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Who said that???? What movie? no.....


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*waggles eyebrows*  It's a Disney conspiracy!!!  LOL!


Ok folks..I havn't had any more quotes pm'd to me at this point..so I'll pull some together and get them posted this afternoon sometime!!!



*grins*  hubby is home..I'll have him help....lol may have no clue about any of them...

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Lor's Quotes!!!


*grins*  Thank you to our Elegant Eldest we have a new set of quotes to tease your brains!!  Now, let's see who said what where???!!!


1.  “Jeepers, Mister, you’re really strong!”

2.    “AMUCK! Amuck, Amuck, Amuck!”

3.    “Bet ya on land, they understand and they don’t reprimand their daughters.”

4.  “I think Mom and Dad’s lives are in danger. Or worse, their marriage!”

5.  “So much for true love!”

6.  “Why don’t we actually do what we told our wives we were doing?”

7.  “Fabulous Party! You know I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.”

8.  “I know that you already know!”

9.  “I can’t lose you again! I’m not strong enough.”

10.  “My brother really likes your… what do you call them, Max? Yabos?”


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1.  “Jeepers, Mister, you’re really strong!”  -  Little kid on Big Wheel?, The Incredibles


2.    “AMUCK! Amuck, Amuck, Amuck!”


3.    “Bet ya on land, they understand and they don’t reprimand their daughters.” - Ariel, The Little Mermaid


4.  “I think Mom and Dad’s lives are in danger. Or worse, their marriage!”  - Violet?, The Incredibles


5.  “So much for true love!”


6.  “Why don’t we actually do what we told our wives we were doing?” -  Frozone? or whatever his name was, The Incredibles


7.  “Fabulous Party! You know I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.” - No sure on char, but I'd guess Hercules for movie


8.  “I know that you already know!”


9.  “I can’t lose you again! I’m not strong enough.”  -  Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles (can you tell William watches this a lot since I'm recognizing all the quotes... lol)


10.  “My brother really likes your… what do you call them, Max? Yabos?”

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1.  “Jeepers, Mister, you’re really strong!” Little Boy in Hercules

2.    “AMUCK! Amuck, Amuck, Amuck!” Hocus Pocus, the Blonde Witch.

3.    “Bet ya on land, they understand and they don’t reprimand their daughters.”

4.  “I think Mom and Dad’s lives are in danger. Or worse, their marriage!” If danger is meant to be jeopardy then this is Violet from The Incredibles.

5.  “So much for true love!”

6.  “Why don’t we actually do what we told our wives we were doing?”

7.  “Fabulous Party! You know I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.” Hermes in Hercules.

8.  “I know that you already know!”

9.  “I can’t lose you again! I’m not strong enough.” Mr Incredible, The Incredibles.

10.  “My brother really likes your… what do you call them, Max? Yabos?”

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    Re: Who said that???? What movie? no.....

« Reply #54 on: Today at 03:40:22 PM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic 



1.  “Jeepers, Mister, you’re really strong!” Little Boy in Hercules

2.    “AMUCK! Amuck, Amuck, Amuck!” Hocus Pocus, the Blonde Witch.(SARAH)

3.    “Bet ya on land, they understand and they don’t reprimand their daughters.”

4.  “I think Mom and Dad’s lives are in danger. Or worse, their marriage!” If danger is meant to be jeopardy then this is Violet from The Incredibles.

5.  “So much for true love!”

6.  “Why don’t we actually do what we told our wives we were doing?”

7.  “Fabulous Party! You know I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.” Hermes in Hercules.

8.  “I know that you already know!”

9.  “I can’t lose you again! I’m not strong enough.” Mr Incredible, The Incredibles.

10.  “My brother really likes your… what do you call them, Max? Yabos?” Hocus Pocus  The little sister

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no one remembers who the little boy was?


and yes, dear, it was jeopardy. I knew something about that one sounded wrong.


*grins* and Jhae, The Incredibles is Dana and Peanut's favorite. We've watched it a billion times since she was born. She laughs at it...

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1.  “Jeepers, Mister, you’re really strong!” Little Boy in Hercules A name was never given....but it was a disguise for either Pain or Panic

2.    “AMUCK! Amuck, Amuck, Amuck!” Hocus Pocus, the Blonde Witch.(SARAH)

3.    “Bet ya on land, they understand and they don’t reprimand their daughters.”  Ariel "Little Mermaid"

4.  “I think Mom and Dad’s lives are in danger. Or worse, their marriage!” If danger is meant to be jeopardy then this is Violet from The Incredibles.

5.  “So much for true love!”

6.  “Why don’t we actually do what we told our wives we were doing?” Frozone "The Incredibles"

7.  “Fabulous Party! You know I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.” Hermes in Hercules.

8.  “I know that you already know!” Hades "Hercules"(talking to the fates)

9.  “I can’t lose you again! I’m not strong enough.” Mr Incredible, The Incredibles.

10.  “My brother really likes your… what do you call them, Max? Yabos?” Hocus Pocus  The little sister

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I was easy..*pouts and pokes back*


LOL but these sure aren't!!  Don't think I know a single one of them!!  Get ready, here are more of:


Daruya's Quotes!!!


1. We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be.             


2. Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amberweed on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.


3. Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero!


4. Right. I'm going to learn manners from a guy who pees in my white porcelain drinking bowl.


5. “. . . you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?”


6. I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.


7. Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.


8. Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.


9. If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.


10. Be down at the old oak tree near Boot Hill at twelve o'clock sharp for your hanging. And bring your own rope.


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Well, I know a few of them. Others sound familiar, but not enough to place!


1. We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be.              


2. Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amberweed on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.


Moose, Brother Bear


3. Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero!


Susan Pevensie, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


4. Right. I'm going to learn manners from a guy who pees in my white porcelain drinking bowl.


5. “. . . you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?”


Anton Ego, Ratatouille


6. I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.


Ben Gates, National Treasure: Book of Secrets


7. Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.


8. Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.


9. If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.


10. Be down at the old oak tree near Boot Hill at twelve o'clock sharp for your hanging. And bring your own rope.

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1. We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be.              


2. Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amberweed on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.


Moose, Brother Bear


3. Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero!


Susan Pevensie, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


4. Right. I'm going to learn manners from a guy who pees in my white porcelain drinking bowl.


5. “. . . you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?”


Anton Ego, Ratatouille


6. I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.


Ben Gates, National Treasure: Book of Secrets


7. Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.

I JUST HEARD THIS ONE THE OTHER DAY, I SWEAR! *bites her lip and grumbles*


8. Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.



9. If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.


10. Be down at the old oak tree near Boot Hill at twelve o'clock sharp for your hanging. And bring your own rope.



I'm drawing a big blank with the rest of them. *laughs*

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1. We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be. "Fox and the Hound" A song??              


2. Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amberweed on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.


Moose, Brother Bear


3. Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero!


Susan Pevensie, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


4. Right. I'm going to learn manners from a guy who pees in my white porcelain drinking bowl.  I see a dog, Maybe Homeward Bound?  Chance?


5. “. . . you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?”


Anton Ego, Ratatouille


6. I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.


Ben Gates, National Treasure: Book of Secrets


7. Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.  Gotta be Kronk in "Emperor's New Groove"


8. Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.



9. If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.  "Brother Bear"...the little guy...Koda?


10. Be down at the old oak tree near Boot Hill at twelve o'clock sharp for your hanging. And bring your own rope. 


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1. We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be. "Fox and the Hound" Widow Tweed, and yes I believe it is kind of half sung.


2. Hey, you know what this calls for? A pile of delicious barley and amberweed on a cool bed of malted hops, eh.

Moose, Brother Bear


3. Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword it doesn't make you a hero!


Susan Pevensie, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


4. Right. I'm going to learn manners from a guy who pees in my white porcelain drinking bowl. Shoeshine Boy in Undedog



5. “. . . you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?”

Anton Ego, Ratatouille


6. I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.

Ben Gates, National Treasure: Book of Secrets


7. Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.  Kronk in "Emperor's New Groove" Yep.


8. Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart.

TarzanYes, Clayton in Tarzan


9. If the snow's white, then it's all right. Yellow or green, it's just not clean. I learned that one the hard way.  "Brother Bear"...the little guy...Koda?

10. Be down at the old oak tree near Boot Hill at twelve o'clock sharp for your hanging. And bring your own rope.  McCoy, The Apple Dumping Gang.

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well that was well done!!  Ok Daruya...what's right and what didn't we get?


I didn't know any of them off the bat...of course the president one I slapped my head when I read the answer....


As soon as Dar lets us know they are correct...I'll get a new set posted..


Psst...send me some more quotes anyone!!!!!

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More Twinnie Quotes!


1.  Out and About I see!  You add a delightful sense of the macabre to any occaision!


2.  Even here in Hillbilly hell we have standards!


3.  Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.


4.  We shared a bowl of sugar, did some shots of brown liqour, played with my shot guns, field-dressed a cat, looked for women...


5.  Without a real car, I'm only half a man.


6.  That abominable snowplow is quite the thespian!


7.  Oh come on girls, it's a ball not a snake. Back in formation!


8.  Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you. Or, straight from heaven up above, here is a baby for you to love.


9.  Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time!


10.  My story begins in London, not so very long ago. Yet so much has happened since then, that it seems like an eternity. At that time I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off Regents Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors…



" I never explain anything."


12.  Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.


Good Luck Everyone!!!

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1.  Out and About I see!  You add a delightful sense of the macabre to any occaision!


2.  Even here in Hillbilly hell we have standards!  - Sally, "Cars"


3.  Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.


4.  We shared a bowl of sugar, did some shots of brown liqour, played with my shot guns, field-dressed a cat, looked for women...


5.  Without a real car, I'm only half a man.


6.  That abominable snowplow is quite the thespian!  -  Mac after "Cars" is over (credits)


7.  Oh come on girls, it's a ball not a snake. Back in formation!


8.  Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you. Or, straight from heaven up above, here is a baby for you to love.


9.  Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time!


10.  My story begins in London, not so very long ago. Yet so much has happened since then, that it seems like an eternity. At that time I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off Regents Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors…



" I never explain anything."


12.  Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.



lol, none seemed familiar except those two.  You can tell bubs and I watch "Cars" a lot...  ;D

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Looks they're all correct, especially after Kyn's corrections/clarifications.


As for the new ones, well, I know ONE of them! 


1.  Out and About I see!  You add a delightful sense of the macabre to any occaision!  Jack Sparrow to Tia Dalma in At World's End


2.  Even here in Hillbilly hell we have standards!  - Sally, "Cars"


3.  Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right.


4.  We shared a bowl of sugar, did some shots of brown liqour, played with my shot guns, field-dressed a cat, looked for women...


5.  Without a real car, I'm only half a man.


6.  That abominable snowplow is quite the thespian!  -  Mac after "Cars" is over (credits)


7.  Oh come on girls, it's a ball not a snake. Back in formation!


8.  Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you. Or, straight from heaven up above, here is a baby for you to love.


9.  Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time!


10.  My story begins in London, not so very long ago. Yet so much has happened since then, that it seems like an eternity. At that time I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off Regents Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors…



" I never explain anything."


12.  Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.



lol, none seemed familiar except those two.  You can tell bubs and I watch "Cars" a lot... 

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