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A Night of Remembrance (Open to all)


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Kynwric was watching Melenis, Jasine and Gaidan work their way through form after form after form, he’d taken to carrying a lathe with him to correct mistakes, showing them what was wrong along with why it was wrong. But in the middle times he was thinking about a night fast approaching, one he had taken to celebrating alone first because of his solitude and then due to his long absence from the Tower, but now that he was returned he was thinking about celebrating it in the old ways. As he finally made his mind up about what he wanted to do he realized that he would need to post a notice or invitation so other would join him. He was certain others would, as he knew that many had lost those who they’d cared for, many in battle. Once the training for the day had been completed Kynwric headed back to Loraine’s quarters, pulled a few pieces of parchment from her writing desk and sat down with quill and ink.


To all those souls here,

Please join me in the Gathering Room as your host for the Night of Remembrance, an evening in the company of those who live and die in battle celebrating the honor and memory of those who brought us here and have served before us.

I look forward to seeing you there after sundown, bring your cup and stories.


After he finished this he took it down to the yard and posted it on the notice board. Then set about making things ready for that evening.




At the appointed time Kynwric had his favorite travelling chair set up in the gathering room. The benches were spread around the room and the brazier in the center was lit with a small fire was going, but he was certain it would grow some more as the night wore on and the day’s warmth seeped away. There were three kegs tapped and sitting at the back of the hall, one for beer, one for ale and the last for his favorite – mead. Kyn had just filled his tankard and settled into his chair, thinking of a time long ago by his reckoning, when he heard footsteps entering the room. Looking up Kyn did not recognize the newcomer, but he welcomed him nonetheless. “Grab a drink and a seat.” The man did and Kyn began to tell the story he was just thinking about. “This night at home is the night where we remember those who have come before us, those who made us possible and who have given their all in service to their ideals.” He took a drink from the tankard.


“My first story is of my parents, both of whom died when I was a teenager. My father was a soldier and a scout. He died defending not just our homeland but our home.  He had done some scouting for the sheriff, and in doing so had made an enemy of the bandit captain to whom the few bandits he had tracked down belonged.  Apparently this particular bandit captain was trying to make an impression and so he and some of his cronies decided to make an example of my father. The fight was not much of one, but dad held off three of them at the door while my sister and I escaped down into the vegetable cellar and then out through the door there.  However, my mother saw what was happening to my father and took up the skewer from beside the hearth and rammed it through one of the remaining bandits as they burst into the kitchen. Or at least hat was how it looked later. My sister and I hid in the woods, didn’t come back to the house till after dark to gather some things we would need. When I counted up it looked like there were four dead bandits and my parents. There wasn’t much valuable left in plain sight, but that event is what set in motion a large series of events that ended up here. So to my parents, I remember you and honor you for what you did for me."  Kyn raised his tankard in a toast and then drained it.




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Jasine's usual open good cheer darkened and sobered as he listened to Kynwric's story from the open doorway.  He hadn't wanted to make a move into the room and interrupt the man as he spoke.  At Kynwric's toast, however, he did move into the room.  He dipped his head, bowing to the memory of his trainer's parents who made their sacrifice so that this man could be here now.  He made a note to ask Master Kynwric later what his parents names were, so that he too could remember them and honor them, for without them Jasine wouldn't have the knowledge he did now of the forms.  Oh, some other warder would surely have taught Jasine in Kynwric's stead, but it wasn't some other warder that taught him, and it was due in large part to the man's parents.


"Evening Master Kynwric." Jasine spoke as he entered and nodded as well to the other man present, whom he did not know. "And to you, sir."  He moved towards the back of the room and took a tankard of ale because it was the drink he was most familiar with.  He did, however, look to see if there was any wine present first.  The wine he'd tried when he first arrived here had been very tasteful and enjoyable.  Satisfied with his ale, however, Jasine took up a comfortable sitting chair and sank into its soft depths.  The cushioning felt good on his training-tired muscles and he stretched out his legs before him and crossed them at the ankle.  He didn't take his turn telling a story until more people had arrived.  He was hoping Thera would be here, he specifically wanted her to know that he wasn't frivolous in his feelings, even if he did flirt a lot.


"I've only known one person who died.  And while her death may have not directly changed the course of my life at the time, I can't help but think that I wouldn't be here now if she had lived.  Marabella was my girlfriend." He blushed and smiled kind of ruefully, feeling a bit silly talking about the love of his life when he was hardly old enough now to take a woman and certainly hadn't been old enough then. "I'd have said that she was the love of my life, maybe, but I was so young.  And it's been almost 5 years now since she died, and I can't trust my memories well enough to say whether I loved her, or just loved being with her."  He cleared his throat and continued.


"Marabella was a girl from my home town.  Her mom was a seamstress and made the most beautiful dresses, which Mara almost never wore.  She was a tom boy, and loved playing adventures with me.  We'd go horseback riding together and take picnics and play.  I was 10 when she and I went from knowing of each other to being close enough that I could call her my girl.  We were together as much as possible those three years and then one day she went riding with two of my sisters, Cairlyn and Lesael.  Marabella fell off her horse and landed under him.  I always wondered if it would have been different if I'd been there." Jasine sounded a little haunted, the guilt of her death affecting him still. "But I wasn't there and Mara didn't live through the injuries.  I never could think about any of the other girls in town without feeling like I'd betrayed Mara, and if she had lived I'd undoubtedly have returned home after seeing Selene to the tower. I'd probably be thinking about asking her to wed me now. 


"Instead..." He looked around the room, at the people he'd met and was starting to care for, the new life he was seeking serving the Tower. "Instead, I'm here with you, hoping to do something good and meaningful with my life.  I've always been sad about Mara dying, but maybe her death was what helped me leave my home and leave my life to end up here, with you all.  Thank you, Mara, for shaping my life the way you have."  He lifted his tankard and brought it to his lips, hardly tasting the ale inside it as he toasted, and said goodbye to his first love.

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Her day had been long and the night promised to be even longer. A certain new trainee had driven her to distraction so that she could hardly concentrate when he was out of her sight. If anyone noticed that she spent more hours in the training yards than normal they had failed to mention it to her. Sighing she wandered towards her office enjoying the few moments of quiet solitude before she would be chained to her desk buried in papers. The quiet rustle of papers drew her attention as she passed by the notice board. The board carried everything from daily assignments, to horses for sale, but tonight one in particular grabbed her attention.


To all those souls here,

Please join me in the Gathering Room as your host for the Night of Remembrance, an evening in the company of those who live and die in battle celebrating the honor and memory of those who brought us here and have served before us.

I look forward to seeing you there after sundown, bring your cup and stories.


Thera’s eyes drifted up over the board straight to the Tower walls. Had see been able to see through stone she knew she would have been looking straight at Serena’s rooms; where the tiny Aes Sedai was sound asleep, and by the feel of her having pleasant dreams. Tearing her eyes away made her stomach lurch, but Thera knew that no good could come from dwelling too long on what was no longer hers. Maybe it was the pain of knowing that what had been broken could never be mended, or maybe it was the looming task of filing papers or even just the slightest chance that she could see Jasine. Whatever it was Thera turned on her heel and stalked with purpose towards the Tower gates.


Propriety be damned! She was going to have a drink and remember everything she had lost and to the pit of doom with anyone who thought it improper.


Even the Tower Guards who normally ignored Thera’s swinging moods stepped wide as she stalked through the gates.




The glowing light of the Gathering Room was bright after the darkness of the streets and Thera stood in doorway allowing her eyes to adjust. She was surprised to see that she was among the first to arrive. Quickly her eyes found Kynwric and she gave him a nod and a wry smile. They had never met that Thera could remember, but to be sure he had heard stories of the Mistress of Trainee’s. Taking a mug from the table next to the keg Thera headed for the one marked ale That was when she saw who’d been hidden by the tables and the rest of the kegs. Unbidden her heart skipped a beat and a faint flush crept up from her collar. Even with her head down concentrating on filling her mug she could feel his eyes tracing her curves. But it wasn’t the feel of his eyes that made Thera pause, it was the tail end of the story she’d heard as she was walking in the door.


  …” Thank you, Mara, for shaping my life the way you have." Mara? It had never occurred to Thera that someone so young could have already loved and lost. Perhaps, Jasine was more steadfast in his love than she first expected.


Taking the seat next to him she offered him a small smile before she spoke. “Good evening Kynwric, Jasine” She nodded in turn to each face that was there. “ I think loss can come in may ways, someone does not have to die to be gone from your life. They can be lost to you and still in front of your eyes.” Thera did not know why she would want to tell of her humiliation, but somehow she found the words just pouring from her mouth. “One example I can give you is Serena…my Aes Sedai. We have been bonded for almost 10 years and for all of those I have held her very close to my heart. I was her sword and she was the reason the sun rose in the morning. You see….we were in love.” It was improper to be in love with your Aes Sedai, but more so to speak the words out loud. Staring off past everyone Thera refused to see any disapproving stares that were directed her way. “But there were problems from the start. She was strong willed and rebellious; never willing to let me be her shield. She did not understand the loss that I would suffer if harm befell her, it was so much more than just the bond that made me yearn to keep her safe. That is when the fights began and then the infidelity.. and the lies. One night I snapped, I couldn’t take the thought of her out there without me; alone and unprotected. I followed her as she had instructed me not to do and when I came across her in a tavern being hassled by these burly men…. I lost it. I killed them. I killed them all. I don’t know if one was her lover or if it was the fact that I disobeyed, but since that night she and I have hardly spoken except to fight and we live with in the same walls. It has been a year since I’ve seen her face and well over 3 since we spoke. When I lost her I lost what it meant to be a warder” Raising her mug Thera downed it in one pull and whispered. “To you Serena, and all that your loss has taught me”


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Jasine straightened in his chair as Thera came into the room.  He watched her, unseen, as she crossed the room with natural grace and without a hint of the selfconscious stiffness she usually showed around him.  He couldn't prevent the grin that crossed his face as she caught sight of him and he lifted his glass to her and responded to greeting.  "Mistress Thera, good evening."  He schooled his voice to neutrality, greeting her far less warmly than he had Master Kynwric, and worried he might be overcompensating in trying to not show his affection for her.  As she sat next to him he wondered if they'd ever be able to be open enough with their relationship that she could sit on his lap at an informal gathering like this, he would have liked to have wrapped his arms around her again.  He buried his face in the mug of ale and by the time he had recovered from the thought she was speaking.


As he listened to her story he stopped worrying about hiding how much he cared for her.  As he heard about her love for Serena Sedai he wondered at the fact that he didn't feel jealous or possessive.  Maybe it was that she started the story by saying the Aes Sedai was lost to her, but he decided that it was the pain she so clearly felt about it that could make him feel nothing but concern and love for her.  His heart ached for her as he heard her share her sadness, her mortification of the heart, her pain at being rejected.  He marveled at how strongly he felt for this woman he knew so little about.


He vowed to himself that he would not let her loss of Serena teach her not to love again, to let herself be vulnerable to another, to let herself trust.  He would do all he could to help heal these wounds and he made an oath to himself, as strong as the oath he had sworn to the Tower in conviction. He would never let her come to pain the same way by his hand.  He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around Thera and comfort her.  Instead, he lifted his mug wordlessly and drank with her.


He rose to his feet and held his hand out for her mug to refill it for her.  As he met her gaze waiting for the mug, he let his emotions show in his gaze for only a moment before he schooled his expression into something less intense. "Let me refill that for you, Mistress Thera.  You look like you could use another drink after that sad story."


He looked to Master Kynwric and made the same offer of fetching another round of drinks to him.

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He paused in midstep, up ahead he saw the Mistress of Trainees entering the Gathering Room.  He bit back an oath, light but she hated him.  He did not want to come in the first place but this made it even worse.  He was new and did not know a lot of people therefore he was already uncomfortable about attending yet he owed a duty to those who were no longer amongst the living.  They were owed that at least.


He dare not walk in on the heels of Mistress Thera so he waited just outside the door.  Someone else had just finished speaking but he couldn't make out the voice as others chimed in.  The next voice was clear enough to make out that it belonged to Mistress Thera.  His jaw dropped as she told her story to point that he thought he would have to pick it up off the floor.  She was in love with here Aes Sedai and had killed three men, by the sound of it they deserved their fate if they had been harassing a lady, what fool would harass an Aes Sedai, perhaps they were darkfriends.


He entered the room as Jasine appeared to be filling mugs.  He tried not to lock eyes with anyone though he had to at least acknowledge them or else they would think him rude.  That would require a penance which would get him in more hot water. 


He tried to form a smile.  "Good evening Mistress Thera, Master Kynwric, Jasine" He nodded respectfully to each of them as he said their names.  He grabbed up a mug and filled it from a keg of ale before he took a seat near the others.  After a few moments of silence it appeared as though it was his time to talk, his time to remember.


"I am fortunate in the sense that I have not lost any immediate family members, it is a rarity in the borderlands yet it is true.  I have however lost grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends.  Most of them defending our homes against shadowspawn and the ever encrouching blight." 


"You may think it foolish though I long to be with my kin in the borderlands, my family has been pledged to fighting the shadow for as long as anyone can remember.  Since the day I was old enough to pick up a sword I have been trained to do the same in the borderlands though now my life follows a different path.  I have been told by my father that the White Tower fights the same fight against the shadow which is why he sent me here.  Even so I feel the loss, I feel that my part in the fight is smaller somehow.  I can't help but feel that my ancestors before me would look down upon my service here and find it lacking in comparison to theirs."  As much as he tried to hide it he knew his face betrayed his emotions.


He raised his mug "So I came here to this hall to remember those in the borderlands who have died fighting the shadow.  I also remember those who live who continue to do so.  I vow before the light that in my service to the Tower I will take every opportunity to fight the shadow wherever it may be found."  With that he put the mug to his lips and drained it.  He kept his eyes downcast not wanting to see the looks on the faces of the others.



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Thera was shocked by the silence that filled the room as she finished speaking, but even more so by the looks of commiseration she received. It was a great relief and she was eternally grateful to each and every face for not showing even a hint of scorn. But then…she expected nothing less of Tower trained warriors.


Feeling more relaxed than she had in some time Thera allowed herself a small smile, only broken by the sudden shock at having Jasine standing over her. Quickly she replaced her smile and nodded in acceptance to his gracious offer. It was hard to rip her eyes away from his retreating form, but with great effort she shifted her gaze to Perivar. The boy recoiled visibly until Thera broadened her smile and motioned to the seat next to her own.  After all, this was after hours and she was slowly learning that she did not have to play the harsh task mistress every hour.


Young Perivar’s story touched Thera and she found herself nodding along and raising her mug along with his own. She could see the shame painted on his face as he finished speaking and she reached out to lay a hand on his arm. As she suspected he flinched back from her, but she only tightened her grip and leaned in for his ears alone. “We fight the same fight, The Tower and the Borderlanders. Never think that you are less for coming here, because the truth is… the service you will provide will bring your family more honor than you can ever know.” With a final squeeze she released his arm and sat up brushing her curls out of her face.


The love radiating from Jasine’s eyes was plain to anyone who looked, but instead of biting back an oath; she reached out and gave his hand a small squeeze and a smile. After all she was the Mistress of Trainee's and no one could think it strange that she showed special concern for each and every one of her children.


While the last story had been unfolding Thera had noticed another trainee come in the door and she smiled even wider. Feeling devious she stood up on her chair and raised her voice to be heard over the steadily growing din of voices. “Enjoy yourselves why you can my young warriors, for tomorrow promises to be a long day….and of course I am taking note of each face here and I will expect to see you all hard at work in the yards well before the sun rises” Her voice was tinged with laughter, but the trainee’s knew that it still held a modicum of truth. All the older men only laughed and clapped the new recruits on the back, often adding whispers of crude punishments to come. Falling back into her chair Thera closed her eyes and listened as the next sad story began to unfold. Thinking to herself about how good it was to be back in the company of her brothers and sisters in battle. She had shut herself out for so long she had forgotten how important it could be to be around others that saw their own death everyday.



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Kynwric sat back, greeted those who came and listened, Jasine's story of Marabelle leading him out of his home and on the track here, Thera's story of her and Sernea could be the same of himself and Loraine if things had taken a wrong turn some time back, he made note to speak with her later privately, and then Perivar's toast to the Borderlanders. He nodded to Jasine when he asked about refilling his mug, mouthing the word 'Mead' to him so as not to interrupt and thanked him when he returned with a freshly filled mug.


Aye, we do all fight the fight against the shadow, be it Borderlander, Aes Sedai, Warder, even the Children of the Light stand against the shadow however misguided they are, that is my next story and the other that directly lead me here. Long ago, when I was oh 11 or 12 I was playing with my sister and her friends out in the pond. We were swinging out of the the pond on a vine and launching out into the water. Well, I was on the vine and everything was fine till I was halfway out and the vine slipped. I dropped into the shallows and hit my head, still have a scar back here." He then rubbed the back of his head. "I was out cold, and bleeding profusely. My sister pulled me out of the water and went running for home. Home was 20 minutes away, but she returned in just a few with a man and a woman in tow. The woman knelt over me, bade me to close my eyes and she Healed me. The man put me up on his horse and the took me home. Something you should all know is, I am from Amador. This Aes Seai and her Warder risked being uncovered for me. Risked their lives to save a farm boy from a land that hated them as a policy. Of course my parents were appreciative and my father at least understood what was what. When Muirenn Sedai and Jerrik left us a couple days later they also left a letter of introduction, one probably still on file in Thera Giadins files. I've never again met them be it here or out in the world and I've never been to the Yellows to see what they know. But Muirenn and Jerrik paved my way to Tar Valon, a very strange place for a farm boy from Amador." With that he raised his mug and toasted them, To Muirenn Sedai and Jerrick Gaidin. And again took a long drink from his mug.

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With so many other concerns to fill her hours Thera seldom thought anymore on why she had left Caemlyn, and the incidents that had led her to seek out Tar Valon.

Good, Bad, or Undecided with each face in this room there was a different story and a different reason, but at the end of the day they all shared a common link that made them brothers.


Aye! Thera raised her mug and added a toast of her own. “ To all of the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers..to all the tragic deaths and the new lives. To old lovers and all too all the lovers we have yet to find.” With each set she raised her mug higher. “And most of all to the Light! To the White Tower and to sisters that shape our lives!” She offered a special commiserating smile to Kynwric, knowing that he understood the last as keenly as she herself did. Silence followed the two toasts, but it was a silence of acceptance; even the young recruits seemed to understand the weight of what being a warder meant.


She used the silence to grab another round of drinks for everyone, but before handing Perivar his she leaned down and whispered in his ear. With each word his smile grew wider and the bells in his braids jiggled softly as he nodded in accent. Setting down his mug he all but ran from the room. Giving everyone else a wry grin Thera retook her seat.


“Since no one else wants to confess I guess I will share something of the road that led me to this place.” She gestured to the walls and off towards the tower. “I think was destined to be a warrior. I was raised just outside of Caemlyn by my father and my three brothers. I grew up running through the streets playing at being a Guardsmen, or even sometimes a Warder though I never expected that to be my story.” she paused to take a drink of her ale. “Slowly as I grew up I started to understand why I had been shunned by the other girls. While I was running in the streets they were learning to sew or playing with dolls. As each of my older brothers came of age they went off to join the Queen’s Guard so naturally on my 15th naming day I wanted to do the same. At that time females were not allowed in the Guards and I was turned away. Giving up on my dreams my father and I moved into the city where I could be around women and learn all of the feminine lessons I should have known long since. A wonderful woman Mistress Anna, a seamstress took me under her wing and made me a proper lady. Having grown up near the city I knew an Aes Sedai on sight and was only slightly amazed to see one in Anna’s shop. She was having new dresses made, but what shocked me more was the tall stoic woman at her back. She had strength, poise and a lion like grace that I yearned for. That was when the seed was planted, but it was two years before I gathered up enough courage to try. You see my father died and my brothers were all but lost to me, and Mistress Anna had taken it into her head to marry me off. I barely escaped that fate by stealing my betrotheds horse and riding out of Caemlyn like I was being chased by Trollocs. Another 6 months saw me to Tar Valon and here I am.” Even now female warder's were not overly common, but back then it had been even less so.


Casting a glance at Jasine, Thera made mental a note to tell him the story of the six months in between Caemlyn and Tar Valon. Raising her mug she took a long pull before settling back in her chair. No sooner than she’d settled than Perivar reappeared. Standing to meet him at the door she took the pen and parchment from his hand and motioned him to turn around. In a steady but scrawling hand she wrote a simple note.


Tomorrow shall be a free day for all trainee’s. They are ordered to spend the day in contemplation of the road that led them to Tar Valon. Normal lessons will resume at first the next day.


Thera Trakelyn

White Tower Mistress of Trainees


Handing the note back to Perivar she instructed him to post it on the board where everyone could read it.


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Jase colored when Thera spoke of old lovers.  He'd often thought of Mara as his love, but he's nver thought of her as a lover!  He covered his embarrassment by taking another drink with her toast.


He watched Thera as she spoke of growing up near Caemlyn.  While Four Kings isn't exactly near Caemlyn, there's nothing else it's any closer to.  He smiled fondly, feeling even closer to him as he sipped at his second drink.  He waved off the offer of a third, he hadn't developed much of a tolerance for booze yet and didn't want to get too soused too quickly.  Not even with a free day following to recover.


After Perivar left with the note, Jasine told his very simple and small story of how he got to the Tower.  "I mentioned before my sister Selene.  She's a novice now, I suppose.  Anyway, when she found out she could learn to channel, Da said I'd take her to Tar Valon.  I never even thought about objecting, 'Ene's my friend as much as she's my sister, and she's a fair sight more tolerable than my other sisters.  I wouldn't have let her go on her own, that's for sure.  The actual journey wasn't much of an exciting one." He cast a sidelong glance at Thera before he continued, he didn't feel like going into the story of the man he'd killed tonight and she already knew about that. "But I just kind of decided on the spur of the moment that I didn't want to go back home to my quiet little farm outside my quiet little town.  I wanted to see the world and fight for the light."


He smiled quietly as he sipped his drink. "I'll miss the horses, though.  I hope I'll be able to work closely with the Tower Guard horses before I become a warder."

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A warder….Thera blinked staring down into the contents of her cup. After everything that had happened in the last weeks she had never considered that Jasine may still want to become a warder. In half of her heart she felt pride in the man she was coming to love, and yet, the other half was a sea of jealously and pain. It as hard knowing that as much as he claimed to care she would never be enough for him.


All too keenly she remembered her desire to be bonded and her elation when it happened. It was all the years since that made her fear for him, and fear for their love. Over and over she repeated to herself what she had known all along. Truth be told she had known many years before Jasine had come into being. No man who longed to give his life for one sister could ever truly belong to another. And for only the second time in her life Thera felt a keen loss at not being able to channel.


Sinking back into her chair and letting the soft fabric consume her, Thera downed another mug of ale; no longer caring if she got as juicy as a Tinker on Sunday.


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A question occurred to Jasine and he turned to Thera to ask it, but her mood seemed to have darkened.  He already knew that Thera had been in love with his Sedai, and Jasine has no intentions of following that specific chance of being bonded.  So instead his gaze turned to Kynwric and he asked quietly. "Master Kynwric?  Your Sedai.  How did you know you wanted to be bonded to her?  Did she approach you to ask of it?"  He shifted in his chair, setting one leg over the arm and leaning his shoulder towards Thera, mug of ale held loosely in his hand, still mostly full.


"I was told when I first arrived here, by another trainee, that it was the Aes Sedai who choose whom they will bond and if.  Is there a point where the Tower Guards have a chance to meet and get to know the Aes Sedai, or do they just come down to the yards and pick one out they like the look of, like one might do when choosing horse stock?" He knew nothing beyond legends of the fabled Aes Sedai, and only a little bit more than that about their warders.  Most of what he had learned had only served to confuse him further about it. "And what happens when a Green Sister bonds more than one warder?  What if her warders don't get on well?" His one question had apparently spawned a whole slew of related ones and the relaxation of the evening was eclipsed by a nervous energy that suddenly filled him.


He looked pensive and uneasy, but determined to fulfill his oath to give all he could to the Tower.  He just hoped that fulfilling his oath wouldn't make the personal obligations he had freely taken on too difficult to achieve.

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"Master Kynwric?  Your Sedai.  How did you know you wanted to be bonded to her?  Did she approach you to ask of it?"


"I was told when I first arrived here, by another trainee, that it was the Aes Sedai who choose whom they will bond and if.  Is there a point where the Tower Guards have a chance to meet and get to know the Aes Sedai, or do they just come down to the yards and pick one out they like the look of, like one might do when choosing horse stock?"


"And what happens when a Green Sister bonds more than one warder?  What if her warders don't get on well?"


"Oh, you have chosen a good story to tell, and I'll get to it in a moment. As for the other questions think of it thusly. If you were Aes Sedai would you bond a man, or woman, who wanted nothing to do with you? Or one who did not get along with the others you kept?" He looked hard at Jasine, waiting for an answer. When he got the pensive 'No.' he was waiting on he continued "Then why would you think Aes Sedai to be any different? They are women, yes and they have a woman's strengths and foibles as well. But they are the most well educated women anywhere and as such they generally make wise decisions. Most Aes Sedai take quite a while to figure out whom they will bond, it is much like a marriage in many respects. It helps grandly if the two of you like, respect and can generally get along with one another. Even more so when you add others to the mix. So, in general, it is more important to the Aes Sedai to know you as a man as it is for you to know her." He then stood from his chair and began to walk to the keg to refill his cup again. "Basically, fear not young man. All will be well." Once he hda filled his cup and regained his seat and took a good long swig of the mead therein Kynwric began to talk again. "Many years ago, when I was just raised to the Tower Guard I caught a pair of Accepted playing with lathes, one of which was dangerously broken. I intervened and took the broken lathe away from one of them. Which, as you can imagine, caught me great deal of flak from said Accepted. Seeing as I was 17 or 18 and she had to by that time be old enough to be my mother." He chuckled and thought for a moment as he took another drink. "I learned their names, both of them and thought about reporting them to the MoNster. In the end I didn't. Well, a few weeks later I was sitting out under that tree in the yard, a certain accepted brought me a book, a book laced with some of the most vicious biting ants you will ever see. They were mad ants too... well, after much killing of ants and a lot of cursing, muttering and threatening later I was free of ants and pretty well bitten. Skip ahead a little bit now, there is a fresh young Green Sister who wants to learn the Sword, as you know all Green Sisters do. They seem to think that learning how to use a sword makes them less dependent on their Warders..." he grinned broadly at this. "... we all know that is hardly the case." Then he took another long drink, tipping the mug all the way up. "Well, that Green Sister was given to me to be trained. Guess who it was? The very same Accepted whom I had taken a lathe away from, and the very same Accepted who had doused me in ants. She had apparently asked for me to..." Another grin plastered across his face. "Well, I trained her, Basic Fitness, Sword Forms, Survival... all of that stuff that is required. But in the training I was learning too, and she and I were learning each other. We found out we worked well together, we also found out that we liked each others company. Not too long after her training was complete she asked me to accompany her and a Blue Sister and a few others on a trip to the Borderlands. I agreed, and it was on that trip that she bonded me and I have been the Warder to Loraine Sedai of the Green Ajah ever since. She is still as stubborn, willful and hot-headed as the day she took me and while not all days are good days. I would not trade what I have for any other life in all the world." He noticed the wistfulness that had crept into his voice, he knew Thera would notice it if she was paying attention and he shook his head and shrugged. "There you go Jasine, that is that story."

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To all those souls here,

Please join me in the Gathering Room as your host for the Night of Remembrance, an evening in the company of those who live and die in battle celebrating the honor and memory of those who brought us here and have served before us.

I look forward to seeing you there after sundown, bring your cup and stories.


From a darker section of the hallway, Melenis stirred, looking in the direction of the Gathering Room again. The room itself was fairly large, and sound carried far enough so that she could still hear shards of what was being said. To the casual observer, she made no efforts to remain hidden, rather giving off the appearance of a Trainee resting after her exercises.


In truth however, her exercises had been done over an hour ago, and she bit her lip nervously every time she caught a few words of a conversation where one would drink to someone he or she knew. While it wasn't called the Night of Remembrance for nothing, she was... afraid. Afraid that something would happen that would take her focus off of what she had come here to do. Afraid of how personal her reason was. While she would love nothing more than to talk about her grandfather, she knew why she was here, and didn't want anything to get in the way of that, including her own feelings.


Still, just sitting there to eavesdrop wasn't much like her either, and she bit her lip trying to get up. 'This wasn't how a warrior was supposed to act, now get up and face them', she told herself, and unlike the past couple of tries, this time she did manage to get up, subconsciously touching the weapon slanted across her back. Taking a deep breath, she brushed some of the dirt off of her lower backside before slowly walking over to the Gathering Room, her colder side largely back in control.


- "Hello, my apologies for being late. There was something i needed to do beforehand."


Giving them a short bow, she sat down in a corner of the room. Much as she had guessed from the scraps of conversation that had come up, most of the speeches had been done, which made her relax somewhat. She honestly didn't know whether or not she wanted to have a turn of her own drinking in rememberance to someone, but fact remained that she was more than a little tensed up thinking about the question.


As it was, she picked a more or less quieter place to sit, not far away from the group but not quite close enough to be a part of it, either. She looked at Kyn again, feeling unusually nervous as she waited on him to say whether she needed to tell her tale or not. She felt bad on purposefully staying away long enough for the stories to end, but then again she'd have felt bad dragging up the painful memories as well, so she was stuck either way.





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Jasine realized he had been guilty of thinking of the Aes Sedai not as people.  They seemed mythical and so far removed from regular people that he had a hard time just now as thinking of his little sister, sweet most of the time but bratty too, as being one of those worldly unfathomable women.  Just people too.  Just like I will be when I am a warder.  Jasine smiled as he took a drink, thinking of a young Kynwric covered in biting ants, it sounded like just the sort of thing a girl would do out of spite.  He could see how affection and camaraderie would grow out of their relationship and smiled, thinking about how Thera had already been directly responsible for Jase getting thwacked in the back of the head with training lathes once already.  He wondered for the first time if she had meant for Arath to attack while he was watching her.  He didn't have the thought with malice, but with amusement.


He tipped his head to one side as he head Kynwric mention that his sedai was Green Ajah.  He took a deep drink of his ale and then hesitantly asked "How would you feel if she decided she wanted to take on another warder?"  He still didn't really know all that the warder bond meant, and guessed that he wouldn't know until he had experienced it for himself.  Kynwric spoke of his bond and his bonded with warmth and affection and he could see how two people that close for that long could grow to love one another.  He looked to Thera briefly as Kyn responded, wondering about how her bond would affect the two of them.


He took note of the girl trainee as she spoke and turned to smile openly and wave. "Melenis, good to see you here.  Come to join us in our story-telling and boozing?" Jasine stretched and stood up, holding his mug in one hand.. "Speaking of which, can I get you a drink?" 

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"How would you feel if she decided she wanted to take on another warder?" 


"Melenis, good to see you here.  Come to join us in our story-telling and boozing? Speaking of which, can I get you a drink?" 


Kynwric nodded to Melenis as she entered and then looked to Thera as Jasine greeted the girl. "Perhaps we need a class on what the bond is and what to expect?" Then he returned to the question at hand. "To be truthful, I have not thought on it as Loraine Sedai has never brought up the idea of another Warder. It is not something I would entertain lightly however, as I am rather... protective... of Loraine." He thought for a moment and continued on. "While I can see the benefits of having a second sword and second pair of eyes, I am not sure how the bond would work with having more than Loraine and myself involved. We have been a pair for so long that I am not sure that it would be a good idea to introduce someone new to that dynamic. However, in the end it is not my decision to make."

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Somewhat relieved that the group kept the current topic of conversation going rather than to turn to her to speak, she gave a confirming nod at Jasine in reply to his question. Though he mentioned it in passing, it was nothing she couldn't handle.


- "Just the boozing, i fear. Speaking of which, i'll have one of those, thank you."


Pointing out the mead, she looked at the -- undoubtedly alcoholic -- beverage she wasn't familiar with. She could tell what the beer and ale were, but she had never been much of a fan of those, which left... whatever it was. Still, it should be interesting to find out how it compared to the brandy from that time in Tar Valon. But first, there was a topic to steer.


- "Master Kynwric, a class on Bonding would help us in knowing what we have ahead of us after becoming full Warders. It would enable us to be prepared, thereby minimising the time needed to adjust."


Truth be said, she only heard rumors about this Bond that was apparently held in high regard. Oh, she had no intention of fighting the tradition, but from what she heard it went a little deeper than the appointed guardian she had believed it to be until now. Though she didn't doubt honor and pride played a great part for a Warder to keep his -- or her -- Aes Sedai safe and unharmed, there was something else involved she couldn't quite put her finger on. Something was off about her judgment -- and it was bugging her.




Nope, no stories here...

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Thera was still staring into her cup as Kynwric began his tale. Her heart ached at hearing how the relationship with his Aes Sedai had begun. It reminded her very much of Serena and herself. The fool woman had thought her throwing knives were enough to protect her from any man..or woman that came along. Glancing out of the corner of her eye she studied young Jasine as he listened with interest about Aes Sedai and their Warders.


Catching Kynwric stare at the end Thera bowed her head slightly. However much pain she had been dealt there was no other life, or other sister that she would choose.


A class on bonding? Now that was an idea “I think a class on bonding might be just the thing; a few tips on the finer aspects might make our men and women” Thera nodded to Melenis as she found a seat. “More prepared for what was to come.”

Serena was a spit fire that could use a hundred good men and women to guard her back, but the idea of another person sharing the intimacy and the closeness made Thera’s blood boil. “You make a good point Kynwric, as much as we may wish it were different, in the end we have to bow to what our sister desires.”[/i] Thera frowned into her cup for a moment before continuing. “That is why I am so hard on many of you.” Her eyes touched each and every trainee in attendance, lingering only a moment longer on Jasine. “ You all have the hearts of warriors and the pride of lions, but as strong as you all are;you must remember in many ways the Sisters are stronger. I expect you to stand up for what you believe is right and guard your Sisters life, but you also have to know how to bend.” Her voice tinkled with laughter and she added a wry smile to take any sting out of her words. “ and some of you are as stiff as a Cairhien noble beneath the sheets.”


Thera reached out and gave Jasine’s hand a squeezed, already foreseeing the talks that would come.


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Jasine murmured his agreement at the idea of a class on bonding, surprised they didn't already have a class like that for Tower Guards.  He mulled over Kynwric's words as he fetched the requested Mead for Melenis and handed the mug to the girl with a warm, if brief, smile.  He, for one, wasn't at all offended if she didn't want to share, just her company would be enjoyed.  He'd gotten mead for himself as well and took a sip as he sat down once more, leaned against the arm of the chair closer to Thera with his free hand up on the arm.  He was uncharacteristically silent as he heard Kynwric talking about the bond and his Sedai.  He thought seriously for the first time about what his own Sedai might be like, if they would have the close rapport that Kynwric seemed to have with his bonded.  Also silently, he wondered if Kynwric and his Sedai were more than just bondmates, or if the warmth in his tone when he spoke of her was simply one of a long-standing and deep respect.


He looked up and gazed openly at Thera as she spoke about bowing to what her sister desired.  Surely the woman didn't mean the intimacy of her relationship with her Sedai had been... forced?  No Sedai could be expected to be obeyed in a command of that level.  He smiled a bit as he imagined anyone forcing themselves on Thera and discarded the notion as impossible.  He sobered as she continued to speak, not turning his gaze away from her until she mentioned the Cairhien noble and at this he threw his head back and laughed outloud, sure that with the alcohol in his system he was take the crude joke to be even more off-color than it was intended.  Surely not even Thera had meant the joke to be taken that way!


When her hand squeezed his, he turned it and caught hers for a moment, amusement still making his smile completely unguarded, but he let go and looked away from her after just a second, glad for the levity her joke had returned to the conversation.


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OOC: If I may?


IC: Loraine leaned on the doorframe with her shoulder, her arms crossed as she listened to Kynwric telling stories of the day they'd met. She felt the corner of her lip quirk into a smile as she watched the faces of those in the room, some young and some not so young. Light, but it had been forever since she'd seen faces so young with such seriousness in them. It made her feel a bit old and even that made her smile. She'd longed for that feeling most of her life here in the Tower and now that it was beginning to rest on her shoulders, she welcomed it. Even if only a bit.


"That's not quite how I remember that story, Kynwric," she said and tilted her head to the side. "I had water-wrinkled hands for a month thanks to you tattling on those poor Accepted. In fact, I believe your trainer hauled us straightaway to the Mistress of Novices and didn't leave until we were punished for our "infraction." She shook her head. "Alas, good Master Kynwric more than earned those ants. And I've also used my sword more than once to defend your hide, Gaidin, so you'd best be glad you trained me so well."


She stayed in the doorway, meaning to take her leave. Curiosity at the feelings filling her thoughts from the bond had brought her here. She hated that lost feeling that seemed to emanate from Kyn every once in a while. Now that she saw the gathering, she felt a bit out of place and if the cups in each hand were any indication, they'd only be more intimidated at her arrival.

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OOC: Nothing like making a room of Tower Trained Warriors uncomfortable :) It's Wonderful!!:D


IC:Few things could disturb a room of Warders and their pupils like the appearance of a Sister. Most sat up straighter in their chairs and a few even looked abashed. Standing up slowly Thera offered a small bow to the Sister, proper from another sister warder and then turned her back on the woman and addressed the rest of the room.

“Another round everyone? Let’s see how I do serving you for a change” She walked around the room gathering mugs and giving small encouraging smiles to the younger members of the group. Perhaps a few more drinks could make them forget the presence of an Aes Sedai.


Thera’s eyebrows raised slightly at hearing a sword used to save “Kynwric’s hide”.


“Needed you Sisters sword to save your hide eh? Perhaps you need to be back in my care until you know one end of your sword from another” She barked a small laugh and slapped her thigh, before shooting Kynwric a wink. “No disrespect to you Loraine Sedai” Thera added in the same breath with a small bow from her chair. The humor among Warders could be rough and some women took offence.


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Kyn had felt her creeping closer, but had kept to his cup and listened. He was almost startled when she spoke, his head shot up and he grinned, listening to her account of how things went and laughed at Thera's quip. "If anyone deserved those ants it was him, it wasn't my fault you were breaking the rules. Although, if you'd done it more often then you might have realized how not to get caught." He grinned. 


"This is Loraine Sedai, my bond holder and she has indeed wielded her blade in our defense. Which is of course why I trained her well, she's been getting into trouble ever since the day I met her. I've no shame at having a Sister save my life, she is a Sister of the Battle Ajah and in the heat of battle comrades do for each other. If it was otherwise then the Shadow would have won by now... and that is something I would, and nearly have, given my life to prevent." He was standing and gesturing Loraine to his chair as he fetched her a cup before dragging a chair up near hers. He and taken note of the unease, "Light y'all, she a person just like anyone else, except that she can smite an army with her mind. You'd best be gettin' used to being around one for this is what lies in your future. Be respectful of Aes Sedai, but don't be cowed. You'll do your Sedai no good if you cannot say no."

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IC: *grins* I like shaking things up...


OOC: Loraine eyed the room a moment before stepping inside. She nodded at Thera's short bow, a respectful motion that wasn't quite awe-inspired knee dropping that she was quite grateful for. She moved into the room, but stopped just short of the chair Kyn had vacated. She eyed those around her thoughtfully for a second. "Answer me this, if a White Cloak were to walk through that door right now, who would you protect?" Her eyebrow arched quietly as she watched them think before answering.


"If your answer is me, then you've no need to bow or be intimidated by me. The answer for me was you. As long as we all know we have each other's backs, what difference should my ring or shawl make?" She watched their eyes and hoped they could relax a bit more. Thera and Kyn seemed relaxed enough, but the younger ones still seemed a bit tense. Perhaps a round or two would fix that. She smiled, "Kyn's very good at saying no, I might add. And I don't usually set out to get into trouble, it just seems to find me. You're not alone in the horrors of your past, you know. I lost my parents when I was eight. They were slaughtered by Darkfriends bringing my brother to the Tower to be trained among you. My brother was never found. I was raised by house servants who, mostly, were angry that they worked to keep a house for an eight year old that no one wanted. Sure, the house was large and I had never scrubbed a pot until I walked in this halls, but I'd have washed every dish in Cairhien to have my family back." She sighed and raised her glass to her lips, knowing her family had died long before anyone in this room had even been born. Again, that age thing settled on her shoulders. "I've seen good men and women, Aes Sedai and Warders, Warriors and farm boys all die at the hands of the Dark One and his minions. I can tell you, without fear or doubt, that Aes Sedai bleed the same color their warders do. I'm no different than any of you."


She let her lips quirk into a smile, fighting to lighten the mood a bit. "Unless, of course, you count my complete inability to follow through with Heron in the Rushes. You'd think after practicing for a few decades, I'd get my balance, wouldn't you?"

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Melenis watched neutrally as Lorraine entered the room, giving a respectful bow at finding out she was an Aes Sedai, and Kynwric's bond-holder at that. She raised an eyebrow at hearing about her being a member of the Battle Ajah, and her eyes went to the woman again, checking her arms and legs for the toned build that betrayed a lot of weapon experience. She knew Kynwric was quite good with his blade and shield, but considering the last spar she imagined Lorraine to be around his level of skill.


Her questions were swept away by the mention of Darkfriends, and she involuntarily slouched as she peered into her cup as she battled the emotions that had come with the memories she had of her father. She mumbled something that couldn't be understood before finishing her drink, looking somewhat down as she tried to decide whether or not to have another drink.




To drink or not to drink...

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Thera doubled over and laughed at the looks of shock that painted her trainee’s faces. For once it was not her that was making them uncomfortable. It was really a site to see and one she would not have missed for the world.


“Answer me this, if a White Cloak were to walk through that door right now, who would you protect?" Duty ingrained deep within made the answer simple, she knew that any sister’s life was worth more than her own. But, for a single moment she had hesitated caught between the woman before her and Jasine. She truly had fallen head over heels if there was even a shed of doubt in her mind. Burying her momentary shame in her mug Thera downed its contents, only to find herself raising her glass again in response to the loss Loraine had felt. After such a story, or maybe it was still just her presence, only a feeble spattering of laughter followed her joke.


It was a fine line to walk showing respect to a sister and remembering that she was human like all the rest. The delicate balance took years to master and some never quite found their footing, but Thera wanted everyone here to have a chance at what she and Kynwric had found.


“ If you don’t mind sharing Loraine, what made you decide that Kynwric was the right choice for a Warder?” She hoped that Loraine Sedai saw no disrespect in the lack of title. Thera was walking that line now and trying to show these children that Aes Sedai had the same emotions and feelings that everyone did. 


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Loraine watched the people in the room quietly for a moment as everyone seemed to be thinking. They were either a quiet lot, or she made them very uncomfortable. A quiet girl near the back was playing with her cup and seemed to blanche a bit at her mention of Darkfriends. She hid it well, but Lor was trained to see these things. She offered the girl a refill silently, raising her eyebrows in question.


“ If you don’t mind sharing Loraine, what made you decide that Kynwric was the right choice for a Warder?”


Loraine smiled, glad to hear the lack of a title in the question, and looked up at Kynwric a moment. "I'm not sure, to be honest. When I met him, I'd wouldn't have given you a plugged farthing for him. We met a few times away from the Tower, truly by accident, I assure you. I started thinking of him a little differently after he beat up a thief while we were up on the roofs of Tar Valon, but even then I was irritated that he didn't let me help a little. On that trip to the Blight, though, I found myself depending on him, asking his opinions and actually caring about the answers. When I found myself in over my head, he was there pulling me out. When he needed a hand, I didn't hesitate to reach for him." She smiled and looked back at Thera. "More than anything, I chose him because it felt right. He felt right. Since then, I've learned that his temper balances mine. When I start feeling too noble he pulls me back down and when he feels like that little farm boy who showed up here, I pull him up again. We ground each other."


She shrugged and felt the tension in the room again. It made her shoulders itch. "Besides, once a warder saves you from a scary thief in a big city, you have to at least give him a chance, right?"

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