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An Ogier Visit


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Tired from being on the road for a month, Lorei embarks on the last leg of their journey with mixed feelings. True, they were on their way home to the Stedding, but their way lay through the Org known as Shayol Ghul. As Lorei approaches the Inn of the Prancing Trolloc, she wonders whether this was such a good idea after all. Still, she had vowed to visit every Org. She would not slight the SGers.


Hello denizens of Shayol Ghul! *stabs everyone* I understand that's the way one says hello here.  ;D  We're visiting all the Orgs at DM, just to show them all how wonderful the Ogier are, so that they can die of envy or join us, whichever they prefer.  :D 

How's your summer been?  Mine has been passing by at the speed of light. I have less than two weeks before I have to go back to work. *weeps*


*kicks Demi*



*stabs Lorei*

*stabs again for Demi's failure*


I've been taking summer school so that I can graduate early. So all fall means to me is that all my friends come back to the area! Which is a pretty good thing, I suppose.


*stabs again for loss of summer fun*


*stabs back*  Graduating early is a good thing! At least I think so.

And being with friends is good too.  ;D

*stabs Demi just because*  This stabbing is kinda fun. What other fun customs do you guys have?  :)

Guest Far Dareis Mai

*tidies the slopes of Mount Dhoom*


Welcome, Ogier *stabbity*. Please make yourselves comfortable. Here you can have immortality, if only you agree to serve. The rewards for serving the Great Lord of the Dark are high, even for Ogier. You could have all the knowledge of the world, if you only say three small words.... I will serve...


Hehe, but welcome anyway. I've been busy with a new baby, and getting my two year old to not be jealous--no easy feat. I feel like Shayol Ghul is in my house most days, with how tired my husband and I are, and how my older daughter likes to try new and interesting things to turn my hair gray.



OMG A two-year-old and an infant. It's a recipee for a meltdown.  :D *sets up the portable Hot Tub* You just climb in that and relax for a while! Here's a special non-alchoholic herbal ale for new Moms, guaranteed to relax you without making you dopey. Gotta remain alert for those diaper changes.  ;) *peers at the glass* Don't have a name for this one yet - maybe we can call it Shayol Ghul Ale.  :) 


;D Sorry Canuk, *stabbity*, but a POA would do you no good. Part of nothing is still nothing, and that's all I got is nothing.  ;) Love your stories btw.  :)


Hey, eclipse! *stabs* 


Saay, *squints* Haven't I seen some of these names over at the Ogier?  *ponders*  Never thought about Ogier being DFs, but I suppose that could happen. Especially with those 'Chan type Ogier. They're pretty good at stabbing, too.  :D


Ale anyone? Tabac?  Heard any good jokes lately?  ;) :D



Actually.... *Kelly pulls off her Ogier suit to reveal the Myrddraal beneath*  I am the World's Nicest Myrddraal ya know.  ;)  hehehe


*huggles and smooches all the SGers*  They hate that... :D *Evil Grin* 


*stuffs Far and Canuk in the World's Shiniest Cookpot*  Now, I know someone whos coming back to the Stedding with me.  ;D


*stabs Demi before he can run away*


*eyes Kelly and the Cookpot dubiously*  (You know, that sounds like a good name for a band : Kelly and the Cookpot.)  :D


*eyes Kelly and the Cookpot dubiously*

Looks a little crowded in there. The hot tub would've worked better.  ;)


  :o That took a turn I never expected!  :D *lets Demi out*

*stabs Canukistani*  Working on anymore stories?  :)


*Lumbering forward at a fast pace(for an Ogier), Sam stabs all the Shayol Ghulers*


Hello SG.  Sorry I am late. 


Far, Congrats on the new baby, I just recently found out my wife is pregnant with our third....the other two will be 5 and 3 when this one is born.  :o


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