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Guest Toad

Why don't the Seanchan believe in trollocs and such?  They obviously don't see them in Seandar.  So does that mean they don't have shadowspawn, or do they have a different kind?


So far we have only seen shadowspawn that originate in the Blight and work their way down. Since the Blight is nowhere near Seandar, we can assume that they have never seen a trolloc.


However, they do have superstitious hand mechanisms for warding off evil etc.. which suggests that they MAY have some sort of shadowspawn. Of course all those gestures are completetly pointless and useless so that again suggests that there are no Seanchan shadowspawn since they wouldn't be using those gestures now if they didn't work against the shadowspawn in the first place.


I'm going round in circles.


I would conclude that there are most probably no shadowspawn over the Aryth Ocean.

Guest Toad

Maybe Rand should have given them the North instead of the South for the truce.


thats a really bad idea considering we know for a fact that if the seanchan take over Randland, the light loses at the last battle (seen in Rand's alternate life in book 2)

Guest Toad

Not all Randland.  The North and East need to remain together as well as the South and the West.  Obviously it made more sense to let them keep what they already had, rather than trading the borderlands, Andor, Cairhein and etc for the rest.  Kind of a joke.  But hey, if the borderlanders couldn't get rid of shadow spawan why not let the Seanchan try?


I think the Seanchan would have much better chances against Shadowspawn than the Borderlanders have. But they never faced them before, because, as was said, Shadowspawn are born, constructed and bred in the Blight near Shayol Ghul. If they couldn't get past the Borderlands for so many years except throught he Ways, there's no way they'd make it all the way across the ocean.


It does trouble me though - are there Waygates in Seandar?

I think the Seanchan would have much better chances against Shadowspawn than the Borderlanders have. But they never faced them before, because, as was said, Shadowspawn are born, constructed and bred in the Blight near Shayol Ghul. If they couldn't get past the Borderlands for so many years except throught he Ways, there's no way they'd make it all the way across the ocean.


It does trouble me though - are there Waygates in Seandar?

There is a Blight in Seanchan. It was filled with the usual nasties. During the Trolloc Wars the Shadowspawn were wiped out. By the AS on Seanchan, after they brought the various Seanchan animals through the Portal Stones.


There are, in all probability, no Waygates in Seandar (the city) nor in Seanchan (the continent). They were constructed outside ogier groves and near steddings during the Breaking, so presumably at a time when things had settled down enough for the ogier to find the stedding, or work was begun at that point and continued after the Breaking. Or several stayed with their stedding during the Breaking, which is quite an achievement. We certainly have no evidence of Seanchan based Waygates.


Maybe Rand should have given them the North instead of the South for the truce.
One is theirs already, neither is Rands to give, and Rand has no truce with the Seanchan. Yet.


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