.  It is almost as if someone in the Tower wants us to fail."  His eyes drifted to the two Accepted and then the Tower Guards as he mentioned them before they went back to Kabria's sparkling blue eyes.


((edit for typo))




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Jerinia was a bit sad that she had not been able to track down any signs of her father, but spending the day -- and most of the night -- going through old logbooks was still barely enough to scratch the surface, and there were several gates in the city. Though she was feeling a bit disheartened, she tried to keep her spirits up towards the others. They had helped too, and she didn't want them to feel bad after doing their best yesterday.


She couldn't help but be a bit quiet though, thinking back on the lists and the next chance she'd be getting at looking through them. Probably not until she'd become a full Aes Sedai, trips outside of Tar Valon was rare enough for Accepted as it was, let alone one heading to the Borderlands specifically. She still kept her hopes up though, Fal Dara had only been one of the many cities and villages near the Malkieri border, and it still didn't mean her father was dea-- not alive. With a sigh, she mounted her horse, and silently waited for the others to leave.




Uncharacteristically quiet



Melenis had her hands full on leading the Tower Guards. She had trained Trainees a couple of times, but still nowhere near this number, and keeping an eye on them took so much of her attention it was a small miracle she could even afford to spare enough to notice Kynwric and the others in case they'd give the orders to move out. She wasn't quite used to being in command yet, and her only average skill at riding a horse wasn't helping much either.


The sound of metal on metal caused her to whip her head around, giving an annoyed hiss as she noticed Perivar. It wasn't aimed at the Warder though, but at her own nervousness. Softly biting her tongue to help her stay quiet, she decided to wrap herself in the Void to keep from accidentally making people upset with her. Closing her eyes, she took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down, or rather to push her emotions outside of the Void again. Organisation is order. Order is success. She would succeed.




New at leading an army

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Selenessin sat bunched up in her saddle, as natural on horseback as a fish was in water.  Her knees were pulled up halfway to her chest, letting the thick cloak fall around her to keep her warm.  The thick white scarf she'd bought was wrapped thrice around her head, providing the warmth she was denied in not being able to pull up her hood.  It had started to snow very lightly while they waited and the girl spent most of the time sitting patiently and staring up into the sky with a kind of breathless wonder.  She loved being out in the open and away from the confining walls of Tar Valon.  Even the knowledge that their field trip was at an end and they would be heading back to those very walls couldn't break her bright mood.


And it seemed she was the only one with a bright mood, at that.


All of the Guards and Warders were tense and on edge, and poor Jerinia was quieter than Selene had ever seen the Malkieri girl be.  She wanted to comfort her, but what comfort could there be for a girl who had looked for her dad and been unable to come up with any answers?  Selene lowered a leg and Rao chuffed a warm mist of breath into the cool air and minced sideways until she was seated beside the other Accepted.  She parted her lips and very nearly told Jerinia about her third arch.  About finding her parents graves and being unable to save them.  She'd have meant it as empathy, but she balked at the last second and just flashed the girl a smile that showed clearly in her eyes above the covering.  At that last moment, she'd asked herself what good it might do to share that, and could not come up with an answer that satisfied her.


Rao danced and tossed her head once, the reins slack in Selene's gloved hands dancing along with the mare.  She shifted in her seat and dropped her legs and the mare stood still and stoic, obeying the command to be still far better than her rider ever was inclined to.  She stayed by Jerinia, a quiet, optimistic energy coming from her, and awaited the command that would bring them all back home.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Loraine shifted her shoulders, her only outward acknowledgment to the tenseness that seemed to permeate the air. She settled the children on their horses, smiling reassuringly at the tight expressions around their eyes. Even the little ones feel it, she thought to herself. Was it the importance of this trip causing it? Was it the small army the Tower had sent to collect them? She sighed, her eyes scanning their collection of people as she moved towards her own horse.


There was a tickling scent of newness inside the tension that made her sigh. Melenis was in charge of an army for the first time, these Accepted were out in the world for the first time since putting on their robes, Kabria and Perivar's bond had scant been tested and their sideways glances at each other proved that it wasn't quite comfortable for either of them, yet... there were a lot of little holes in this armor. She paused next to Kynwric, looking up at him a moment before speaking. "I am at a loss whether a fast, hard ride to the Tower would be more detrimental than a more leisurely pace. One way, we stand the chance of being exhausted when attacked, the other way, we're more likely to be overly relaxed. Is there a median, Kynwric?"

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Kabria did not bother to respond, this was not the first time that the subject came up.  As soon as they cleared the gate Perivar put his hand on Kabria's leg drawing her sparkling blue eyes to his.  He smiled then spoke softly for her ears only.  "Well the Wheel weaves as it wills my love but lets see if we can tip the scales in our favor."  As soon as the words left his lips Perivar spurred Nightdancer to a gallop.  She had favored him with a smile but her words were lost as the sound of Nightdancer's hooves on the ground thundered in his ears. 


Perivar went West intent on making a circuit crossing their intended path then coming back in from behind.  He knew Melenis would have scouts out but they lacked one important thing that he possessed, the ability to detect shadowspawn.  He had not gone far when the feeling struck him like a gong.  They were near but where?  For a fleeting moment he wished he had one of those color-shifting cloaks.  He would not have the luxury of possessing one until they returned to the Tower, if they returned.  He pushed the thought away, no reason to worry on what he did not have to hand.  He had made it this far in life without one but now his life meant more than ever, Kabria's life was in his hands.  More than that his life was linked with hers in more ways than one.  He had more reasons to live.  Kabria would feel his death keenly, but more than that she said she would die the day he did.  He would do his best to live, live for her and for the hopes of more wonderous days in her company.


In the void he could hear them coming.  A small scouting party he thought.  Quickly he tied a rag to the end of his lance and rammed it into the hard packed ground.  Perivar slipped away in the opposite direction then doubled back.  As he topped the slight rise he spotted trollocs inspecting the lance.  Perivar wasted no time.  A goat snouted trolloc fell to his first arrow and a second one was not far behind.  He loosed two more arrows then charged in to finish them off.  By the time Perivar returned to the others he had run into six similar groups.  He had a few nicks and bruises, otherwise he was intact.  That should at least keep Kabria from snapping his head off.


Despite his good condition Kabria reached him first, concern pulsed through the bond as if she did not already know he was practically unscathed.  He informed her of his findings as they made their way to the others.  They conferred with Loraine, Kynwric, and Melenis filling them in on his findings.  The Accepted were in the little group as well though they appeared to be listening intently instead of taking part in the discussion.  Perivar kept his face devoid of emotion as he spoke.  Showing concern or doubt would not do well for the others watching their little conference. 


There were trolloc scouting parties in every direction though most were concentrated to the south.  Perivar recommended leaving the road to travel either west or east before heading south yet they had the cart to worry about.  He thought it could make it off road but it would be slow going.  So first they had to decide whether to strike off in another direction or continue south.  Then there was a decision to be made whether or not to abandon the cart and have the children ride with them or on the cart horses.  He sat patiently smiling at Kabria as the discussion flowed.   

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After the council, Melenis found herself looking a bit worried, casting uneasy glances in the forest to where she had scouting parties dispatched. Though she had made sure every group of three or four Tower Guards had at least one or two experienced scouts with them, accompanied with distinct orders to return and report in case anything was found. Fact remained that the main group had the Warders and Aes Sedai, and were overall the least likely to take any casualties.


Still, her nervousness was clear to see, and no matter how she tried to hide it it was clear from the way she was looking every time she heard a rustle from the bushes. She wanted to trust those under her command, but their mission in Amadicia kept playing in her mind, how the death of a fellow Tower Guard had shaken Loraine to her core. It was something she wanted to prevent from happening at all costs, moreso because that same Loraine was no twenty feet away from her.




Overly worried



Jerinia noticed Perivar head off all of a sudden, and wondered where he'd be heading off to all of a sudden when there were scouts out, but decided not to ask Kabria about it. He'd have his reasons, she supposed, and she'd have to ask him about it later on if it'd still trouble her. Probably just a quick relief break, anyway.


When he returned however, she thought she noticed something about him, and allowed saidar to fill her. With the enhanced perception it gave she could now clearly see the scrapes and bruises on the Warder's body, and it didn't take much to put two and two together. The fact that they were in the Borderlands, added to Perivar calling a council right after geting back told her everything she needed to know. After he had fallen back to Kabria, she rode on the other side of him, keeping her voice down to keep the others from overhearing. Specifically, the Tower Guards, and possibly Selene to.


- "...There's Trollocs out, aren't there? Don't worry, i'm used to them, but is there something i can do to help?"


Her voice sounded reassuring, as if she were trying to comfort him of all things. In a way, she was, by telling him he wouldn't have to worry about her, but it still felt a bit odd now that she thought about it. Born and raised in a Malkieri border fortress, and later on with that Narg Trolloc during her Arches, there really wasn't much about Trollocs -- or Myrddraal, for that matter -- that she hadn't yet seen before. Well, Myrddraal might still be a little tougher, what with that fear gaze and everything, but at least she could handle the Trollocs. Probably.




Wants to help

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Kynwric saw Perivar ride back in and the condition he was in, and turned to Loraine as he rode up to them. "It seems that choice has been made for us. I''d suggest a hard ride and try and out ride the trap."


When the 'command' group was gathered and Perivar had presented his findings Kynwric looked to Loraine. "Either way its a fight, if we go slow they'll pinpoint and we'll have to fight them all at once. If we ride hard we might can outrun them but more likely we'll fight them somewhat piecemeal." He looked pointedly at Loriane "With your leave Aes Sedai, I'd like to set us for battle." When she gave her assent he looked to Kabria. "Kabria Sedai, I would like for Selenessin to accompany you and Perivar. Jerinia will accompany Loraine and myself. One of the children will accompany your group Kabria Sedai and the other will accompany us." He turned to Melenis then. "Break the guards into threes and fours, have them operate under their own recognizance. When this race devolves I want each man to have no less than 2 others to assist him. We'll pull the horses from the cart and let one Accepted and one child ride double. Melenis then you attach yourself to either Loraine's group or Kabria's, whichever is more at hand when the time comes. We'll meet at the bridge over the Erinin. Unless someone has a better idea?"

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Kabria was anxious, and tense; she wanted nothing more than for this journey to be done and very much feared that it would end short of their goal. It did not make for a pleasant mood, but worse still was trying to not only appear outwardly calm, she wore that like a cloak, but to feel it too. She’d never realized how inconvenient the bond could be when trying to disguise your true feelings. It wasn’t that she wanted to lie or hide things from Perivar; it was just disconcerting having someone else know your thoughts sometimes before you yourself did.


Sitting a little ways off from the group Kabria could see that she was not the only one worried that they may never again see the Tower walls. Even Perivar’s sweet smile could summon no joy for her today, only enhanced sadness that she quickly masked with calm.  She listened as he spoke, but he knew as well as she did that the decision had not been left in their hands, and that there was nothing to do for it but to follow Loraine and Kynwric and hope the children lived to reach Tar Valon.


As they rode out the gates Kabria longed to embrace the source, but it would only cause alarm and use strength that she might need in the long journey ahead.

“Well the Wheel weaves as it will my love, but let’s see if we can tip the scales in our favor.” This time Kabria did smile, even faced with death her Warder could grin and try to see the best. Not for the first time she thought that she could learn a lot from the man she loved.


Watching him gallop off her stomach tensed, but her eyes didn’t stop their scan of the surroundings. Booting Blade she rode up closer to the two Accepted, making sure to always keep them in sight; with Perivar off scouting watching them fell to her.


It wasn’t long before the bond changed and all emotions melted in to intense focus, and right after that she felt him take the first hurt. It wasn’t bad, it seemed as if they were only scrapes and bruises, but still she worried. Loraine saw the tension around her eyes, and Kabria nodded, the older Sister had been bonded long enough to know the signs of a new Warder taking hurt.  Breaking Loraine’s gaze Kabria booted Blade forward and was the first to reach Perivar as he appeared just in front of the party. Her blue eyes drank in the sight of him and scanned him for anything worse than a bruise. When he was close enough she laid a hand on his and squeezed tight, murmuring thanks under her breath that he was alright. The party had halted and Loraine, Kyn and Melenis had road a little way forward to meet his return. Seeing the Accepted and the children taking interest in their conversation almost made Kabria weave a ward, but even the small amount of strength that required might be more than she could spare.


Kynwric’s plan was solid, even Perivar seemed to agree. Without hesitation Kabria agreed and she and Perivar dropped back to confer with Selenessin, but Jerinia reached them first. Calmly and with more honey than she used in her tea she told the young woman to go and wait with Loraine Sedai and she would give her instructions.


Perivar snorted at her sickeningly sweet tone and she had to give him a sharp look before he schooled his face back to calm. How he could laugh at a time like this was beyond her. “Selenessin, come here child.” She told the girl to stay close and be alert. “And no matter what do not even embrace the source, let alone weave until I give word.” The child panicking too soon could bring Myrddraal and Trolloc’s down on their heads. Once she was sure that Selen understood she sent her up to wait near Loraine.  When the girl was out of earshot Kabria turned to look into Perivar’s eyes, with the bond she could feel his protest beginning to her unspoken words, but she bowled over him before he could speak.


“No, Perivar Gaidin you will listen to me and heed. Stick close to Selenessin and the child..no matter what. If we are caught I want to you to focus on getting them to safety. I will cause as much distraction as I can then meet up with you again as soon as it’s safe. Do you understand me?” Kabria arched an eyebrow at his lack of response. “Disobeying orders so soon Gaidin? I didn’t think your pride would allow that. I have no intention of dying today or any day soon, the truth is I can defend one far easier than I can defend four. The Shadow wants these children and what the Shadow wants I will fight with every breath I have. You and I are kindred spirits in that” How long ago had she first uttered those word to him? “ now I want your promise that you will obey my orders today.”


Promises were made and a few quiet loving words were unchanged before they rode up to find Selenessin with the young girl on her saddle clinging to the Accepted’s back. She gave Selen a reassuring smile and spoke a few quiet words to Loraine before motioning her group to follow her as she set off at a quick trot.


Today the Shadow would fight hard to get back the children, but the Light willing they would not succeed. “Stay close to Perivar and listen to everything he says.” Kabria said as she booted Blade to a faster pace.


((edited for color mistake))


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Perivar did not have a better idea so he simply nodded his agreement before falling back with Kabria and Selene.  He eyed Jerinia as she guided her mount to his side.  "...There's Trollocs out, aren't there? Don't worry, i'm used to them, but is there something i can do to help?"  The young woman said with a confidence that was not feigned.  Perivar nodded and smiled at her before Kabria sent her away.  Kabria was so calm and her voice was so sweet that it made snort with laughter.  Kabria did not find the humor in it and fixed him with such a glare that he schooled his face back to the stone mask that he usually wore.


Perivar just sat there not saying a word as Kabria called Selenessin over to them and gave her instructions.  Kabria was calm but her voice was not as sweet as it had been for Jerinia.  Maybe he shouldn't laughed over tone though you had to find small pleasures in the face of death.  One thing was certain.  They would face death today many times over. 


Perivar watched Selene departing after Kabria finished with her instructions and dismissed her as his attention went to Kabria again.  Kabria turned to look in his eyes and he immediately began forming the words of protest in his head.  She gave him no chance to speak.  Her commanding tone told him she would not hear his protests.  What could he say? He was speechless.  Kabria arched an eyebrow obviously wondering when the protests would begin. 


Even though he said nothing she still took the opportunity to jab at him.  It made him smile.  She would probably do so on his death bed.

He simply listened then nodded as he promised her that he would do as she said.  He had no choice, she had made up her mind and would not be swayed.  She did not need the promise, she knew he would obey yet he gave it anyway. 


Perivar smiled at her "You have the heart of a Borderlander my love.  There is no doubt that the blood of the Borderlands course through your veins.  Just remember that you are mortal.  Make sure that you live today, for I die when you die."  Perivar smiled at her, his feelings of love and pride flowed through the bond so strong that she could not have missed it.  She did not as he sensed the golden veins of love in return.


Before he knew it they were back with Selene who had the young girl clinging to her back.  Kabria seemed almost motherly with Selene, well with the ten or so years that separated them she was more like the caring older sister.  After a few words with Loraine Kabria motioned them to follow.  They started at a trot then began to canter after Kabria gave her final instructions to Selene. 


The canter soon became a trot then a walk as they tried to keep their mounts fresh.  They had gone no more than ten miles.  So far they had avoided any scouting parties though a few times it had been close.  Luckily those they spotted had no Myrddraal with them.  A few minutes hiding in whatever cover they could find then they were off again.  Lucky for them trollocs were inherently lazy unless they had a Myrddraal pressing them.  The other good thing was that the young girl took to Selene.  Selene had remained quite composed.  She kept the girl quiet soothing her with caresses and soft words when necessary. 


While they walked their horses Perivar spoke quietly with Kabria.  "I suggest going southeast towards the Niamh Pass then south before striking out southwest towards Tar Valon.  The nearer to the Aiel Waste the better.  Shadowspawn fear the Aiel and the Waste.  They call it the dying ground.  The closer we can get to it the safer we will be I think.  If we are spotted they will converge on us quickly if they are able to raise the alarm.  We will have to kill the scouts quickly so they do not have a chance to blow their horns."  He eyed her patiently waiting on a response.  Behind them a horn blared, then another, and another.  The last sounded close but he did not sense any Shadowspawn.  Perivar vaulted into his saddle then stared in the direction of the last horn.  Either they were farther than he thought or they had Darkfriend patrols as well.  Was it their trail that had been spotted or a trail from one of the other groups?  Well they had no choice now but to go southeast. 


Perivar turned to Selene "String your bow and hang it over your pommel.  Use that first unless Kabria Sedai says otherwise.  You are doing fine, just keep your wits about you and we will all be fine."  He smiled, his confidence was feigned but he knew his face would not betray him.  He needed to give her hope.  There was a chance, no matter how small there was still a chance that they would all make it to Tar Valon.


They started at a slow trot, he still needed to speak with Kabria and they needed to keep the horses fresh.  He tried to keep his voice for Kabria's ears only but it was difficult at a trot.  "Remember using the one power will be like sending up a signal beacon to any Myrddraal in the area.  Once you or Selene start channeling we will have to hurry to put as much distance between us and the location where you channeled unless we want to face them all at once.  When that happens I will see what I can do about covering our tracks if I can."   Perivar gave her an apologetic look "Unless you decide otherwise of course."

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Jerinia nodded, giving her horse a slight nudge in the sides to have it ride up next to Loraine. She was feeling a bit nervous, as despite Shadowspawn being just a part of her daily life during her childhood, this would be the first time she'd actually end up fighting one. Memories of her father started drifting up, of the stories he told about his campaigns. Did he pass this way as well? Did he encounter Trollocs? No, stay focused!. Hoping Loraine's presence would help in keeping herself focused, she guided her horse closer to the older Aes Sedai. Though she wanted to show what she had learned, to fight Shadowspawn now that she had the chance to, she didn't try to reach for saidar. She doubted they would appreciate her setting half the forest on fire...




Professional arsonist



Melenis gave a few additional commands to the scouting parties. After the horns ahad started to echo through the woods, she had ordered them to scout in a triangular pattern as opposed to a circular one. Ahead of them, the scouted area would be wide, while behind them there'd only be the 'tip' of the triangle, it's purpose being to detect enemies in direct pursuit. The rotation time increased as well, if one scout would be late or -- Light help it -- missing it would give her more time to react accordingly. She was on edge about all of this already, and perhaps the only thing keeping her from riding off in a scouting party herself was Kynwric's order to reinforce the group that ended up needing it the most.




Needed here..

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Holding lightly to Blade’s reign Kabria peered around the stallion at Perivar; she had to admit that his suggestion was solid even though she had no desire to be any nearer the Aiel Waste. Shortly after she’d first gone to Tar Valon Kabria began devouring every book she could on the Sea Folk as well as the Aiel. The books about the Sea Folk were for her amusement, as she could laugh at all the wrongs, but they severed another purpose as well. As she read about the Aiel she would think about all the mistakes in the Sea Folk books, to remind herself of how little the authors really knew.


Idly a throwing knife slipped out from her sleeve and back up again as they walked. It was an unconscious move that she’d taken to doing when she was deep in thought. “Then towards the Waste it is Gaidin. I will take your advice in this since your knowledge about Trolloc’s is far greater than mine.” She gave him a small smile to cut any sting at the sarcasm in her words. Kabria was not surprise that she felt no hurt from the bond; Perivar was used to her cutting remarks.


When they were mounted again Kabria eased her sword casually, trying to hide the action from the child. There was a now, all too familiar tingle in her shoulders. To her it felt like the Dark One’s fingers on her spine. The horns blared again and those fingers felt like ice, but easing her sword was the only sign of unease she gave. There was still a chance since she could not yet feel their presence.


"Remember using the one power will be like sending up a signal beacon to any Myrddraal in the area.  Once you or Selene start channeling we will have to hurry to put as much distance between us and the location where you channeled unless we want to face them all at once.  When that happens I will see what I can do about covering our tracks if I can." 


Kabria had to fight the urge to roll her eyes at Perivar, it was if he’d not heard her say those very words to Selen less than an hour gone. Still it was hard to find any real anger in the thought when she knew his caution came from an undying love.


She met his apologetic smile with one of her own. “You will do as we discussed earlier and get the children to safety, if that allows time for obscuring tracks so be it, if not….” She didn’t need to repeat again the plans they had made. “Well, we knew they would be on our tails all the way to Tar Valon if they could manage. Plus obscuring our trail does little good when they know where we are headed.” Her icy blue eyes cut to the South,  as if she could see all the miles to the shining walls. “Who knows what forces they could have waiting between us and safety.” The last was well and truly a whisper, meant for her ears alone.


Horns sounded from behind them again, and this time the fingers on her back turned to daggers. “Shadowspawn” Kabria muttered under her breath, looking back over her shoulder expecting to see their pursuers. There was no sign yet, but by the feel of them there time with out pursuit was about to end.

“Stay close”  She heeled Blade closer to Rao, and the child the horse carried. The young girl looked frightened, surely seeing herself back in the Trolloc’s hands. Smiling one of the rare smiles she usually reserved for Perivar, Kabria grinned at the little girl and tried to make their fleeing seem like a game. She wasn’t sure if her rouse was working, but at least the child’s silent tears had slowed.


Glancing over to Perivar she motioned him back to scout their trail. The horns had not sounded in some time and the feeling of Shadowpawn had faded which meant either the party had found another prey, or the Trollocs were without a Myddraal to drive them. Slowing the party down to a walk Kabria kept them moving forward, even though each step took her farther from her heart.


Like a bolt of lightening she felt Perivar rushing towards them.  “Mount up!” They were a little short of the mile, but with her Gaidin moving that fast she wanted them ready to ride.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Loraine smiled as much as she could. The tension was mounting fast and she feared the reaction in an Accepted who'd never been in a position to fight back. If a smile would relax someone, she vowed that's what she'd give them. That and... perhaps a little more help?


Loraine turned to Jerinia as she pulled alongside her horse. "Would you like to learn a new weave?" She didn't exactly wait for an answer. "Reach for saidar and mimic what I do..." She waited until the glow lit Jerinia's features and slowly twisted an easy weave of Fire and Spirit together. "If we had more time, we'd work on your aim. For now, I'm content that you can make the weave quickly and use Air to push it away from you. I'd prefer if you pushed it to anyone attacking us." She paused and smiled again, winking as she released the weave and let it dissolve. "If you don't feel comfortable using it, stick close and I'll take care of things. I'll not lose the life of any of those in this company today."


And she meant it.


She lifted her eyes to Kabria's and nodded, watching her organize her team and spur her horse on. They'd be fine, she reassured herself time and again. If they don't kill each other first, at least, she thought, letting that smile show the humor she actually felt. If Kyn thought the humor was a bit misplaced, he'd learned to live with it a long time ago. Humor was all that kept you from the Dark One's clutches, at times.


"And now our turn?" she smiled at Kynwric, her hands twisting in the reigns. At his nod, she spurred her horse, turning their little group towards the other end of town. For better or worse, the were off. Please, she prayed, checking the weaves on the children and Jerinia's ability to keep up with her in the same glance. [/i]Please let us all make it to the Erinin. After this trip, we all need a nice long breath within the Tower...[/i]

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Kynwric nodded. "Now it's our turn... don't stop riding till you reach the Erinin." he surveyed their little group and nodded. "Ride fast, be safe... and love, no unnecessary heroics." He shot her a smile and waved them forward, letting the channelers take the lead as he fell in behind them, spurring his horse fast enough to keep up with the women.

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Loraine let her lip twitch a moment before drawing herself up straight in the saddle. "As if anything I do is unnecessary!" She pulled the reins to the side and set her heels into her horse's flanks, keeping her pace to something the Accepted at her side could handle before heading away from town. Don't stop until we reach the Erinin, she whispered to herself, leaning low in the saddle to whisper encouragement to her horse. She felt an itch between her shoulder blades and closed her eyes. Something was about to go horribly wrong...

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Jerinia's face lit up at the prospect of learning a new wave, especially since it seemed to rely on the two elements she could handle easily. Though curiousity made her want to try out the new weave as soon as possible, she knew that channeling would attract the Shadowspawn, and besides, at the pace they were going she didn't want to risk losing control of the weave. She doubted Loraine would want to stop to Heal someone's face.


The thought of Shadowspawn made her look over her shoulder, still holding a sliver of saidar from when the Aes Sedai had shown her the weave. It was perhaps because of this that she managed to spot something in one of the bushes, and the instant she recognised what it was time seemed to slow down for an instant.


She could see the man, light colored hair hidden under a dark hood as he was aiming a crossbow at them. She saw the man smile before pulling the trigger, releasing the bolt with an oddly distorted sound due to the way time was flowing at that moment. She almost lost her hold on saidar in her attempt to channel, and in her panic she hastily drew more than she had done during her classes.


The weave she ended up with wasn't really much of a weave. In her haste, the weave was erratic at best, looking like a hastily thrown together Club of Air if anything. The bolt was floating past Melenis and Kynwric now, and she could tell who the target was. Channeling more Air, she literally shoved the weave between the bolt and Loraine's back, watching as the weave bent from the applied force of the tip.


Time sped up again, and she watched the arrow bounce away again, taking a relieved breath as a load seemed to fall off her shoulders. Her vision was a bit blurry, but she wrote it off as panic and blinked a couple of times to get it back under control. She looked at Loraine, the look on her face clearly wondering whether she would be berated for channeling while trying to shake off Shadowspawn or complimented on saving her life.


As she looked however, her horse started to slow down its pace, and when she tried to make it go faster again she instead found herself leaning on its back while trying to catch her breath. Light, that was exhausting. She wiped her face with her sleeve, only partially surprised at seeing the resulting damp spot on her dress, and feeling very much like she had run a mile.




Almost burned herself out



Melenis was busy giving orders, letting the scout patrols know where they would be heading so they would take it into account in planning where they would join up with the main group again later on. There was Shadowspawn about, and even though she had never actually seen any herself she didn't want to end up leaving Tower Guards behind if it could be prevented.


She watched two more groups leave, mentally counting the seconds it would take for two of the groups that were out now to join up with them again while assigning two groups to stand by for the next two scouting patrols to take off. Not for the first time she wasn't envious of an army commander or a general if this was what they would be doing all day long. She looked at Kynwric, trying to see how she was doing when a crossbow bolt rushed past her. It was all she could do to follow its path, watching as it struck something unseen just short of Loraine's back, harmlessly bouncing away again.


What surprised her most however was what she was feeling when she noticed just who had been responsable for it. Knowing that she had failed felt like being cut by a knife, but the fact that the one Accepted that had been giving her the most trouble, the one that she had seen as the biggest risk to the safety of the mission had ended up saving what she had failed to felt like that knife was being twisted. She felt hurt, angry at herself for feeling hurt and not really knowing what to do about it.


She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, trying to get her self control back, but when she opened them again she still felt much the same. Watching Jerinia's horse start to flag, she rode up, taking the reins from the red headed Accepted and forcing the horse to match her pace so she would not fall behind. The fact that she was now almost at the head of the group, and that no one would be able to see the tears on her face was a more than welcome side effect.




Suffering from an injured pride

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Perivar pressed his body to the ground crawling to the hillcrest then watched in disbelief.  At least two dozen trollocs were at the bottom of the hill pointing in different directions.  He could not hear their gutteral tones but he was certain they were arguing.  Now was a good time to gain some ground on them, perhaps there were other that he could not see. 


Just as he was about to crawl back he noticed the group breaking up into smaller scouting parties.  They fanned out, some heading in the opposite direction though one of the small groups were heading right for where he had come from. 


Once he had crawled back enough not to be seen he rose and ran to Nightdancer vaulting into his saddle.  Perivar guided his warhorse into the hollow then booted him to a gallop hoping the hollow would mask his dust trail.


Perivar reined Nightdancer in as soon as he saw Kabria and the others so that he did not scare Selene and the girl.  He guided Nightdancer so that he and Kabria's knees were touching speaking for her ears only.


"It appears as though we have slipped past their initial scouting parties.  I saw a group of roughly two dozen trollocs arguing and pointing in different directions.  Thank the Light they seem to be confused or at least uncertain, that and there are no Myrddraal to drive them.  I think they are not sure which of our groups contain the children."  He purposely avoided nodding towards the child.  "That group has broken up, they have fanned out in different directions.  That's the good news."  He smiled at Kabria.


"The bad news is that one of those small scouting parties is on our trail, the others are moving away from us or in other directions that will not cross our path.  There are only five in the group following our trail and no doubt there are still more ahead in greater numbers.  We need to decide whether to take out the group on our trail or attempt to outrun them."  He paused briefly then went on not giving her a chance to speak, yet.  He had said we but she knew it was her decision. 


"If we do decide to face them then we will have to use conventional methods unless things go bad for us.  There is no telling if there are any Myrddraal in range to detect channeling."  She shot him a look like she did when he told her something that she had already said or knew.  "Easy..I know you know that I am just saying it. I think we can easily handle a group of five if we ambush them.  You have your throwing knives and sword if it comes to that, if it comes to that."  He shot her a look that said he would not be happy if she did not care.  Ohh she was far more than capable with a sword but he did not want her rushing into battle with her sword, not if it could be avoided.  "Selene is good with her bow as well.  With my bow and sword I can take care of the rest.  If we attempt to outrun them now we may end up running headlong into a larger group waiting to ambush us.  The call is yours my love." 


He punctuated his words with a warm smile and he knew that undying love pulsed through the bond for her to feel.  He did not envy her having to make the decision to stand and fight or run.  Kabria bore the added weight of command like someone who was born with it, his father would have been impressed.  Pride entwined itself with the undying love.  Kabria must have felt it through the bond for she offered him a heartwarming smile then touched his leg before speaking.   

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Loraine felt Jerenia weaving a flash before she felt her release the weave behind her back. She risked a look behind her, but didn't see what the weave was aimed at. The alarm radiating from Kynwric and the ghostly expression on Melenis' face was enough to tell her that the girl had not used that unweildy weave in vain. She gasped as Jerenia's horse flagged, bumping into her mount's side. She smiled at Melenis, who swooped in to take the girl's reins and added a weave of Air to hold the girl in the saddle as they continued on. The weave the Accepted had used blew their cover, so there was little need in hiding another as they charged towards home.


At the pace they were going, she couldn't ask Melenis what Jerenia had stopped. That would have to wait for safety and a slower pace. She had to content herself with knowing the girl had saved her life, and vowing to get details, later. If it made her eyes scan more of the brush along the side, with a tiny weave combing the bushes for anything unusual, perhaps that was all for the good...

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Kynwric heard the twang and whipped his head around to spot where the sound had come from in just enough time to see the crossbow bolt whip by him. <i>Lor!</i> his head following the path the bolt had taken only to see it slow and stop in mid air. he glanced at the Accepted as she began to tip from the saddle and knew what had happened and knew he'd owe a big debt to Jerinia when they had the luxury. He looked Lor in the eyes as they continued riding and knew his concern had reached a critical point. Now they were not only dealing with Shadowspawn, but now it seemed they were also dealing with Darkfriends. Shadowspawn were always so much easier to find than Darkfriends...


OOC: Lets take this ride for a week, those that will make it to the Erinin make it there by next Monday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OOC: *laughs* is it next Monday, yet??




Loraine didn't risk much past a shield, and even that it was a small one. They'd been found out already, so she could've had a host of weaves, all more nasty than the next, at hand for whatever was springing from the brush along the road. She chose to keep it small. The choice had little to do with stealth and everything to do with preserving her energy for when it would truly be needed. If whatever had happened behind her had been any indication, she was going to need every drop of saidar she could muster to make sure this group made it back to Tar Valon.


Her attention was caught by a blockage in the road ahead and she looked to Melenis before casting a look at Kynwric behind her. It was a very strategic block that would force them off the main road and onto a path through the woods if they didn't stop to move the barracade. Moving the baracade was an option, however, and whoever had placed that roadblock would've known what she was before doing it. They'd have known she could simply pick it up and move it out of the way. Why bother with such a minor annoyance when...


She gasped, watching the large tree trunk before them explode, sending many tiny shards of bark and limbs their way. Her instinct was to draw rein, but if she did, she'd have to let go of Jerenia. "I'll kiss the Dark One first," she murmured, twisting weaves that no Accepted should ever see together with lightning quickness. "Where are the scouts, Melenis?" she asked, reinforcing the sheild over them as the bits of destroyed tree bounced off the small one she'd created before.

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Kyn glanced all around, taking in everything until the tree exploded. He answered Loraine's question before Melenis could. "It doesn't matter. We can't count on the scouts being there. At this point if you can't see them, they don't exist." As he was speaking he kept a wary eye along the edges of the road... something felt wrong... and there it was. "Through it... ride, ride through the explosion." Kyn was looking a the men and worse emerging alongside them and behind them. There were no doubt more in front, but he guessed they'd be slower to emerge. "NOW. RIDE!" And he kicked the horse up to a run, trying to bust free of the trap that had been well lain.

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  • 1 month later...

(Between the holidays and my LOA, I completely lost track of this thread!  Goodness!  Let me try to get Selene up to speed.)


Selene stiffened when Trollocs were first mentioned, but she fought with everything she had to maintain the calm serenity that an Aes Sedai was supposed to maintain at all times.  She found it easier now than it used to be, once she'd realized it was a mask and she didn't have to actually feel serene, she just had to pretend to.  As the plan was laid out, she gave a fleeting look to Jerinia and the other child and then set to stringing her bow.


Selene felt a faint pulse of the one power being used, in the direction off where Jerinia and Loraine Sedai had taken their group and she had formed the void and become the rosebud before she knew it.  What is it, that I should feel it from here?  She managed to catch herself before taking hold of Saidar, but it was a near thing.  Guiltily, she flushed and pushed away Saidar, concentrating on her horse and her bow.  She would not give away their location and endanger the child.  Not for the first time, she wondered what it must be the Shadow wanted with these children, and wondered if she'd ever find out even if they made it back home.  The Tower kept its secrets, and she didn't know if an Accepted would ever be privvy to things she didn't absolutely need to know. 


She mounted at Kabria Sedai's sudden order and made a point of giving the frightened girl a hug and a tickle before settling the child on the back of her horse.  "Hold on tight, dear one.  I shan't let them take you from me, you have the whole city of Tar Valon to see, and it is a great city indeed."  She continued murmuring soft words to the girl as she swung Rao around and pointed her towards the way Kabria was looking.  She kept herself between whatever trouble was coming and the child for now, hoping the girl had hidden her face in Selene's long hair, so she wouldn't have to see horrors added to what she'd already endured.  She knocked an arrow and pulled it to halfway back as she caught sight of Perivar.  She didn't aim at him, exactly, but if he was coming to tell them of trouble, then it was beyond him where trouble would come from.


She knew she was good with the bow, she'd practiced with it especially because it was a horsebow and practicing with it meant she'd be riding.  She murmured encouraging words to the child as Rao pranced, nostrils flaring at the scent of blood that trailed Perivar after his first scouting skirmishes.  The mare quieted, she had been Tower trained as surely as Perivar and Kynwric had been - although if not battle tested yet.  Selene looped the reins loosely over the pommel of the saddle and guided her horse with leg pressure alone while she held the bow at ready. 


Selene was plainly curious as Kabria Sedai and Perivar conversed and she didn't even try to mask it by looking away from them, but she managed to catch not a bit of what passed between them.  She waited as they made the decision on what to do.  After a few moments, she swung her gaze back to where Perivar had returned from and steeled her nerves.  She would need them if they were to do battle with trollocs without the help of the One Power.




Battle Accepted

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OOC: You and me both Quis, you and me both. <.<




In a way, Jerinia was glad for the explosion, bringing her mind back on track after threatening to doze off. Light, is it really this exhausting, channeling to my limit? If she hadn't been sending every scrap of concentration to keeping a tight grip on the reins, she doubted she'd still have been sitting on the horse. There were men too, and for a moment she wondered what they would be doing here, this far away from the city, but her horse was pulled forward before she could turn to ask why.


Everyone seemed to be in such a hurry all of a sudden, she didn't think there was such a need to make haste. No reason at all to not just... get some...


Horns brayed behind them, and the sound managed to trigger something instinctive, a memory familiar to her from having grown up in one of the border fortresses of the Malkieri. Yet, this moment of clarity she knew would not be lasting long. She considered leaning over to Loraine but decided against it, feeling that she might fall off of the horse if she did. Instead, she tried to manoever the animal closer to Loraine as they thundered over the road.


- "L..Loraine? Think i channeled... bit too much... Hard to.. stay awake..."


She blinked, giving her head a brief shake to remain awake, and keep from passing out. The dull sound of an explosion echoed across the field, and splinters rained down on them, but Jerinia was so occupied with fighting to stay awake that she didn't even acknowledge any of it. She just looked at Loraine, hoping the Aes Sedai had some weave or other to help her...







More anger. She had no use for tears or sadness, she had a job to do, dammit! With a low growl, Melenis tried to make herself angry, trying not to break down in tears over what she saw as a failure on her behalf. Though the bolt fired at Loraine could not have been prevented, she still felt responsable, being the leader of the group of Tower Guards that had come along for the trip. Anger was something she found was easier to deal with than sadness.


Men emerged from all sides, and with them, a conduit for her to channel her anger into. In almost a single movement, the ashandarei on her back was in her hands, the blade taking the head of one of the Darkfriends likely before he knew the weapon had been drawn. Darkfriends. Darkfriends again. Why did they have to keep circling around her life like vultures from the day she was born? Yet, there were people in her group, and as much as she felt the adrenaline in her blood cry out for vengeance there were other priorities that were higher on the scale. As much as she regretted it.


It was an effort not to stop and cut down every single one of them.




No friend of a Darkfriend

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