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TG Ceremony


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Well I kinda thought the 4 of us (Jasine, Melenis, Arath , and I) would have done a group TG Ceremony when we finished with our trip but I guess that is not going to happen.  Not a big deal but it would be nice to do with the remaining trainees (Jasine, Melenis, and I) if possible.


Is it meant to be solo or can it be a group effort?


Is there a standard format for the ceremony, if so how do we get a copy of it?

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aah thanks for the link!


We'll have to see what the Boss says about a group ceremony.  IT would be nice to have Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera, and Master Kynwric present since they were so integral in our training.

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Hmmm, idk. I could see Eqwina being open to doing something new and fun, but at the same time, she could shoot it down, it's hard to say. But anyway, you'd have to remember that if you want to do it that way you'll have to wait for everyone else to be ready. I personally made a goal to get to TG before school starts (unfortunately that is monday) and Eqwina is leaving town tomorow so that meant posting it today *shrug*

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There is no reason why you can't have a group ceremony.  Just make sure that when you write your "vows" it's written the same as it is in there, just modify it for more than one trainee.



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I really like that idea. :)  I have my final steps written up, my final two reqs are both coming from the trip (unless the Kabria thread counts as conflict, although I think I read somewhere it had to be three separate players for the three characters) so I won't be done until that thread is complete, and I think you're the same.  Not sure about Melenis.


I don't mind waiting until you and Melenis have the final steps written if that takes a little while.  Jasine's in a hurry to be a Tower Guard, but I'm not overly so. :)


It does make sense that Talavin would be raised first, though.  He was here a year before Jasine was.  Melenis was here before Jasine as well.  I wonder where Sylvirci went off to, he was apart of the 'group' at first too, but he hasn't been posting much lately, I'm not sure if your Perivar and his Gaidin even had any threads together.

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Gaidan (Syl's char) and Melenis had a combined intro thread i believe, but yeah. Issues irl keeping him from posting are to blame for it, i fear.


Rest assured though, he'll start posting again as soon as he is able, but for now i regret to say he's lagging behind too much to be Raised this round. :/

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I really like that idea. :)  I have my final steps written up, my final two reqs are both coming from the trip (unless the Kabria thread counts as conflict, although I think I read somewhere it had to be three separate players for the three characters) so I won't be done until that thread is complete, and I think you're the same.  Not sure about Melenis.


I don't mind waiting until you and Melenis have the final steps written if that takes a little while.  Jasine's in a hurry to be a Tower Guard, but I'm not overly so. :)


I could easily knock my final steps out.  I haven't been in a hurry to do it since I don't want to rush our trip, it is one of my reqs but I enjoy the RP and do not have any time constraints.


It does make sense that Talavin would be raised first, though.  He was here a year before Jasine was.  Melenis was here before Jasine as well.  I wonder where Sylvirci went off to, he was apart of the 'group' at first too, but he hasn't been posting much lately, I'm not sure if your Perivar and his Gaidin even had any threads together.


Yeah I knew in the timeline that Arath was much farther ahead, it would have been nice to do all 4 of us but I understand why he did his solo.  No I never had any threads with Gaidan, I think I cam in right after because you all had already started basic weapons. 


In regards to us being raised together I figured we would all be present at the same ceremony though one would get raised at a time.  This way you could include your special people into the ceremony.  I would go last of course since I came in last.

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Lol, it would have been fun to do it all together, but it never even occured to me that we could do a group raising. I would have been willing to do a group raising, but now it's kind of late for that XD


Besides, my raising already ended up being 3200 words long, I can't imagine adding three more people into it :P

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I was counting up posts and word count for my reqs (since Mat pointed out that out posts per thread should be in there, and while I was counting posts I told it to do a word count) and I had 11,000 words in just my arrival thread.  That's just crazy.



Maybe Talavin can be at our raising, even if he isn't raising alongside us.

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lol in the glade is a bit tacky :P go to an inn/tavern


You don't have to count your posts just the general number you need to have it approved... I tend to go look at the req anyway, the more info you give me upfront the quicker I approve it.



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To the three of you that are left to raise Thera would OF COURSE be more than willing to be there for any and all of you :) You all have been so much fun!!


I highly sugesst a party once your raised getting the entire Remembrance gang back together!!

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Jasine is ready


Perivar is ready


Unless I am mistaken, Melenis has at least two classes that have not been submitted for credit, Wilderness Survival and City Survival which would give her WS 5.  Using one of them should leave her ready for her final steps.  With that complete we can begin our TG Ceremony thread.


Do you guys/gals want to begin it as soon as she is ready or would you prefer to wait until the trip is over?  Don't want to ovewhelm anyone.



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Of course we do.  ^_^  You're "our" Aes Sedai.


*feels the need to point out that Loraine is Green ajah, and therefore Quis should be more careful in his choice of words as they'd all be Raised as unbonded TG's* ^^;


Oh, now I am going to cry! *tears up*



And I promised Kyn a million years ago that he'd be my only warder. So, until one of you manages to off him, I'm afraid you'll have to find your own Aes Sedai. *smirks* He doesn't share well...

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So are Jasine, Melenis,and Perivar going to be rasied together? Did you all decide?


:D I think poor Thera might just stand there and cry, losing all her favorite trainees in one shot! *clings to Loraine and sniffles*

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I know both QS and I have indicated that we would like to have it that way.  I breezed through the thread and didn't see a post by Jehaine which gave any indication as to whether or not Melenis is going to be up for it.  *pokes* Jehaine.  :P

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Yeah, I've got the TG Ceremony outline modified for the three of us to participate in it together.




(And call me Quisalas, Quis, or on this board, Jasine. :) )

  Will do, sorry I was overcome by laziness  :P
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Of course I'll be there... but no mater how much you want ot claim her... Lor is still just mine.


Braggart, no need to rub it in.  Now I hope Loraine Sedai bonds 10 Warders  :P


I mean that with all due respect of course ;)

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