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What we are THANKFUL for....


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As mentioned in this month's introduction thread, our thread of Thankfulness is a Kin tradition, and one we tend to post on a lot!  As I think of this past year, many of our Kin family has had lots of struggles, frustrations and just some rough times!  We have also had many joys and we have shared those with each other!


At the beginning of the year, we also started a thread of what our goals and resolutions for this year were and have checked back in with each other with encouragement and congrats and sometimes a push!  *grins*  I'd like to challenge each of you this year to not just be thankful in general..but to take a moment to reflect back and then find three things to be thankful for!  Whether we succeed or fail..it seems there are always hidden blessings in them!  Find the hidden blessings of your past year..and the thanksgiving for them!  If you aren't sure where to start..maybe with the goals or resolutions we had at the beginning of the year!


*hugs everyone and passes around hot cider*  now...how about it?

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I am thankful for:


*Peanut. I'm thankful every day that she's healthy and happy. She's not fussy and those little shocking "oh my God, I'm a mother" moments haven't completely worn off, yet, either. I treasure every one of them.


*my friends. All of them, both here and out in the real world. I am truly blessed with this fantastic network of loving friends who tag-team my bad days and are there to revel in my good ones. You put up with my absences, while not being shocked when I go on a posting binge. In real life, they've kept me off the 6 o'clock news!


*my job. Alright, so it's not the perfect job, but it's better than what some people have to deal with. It's better than some of the stuff I've had to deal with before now and, even at its most stressful, it's still a damned site better than my first year at this school. I have a steady paycheck and, lately, that's nothing to sneer at.


*smiles and passes the cider on* 

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Well, firstly Im thankful for having such a wonderful Lars!! I know no matter how horrible I feel, he'll be right there for me, giving me a hug and saying something funny to make me laugh!


Also,I'm thankful for the friends that actually bother sticking around! And even tho he is thousand of miles away, I think Kellan is way up in the lead for "friend of the year"  ;D


Lastly, I'm thankful for life finally starting to treat my sister right! She's struggled and she's won! Still amazed that she's come out of it so well!

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Think...think...think....oh bother.  ;)


Having a steady job that face nearly no effects from the ups and downs of the economy.  It may not pay the best in the world, but it has very good benefits.


Having a family whom I love, and who love me back.  Sometimes you feel like they misbehave just to spite you, then when they know you are mad, they come over and give you "The Lip" and a hug.  (That includes my wife) :D


My health.  I have not treated my body well.  And even though I am overweight, I am in decent shape as far as muscle and activity.  And the health factors that run in my family are not knocking on my doorstep yet. 

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I am thankful for my Love, my Mom, my kids, my family and my friends (yeah, that includes you guys)


I am thankful for my health and Lloyd's.  I'm good, and he is still here and still fighting, however hard it gets.


And I am thankful we're good financially.  Things can change, but we are pretty will prepared, just in case.



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*My family:  I wouldn't know what to do without them.  They are always there for me, and me for them.  I couldn't imagine my life without my nieces.


*My friends:  You guys make everyday more fun.  I have never had better friends in my life then all of you from DM.  Thank you so much for all the love, support, caring, generosity, and most important, friendship you've given me.  *snuggles*


*A second chance to finish my college education.  Being a nurse is something I had never really though of doing, but now that I'm on my way I really think this is the only job for me.  I think this is my calling in life, and I'm so thankful for the chance to do complete my education.


*All my possessions:  So many people live with so much less.  I'm not a rich person, but I have clothes to wear, a bed to sleep on, a car to drive (even if it is my Mom's), and food to eat.  I have a computer, a TV, video games, all kinds of things that most people don't have, and I'm very thankful for them all.

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I have so very much to be thankful for. My family is great, even if I sometimes have issues, I am lucky because so many people don't have family members to have issues with. I am also so thankful for my wonderful children, I have been blessed to have two amazing little babies. I am very thankful for my DM friends, they are always there to pick me up when I am down.

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