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Pregnancy and your Ajah - Thoughts?


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No no, it cracked me up, too.  :D


I, too, like the idea of keeping the shagging and breeding under control for discression, and because we really don't get that aspect of that in the books. I do, however, enjoy to read the secrets of those that have had their children, and how they have dealt with it. Serena, herself? Not really interested in men, therefore...no breeding. *shrugs*


Although, I know the 'pillow-friend' idea has been shot to death, and I enjoy every minute of Serena's relationships with women(Thera especially), but what are your stances on that, these days? "Pillow-friends", that is.  :)


I also noticed how things seem to come in cycles; like, for awhile everyone seemed to be getting preggers and havin babies all over the place.  :P  Before that, ofcourse, all the women were sleeping with each other (so I am definately not saying that Serena's behaviour is original in any way, shape, or form)  :P  So...I definately see the patterns.


It was kind'a funny to watch people feel like they needed to confess about their characters in this thread as well. Hehe. 


*Ahem*   Sorry for bringing it back again

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I have no problems with pregnancies, pillow friends, lovers, husbands, whatever. And if we only did things that have never been done before by someone else, we'd soon run out of things to RP  :D


As long as these things are handled as an Aes Sedai would, though. It's one thing for a novice or Accepted to fall blindly in love and lose her head, but an Aes Sedai would be more mature in the first place, and in the second place would never have gained the Shawl if the Tower and being AS was not her absolute first priority. You have to have enormous inner strength and dedication to do that, and have absorbed AS ways.

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Yup Yup and if you get caught your character has to be prepared to deal with the consequences, I mean the Greens even have a rule about being overly slutty, and a penance involved with it. *G*

I missed that rule...*look* LOL


I agree with Elgee, an Aes Sedai would handle herself in a different way. Probably go "WTF" but still it would be a serene and mature WTF LOL

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I disagree, I think AS can crack and mess up horribly... mind you, you have to expect MAJOR repercussions (ie. becoming the AS voted "least likely to succeed... ever")


and if we're going with confessions, Estel got pregnant, which was found out by Maegan and Perine the later by Sirayn (who used it to blackmail her into a sneaky clandestine organisation).  She then gave up the baby (and still regrets that decision and feels terribly guilty *insert depression, booze, self-loathing, public ridicule, anorexia, etc.*), baby grew up, tried to make contact with mummy but the two had a falling out and he left and later died without ever forgiving her (*insert more depression, booze, et. all)


55 years later she resents the Tower because of the choice she made and (after being made Sitter) will hopefully be taken seriously for the first time in her entire career.

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Well see you have written consequences into what happened to her, so that's what we are talking about, and yes I do believe Aes Sedai have emotions, they try to hide them, but they do. Their dedication is to the Tower but they can multitask. *G* Rasheta yes there is a rule. Let me know if you want to rp that. *giggles*

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Heh...that Aes Sedai calm is just a facade for the most part I think lol. They put on the face very well, but behind it they are still regular, messy, sometimes stupid women! Not to mention hormonal...I love roleplaying a very messed up character (well she is at the moment), highly traumatised and fragile and emotional, yet showing all the world this perfect, calm exterior. Behaving maturely and actually being mature are very different things :D. Though...Lavinya has always been the black sheep of the Grays :p

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