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i'm just introducing myself.  hopefully by the time majority of you have read this i will be a novice.


i'm almost done with the WoT series (currently on KoD) and look forward (somewhat not forward) to completing the book.  after all, once i complete i will have to wait for the next one to come out *dodges angry words from people who have waited ages longer then me for majority of the books in the series*


i look forward to getting to knwo the lot of you, and hope to become White Ajah.  i decided this while reading the series, and after many questions to "the shade of my heart" bubba, we finally narrowed which Ajah i would belong to as being the White or Brown.  (i tend to over analyze things, and often ramble; and love to read, and i LOVE math and logic puzzles *huggles Soduko*)


i tend to argue what i think is right, until i'm shown facts that prove me wrong or hear a very convincing argument; and i love to debate about issues i understand and know.  i also enjoy reading, crocheing, needle-point, drawling and helping to rescue abandoned animals  (seriously, i've ran countless animals to the human society to keep them from becomming speed bumps in the roads) and i'm always to lend my two cents on what i think would help.


i used to be a dog groomer, and have a wide range of knowlegde on Dogs and Dog related areas; so if anyone has any questions about breeds or caring for your dog feel free to ask me.  (btw CHOW-CHOW's ROCK!!)


... that pretty much covers it :D


Edit -- thanks nephitess for giving me a bit of advice on what to do :)

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Welcome to the White Tower!  :D  I hope you enjoy it here and I'm sure you'll be assigned a mentor soon, etc.  Depends when you sent in your email.  Lor usually does MoN stuff on Sundays (or used to... not sure if it's changed).  Otherwise, just jump in and hang out (like you're doing).  :)


Not to discourage you from your Ajah choices, but the Org side (which is us... there's also a role play side) is different in a lot of ways from the books.  Some of the Ajahs follow closely, others don't as much.  Though your two choices are pretty close with the books, so you'll probably fit in well with them.  :)  I'm a Blue and we're kind of... unexplainable... lol.  Sometimes we're called the Harry Potter Ajah because we have a ton of HP fans... but mostly we're just a close knit, laid back group of friends...  ;D


Anyways, have fun!  Ohh and there's currently a Conga Line moving through several of the boards in which we share info about ourselves.  That'd be a good way to get to know people right off the bat (once you get board access).  :)


Fancy seeing you here, Red ;)


I am going to say what everyone else will say - make sure to visit all the Ajahs.  The Whites here are absolutely faboo, but you might find that you fit in  another Ajah better than you realized :)


Either way, we have a great group here, and I hope you'll spend your Novicehood getting to know as many of the members here as you can; and, per norm - don't mind us, we're all mad here!


[radio edit] Jhae, weren't you supposed to be playing a game, not posting at the same time as me?  Silly Blue lady! *hugs*

Guest nephitess

Hey Red!! *snugs* Glad you made around and posted this thread.


As the ladies have said...when you get access to the other boards go and hang out with the Ajahs and see where you fit. *nods* Some are more serious than others. We are a colorful group! *grins*


*nuzzles Lor* Cani have her as my Mentee!!! PLEASE!!!!! *puppy eyes*


Yah! I haven't had one in... forever. *sigh*


Welcome Red! If Neph kidnapped you I want to know about it. (just so I can use it in the future)


Any friend of Nephs is a personal friend of mine. *nods*


I can't say too much more than what Raeyn said because she always copies me.  :P


Every Ajah would love to entertain you to help you solidify your choices. Though its not required that you do that, we won't give you chocolat if you don't.





My only advice that I give other than what everyone else says is: Take one Org at a time to get used to it all. Then you can branch out.


*huggles & Smooch*


Ohh sorry, one more thing... lol.  If you're interested in animal rescue and other stuff like that, the Gray Ajah seems really big into that...  animal rescue, Earth Day, collecting food and stuff for people who need it, etc.  :)  Just a suggestion since everything is a bit different than the books around here.



*quirks an eyebrow*


Great minds think alike, though I doubt you've the same questionable way of phrasing everything that I do ^__^  One day, the part of my brain that structures sentences will get properly reset to English structure, I pray.


i was going on by what the books have given us, but i promise to keep my mind open to different options (as well as bribes and e-cookies as well) *evil grin*  and thank you all for the warm welcome :D



did my eyes misguide me or did i see the word "HP fans"  *grins*  i must say that HP is what started me on the whole fantasy genre and got me onto message boards like this.  in fact i RPG as an HP character (voldemort and my own HP creation *Aggy - whose a bad bad girl*)  *huggles voldy*


right now i am on three diff org's.  Aiel, BT and here.  the RPG site i usually go to is getting slow because of lack of members :( 



*giggles and hugs Cleo*  Iunno, I sometimes am amazed at the things that come out of my mouth or fingers!  Thankfully, I'm easily amused and can have a good giggle at my random and frequent absurdities.


And I have to say - we do have RPing here ;)  I won't push it here on the Org, but keep scrolling down if you want to check it out.

Guest nephitess

*pouts* but i never really had a Mentee!! the one i was given was MIA before she evn posted!! *cries*


;D welcome anyway Red and who ever you get as a mentor i know you'll have fun with them!!


I love Book and HP as well...I also Roleplay but on an other site. *loves to write*


Welcome to the WT, Red!  I'm Dwyn, the Head of the Whites in these parts.  I am glad that you are eager to meet us!  Be sure to visit all the Ajahs and really take your time to get to know the members of each Ajah before you decide.  We all have our various differences from the books.  :)


Welcome to the White Tower!!  I'm Naeann.. one of the sitter's for the Yellows.  Indeed some of the ajah's are not at all like the books here... OUR Reds are crazy for men. *giggles*  You already look as though you will fit in here perfectly. :)

Guest nephitess

*grins at her bosom friend* She has it right. ;)


lmao yes i might say that is a major differance from the books.  i'm hoping to make alot of friends in here :)  thank you all for the nice welcome.  but i have to warn you guys, i am a natural red head so my anger can be some what feirce.  i offten tell my boyfreind he has it double bad.  not only am i a taurus(so) i was also born under the year of the Ox.  (shakes head)



Aaah, Earth signs... I'm a Capricorn myself, so I know about being stubborn.  My mother used to tell me all the time that I'd argue with a brick wall for fun!


I.. I consider myself a natural redhead, but having not seen my real colour in 12 years, it's sort of hard to make a call on that.  Was definitely coppery though before I started dying it a slightly darker colour :D


Hey Red, welcome! Don't let the others tempt you away from the logical choice - you know White is Right! ;)


No, seriously, you should start out by having a look at all the Ajahs (I know I'm being a broken record here, but it's just so true!); I, for instance, didn't think from reading the books that I'd go White, but that's where I ended up :D We'll be looking forward to seeing you round our boards once you get access, of course - we're currently having our annual Month of the Greats (which you can read about a bit further down the White Tower board), which you should definitely check out - and if you end up sticking with your original idea of declaring White, that'll be fantastic; but get a feel for all the other Ajahs, too. It's the logical thing to do ;)


Ooh, hair-dyeing ... I used to have mine short and spiky on one side and longer on the other, coloured dark-purple with white-blonde splashes. I always wanted to be a redhead, though (it's dark-brown naturally), you lucky people you!  :P



*grins* I started dying mine because it was a light enough copper tone that people would call me blonde.. and considering the one thing I'm insecure about is my intellect (believe that or not!), I started colouring it just a bit darker and redder to get people to leave me alone.


The bemusing thing?  People seem to think it's my natural hair colour, so I guess I'm doing a pretty good job picking a comparable shade!


<---- Natural redhead... 


We should start a club... seem to be quite a few around here.  :D    Elgee, Talya, Cleo, Hero, ummm...


I have never dyed my hair except a friend put in blonde highlights once.  She did a really good job and everyone gave me compliments, so I may do it again sometime especially since I'm already going grey...  *cry*  ;D

Guest nephitess

I'm an Aries and have a brother born the same day as me....my mother...a Taurus! you can imagine the arguments we all had. LOL


I love to dies my hair...my air is a natural mousy blonde/brown color. I have had my hair bleached, red, purple, black, orange! lol fun stuff. :)


Hey Red Welcome its wonderful to have you! Im May Im the newest red sister and Red Ajah heart( which basically means welcomeing committe lol) so if you have any questions or just want to chat I'm here oh I also LOVE,LOVE,LOVE harrypotter!


Oh and dont worrie about your temper my sisters a nateural red head combined with our Irish temper and me being a taurus im well abel for it!


Anywho enjoy your self here and cant waite to get to know you!


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