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Murder in the Yards (sign up and info)


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Required Participation: Raeyn, Matalina, Yearn, Jesse

Open to all Warder Division Members


Summary: Random murders are happening amongst the members of the Yard.  A search is formed to track the killer down.  Will your character find evidence, be a near victim or will they fall to the mysterious killer.


Warder Sign ups: There are many different ways one can participate in this RP.


1.  You can create a TTPC to be killed off.

2.  You can have a roomie or friend that is a TTPC/NPC be killed and you find the body (and maybe some evidence)

3.  You can have your character be nearly killed by the murder.

4.  You can help in the investigation.

5.  Participate in the trial

6.  Be on the jury.


I'm sure there are other ways I that I can't think of at this moment.


If you'd like to participate post your preference so that I can send you the vital information you will need hehe.  Particularly the evidence that is left/found in your RP.


The amount of time this will take hopefully won't be overly long as I plan on running multiple threads instead of one long one so that people aren't waiting on others for too long.


Actions: There will be at least three Phases to this RP.


Phase 0: The back story - The back story - this will not be RPed out but is provided for information as to why things are happening


Phase 1:  Murder in the First (multple threads)


There will be at least 6 victims (six separate threads) depending on how many want to participate in this part there may be more but there will be at least six.


Here we will need the following people to play parts.

1.  One TG/trainee to find the first body of a Tower Guard who was working the wall.

2.  Two people to find evidence in two separate threads.

3.  One person (or more) to NEARLY catch the murder after the victim has been killed


Others can be added as needed but these are needed to provide the right amount of evidence.  If you'd like to participate in any given thread please let me know now so all participates can be in on the secrets.


Phase 2: Catching the Virus


There will be two threads here, one where you will catch the murder with blood on her hands and chase her eventually catching her.  So we will need at least one person to chase and catch her.


For the trial there is alot of players that could possibly be used in this phase.  The Commander of the Guard or the Master at Arms will reside over the jury.  There will be a jury of 10 men and women in the yards who will provide the verdict.  There is the person who will bring the case against Cari, and if someone wants to represent her that's fine too but I don't see anyone really wanting to so it's not a big deal.


The RP will cover the inclusion of evidence presented by the person who found it or the prosecutor and any testimony from anyone wanting to point fingers.  The jurors can have a sit down discussion and come to an agreement before presenting their verdict and the "judge" sentences  Cari.


Phase 3:  Escape from Tar Valon


This really won't have anyone but the required folks needed her, but your responses are always welcome.   This is where your convicted serial murderer gets away.


I have things mapped out more, but I don't want to give things away, it's suppose to be a murder investigation after all :P


For Phase 1 there will be one large thread anyone can participate in, you can bring in your evidence, chat with others about what is going on.  All threads will be linked from this thread so you can follow them.  Just remember to keep things vague in this thread as they do follow an order.  This will be an OPEN thread if you want to participate at any given time you are free to.


For your participation here are some helpful requirements you can choose to complete.  Do try to follow the description while posting.  You may only use one of these.



Conflicts - You will encounter two other members of the white tower or the warders divsion. A conflict will arise and you will be challenged to resolve the conflict. The conflict may be between the two other PC characters or between yourself and someone else with the third being the moderator. 7 posts minimum


example participation: You see the killer sneaking around, you hear the murder, etc and you are faced with what to do about it.


Tower Guard:


Create your Own - Create your own RP centered on your character. (RP must be approved by the staff) Minimum 5 posts


example participation: Just participate with your min required posts.




Punishment - Your character catches a NPC/PC trainee doing something that is strictly forbidden which requires them to be punished. It’s your duty to see them punished by the MoT. Will you? Makes sure to explain why or why not. Minimum 5 posts.


example participation: be part of the jury or find evidence and present it to get a conviction, be a "lawyer".


Cunning - You character must place themselves in dangerous situation that their weapon skill will not get them out of. The character must rely on their wits to see them through the event without engaging in arms. What influenced your choices? Minimum 5 posts.


example participation:  You are the next target how do you get away?




Failure - The character should fail at something very important to them. Show how the character reacts and how they develop in the future. Minimum 5 posts.


example participation:  Your roommate/friend are the next victim and you were just a room away and couldn't save them...




Leadership- Warder or TG must break up a serious fight or argument between two younger TGs/Warders(Can be NPC, TPC, or PC characters). The Master must show his leadership by taking the two who are at odds aside and deciding how to solve the situation. Will their Discipline and Path choice affect that situation? Minimum 5 posts.


example participation:  Takes the lead on investigation or tries to track the killer down on their own.


Please let me know what you would like to participate in.  If you don't care say that too as you sign up and I'll stick you where you are needed.


I hope to start this RP on August 25.  (I'd start it in a week but then I'd only have two days to rp so that's not good).


Look forward to your participation!




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I'll be keeping Mari out of this; I think the shock of possibly running into Matalina would do her a mental damage.. especially on top of what me and Taeadra have planned to happen soon *smiles*

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Mat, got a question... I am on the verge of needing my Blademaster Ceremony for WS 15. Assuming I can finish up the posts I need in the other two threads, I want to take part in this as part of my Master level Reqs, is there enough time to get all this accomplished?

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I don't care if you do this as your master level.  Just don't post it until you've completed your BM ceremony and I won't even worry about it.


So you can do this for your Master reqs if you'd like.

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Phase 1:  Murder in the First (multple threads)


There will be at least 6 victims (six separate threads) depending on how many want to participate in this part there may be more but there will be at least six.


Here we will need the following people to play parts.

1.  One TG/trainee to find the first body of a Tower Guard who was working the wall.

2.  Two people to find evidence in two separate threads.

3.  One person (or more) to NEARLY catch the murder after the victim has been killed


I believe Visar asked to do #1


I will gladly do #2 or 3



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I have some detail-related questions.


For 1. discovering the first body, any details I need to know?  Like, is this at the White Tower Grounds wall or the Tar Valon City walls? (I'm assuming WT grounds)  What time of day would Visar discover the body?  Would he see any sign of someone leaving the scene?  Would the victim still be alive in his death throes/able to talk?


Oh yeah, and when do we start this?  Aug. 25? Or do we need more time? Would I start a thread or would I just reply to the thread the "murderer character" set up?  And would the thread(s) have some sort of *note* in the title to unite them like, *MitY RP* (murder in the yards rp)?


To be spoiler-free to the rest, you (Matalina?) can pm me that info if you have it; that would help me out immensely in participating in this thing.  Or if you just start the thread I'll try to go by the info you have in it.  Thanks.

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I will be pming you shortly Vis about your details, everyone participating will recieve a PM at some point with information.


It will start today and a new thread will hopefully start every day there after while the others continue on. 


There will be a note, and there will also be links in the large open thread that links them all together and in order


I will be starting all threads unless someone is given their instructions in a PM to do so.  I will be contacting participants by PM here shortly informting where you are for Phase 1.



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Just a reminder what reqs you can have covered if you participate in the murder in the yard rps.


These have already been approved.  You may choose one for a thread.  You can use the other options of the requirements as long as you fulfill the requirements needed.  Explanations will be needed as to how it fits with the requirement and your participation in the thread.


if you are in doubt of a requirement not listed and if it'll be credited just PM me I will gladly assist you.


Trainees need to contact Eqwina.



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