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WT OP Scores (Please read everyone)


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Ok ladies and gents playing ladies. *G* This last week I have been working pretty hard on getting our OP table fixed. Jeh is helping me and soon it will accurately reflect OP strength and cost. Long ago I decided I was going to seperate the OP scores into Active vs Inactive, that way it would be easier to find who you were playing with and those updating it didn't have to scroll through 500 pages of code. So I started working and what should happen but every line of code should blink out of existence on me. Yup that's right, I didn't lose the scores but I did lose all the coding. It took me three days to get all the coding done again. Total pain in the rump. I still haven't figured out how to seperate the two sections of info, if you know how, let me know please. So what I would like you to do. Please look it over, if your not under the top section, let me know and I will move it. If your name is spelled wrong, let me know, etc. By let me know I mean post it here. *G* Thanks everyone.


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Right, here's the entire page. Tables have all been updated, and the names with numbers at the end need to be checked.


Annie (-2) means AS Annie has two element points LESS than her Strength score indicates, meaning that either she submitted the wrong ones or the cost was listed under Strength.


Either way, this should make things a whole lot easier once more ^_^


On a sidenote, the part where the table's messed up should be fixed as well ;)


Edit: Broke the max post length, made it an attachment instead. The Strength table is made wider because of Ata's entry, i left it as it is as much as i could because i have no clue what to do with it.


It's a zipfile because i couldn't upload html extensions, but the page is in there. Just replace the current page with it and everything should work out fine (after crosschecking, of course ^^)


Edit 2: Jade, how about making two tables on the same page then? You could even copy-paste the table header for simplicity's sake.


Edit 3: Jerinia has 33 Skill, not 30... Though i left it on 30 because i didn't want to mess with the numbers and potentially mess up somewheres ^^;

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This is how I dispersed it. ;)

Original scores: 32 skill and 27 str. Potency=59

Dispersed by me as: Air=5, Water=5, Spirit=8, Fire=4, Earth=3

New scores after cost: 32 skill and 25 elemental power. Potency=57

Masuko Svetanya


This is what is on that list ???

Masuko Svetanya Air=6, Earth=3, Fire=5, Spirit=7, Water=5, Str=26, Skill=32, Potency=58 [/qoute]





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Aint gonna chance it ... just now that was Jade's "bookmark" and then I go stuff it up ... can you imagine if I did that ? *shudders and hides under the table from the possible Wrath of Jade"  :o




But if not, I'll go fix it for her - I seemed to to be able to do that just fine from my work pc.

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Edit: Broke the max post length, made it an attachment instead. The Strength table is made wider because of Ata's entry, i left it as it is as much as i could because i have no clue what to do with it.

The reason Ata has a score that is, because she was stilled, then she was healed by SG I believe and so her OP score is now different. *G*


On a sidenote, the part where the table's messed up should be fixed as well

LOL this is what I said.

I still haven't figured out how to seperate the two sections of info, if you know how, let me know please.


Edit 2: Jade, how about making two tables on the same page then? You could even copy-paste the table header for simplicity's sake.

LOL which is what I am trying to do but can't seem to get the code to work, I wanted like big bold letter that say Active Characters, then the table, then another set of bold letters that say Inactive Characters and the last table. However, every single time I try and end the table etc, the stupid thing shrinks the first table so it's 2 inches shorter than the bottom one of it disappears a ton of code. *sighs*


Edit 3: Jerinia has 33 Skill, not 30... Though i left it on 30 because i didn't want to mess with the numbers and potentially mess up somewheres ^^;

Your right, I was looking at the person below you when I did that, after 3 days of coding my eyes were going cross-eyed, sorry about that.


Syl Not sure what happened there, I had them written on a big sheet of paper, so I may have been looking at someone else's when I entered yours. Will fix that. Sorry about that.


Is there a reason why it's broken up by the P's, then continues ok again? I started to fix it, then thought it might be deliberate for some reason.

Raeyn is right, that's just another case of me being out of it while I was typing the coding. Don't worry I have all this coding saved on my comp now, nothing is going to make me lose that. *G*













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Ok Jeh, when I try and open the zipfile, it becomes a html file, when I try and open that, it won't let me open it with anything other than ie or mozilla, and then it's the actual page, with no coding. *G*


Edit- OK I fixed the messed up P's, Q's, and R's, then I fixed Syl's messed up OP score, changed Jeh's to 33 skill and added in +1 for ooc help.

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Mirandha Bayana: Name typo fixed.


Jerinia Zaralyn: +1 Skill added, Skill fixed.


Masuko Svetanya: OP scores fixed.


Ata Dorye: Note added that she was formerly stilled to avoid confusion.


In Other News: Table beautimafacated to look more purdy and less mashed. The whole thing is centered now, and divided in two at the point i believe Jade was looking to split it.


Also, the Active and Inactive Character headers are now much better readable.


Edit: Uploaded the CORRECT version this time. The one where Masuko and Jerinia's scores are actually fixed ^^;

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Well, i AM still single... <.<;;


Kidding aside though, you'd still need to crosscheck the listed scores with the actual OP scores that were given out, as there still are a couple of characters with a wrong Strength score in comparison to their element values.


Esther Tremaine (-2) 7 6 5 5 9 34 (34) 34 68


First example on the list (active character). Her element value adds up to 32, but her Strength was listed as 34, so i added a -2 to indicate her Strength was two points too high and left it as it was in case it was because of stuff i didn't know about.


Unless you'd like to send me all the OP scores so i can do it...? ;)

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*laughs* No that's Elgee's Novice character, not sure what happened there, that's probably me not checking it. I am sure she will comment here in a moment. As for OP scores, what you see in front of you is what I have, someday I plan I doing a Active Characters excell spreadsheet and an Inactive, all we were given by the previous staff was the coding for the OP scores page. LOL so someday when I have time I will get around to doing a spreadsheet. *G*

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I'll check out Esther's stuff later  :D


Larindhra's surname is spelt wrong there - I keep forgetting to mention that - it's Reyne, not Reyna.


Is there any way to freeze the header column ?

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