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The Hayride!! Jump on....


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Laughter, the jingle of harnesses, the murmer of voices, the sound of horses blowing air and stomping hooves drifted from the open barn doors at the Farm.  A crisp and cool October night had fallen, illuminated by a full moon and a skyful of stars.  The smell of Fall was in the air, smoke from the fireplaces, and campfires drifted on the slight breeze.  Twinne walked into the yard, twirled, did a little Snoopy dance and then gave a yell....


KYN!  LOR!  Hey..you guys got that haywagon hitched up yet?  GET A MOVE ON!!


In response, the Haywagon, drawn by two huge Morgan horses came through the Barn doors, Kyn holding the reigns, chirruping the horses, while Lor stood behind him, waving to Twinnie, hollering back


We're ready!  Let's get this hayride going!


At her yell, Kinster's poured into the yard, climbing into the hay, laughing, ready for a night of fun and stories and pumpkin caroling!


*laughing*  Ok Ok..who has actually been on a hayride?

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*winks* at Lor...I uh..figured you were doing more directing than actual hitching....LOL!


Hayrides were a given every fall when I was growing up!  Our church always had one for the Senior high and Junior high youth groups!  And my Aunt and Uncle had a big farm so they usually sponsered the Ride!  LOL  I went even as a young kid...cause my brother's were a lot older...thier hayrides usually ended up back at the barn...with lots of food, games of blind man's bluff and dancing!


When I was going to my own...we all knew each other really well..and always we ended up at some point singing..camp songs, John Denver songs, folksongs...*grins*  and telling stories..and just goofing off!  They were a blast..and yes there was a fair amount of snuggling in the hay and the dark that went on!!


Today..well my uncle is gone and so is the main farm..but my cousin now runs a pretty big business called "Agrientertainment"  They grow a corn maze every year...offer hayrides, a pumpkin patch, craft store, rides...it's a business!


I think you can even find them under "anderson Farms" on the internet!



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I was raised with horses. :)  I've been on hay rides, driven hayrides, and know all about hitching up horses.  Our first two horses were retired standardbred races, the kind who race pulling a cart, and I've been around harness horses my whole life.  I love it.


I knew the most beautiful Morgan horse when I was younger.  His name was Tommy and his mane came down to his knees.  His owner always used this special shampoo on it so whenever I think of Morgans, I think of the smell of his conditioner!


I haven't been to a proper autumn festival since I moved to Florida, where we don't really do Autumn.  I love hayrides!

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That's to bad Chi!  They are fun!  So..what kind of things do you do where you are to celebrate Fall and Halloween?


What about you QUis?  What other types of things did you used to do?



Kelly I've heard of Haunted Hayrides and thought they sounded like fun....but getting my good Baptist BIll to go to any Haunted anything is impossible!  LOL!  I used to go to haunted houses..havn't in a long time though...the scariest was one out in the woods...


What is the scariest haunted house thing any of you have been too?

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We used to have a harvest festival on the horse farm we lived on in Maryland.  There'd be hay rides, a little horse show, a pumpkin carving table, a contest for yummiest pumpkin pie, and lots of food.  Toasted pumpkin seeds, pies, cookies, corn on the cob, all kinds of stuff.  All of us who lived on the farm (my mom was the stable manager) or who boarded horses on the farm were invited to come and enjoy and bring food and it was mostly just a big get together.    One year we had games and stuff to compete in, like a wheelbarrow race and a three-legged race.  I don't know if they made a tradition out of that, that was the last year before we moved away.


I've never done any haunted houses or the like.  Always wanted to.

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I went to a good one in Orlando with my boyfriend of... *counts in her head and smirks* 4 months way back in '98. I'm not horribly fond of that kind of scare-tactics, but it was a good one, I guess.


I much prefer real ghosts to the fake cheese cloth ones... *grins* I live in Savannah for more than one reason, after all...

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OH Lord NO!  DOn't get her started on Savannah!!  LOL!


Ok it's officaily Halloween!  Just saw 'It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" on Tv!  *laughs*  and on Saturday...gosh I missed you my sistertwin!!  Hocus Pocus was on and nobody to quote it with!!  :'(


Ok you spooks out there..what other shows go with Halloween for you?  THe scary gory movies?  of the fun witchy ones..or cartoons?  Or songs? 

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*grins*  of course!  *snoopy dances*  and I love the thanksgiving and christmas ones too!


ANd of course Hocus Pocus is a fav...*girns*  especially after quoting with Lor!!


I like the Disney ones too..the four Halloween Town ones..and the Twitches movies!

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lol  I have all four on DVD..they were on the sale table at Blockbuster this summer!



Now a very long time ago..I got a Halloween Card by Hallmark that was a songbook of the Peanut's Pumpkin Carols.  Halloween themes and words to familiar Christmas carols..has anyone else every seen this or heard of them besides me..and maybe when I've posted them before?


I mentioned songs before..and there really arn't alot of halloween songs or music..I mean Monster Mash..maybe tv themes like from the addams family and the Munters...LOL  and i always think of Thriller...what about y'all?

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