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BSG Season 4


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  • 4 weeks later...

It is really starting to pick up pace now, without feeling too stressed. Next episode should see the return of Kara and her "captured" basestar to the fleet, and eventually (hopefully) an epic battle if they are to capture, or at least infiltrate a resurrection ship to bring back Deanna.


Less fond of Baltars storyline though, it just does not do anything for me. Although it added quite a creepy effect when his voice was in the background during Roslins chat with the dying woman. And those scnes were some amazing acting from them both.


And Gaeta, he so had it coming ;D And totally awssome to see Anders reaching for the Cylon control panel. And then his show of compassion to the dying Cylon.


And the final five originally came from earth.


Thus will it come to pass.

The dying leader will know

the truth of the opera house.

The missing three will give you the five

who have come from the home of the 13th.

You are the harbinger of death,kara thrace.

You will lead them all to their end.


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Interestingly, the next episode gets its world premiere on Sky One in the UK on Tuesday. The remaining 4 eps of Season 4 will all air first in the UK and then three days later in the US.


Sweet :)


No word on when Season 4.5 will air. Rumour is that RDM is trying to get the SFC to do it in September, and for them to air Season 4.5 and the Caprica pilot at the same time and do a massive blaze of publicity. But it's  not certain if that will happen.

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I just want to say that I'm loving this series so very much and can't wait to see it all played out.  I think we're an episode behind in the UK but I'm loving it :D


No, we're now up to date in the UK and on Tuesday we pull an episode ahead. Then the Americans have to beware spoilers. Mwahaha. For just four episodes, it's true, but still cool :)

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This week's episode made my brain bleed Pure Stupid all over the floor. I don't know WTF the writers are smoking, but it's some pretty strong stuff.


I'll wait for the Americans to catch up before fully venting forth on this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems strangely fitting that the show that was inspired by 9/11 ends - for now - in the burned-out ruins of Brooklyn.


Great episode with many awesome moments: Adama losing it, Tigh's confession, Lee comforting his dad and totally pwning Three's tactics with his own, the celebrations on Earth, the "We made it," to Kat's memory, Figurski getting some, the music and then the silence of that final tracking shot of devastated NYC, with Adama looking enraged and Roslin's resigned whisper of, "Earth."

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I am haunted by that ending.  Anyone else notice how the characters were grouped? Roslin and Adama togther. Tory reaches for Anders, but he pulls away. The fightin' Agathons walk together. Caprica reaches to Tigh, who ignores her. Baltar and Three are both alone. Leoben and Starbuck are near each other. These seem like deliberate choices.

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The music in this episode was astonishing. The All Along the Watchtower theme, but only the drums, playing when Tigh goes to confess to Adama. The Final Five theme being used in several different ways, but for the first time hopeful and upbeat rather than sinister among them. And then the major new piece that McCreary wrote for the episode, 'Diaspora Oratorio', which begins with the camera panning through the fleet before they jump, builds to a massive crescendo and then fades out over a shot of Earth. All great stuff.


The composer talks here about how he came up with the music for this ep.

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I also noticed the Bagpipes of Father/Son Reconciliation playing when Lee contemplates his father's desk. Have we heard that since "The Hand of God" in S2?  It seemed like there were several musical callbacks to previous episodes in this one. 

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Loved it!  I kind of figured they would have to land sometime either in the future or the past.  For a moment, I thought they would be our ancestors and we would learn that we were all part Cylon. 


So we know the final cylon was on the ship as the 3 said only 4 were in the fleet.  Does this indicate Baltar? 


It really felt like this could be a series finale and I am wondering where they go next. 

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Where to go next?


The operahouse visions.

Possible final stand between humans + rebel cylons vs evil cylons.

Who is the fifth cylon?

If earth is a nuked wasteland, who gave Kara her new ship?

Is all of earth a nuked wasteland, or just the place they landed (apparently at the site of the temple of Aurora)?

What effect will Baltars "preaching" to the centurion have?


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