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Aiel Wolfkin


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...Allright, lower the pitchforks people, this is NOT another character concept of mine ;D


I was playing a game a few days ago where i came across a character i believed would look good as an Aiel. When i looked closer, the character in question had gold eyes, and since i was thinking about the WoT at the time, it occurred to me that even though we've met quite a few Aiel so far, none of them are mentioned to have anything related to being able to talk to wolves.


Sure, i wasn't exactly expecting an organised pack of Wolfkin Aiel to show up and say 'Hi', but statistically speaking there should at least be a couple of them, right? Especially after most of them crossed the Dragonwall, the entire Shaido included.


Sure, they'd likely have zero experience in being a Wolfkin given the obvious lack of wolves in the Waste, but judging by the way they look at Perrin's eye color as if they're seeing a creature from outer space i'd be pretty sure they never even heard of people with golden irises before. And for the tightly knit communities the Aiel are composed of (Clan gatherings and Society gatherings means they mingle a lot) i think that's kind of weird.


Any thoughts on this, or is there anything explained in some (external) information source i'm obviously missing? Googling doesn't help in this case, as googling 'Are there Aiel Wolfkin' just gives me ads for vague roleplaying forums stating 'There are Aiel, Wolfkin, Aes Sedai...'

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I don't find out of the ordinary at all.  Since this is something that has just started to come back and in all of Randland we have only 3 confirmed cases of wolfkin.  And we have no way of knowing what causes the change or how many wolfkin there were originally.  I think it will always be relatively low compared to the rest of the population.



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I don't find out of the ordinary at all.  Since this is something that has just started to come back and in all of Randland we have only 3 confirmed cases of wolfkin.  And we have no way of knowing what causes the change or how many wolfkin there were originally.  I think it will always be relatively low compared to the rest of the population.




Three? Who is the third?

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I don't find out of the ordinary at all.  Since this is something that has just started to come back and in all of Randland we have only 3 confirmed cases of wolfkin.  And we have no way of knowing what causes the change or how many wolfkin there were originally.  I think it will always be relatively low compared to the rest of the population.




Three? Who is the third?


Probably the poor guy whose mind didn't survive the Howling. We see him briefly during one of the early Books, Moiraine tries to Heal him while he's kept in a cage.

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Guest durram laddel cham

It was the first village Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial crossed after Rand flees. Somewhere in the north of Amadicia. Gaul and Faile village is somewhere in Altara.

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I think the destiny of the Aiel move in a different direction. I'm even sure the song the Tinkers seek are known by the aiel, a thing deeply buried inside them, like the stubbornnes and almost understanding the old tongue in the Two Rivers.


Besides, wolves stay mostly away from people, and in the waste, where the Aiel will eat anything with flesh (except sorda), wolves are even less likely to try say hello. and the Yellow eyes dont come until after the talking to wolves does. (Perrins were as brown as Mats and Egwenes when he left the Two Rivers)

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