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That reminds me.. I should check the ages on my two NSW Sitters.  Perhaps we can start a log thread for this! :D


For now, my Sitter ages are:


Raeyn - 265

Sarita (NSW) - 236

Sada (NSW) - 90

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I think unless Nyna posts I am the only Yellow so I think it would be great to have a few more faces. One question for Jade or anyone....am I pulling out one of the NSW or with Eq?

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*stabs her service provider with her steely, steely knives*  >:(


Sorry - I posted something here, but it was in that time it was acting up (yet again) and half my posts didn't go through. And dimwit here forgot to check this thread afterwards ::)


Anyway, I asked something along the lines of:


Who are actually Red Sitters during this time period? I don't think Zarinen would be, since she only becomes that AFTER Shevara is raised. Larindhra isn't a Sitter either, so that would leave the NSW Sitters? (Viviana di Corra (Sitter NSW) is the only one I spot)


Could we make Kara's Keeper character a Sitter? I've asked, and she's up for it  :D

I can play Viviana.

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I've got the Gray Sitters picked out. My Ophelia is one (142), and then the other two are no older than 190. I might hunt a person or two down to play them unless someone here wants to.


And are the Gray pro- or con- Red Ammy?

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