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Perrin. Not as good a friend?

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You know how you sometimes have those friends that arent quite as good of friends as others' date=' yet you hang with them? Does anyone besides me think Perrin is one of those friends? Sure he has to be there for Rand 2x or all will go bad, but do you think that Perrin is a (lets call them) "Second Class or B Class" friend to Rand as opposed to Mat who is one of his first tier friends? My opinion is yes. Perrin grew up mostly in the main Town of Eomonds Field a little bit apart from Rand and Mat. I do believe Perrins sense of duty makes him reliable, but I find him on the outside of things in the story. Maybe its due to him devoting everything to Faile, but even in the begining he was different. He was the one seperated while Rand and Mat did their own thing, even without Faile I always found him to be a little apart from the others. Maybe they wernt all best friends, maybe they are all in this predicament due to his closeness in age to the

others, Im not sure.


Give me some input. What does everyone else think?[/quote']


Actually I think the opposite here. I think he's the stronger of him and Mat. When mat left he tried to stay away however Perrin needed to go each time and when he felt Rand tugging at him he came without question whereas Mat griped about being with Rand and having to go back, well Mat was the whiner of the bunch.


Faile didn't "do the deed" but she did come to terms that she would, and she did start to "admire" Roland. I'm not saying married women can't look, but planning to "do, whatevern it takes", rather than trust in her husband, that he would go to the ends of the earth to save her!!!


Thanks for the input!!! :lol:


How the hell is that at all cheating? She's stuck in an enemy camp and doesn't want to just sit there in the VERY slight hope that her husband will be able to save her. No hostage EVER just sits there trusting to someone to save them, that's a VERY good way to end up dead. You want out, you do it yourself. Furthermore, her coming to terms with the possiblity of having sex with Roland is more like rape then consented sex. If someone puts a gun to your head and says "have sex with me", choosing the sex does NOT equal consent.


I'm sorry, you have no argument here.


One great thing about Mat is the way he complains about the little things but never backs down from the big things. He'll whine at length about a splinter, then lament a tear in his coat when he's slashed all over and bleeding to death. I love the way he keeps telling Rand in Rhuidean that there's no way he's coming in after him; yells at him that he's the one who can channel and if he gets into trouble he can channel his way out of it... then mentally gives Rand an hour.


You just know Perrin will say all the right things, whereas Mat will say all the wrong things, but his actions belie his words.


I don't know, it just seems that Perrin will always do what is proper. Mat will never do what is proper, but he'll always do what is right. I prefer the latter, myself.


just because perrin says all the right things, doesnt mean he doesnt do them too

there is no real difference between the two frienship wise...all three would go to the ends of the earth for any of the others if it was needed


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I am arguing, you have your opinion and I have mine, and we are both entitled. Speaking as a happily married woman, I just think I have a different opinion.


Have a great day! :lol:


Oh, Perrin will definitely do the right thing. It is proper, after all.


It's just refreshing to have someone like Mat around, someone who ISN'T saying "I'm right there with you, Rand! Anything the Dragon Reborn needs done, Rand!". Someone who might say, "Damn it, Rand, pick up your floozy yourself!", but when it comes down it, even to facing gholams, can be counted on to put himself on the line for your girlfriend, even if she has been a royal pain in the, er, tushy, and done nothing but try to manipulate him and cause dissension in his ranks.


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