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[GAME]Gears of War 2


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Ok... so I took Friday off work and stood in line with the other kids on Thursday night to get my game early. I am old, so staying up late to play a video game is mostly behind me, but I made an exception for this one as I loved the first game. So my thoughts of a weekend filled with Gears...



I am a multiplayer fan. It is why I play the Xbox over the PS3. I have friends I routinetly meet up with just to play MP. In Gears 1, you searched for games and chose which game to join up with. You could spend all night playing in the same room without much interruption. Sure there might be some Host advantage... and that was annoying. But now you have a Halo 2 like matchmaking system. Here is my experience so far with it.


-Step one... wait 10-30 minutes for the matchmaking to fill every slot so you have exactly 5 players. The more players you start off with the better (meaning if you start with 5 friends you are golden).


-Step two - Since the matchmaking is slow... you may never find a team of 5 unless you find 4 other friends to bypass. Once you do find 5 and get in a game... well you play one game and then you are kicked back into the matchmaking lobby. You then have to find a whole new team again and go through the matchmaking process again.


Seriously... all weekend I maybe found 3 public games to play in. If this is not fixed, it may ruin the entire game for me.



With that big problem addressed, everything else is great. Horde is a really fun addition but will get old in a week or so. Campaign is long enough to keep me happy, but it felt like they added to many rides (Betty, Reavers, Cyclops, Boats, etc).


For me they need to fix the MP before I like this game more than the original... and with COD: WOW around the corner, I may find my MP fix there.

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My roomate and I have played about 8 hours worth of the story line so far, and we're still not close to done. I love the story for this, actually, so far I'm loving the whole game. Haven't tried the multi-player, might pick up X-Box Live if I like it though.


Note: I don't actually own the X-Box, my roomate does, but I'm welcome to play it any time he isn't.


On the whole, love this game, absolutely love it. I'll let you guys know if I get Live.

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Again, I love every other aspect of the game.  But when the multiplayer is crummy or at least trying to get a MP game going, that really sullies the game for me as it is very important to me.  I appreciate being able to play the campaign with others... but that only lasts for a week or so. 

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Again, I love every other aspect of the game.  But when the multiplayer is crummy or at least trying to get a MP game going, that really sullies the game for me as it is very important to me.  I appreciate being able to play the campaign with others... but that only lasts for a week or so. 

Pick up Resistance 2 (or at least rent it) before you completely denounce ps3 multiplayer. ;)   

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When precisely did he even suggest that PS3 multiplayer was bad in here?


I am a multiplayer fan. It is why I play the Xbox over the PS3


Plus empy never logs his ps3 in!

Obviously if he had, he woulda replied to my genius 'burn'. ;)

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Sinister, do you own a mic now?  Because last time we played together you did not and that kind of ruins the MP experience to me.  Actually no one had a mic and I was stuck singing songs to myself. 


Mics are for Emos! :P

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So what is the point of me playing a game with you online if we don't communicate?  I like playing over Xbox because at least 80% of the time I am playing with friends and we are strategizing on how to win that match.  If not, we are making jokes and I am having a good time.  Sinister is is mainly your fault I do not play more games on the PS3 as you just confirmed why MP on Xbox is better than than MP on the PS3.


Tenshin and I have been hanging out in Gears MP these days.  While he doesn't talk that much (yet), I think he had fun dominating last night.... especially that annoying little kid.

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To be fair empy, you only really played that one game (That one game mind you was KNOWN to have a Mic issue) for only a few rounds that I saw. Other games are just as full of chatter as the xbox games are. (Mainly if theres a multi-plat game, with mp, and mic, if the xbot version is going to have alot of chatter, the ps3 version is gunna have alot of chatter.)

Exclusive games on the other hand with mp, are hit or miss.


Also, empy I think you don't understand my MP philosphy.

I'm not a team player, I'm the guy who runs off in a random direction, and somehow manages to flank the enemey and wins the match for you. :P

That, or I try to flank the enemy, only to run into a room, with the enemies waiting for me. ;)

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Doesn't stop you from talking and joking with Empy while you're playing. Even if you're not going to strategize.


sure it does, can't concentrate on the game if your BSing. ;)

+ what am I gunna talk about


Remember that transcript I sent you from CS last night?

Yea, thats what Mic Conversations generally de-volve into... (not that I'd say those exact things but its the same point)


And you know what?

If your going to strategize, you need

A) Several people

B) An actual Leader

C) And only 1 guy strategizing, CAuse lets face it you get about 8 guys on your team, and half of them are all shouting off things they should do, leaving everyone confused as to what they are actually supposed to be doing. ;)


I've played MMORPGS, trust me when I say I know a thing or to about 'organizing raids'. ;)


And if you want a reason as to why I won't talk in games, skype, whatever, Well, just to throw out a totally fake answer, I talk like cleveland. ;)

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I hate it when people aren't team players. I used to play Battlefield 2 and it would annoy the hell out of me when people didn't join squads... or were lying in a bush sniping. In the end I only participated in something called BigWar. You registered on a forum and said you wanted to play a match. 32 v 32 where everyone joins squads and play how the game is supposed to be played. Aaahh... I miss those days.


Anyways, I'm thinking about buying GoW2, but I'm afraid it'll ruin my term paper. Might have to wait for Christmas.

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Hell I even buy games based on if my friends will get it because it increases the fun factor when I get to talk to my friends.  See I moved here not too long ago and have no peeps of my own yet in this town, so my only option is to hang with my old friends from Cincy on Live.  I also have made some pretty good Xbox friends that I end up playing with all the time.


Matchmaking is getting better for Gears but you gotta have 5 in a group for it work.  Last night I played AWFUL.  I would run up to a guy... do a little dance for him... he would wave at me and then shotty me to pieces. 

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You're gonna get yourself killed when you play Left4Dead in co-op. :P


Nah, the key in L4D is to stay close to yoru allies, while I go apeshit shotgun in the zombies face. ;)


Btw, the Combat Shotgun in L4D = Awesome!


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