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book 7 question, i'm a tad confused.


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Hello everyone!  ;D I'm in the middle of A Crown of Swords, and i am a bit confused on an event that happened. Any help is appreciated.If you aren't in book 7 yet stop here!!! possible spoilers---






In the chapters; 14 "White plumes" and 15 "Insects"

There are a couple of times when references to the Dagger are made, this completely threw me off.  At first i thought they were quoting old books or maybe this was an event that happened and i just dont remember?


Is there something i missed or should know? should i go back or will i find out more in the future and will it clear up?


When Mat see's Mili Skane also known as Lady Shiaine. Is the time im talking about. on page 347

Thanks :D



Mili Skane is the darkfriend woman who tried to kill Rand and Mat on their way to Caemlyn in book 1. That situaton is quoted in the chapter you mention, 14 "white plums" as Mat remembers it. She had a dagger that made the stable wall start to burn. Not a reference to the dagger from Shadar Logoth.


The other, in chapter 15, is that when Carridin is watching Mat and has a flashback of memories from the darkfriend meeting in book 2? Then he had some visions about all three ta'veren and things connected with them, if I remember correctly. That "ruby-tipped dagger" he "sees" might well be the one from Shadar Logoth, but I'm not sure if it's important (but problably like most else). It could be only those memories, coming back as he sees Mat.


Hope that helps a bit.


Hello! yes that does help, i went back and looked at it for a third time:P and Mat is the one who had the dagger up against her throat. After you said it was a flashback it made a lot more sense. But still kind of confused on chapter 15. Did Sammael know about the dagger?


I skimmed through the chapter ...

Who knows what the Forsaken knows about ... but Sammael does not mentioning any dagger. He talks about what Carridin is in Ebou Dar to find - and if you don't know what that is yet I'm not telling right now, but it has noting to do with the Shadar Logoth dagger - and sees Mat as just an inconvinience not to be dealt with if he does not intervene.


As I stated above, I think it's only Carridin's memory of what happened in the prolouge of book 2.


I personally really enjoyed this section of the books, albeit full of Nynaeve and Elayne. I think that the event in the barn with Mat and 'Mili Skane' is when I really started to warm to Mat, he knew of Rand but protected him still whilst he wsa in a fever.


I also think it's great that the Forsaken see Mat as an 'inconvenience' only, and that they shouldnt really bother about him unless absolutely necessary.


Talk about underestimating someone - even at this stage we know that Mat is FAR more than a stone in your shoe  ;D


Mat is not precisely an inconvenience to Sammael


The Gholam tells Mat;


"He wants you dead almost as much as he wants her"



Maybe "he" was Aran'gar.


A weird thought, but Aran'gar did try unsuccessfully to use saidin on Mat.


I don't think that Sammael was dead by that point, so it could have been him. And one of Sammael's agents had also tried to kill him back in TFOH.


In book 1 at the eye of the world, when asked how they found them. The forsaken pointed at Mat and said "He lead us here, A old Ally a old Emeny." or something like that. was that ever explained, it sounded like they were talking about the taint from Shadar Logoth on the dagger. But then I started thinking they were actually talking about Mat. Maybe he is someone from the AOL reborn like Rand, one of Lews Therins old friends/followers. I'm sure not all of them could channel.



[glow=green,1,500]Darth_Andrea[/glow]starwars1.gif    anim-ring.gif



And, the $64 question is:  Who is "he?"


Sam?  Demandred?  Moridin?  Osan'gar?


( by the time the gholam says that, Sam is already dead, isn't he? )


Nope, Sammael sent the Gholam and the men to raid the storeroom in the rahad after talking to carridin in the "Insects" chapter, telling him he'll send "someone" to deal with the aes sedai that carridin was complaining about.


In book 1 at the eye of the world, when asked how they found them. The forsaken pointed at Mat and said "He lead us here, A old Ally a old Emeny." or something like that. was that ever explained, it sounded like they were talking about the taint from Shadar Logoth on the dagger. But then I started thinking they were actually talking about Mat. Maybe he is someone from the AOL reborn like Rand, one of Lews Therins old friends/followers. I'm sure not all of them could channel.


They were talking about the taint from Shadar Logoth on Mat.


They couldn't be.


Shadar Logoth or Arindol if you prefer, didn't exist in any form during the AoL.  That particular evil arose from Ordieth, and the 'poison' with which he infected the whole population of that town long after they'd been sealed away.  They had no way to be familiar with that particular evil taint.

"He guided us."  The hand that pointed to Mat was old and shriveled to scarcely human, lacking a fingernail and with knuckles gnarled like knots in a piece of rope.  Mat took a step back, eyes widening.  "An old thing, an old friend, an old enemy.  But he is not the one we seek." ...

Exactly what it was about Mat that they found familiar enough to call "an old friend, an old enemy," never has been explained.  And it definitelyis Mat, not the dagger about which they speak.  "He" guided them.  "He" is not the one they seek.



Aginor and Balthamel were aware during their incarceration. Shadar Logoth is an old friend and an old enemy to them--they have more than two thousand years to have gained a feel for it.


In Luckers I Trust. He knows much more about all this than I ever will. So if he says it I'll buy it till someone proves him wrong.




[glow=green,1,500]Darth_Andrea[/glow]starwars1.gif    anim-ring.gif



Aginor and Balthamel were aware during their incarceration. Shadar Logoth is an old friend and an old enemy to them--they have more than two thousand years to have gained a feel for it.


They were aware in bits and snatches.  There was no continuous awareness.  Nor is any human mind capable of absorbing all of the events occurring everywhere on the planet.  Plus, Shadar Logoth has been a dead and abandoned city for a great part of that two thousand years.  So, what drew their attention and focused it on Shadar Logoth and then kept it focused there for long enough for that particular form of evil to become 'an old friend, an old enemy?' 


In fact, what information do we have that their awareness extended to anything more than their immediate surroundings and state of helplessness?


RJ stated that they were continually aware, with the ability to 'zoom in' on events when they wished. Furthermore Shadar Logoth played a major part in the Trolloc Wars, as well as existing as an evil to rival the Shadow. Such provides for 'an old friend, and old enemy'.


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