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So I was thinking and have been for awhile about this. What characters do you play, what Ajahs are they from or do you think you will aspire too? Why do you think you are drawn to those ajahs? I will respond here after some of you do.


Selene is motivated almost entirely by wanting to help people and a wanderlust of wanting to see the world.  Right now, she is leaning Blue or Gray.  Blue because they tend to be out in the world a lot doing stuff, but I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of a cause for her to chase.  Gray because she would be helping people, she's friendly and gets good responses from people in general, and she'd be traveling to meet with people to mediate and such. 


The low activity/personnel of those two ajahs is both appealing and unappealing.  There'd be few people to play with for in-ajah intrigue and story lines, but if I add to those Ajahs, it would make it easier for future novices to join them as well.


I have no idea what Katiana will be.  She isn't fleshed out yet.


Well, Melianna is completely obsessed with ter'angreal, easily distracted, and daydreams enough for 7 Saldean farmgirls. Couple that in with her soon-to-be-discovered Talent for Knowing ter'angreal, there's no way she could be anything but a Brown. And to think when I made her, she was planned to be a Blue or White. O_O


Jasmyne is high-tempered, power hungry, and irritable. I made her planning on having a Green. Well, throw a few RPs in and have her meet Deanne, she got turned away from that. She could mediate, but she'd likely beat her clients. She has no Talent whatsoever for Healing. She would kill herself finding a cause if she were blue. She abhorres Whites and Browns bore her. Red was the only option. And she's also going Black, but that must have been obvious before she turned evil.


Ophelia was tailored to be Gray. She was made to fill a leadership gap and I've always had a little but of a Gray side to me. I'm a Gray at another site. ^_^


My one and only WT charater, Taeadra, was a White from the beginning.


OOC'ly, it was a pretty easy decision.  The Ajah was small and therefore there were many opportunities for leadership roles. Plus the Whites who were here at the time were just mucho awesome.


IC'ly, I can't picture her being anything but White. She loves, loves, loves to learn and challenge herself in science and math and she's a most excellent debator.  She adores challenging others as well and never accepts a simple or short explanation for anything, rather she forces others to reason out their rational.


Also, the White Ajah, for me an Tae anyhoo, allows for a lot of flexibilty in her character.  But then, any who know her, know that she's a little bit White, a little bit Brown, a little bit Red, a little bit Gray....basically a reflection of all colors...made sense to be a White ;)  Of course it could also be said she's a little bit whacko....just ask her Warder :D


Good thread.


Jerinia's more or less hovering between Green and Blue. Green because she's a Malkieri, and would get to fight Trollocs and such like pretty much everyone around her during her childhood, and Blue because she is impulsive, and wants to go her own way. Though she isn't exactly a political genius, and subtlety isn't one of her strong points either, she has a strong enough sense to do what she feels is right.


While she may never be a 'typical' Blue, she'd still aim to be one. Whether the Blues should be happy about this or not is another matter ;D


Though I am going to be entered into the Novice book someetime soon, I do know what Ajah I am going to go to, shockingly its no Green *lol* Do you want to hear from the Novices and Accepted if they know where they are going?


Thanks Quis *G*


Yah, Satin is going to go White. I've always been interested in the Whites even though in my head and heart I would be a true Green but secondly, White and Grays were very attactive to me personally.


I (Joni) have a very passionate, battle sister side (cleo) and a logically cool edge. In my real life I am both of those. I think playing a White would let me use that other side of me. *LOL*


I know that they are very opposite of each other and complicated and thats something that will be great to challenge me as an RPer. I will eventally have a Green Sister too, so playing both against each other will be very fun! And might drive me insane-er.



We're all made up of different bits... and honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing another side of you :) 


As for me... Raeyn has existed since before the comm/rp split, so she's based on me at age 19 to some degree.  But since she was based on me, I was pushing Sabine to list me as a Brown from my first week on DM.. and did she ^__^  Of course, she's grown a bit in her own way (and did shortly after her own creation, of course), but she's most representative of the Brown traits inherent in myself.


As for Lillith... I'd created her for another site as a Novice, and then didn't really get around to developing her.  She also was intended for her Ajah of choice (White) from the moment of creation, and I'm very happy with how she's coming along.


The third Sister in my trinity is Allriendrae.  She's not been brought to Dragonmount yet, but that's because I've not fully decided how I'm going to implement her.  She's a Brown and the Keeper at one site, she's been the Head of the Whites at another, etc.  Since I already have one of each, I don't want to take her either of those routes, obviously!  I think if I do bring her over, she'll be a Blue.. but I'm still not 100% on this either.  I might leave her elsewhere and make someone else if the mood takes me, but I've yet to decide what I feel like exploring ;)



Eh, go for the stranglin' - better to get it out of the system somewhere rather than letting it build up and let the crazy overtake things *winks and offers own neck*



*hugs back and chuckles*  That reminds me.. my mommie seems to think I'm bi-polar.. I really do need to try and figure out how getting in with a shrink works in this country and see about getting that sussed out.  I actually had a wonderful shrink during my military time, but I couldn't really talk to him about some things due to the fact that it soooort of made it clear that I flubbed the truth slightly to enlist  :-[


Well Deanne is ummmm.... Deanne...gawd knows what Ajah I intended her for, or which she'll end up in :P




Deanne is the reason Jas isn't going Green. lol


lmao..... that would give sparks indeed.


I don't know yet where Carina will end up so can't comment on it at this time. Sorry.




Anyhoo: Esther was always intended for the Gray, since she's a rule-loving little miss priss - I thought she'd make a very good judge type Gray (not a negotiator type - she's smack people if they didn't listen to her first time round). The OP score she was given has thrown a bit of a curve ball into that plan, though - she's one of the strongest women in tbe Tower, and it seems a waste to not use that. Would actually love to get everyone's input in that.


The one thing she could be used for, is the Cleansing RP.


You could give all that OP strength you don't need to Jerinia though, if you're bothered by it <.<;


Kidding aside though, i say go for the Ajah that suits her personality best. I am doing that for Jerinia, channeling is secondary to what the character wants anyway.


Besides, what kind of a judge wouldn't have the power to back up her own rulings? ^^;


Well let's see. OOC I joined DM as a 17 year old and checked out all the ajahs, rped with most of them and settled on the Gray Ajah. At the time the Grays were huge, the MON was from them and she was pretty awesome. I got sick right before I was raised to the shawl and left DM. When I came back I had changed as a person. I had written Jaydena to be like me in most every way, I was diplomatic, trained as a mediator by my school and was always the listener and problem solver of my friends. When I arrived back from the things that has shaped me, I was very different. I had always been a fighter but I think I realized that the Green fit me best. I know how to mediate and I still listen to my friends and help them when I can but I also feel free to defend them if I need. When I realized those things I started leaning towards the Green.


I started rping Jaydena as a Green Aspie and boom I realized she could be a Green with other interests and still be a Green. Jaydena as a character went Green because of Taya and Eleanor, who later went black, go figure. *G* She wanted to battle trollocs and take on the world of evil.

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