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Furyk Karede

Bob T Dwarf

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Any evidence that he was actually married at the time?


He's had 20 years since Tuon was conceived to marry and father his other children.


In fact, given the way Imperial politics and behavior works ( in stories, at least ), I'd say there's a good chance that the Empress threw he and his wife together, and let nature take its course.


Nope no evidence that he was married, it could have happened in the 3 year window that is allowed if you follow the whole, instababies timeline I laid out below.  IT still doesn't answer the question of why in none of Furyke's POV's does the thought cross his mind that he's off to save his own daughter....


That's ridiculous.  You think he consciously decides to not think about that one fact, but can still be involved in her rescue?  I'm sorry, but you must not have children, if you think it is even remotely possible to block out your relationship to your children when they are in danger.


For many of us maybe, but we're not Karede.  Nor do we live in the kind of rigidly structured and controlled society that he does.  Nor are we slaves who can be killed, or sold into untold hardships along with every member of our family if we even look cross-eyed at the wrong time or in the wrong company.  We can't use our own reactions  as any kind of useful meterstick for someone in his situation.


Remember the Rand/Avi tryst.  The High Lady who'd been in Falme and seen the battle thoughtlessly let the wrong word slip and found herself arrested by the Seeker with her.  Because she was 'of the blood' she thought she could afford to remember things that she was supposed to forget.  And, she was going to have to pay the price for that lack of self-discipline. Imagine what would happen to property if it ( property isn't a he ), accidentally revealed something even more incendiary.


He's not blocking it.  That relationship is what's driving him.  He just won't even let himself think about why is feeling especially driven to find her and make sure with his own eyes that's she's safe.  When we meet him just before Mor comes in, he's a man who is forlornly cataloguing his responsibilities in an effort to find any way, any excuse that those responsibilities can be prioritized in such a way that he can personally do what he privately wants so desperately.  Even so, she will always be her official name and title when he allows himself to think about her.


Mor, and his conspiracy theory is like a life jacket to a drowning man.


Sorry, but you just aren't going to be able to convince me that Furyke is so rigidly disciplined that he refuses to even think that Tuon is his daughter.  Furyke is not scared of death, nor is he afraid of torture.  If he is so rigidly in control of his thoughts he could be just as in control of his toungue.  It doesn't make sense except as apologetics for a theory that looks possible on its face, but falls apart on closer inspection.


I agree that Karede isn't afraid of death or torture, those aren't an issue for him. His true fear would be dishonor, which would no longer allow him to be near Tuon. Karede got where he was not because he'd be (unofficially) related to Tuon, but because he stands in the Empress' favor due to his actions in following orders.


Tuon might be his daughter, but if he ever treats her as such she'll skin him alive for his insolence. Thus, for his own sake as well as hers (so he can keep protecting her), he doesn't allow himself to think of her as his daughter, reducing the chances of him slipping.


Actually it is obvious that Karede is a male channeler that was a "sparker" that taught himself and that is how he progressed so successfully in the Seanchan Empire - by secretly channeling under conditions that whould help him advance.    This is how Tuon picked up the gene to channel - from him.





See you can make outragious theories about almost anything.  Sure they might occasionally even turn out to be true - but why make such a theory that as yet has no evidence to support it?


Why can't Karede just be a very dedicated man?    Both to the Empress/Tuon and to his family?    Why must he have some convoluted and un-necessary alterior motive?      Besides, We have had more than enough of his POVs that if this was the case - he would surely have had at lease one thought about it.


It's an interesting theory, but here's the thing: If Karede is SO self-disciplined that he can manage not to even THINK of something, why would that famed self-discipline break down so far that he would abandon his post, so to speak, to hunt for Tuon? The 2 things just completely contradict each other.


Taking these in order.


He's certainly dedicated.  But, why such an unusual dedication to one person?  Twice assigned to her.  Twice more requesting re-assignment to her.


Duty is duty.  All duties to which he might be assigned would hold equal importance to the Empire.  Being assigned to Tuon only holds a personal significance.



He didn't abandon his post.  He received reliable information that there was a high-level conspiracy to kill Tuon.  One whose extent was unknown and that extended into the Deathwatch Guard itself.  He now had no option, as a dedicated and conscientious officer, except to undertake this duty himself in order to be as certain as he humanly could that Tuon would live and return to her proper place in his society.


He finally had not just an excuse, but a fully justified reason to do what he'd been aching to do. 


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