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Twinny you rock (Also posted in Crafters)


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Ok ladies and gents, so about a week ago I got a package from Twinflower. I was super excited as I love happy mail as we call it in the Kin! I opened it up and I started crying. Now I may have mentioned this, but my grandma was an avid crocheter. I mean big time. Each of us Grandkids and Great Grandkids etc, all got a baby blanket made by her. When we reached our teenage years we all got a large one that  would fit our adult size beds. Well when I was 16 my Grandma who was the closest person to me in the world died of terminal cancer. My daughter was the first grandchild born after she died and she never got a blanket. That has always upset me and I have to admit that it crossed my mind that neither she nor Jacub would have a blanket to pass on to their children. So when I opened that package and saw the most amazing afghan for Jacub I started crying. I am so happy that he has a blanket that he will be able to pass to his children that was made by someone special who is a wonderful person. Thank you so much Twinny!! On top of that she made a little purse for my daughter and put a baby doll in it and some stuff for the baby doll. She also gave her a scrapbook kit and a pair of socks. Which she loves by the way and tries to wear everyday. I also got a pair of socks to add to my collection. Jackie was so excited because when I get stuff in the mail she rarely gets anything. Thank you Twinny, the look on her face was priceless. So without further ado...






The purse for Jackie






Ohhh and something special:



*hugs* Thanks again sweetie!

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*hugs Jade tight and cries*


Thank you Jade!  I had no idea..thank you for sharing that with me and all of us!  Love you kiddo and am very happy that this is special to you and Jacub!


*grins*  and You told us Jackie has been a big help and a super great Big Sister!!  She certainly needed congrats!  And Happy Mail!  Sending some to one child and not the other would make it kind of not happy mail for the other! ;)


THANK YOU for the Pics!!  LOL as you know my camera sucks...and I certainly didn't have that gorgeous precious little stud muffin to model the blankie here!! 


*hugs again and grins* 



oh by the way...the purse opens up into a baby bassinet!!  If you fold down the sides, the hood part will pop up!!

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dayumn!! I need a baby.... *Looks at Tay* Ok, sis.... strip, put this pamper thingy on and lay down here in this makeshift crib and try to look babylike* If we pull this off I may get one for my own too. *shifty*



That is prolly the most beautiful blankie I've ever seen. I mean, it's fluffy but not 'mushy', if you know what I mean? Really cool, Twintwin :D

Fabulous pics too, Jade, really nice. My favorite is the one with the munchkin in it. That little boy just makes that blankie complete *nodnods* And he looks absolutely gorgeous. Must be taking after his mum ;)


Glad the Big Sis got something too, it's not easy to scoot over for a new kid in the family.


I got a feeling that someone is off to 'nice person' empy 2008 as well  ;D


Btw, Jade, how old is Jacub now? They tend to grow so fast, I lose track. lol

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lol Partial?  *winks*  I think we all are to our Kin Babies!!! 


*snugglehuggleslicks Mystikiss*


Thank you sweets!!  That is my favorite baby afaghan pattern!  I love the ruffles!  Fringe and babies just don't mix to me...lol getting string into mouths and tangled in little fingers and everywhere else you don't want it!!  And Mystie..you should know that there would be a blankie on it's way as soon as  you have a wee one on the way...LOL!


Now i want pics of Tay in a pampers and a crib...*arches eyebrow*  She would make kind of a big baby..but I bet I could come up with something...

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Don'tya' worry, Twin & Jade, I got a secret weapon.....


*skiddles off to find Lor and Nyn*



Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee're off to see the Eldest

The wonderful Eldest of Kin

Oh yay oh yay oh yay oh yay!

She'll put that pamper on my Tay!


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee're off to see the Nynster

The wonderful Nyn of the ster (work with me here...)

Oh joy oh joy oh fabulous joy!

I'm getting a blankie like Jade's little boy!!





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*snickers* and now Sam is getting to get to experience that craziness all over again!!



*gives Tay an innocent look*  What?  It was HER idea..I'm just being supportive!  Now I imagine you would definitly need the ones for crawling about....


*smiles at Mystie*  and just what color would this blankie be in your wildest dreams Mystiekiss?

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NO PINK!!! if it's pink im returning it. LOL Sorry, but I really honestly truthfully can NOT allow pink in my house. The roof would come down on my head and then there'd be all kinds of mess and goo to clean up, too much trouble.



I love autumn colors, earthy colors, greens and reds and all kinds of warm colors. I'm not much into the uberly bright screamy colors everyone seems to love so much for babies :look

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