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Raising the Amyrlin


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Definitely past time to get this off the ground!


So, how do y'all want to do it?


Who'll be standing right off? 


Just before her death, Annais made a deal with the BT that is meant to put them on equal footing with the White Tower.  Is there some resentment over this?  Is raising a Red Amyrlin a way of making a statment?  To just the BT?  Or to let the Dragon know that the WT won't be cowed? 


What reasons will your character/Ajah have for supporting a Red?

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heh... for a moment there I thought maybe we were raising an amyrlin from the grave  *rofl*

Guess I've been watching too much buffy again  >.>



And well, about the Red amyrlin... yes, it could be a statement. I would say a Red Sedai as Amyrlin is very fitting and kinda ironic in a way. I like it!

Wouldn't it be hard for her to handle negotations with male channelers? I know all Aes Sedai are iffy about male channelers, but Reds are more so in a way.


And... I'm guessing a hall meeting. I'm unsure how the process goes. But i'm sure you'll fill us in  lol




Not being really useful

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As a yellow I will speak my mind *winks*


I think it could be seen from two points of view. There are as many pros as cons to raising a red Amyrlin right now. Could she handle the negotations with the male channelers? Yes, if with some prejudice Could they handle negotations with her? I am not so sure. That would be a point to be made. Also another great thing to bring up is the impression the effect of a Red Amyrlin would have :D:D


In the end I would stand for the greater consensus but not with out a good debate. I do so love to argue!


I can't wait for this to get going :D

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Having read the bio, I think that Raeyn would deffo go for Shevara as Amyrlin Seat.  For some reason (possibly Muirenn-related), she has a fondness of Reds...


As for the rest of the Brown Sitters.. seeing how I don't have players for them, and Raeyn has always been extremely influential within her Ajah, they would follow her vote (and will write it in that way, once I fish out another NSW Sitter bio from the heap and declare it our #3!).

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Jaydena will support her as Ammy and so will the Greens. She dosen't have any problems with the Reds and her and Meg were friends are working on an alliance between the Reds and Greens before Andrea left. She most likely won't stand right away, she will want to seem wise as she is one of the oldest Sitters. Jade hates to be looked at as rash, so she would wait. I think it's a statement to the WT and the BT, hopefully the BT guys are going to be ok with it.

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Who wants to have their character suggest Shevara for the Seat?  She's been a Sitter a very brief time (only since the Watchers RP), and hasn't been overly involved in Tower politics, so while she doesn't have many close friends, she also hasn't made enemies.  She is well known for her success with gentled men, and she stays in Tar Valon for 10-20 year stretches while babysitting/studying each man she's brought in. 


I'm writing up the first post now, and once I have the parts filled, I'll toss it up.  Once Shevara's name is put forward, she will excuse herself from the discussion and wait it out like any other cantidate would.  Her sense of honor would preclude her lobbying for herself.  If any Ajahs want to claim a spot for one of her three supporters, do that too. :D


Once I've posted it, I'll give two weeks for discussion & such, then bring her in and do a sum up.  Unless there's anyone who won't have their character stand the first time?  If that's the case, I'll do the foot washing, then a sum up.  So post here if you don't plan to have your chica stand in the first round.  The decision has to be unanimous, so even one character sitting will require the foot washing bit. :)

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So, that's the opinion for the Reds, Greens, Browns, and Yellows... any thoughts on what the Whites, Grays, and Blues would say on this matter?


Though my White isn't a Sitter (and probably never will be, unless she breaks down a lot of personal walls.. and, y'know, lost her apathy to politics!), I think she'd find it sort of illogical to let a Red be put into power considering the whole WT/BT negotiations that are underway.


Do we have any Grays or Blues that are able to cash in opinions?  Even if they aren't Sitters and don't want to be, it might be useful to get their take from their Ajah's perspective on how we're going to work this.


That is, unless, I'm overthinking things *weg*

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I've not gone back and looked through old posts on this sort of subject, but aren't the Grays and Reds usually somewhat friendly?  Or is that an in-book bias that is firmly planted in my head this time of morning? :)


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