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*shifty eyes*


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*steals a green sash, a purple sash, and a council member's red and gold sash*






*strip teases with them*


*then ties one end of the red and gold sash to a squirrel and ties the other end to a helicopter*


flying squirrel!


*watches as squirrel freaks and it runs up the side of the helicopter. the end unknots around the helicopter and gets sucked up into the blades, taking the squirrel with it*


or not... oh well *shrugs*


*unravels the other two and knits them into a sign for the Kin saying, "Yes! We are a bunch of old sissy ladies who sit around in circles knitting our lives away discussing what we think we know about herbs and curse the Tower for kicking us out as teenagers that were just there to watch the sexy Gaidin practice! Where have all the good men gone?*"*


*flies it over the Farm for all to see*


*slips back into the shadows as a Fade and returns to SG*


*a song I once wrote a story to, but it's nicer than what I had since it's really a good song

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not my needles! I need those for my voodo--- err... sewing and knitting!


I'll spend how ever much time I need to at the Farm for this, I will. I just badly need points in SG and that was a task I had to do. I blame uhhh... oh wait, the Taint is the BT. drats, can't use that excuse this time... *shuffles her feet* and if they see this they're all gonna mock me for being soft... but I did feel bad doing this as a Kinster...


*gets down on knees and begs* please, not the needles!!!!!


but yeah, I really am sorry. I ws going on 24 hours of no sleep and ready to pass out as well as feeling awfully Emo that night/morning... didn't mean to offend. I'm gonna edit some of it....

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Insulting members of another Org to get points for another one..that is just tacky and inappropriate Pol.  Shame on you. 


You have always, as has everyone here, been welcomed with open arms, encouraged, supported.  Even when you aren't terribly active...you are always welcomed back with a smile and a hug.  And then you have the audacity to pull this kind of crap?  And USE the Kin by insulting them and being down right rude? 


Oh yes..I'm mad.  If it was up to me you would be stripped of your Sash and made to go back through all the Sashes again.  Then maybe, you would remember who we are and why you have always come back and appreciated being a member of our Kin family.


And don't EVEN try to blame this on anyone but yourself.  You made the choice to do this.  And it was a very bad choice. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're really not that bad of a group.


Anyway, I took the task off our list of greymen tasks.  Hell, most people just ignore us, anyway.  lol




And comments like the two above are why I didn't go out of my way to join any org other THAN SG when I came here.

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