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A Memory of Light - The Plot (Again, I know, Sorry).


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I'm sorry, again i know many of you have read this, but I was trying to describe my beliefs on th progression in another thread and i couldn't find the original posting of this.


So yeah, ignore it if you've already read it, sorry!


So, some time ago on a particularily boring day, i had a flash of nerdyness and wrote out a summary of how i thought the plot of A Memory of Light would go. Since then i've changed my position on certain things (mostly because of you Robert! You knowledgeable bastard! )


Anyway once again i find myself bored, so im going to go to the bad nerdy place again, and re-write my list. Preceding this i want to say that im working on the understanding that this is the last book. It is my belief, therefore, that the pace must increase, the threat of the shadow must increase, and that events must be happening concurrently, solving problems for me--this is the foundation for how i linked together seperate events in the sequence of progression.




As always the prologue will be big and cover a lot of the setting up of the rest of the book. I thought therefore it deserved its own section. Here is what i see occuring, though perhaps not nessasarily in this order.


Mat - Will be heading for the Tower of Ghenjei. Will possibly even be there preparing to enter. His part in the prologue will involve him sending his army north to return the Aes Sedai to Tar Valon, or perhaps Caemlyn. Only a small group will travel with him to the Tower, possibly only Thom and Noal.


Lan - His part will cover the beginning of Tarmon Gai'don. You will see him arriving in Shienar and meeting up with the force that have gathered to join him, having heard. It will be touching, and it will end with scouts bringing word of a Trolloc army the size of which has never been seen, possibly a million, possibly two. We will leave with Lan preparing the defence. He will have perhaps 50,000 men, perhaps more or less.


Aviendha - Will also hear of a Trolloc army moving south out of the Shadow's lance. Rhuarc will be gathering his forces to move to meet it. I also believe some sort of confrontation between Aviendha and Graendal will occur--mostly because Aviendha's sort of lacked any limelight, now has an angreal, and someone needs to stir Graendal out of Arad Domon. I'm actually quite looking forward to it.


Tuon - Will have just listened to the sul'dam lay down Rand's request for a meeting, and they will reluctantly also reveal Semirhage hiding out as Anath. Tuon will show no fear. She will calmly start planning her meeting with Rand, and how to get her way. This scene will either end with word being brought of Trollocs in Amadecia, or that will happen perhaps around chapter 3. I'm not sure, though i am fairly certain this will occur. Mostly because of the repeated Seanchan comment of 'i wish to see these shadowspawn of yours' and because the Seanchan need to have the threat of the shadow brought home--until now they only acknowledge in an esoteric sense. But also because there needs to be some evidence of why sealing the waygates was important. And again, as i said, last book--multiple purposes to everything.


Egwene - Her scene in the prologue will involve her serving Elaida at dinner. It's my belief that Elaida will have invited others, wanting to show off her success. My guess is Meidani, Pevara, Tarna, Javindhra, Beonin and maybe Silviana. With Duhara out of the Tower i dont see Elaida wanting to impress anyone else. Egwene will essentially make Elaida look like a complete fool, and worse. It will be the deciding moment of her victory. Elaida will snap, commanding Egwene be put in the cells until she is stilled, but we will see on all the women presents faces that it is Elaida they now look down on. Silviana, and perhaps Pevara and Javindhra as well, will escort her down, and as they go, Egwene will talk and they wont silence her. They will put her in the cells though.


Perrin - This scene will either be Perrin's or Galad's... my guess Galads. It will involve the Whitecloaks meeting up with Perrins force. Something that will no doubt prove interesting with Byar and Dain, not to mention Galad and Berelain. At the end though they will agree to move together, and Perrin will decide it is time to meet up with Rand.


Pevara - I believe that following Elaida's spiel, Pevara will call together the Hunters, or go to meet them, in the basement. Specifically i think she will have realised from Elaida's actions that she was being used by Alviarin, who she will come to believe is Black Ajah. Also it puts the Hunters out of harms way. Which they need to be.


Others - There will probably be short scene from Alviarin. Possibly one from Aran'gar having saught out Graendal. Maybe one from Semirhage or Cadsuane. Possibly one from Interulde dealing with Turan, though in truth i think that will be dealt with in passing. There may also be a Seanchan POV of the landing on the roof of the tower, and waiting for enough damane to begin the assault... either here or at the very beginning of chapter one.


PART ONE - Pre Tarmon Gai'don.


In this section i will move as chronologically as i can, though its possible the events will be interwoven POV's.


Rand - Will approach the Borderlanders--my guess without Cadsuane, who will be questioning Semirhage. I believe something big will occur with the Borderlanders, they have been around but unaddressed for too many books. Too many side references to the thirteen Aes Sedai with them have been made. Then we have Min's viewing about the darkness around Bashere, plus the fact that we know Perrin gets the Broken Crown, so both Bashere and Tenobia need to die. Then there is the viewing that women who can channel must still hurt Rand on more time. And the viewing that Perrin must be there to save Rand one more time. Too my mind the Thirteen are most likely black. They will shield Rand, and in the ensueing battle Tenobia and Bashere will be killed, likely Elza as well.


I'm not sure how he will escape, unfortunately. I suspect Perrin will play a part, but we dont know for sure that viewing is linked to the one about women channelers--though again my theory of multi-purpose events may be in play, but if Perrin were involved it would leave him with the broken crow, reunited with Rand, and will pull the Borderlanders into the force of the light. Either way Rand being hurt will not last long. One, maybe two seperated chapters. It will solved by before one third of the way through the book.


Tarna - Is with Elaida in her rooms on the upper floors of the Tower. Elaida has been ranting and drinking, and is near insensible. Tarna is honest with herself about Elaida's chances, and remarks to herself her respect for Egwene, and how sad it was the girl was to be stilled. Then she becomes aware of noises. She goes to Elaida's balcony and witnesses to'raken arriving. She connects it with Egwene's dreams. She tries to rouse Elaida but she wont stop ranting against treasons. She tries to subdue Elaida and force her with her physically, but Elaida reacts by drawing the power and concluding Tarna is treasonous. Tarna is forced to flee without her even as she hears the sounds of running footsteps of the Seanchan.


Mat - Entering the Tower of Ghenjei. Since i have no idea what thats like i wont even attempt to describe it. This may be the point in which he loses his eye, as well. I dont think he will find Moiraine in the scene, but if he does it will be at the very end. She likely wont even talk.


Lan - Evacuating Fal Moran, and acknowledging that he cannot hold this force. Instead he decides to slow it as best he can until reinforcements can come.


Mesaana - It will start in a meeting of the Forsaken, and end with her awakening to find the Seanchan in the Ajah Quarters. I think it is possible that she will be leashed, either whilst she was unaware in Tel'aran'rhiod, or just after. Maybe she will escape, i cant really say. But there does need to be a scene in which we see the Seanchan are leashing Aes Sedai in the Ajah Quarters, and i like it being from Mesaana... sort of an exclamation point about the Forsaken thinking they stood outside of danger, and Mesaana forced to fight for her life in a battle that did not even involve the Shadow. Alternatively this scene could be played by Alviarin or Beonin.


Amusingly i see the majority of the sisters that manage to escape will be Reds, having been warned by Tarna. Its not that i dont see Tarna attempting to warn the other Ajahs, i just dont see her having the time to get to them all. Plus having Read fall in line with Egwene would be an iconic moment of the new unity of the Tower.


Egwene - Will be in the cells with Silviana, speaking to her of Elaida. I believe that Silviana will be listening, after what she saw earlier, and admitting the danger of allowing Elaida to continue at Amyrlin. This is when Tarna and the Reds, or perhaps someone else, arrive bringing word of the Seanchan. They will say the Seanchan are still in the Ajah Quarters fighting and leashing sisters. Egwene will turn to Silviana and demand her decision. Egwene is released and takes immediate charge. She sends sisters to gather the novices and the Accepted, as well as to gather any sister they can find. This will be when they meet up with Pevara and her lot, both of them being in the basement levels. Leane will be freed then too. Egwene will come to the conclusion in light of the reported strength of the Seanchan that it is only with the Rebels they will have a chance of fighting back, so she decides to travel to the Rebels. The others agree. My one uncertainty is wether any of them will think to gather angreal or sa'angreal. My guess is that its unlikely, but who knows.


Perrin - possibly freeing Rand, definately consolidating the Borderlanders into his army. Word comes to Rand that Tuon will meet.


The Band of the Red Hand - Reach Caemlyn. My guess is this will be an Egeanin POV. They will speak with Elayne, and there will be some sort of flare up to do with Bethamin and Seta amongst the captive sul'dam and damane.


Lan - Despite his best efforts the Trollocs continue to drive straight at Tar Valon. He stays ahead of them.


Aviendha - The battle is joined in the south of Saldaea. A scene of wise ones and asha'men channeling. The other possibility is this scene will involve the betrayal of the darkfriend wise ones, during which many will be killed or injured. Aviendha will join Sorilea and Amys in fighting the Wise One Darkfriends, feeling terrible anger at the betrayal. So on, so forth.


Romanda - Is sleeping. Or maybe reminiscing on the bonding of Asha'men--possibly she bonded one herself, though i doubt it--and the reaction of the sisters to knowledge of Delana and Halima. She hears cries of alarm and fear, and gets out of bed with Magla and Salita coming too. She comes out to find Lelaine facing off with Egwene who has with her somewhere between fifty and a hundred sisters--most red, and in night-wear, as well as hundreds of novices and accepted. Lelaine is challanging Egwene about the Reds, she is angry but seems very dangerous. Egwene warns them all of the atack on the Tower but Lelaine still reacts with disbelief.


Suine and Bryne come along, bryne warns that they must act quickly, because if the Seanchan are allowed to consolidate their hold in the Tower they will be very difficult to force out. Egwene starts issuing commands, she sends Tarna and some others to gather Chubain and his men, commands the forming of circles with novices. It may be that an Aes Sedai attempts to weave a gateway into the Tower and cannot because it comes too close to making a weapon for one man to kill another--its possible Pevara still has the oath rod, and suggests the removing of the oaths, though i am unsure.


Mat - Meets up with Moiraine. Encounters a problem with the Fins, possibly again the point where he may give up his eye in order to escape.


Elaida - Within the Tower Elaida is in shock. She is leashed. She keeps flashing back to Tarna warning her. With increasing horror she begins to see what she's done to the Tower. She hears a report from one of the Seanchan to their leader. Some of the sisters managed to escape, along with the novices. She learns that someone pulled the Tower Guards and warders that were staying in the Tower baracks out. The Rebel army has moved into the city and is taking up positions around the Tower. There have been battles, in which the Seanchan have been defeated and driven back into the Tower. The leader concludes that they are facing a very intelligent enemy, and Elaida realises it is Bryne. The Seanchan Leader then says that it does not matter, they do not have to take the city, just hold the tower until the land force arrives. Elaida protests, and we leave her as she is being punished.


Mat - Is free of the Finns, and with Moiraine and Thom (Noal, i suspect, will die. Heroically, as befits Jain Farstrider.) He heads west to Caemlyn, to rejoin the Band. Moiraine is suitably cool, and also interested in the changes that have occured since she was trapped.


Egwene - Reminises over the past two days. Originally the fighting had been very heated, though that had slowed. Now Bryne was employing an attrition tactic, luring the Seanchan to one place, then attacking another by gateway--again the Aes Sedai may have had to remove the oaths to achieve this, something which Egwene is of two minds about--wiping out that other place, then retreating. It seemed to be working in the short term, but Egwene is concerned that it was not enough. She fears that the act of destroying the Seanchan may also destroy the Aes Sedai--or perhaps someone else raises this, again referring to the mice analogy. Too many deaths and the Tower dies. During the course of this we are witness to a short battle between Aes Sedai and Seanchan. Egwene witnesses the way the Aes Sedai and the Asha'men are getting on so well, and feels wonder at that, and also caution. But it makes her think of aid. She sends for Elayne, and likely also to Rand, though his armies are busy and i doubt that any aid from him will come in time.


Elayne - Or possibly Mat, or Moiraine. Mat arrives in Caemlyn. He is meeting with Elayne, Teslyn and the others are there, as well as the Seanchan women. there is more exposition of some change in the damane. Dylin is probably there too, and a couple of others. People at first dont realise who Moiraine is, since she was likely severed. Elayne then informs her of the way to heal stilling, though none nearby can perform that weave so she must wait (i actually hope she waits long enough for Flinn or another Asha'men to do it). An Aes Sedai arrives from Egwene--probably Myrelle--informing of the Seanchan attack on the Tower.


Elayne immediately begins gathering her forces, though i doubt all of Andors armed forces are close enough for easy access. She gets the Kin on side, and possibly the Athan'Miere, though that may prove more difficult. I also really hope that we see a confrontation with Duhara here... i can't wait to see the womens reaction to the situation at the Tower. They possibly also go to the Sisters at the Silver Swan. Mat and the Band join her.


Pevara - The city is silent. People move stealthily to avoid drawing attention from either side. Pevara and her force move forward on a planned attack against the Seanchan position. The attack begins but out of the corner of her eye she catches sight of Alviarin, who was not capture as was originally thought... perhaps Mesaana is with her. They are talking to a sister, possibly Lelaine, and are acting furtive. The woman ducks away, and Pevara is forced to focus on the Seanchan. But she is wary of Alviarin, and decides to warn the others, and try and hunt down the woman later.


Seanchan - Or Elaida. With the arrival of reinforcements the assaults on the Tower have increased. One of the Seanchan remarks on how the enemy seem to be everywhere and no where. There are talks of the use of explosives wielded by common soldiers and not channelers. The Seanchan fret that the slope of the battle has changed direction. They worry that reinforcements will not arrive in time.


Egwene - watches Mat and Bryne planning. She thinks about how startled she is at the change in him, but admits had anyone suggested she herself would be anything like what she was now, she would have scoffed. Moiraine has been healed by then, hopefully by an Asha'men. She and many others are present. There is conciderably confidence now that the battle in the Tower can be won, though the battle is far from over. This is when Lan is brought in. He looks ragged, though his eyes are cold and fierce. He does not recognized Moiraine. He warns of the Trolloc army approaching the city. There is shock. Egwene remains cool, and looks to Mat and Bryne. They immediately start manning the defense, including the guarding of the Waygate.


Pevara - and the others have been watching the sister Alviarin met with (Lelaine, maybe) go from sister to sister, speaking quietly with them. Or perhaps one of the Black sisters bound to Pevara is approached. Either way they become aware of Black Sisters organising for something. She gathers those she can be certain of, and follows them. They are taking positions near the main gates, or the Waygate. The Trolloc attack begins. The Blacks link, gather their power, and thats when Pevara strikes. The Black Sisters attempt is shattered, though there are casualties the first onslaught is held. The Blacks flee. In the Ogier Garden the attempt at containment fails, though the Light does manage to contain the Trollocs within the Garden. My guess is that the Band will be playing this roll, with the first real use of the Dragons within the city walls. It seems likely that her bonded Asha'men darkfriends will play some part here.


Tuon - She is with Galgan. They are discussing dealing with the force that assaulted Amadecia. They ran wild for a time, but now the Seanchan seem to be regaining control. Perhaps she is reminiscing whilst on a raken, or perhaps Rand agreed to come to Ebou Dar, but this is where the meeting with Rand will take place. She is calm, controlled. He is slightly eradic, and she notices he seems pained. He lays out the situation in his passionate, simple worded way, and she notes the similarities in his speech with Mat's.


She agrees calmly that there is need for unity and he seems suspicious of her easy capitulation. She states that she is aware of the danger, citing Semirhage and the Trolloc assault, and that all the omens said Tarmon Gai'don was upon them. She asks him what his terms would be for the alliance, and he suggests only a ceasation of all hostilities until after Tarmon Gai'don, and that they work together against the shadow.


She says that she can live with that, though she thinks to herself about him kneeling to the Crystal Throne, but she decides that can wait, for now they must deal with the Shadowspawn. Rand, or perhaps Cadsuane, points out that ceasation of hostilities includes stopping leashing women who can channel including the Aes Sedai. Tuon doesn't like that, but Rand won't budge. Tuon decides that leashing marath'damane must again be set aside until more pressing matters are solved, though she refuses to unleash those damane she has already leashed, which Rand swallows--making Nynaeve angry. They reach an agreement, and in honour of that Tuon reveals the assault underway in the Tower. Rand demands they go immediately to put a stop to it.


Both sides immediately call up the forces near them. For Tuon it includes soldiers and damane, around a thousand soldiers and at least the six damane. For Rand it includes Maidens, some of Perrins force, who came with Perrin, as well as Asha'men and their bonded Aes Sedai under Logain. They travel to the Tower, and the leader of the Seanchan assault comes before Tuon, and tells her of how the assault had been going badly, until the shadowspawn arrive. They rush onto the balcony and see the Aes Sedai engaged in furious battles all around the walls. One or two of the gates may have been compromised. Tuon immediately takes command and orders the Seanchan out against the Shadowspawn.


Note: I believe this will all be from Tuon's POV because it involved the fulfilling of Egwene's dream reguarding the Seanchan women with the sword.


Egwene - The fighting has been going on without stop for a day, or more. There have been no lulls, and her side was beginning to take to many losses. She fears if it continues there is no hope. She has been seperated from her army during a battle. She hurries through the streets with perhaps one of two other sisters. Trollocs appear, and charge them. Egwene feels no fear though she thinks there is no hope. Her only concern is that the Tower survive. She hopes they will travel away before all is lost. This is when Gawyn and the Younglings arrive along with Coverla thus fulfilling him saving her, though i imagine there is more to it then that... i believe he will have had a scene earlier on when he decides to abandon Elaida's command... but meh.


There is a lull, and the two share a tender moment, though brief. They fight there way back to joining the others of her group, she discovers two, perhaps more, of the gates have fallen. She decides there is no hope, or perhaps is urged to that decision by Bryne or one of the others. She decides that the Aes Sedai must abandon the city in order that they live to fight another day.


Trollocs break through, and fight is joined again. She is about to issue her commands when suddenly the ground begins exploding under the Trollocs, and lightning begins to fall. At the same time word is brought from a lookout in the tower, that all accross the wall channeling based attacks were striking the trollocs. Someone else brings word of the Seanchan joining the battle. And perhaps that Rand and other Asha'men are with a group of them. Outside the city the Seanchan land force arrives.


Egwene immediatle rallies her forces, and commands that an all out assault be launched. She herself leads a force to find Rand and the others. She finds them near a gate, with Seanchan, unleashing destruction on the Trollocs. She joins them in attack, and the Trollocs break. Egwene and Tuon meet, though they dont really talk. Its more of one of those 'each person takes in the others strength in a glance' type things. They continue to attack the Trollocs accross the river. The force breaks in truth, and word comes that all accross the city the Shadowspawn were in route, and fleeing.


Demandred - Outside the city with perhaps one or two other Forsaken, watching the Trollocs flee. He is furious at Al'thor for intervening. He sets about seeing to the stopping the Trollocs from fleeing all the way back to the Borderlands. Its possible this will be the second such Demandred POV, with one earlier dealing with the who's who of the Shadowspawn army, as well as establishing where the dark channelers had come from, since i dont see them all being just Black Sisters.


Others - During the first part of the book there will be some time given to Interulde and the Seanchan. I have no idea how that will play out, though i don't see Interulde losing. Additionally Rhuarc and the battle with the other Trolloc Army will be given more light then ive suggested, though that could fit in anywhere. Also Verin is, i believe, heading for the Tower to recover the Horn--who knows what part she will play in the events there. Something will no doubt occur with Egwene, too.


PART TWO - Tarmon Gai'don.


Following this battle there will be a moment of quietness. The first battle has been won, and now the war is to begin. We will see a meeting of all the major figures for the light, and some final hashing out of problems.


Egwene - We will see her placing the stole on her shoulders, for the first time as Amyrlin within the Tower. Several hours have passed, perhaps a full day. The Trollocs were still in route, and they had scouts out watching to make sure. Several darkfriends had been captured, but most of the Black Ajah had escaped, and Egwene is wary because there is still the chance others still remained hidden. Tuon had commanded the Seanchan forces to camp outside the city. Egwene is furious that the women did not release captive Aes Sedai, and is furious at Rand for having agreed to that.


She is not alone in the room, the Hall is there. Egwene thinks that she is suprised at how easily the two halls blended together, the too-young sitters being replaced by their more suitable counter-parts in the other hall thanks to the Ajah Heads plan, though i doubt Egwene knows of that. The sitters are advising her in reguards to a meeting that is about to happen. She notice that some of them still look uneasy, and that all the Aes Sedai were still reeling after the last week. They don't really seem to know what stance to take on either Rand or the Seanchan. They are still furious, and uneasy at the Seanchan assault, but are aware that without them Tar Valon would have fallen. They are also frightened of the power the shadow was able to bring to bear on the Tower, and the need for unity within the light. One of them makes it clear that Egwene must gain the freedom of the leashed sisters, which Egwene agrees to. She remains calm.


Egwene rises and goes to the meeting. I doubt she goes alone, maybe she takes Suine and Bryne, or two sitters--Romanda and Pevara perhaps. Or Tarna. The meeting is in the Hall of the Tower, where Egwene takes the Amyrlin seat. She is irritated that the blue has been removed.


The others begin arriving. Rand, with Cadsuane and Logain, Tuon with Galgan and maybe the leader of the Seanchan assault force. Mat with Talmanes and maybe Teslyn, or Setelle Anan (i hope the later, coz that'd be kind of pointing out how foolish Aes Sedai attitude towards severed sisters are). Perrin with Faile and whatshisname. The spymaster? (Alliandre, Morgase and the rest would not have come to the meeting with the Seanchan, so wouldn't be present). Elayne with Gawyn and Birgitte (Egwene is pleased to see Gawyn. She has bonded him, though he has been with Elayne since the route of the Trollocs). Harine, Shalon and her swordmaster are there on behalf of the Mistress of Ships. Lan with Moiraine and Nynaeve (glaring daggers).


It works out quite well, actually, with each seat in the Hall filled. The meeting will start with Tuon relating reports the raken have brought of the Trolloc horde. They remain in flight though there seems to be someone exerting control again. Other groups who had scouts out support this. Once this has been established, the question is raised of how to respond.


This is when Egwene will step in. She will state that unity is required, that the events of the past few days proved that. She will say that the shadow worked to devide us, and now we need to stand united. She then addresses Tuon directly, saying there is much distrust for the Seanchan, but that they had proven they needed each other. She will then say that that will not happen unless all leashed Aes Sedai are released, irrespective of the results.


And i believe that Tuon will give it to her, in light of what occured. Perhaps Mat will throw his weight behind Egwene--especially if Bode was leashed, which seems possible. Rand may remain silent, but i imagine the others would speak up in support of it. I rather suspect that a healed Satelle Anan will play a big part in this too. She will include her own provisions though, that only Aes Sedai who wished to be released will be so, and that she gets to keep one in particular (specificall, Mesaana, if she was leashed).


Egwene will agree to this, and the meeting will continue. Rand's forces in Illian will move to aid the Seanchan against the Trollocs in Amadacia, and begin ferrying the Seanchan north.


For the actually play out of the battles im uncertain how it will proceed. I believe the tactic will be slash runs because the Trollocs outnumber the forces of the Light. I believe that Interulde and Turan will eventually join Rhuarc, whilst the Aes Sedai, the Seanchan near Tar Valon, Elayne, Lan and eventually the borderlanders and whitecloaks will persue the army north of Tar Valon. The force in Illian and the other Seanchan will be split between the two, as well as dealing with the Murandians who i believe will be under Demandred's influence.


The reason i think this is that it is my belief that the Seanchan and the Whitecloaks will eventually come to respect the Aes Sedai--at least in a strange way. And the only real way to foster that is have them forced to fight side-by-side. Even if they don't putting them together makes for interesting drama.


In any case, as i said im not sure the progression, but with the work of Mat, Galgan, Interulde and Bryne, not to mention the lesser brilliant generals, they will employ tactics that will win. Oh, Demandred will pull surprises, especially the Murandians, and there will be loses and back and forth. Eventually the shadowspawn will be forced back towards the borderlands. First slowly, and then with increasing success. It will be around then that Rand begins planning the assault on Shayol Ghoul. Specifically, i suspect another one of those ripples occurs, and maybe the final seals are broken. Maybe Rand decides to break them. I'm not sure. But before we get to that there are things that will occur throughout this section, things of more importance, really, then the battles--because they are character moments.


Logain - I believe it will be noted that Asha'men were fighting on behalf of the Shadow. Logain again tries to warn Rand, and is shut down, so he goes looking for proof, not really expecting a confrontation. Instead he will surprise Taim accidently, and Taim will react with a fight. The fight will be short and messy, several of Logain's Asha'men will die, and i suspect probably either Toveine of Gabrielle. Taim will escape.


Gawyn - There will be a confrontation between Gawyn and Rand, and i believe it will end with Gawyn releasing his hatred finally. But honestly, im not sure. It has occured to me that the place Pevara may stash her Asha'men is near Gawyn, and that Gawyn may be able to channel, or that the darkfriend influences him against Rand, or any of a hundred other things. We simply dont know enough.


Actually, now i think about it, i think it likely that Gawyn learns of Rand's presense in the city before saving Egwene, his choice may be to save Egwene over persuing Rand. That makes sense to me.


Nynaeve - There will be a scene between Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve and Myrelle. It's been coming for too long.


Moiraine - The obvious meeting with Rand. Probably one with Suine as well. Both should prove interesting.


Mesaana - if she was captured, with Tuon wielding the bracelet.


The Forsaken - Some sort of meeting will happen with them, possibly concurrent with the assault on Shayol Ghoul. Shaidar Haren will arrive with Taim, and possibly Alviarin in tow. There will be conciderable anger about the way events are turning.


PART THREE - The Strike on Shayol Ghoul.


So, we come to the final part. not all the forces of the light will be involved in the Strike. The forces in Amadacia will have been destroyed by now. In Arad Domon Rhuarc, Interulde, Aviendha, the Wise Ones, some Seanchan, as well as several others will engage the enemy once more, the battle will be fercocious, all out. In souther Shienar Egwene, Elayne, and several others including Tylee Khirgan, Galad, Berelain and the Borderlanders, and so forth. The ta'veren telepathy will play a part in this.


The people in the strike will be, to my mind, Rand, Cadsuane, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Logain, Alivia, Perrin and Mat. They will lead a small strike force of Maidens, Malkieri and likely some others, including Wolves. Its possible Perrin will be elsewhere, he is not needed, as such, but i see him being the one to take down Shaidar Haren. Mat will have the Horn, as brought to him by Verin. Logain's Asha'men will be there, as well as their Aes Sedai, and likely some of those sworn to serve Rand, as well.


The assault will be ferocious, the battle messy. People will die in all three places. During the course of this, Rand will find himself facing Moridin. They will fight, in the course of that fight Rand will sever Moridin's connection to the Dark One. The result will be that with both so near each other, and both drawing on saidin, that a bodyswap will occur. At the same time whatever Moridin wove with saidin will cause a cave in or a land slide, or something seperating the two. As i said i believe Perrin will be the one to face Shaidar Haren.


Elsewhere i see Aviendha dealing with Graendal, Egwene or perhaps Mat dealing with Aran'gar. I'm guessing Logain will get Taim, or perhaps Pevara. I'd be amused if some of the Forsaken just die in battle at the hands of randoms, I see Demandred for this one. I think Cadsuane, Nynaeve and Moiraine will deal with Moghedian and Cyndane. Though it may be Elayne that handles Cyndane if she is indeed hiding out as Sylvase.


It wont be too neat, however. RJ doesn't write like that. And it wont be all losses for the Shadow. I think Cadsuane will die, for sure. And likely Amys. Possibly Rhuarc as well. Lan, again i think is a certainty (more on this in a moment). Birgitte seems a goner. And likely many others beside.


Anyway, Rand will get into the Pit of Doom. Likely with the Choedan Kal (There will be some reason he didn't use it on Moridin... maybe Moridin caught him by surprise and it was swept out of his hands before he could. Whatever). He will do whatever it is he will do... there is too little information to predict that, though it doubt it will be simply re-sealing the bore.




Several months have passed. We are with Moridin. He is in rags, begging on the street, trying to avoid notice. Possibly he was burnt out. He is like the Fisher King. Blinded, without a hand, wounds in his eyes. He still feels hope that if he can avoid being found, he can be healed, and perhaps recover some of what he lost. He may have given up on the Shadow's cause, but he still feels the world is ripe for him. He reflects on the state of the world.


The world believes Rand dead. The forces he had gathered under him fractured. The Aiel returned to the Waste whilst Elayne made claims to Cairhein she was busy trying to consolidate. Darlin holds tear though there is opposition, and Mattin Stepeneos is back in power in Illian. The Aes Sedai do what they can, but they suffered losses themselves, and find themselves being forced to deal with Logain, the Wise Ones and the Windfinders. They no longer stand above the world.


In the north armies still hunt Shadowspawn, but there are still many thousands he can draw upon. Hundreds of thousands who escaped the failures in Arad Domon and Shienar. There are still darkfriends out there, though the Black Ajah and Asha'men darkfriends were nearly wiped out.


The Seanchan are in turmoil. The revelation about the sul'dam is out. Bethamin and Seta are natoriously seeking to become Aes Sedai, along with likely several others amongst the captured sul'dam. Others still are now insisting they be leashed. Uprest sweeps the lands they've conquered and they are having issues retaining control. There are whispers that marath'damane are not evil. Those that fought beside the Aes Sedai speak highly of them.


Moridin feels hope. Then he sees a woman stalking towards him. Alivia. He turns to run and finds himself facing Rand. They bundle him into a building. They reveal they have been tracking him. Moridin is defiant, swearing the return of the Shadow. Alivia kills him.


Rand - Will walk away from Moridin before Alivia kills him. He will be laughing and crying, and feeling free. She will ask him what he intends next, which i suspect, for a time, will be anonymity.


Alviarin - I believe Alviarin will survive the Last Battle as well, though she will be in hiding. She will feel bleak, but plot recovery.


Nynaeve - Nynaeve will have been a recluse since the end of the Last Battle due to Lan's loss. She will be much calmer in herself, much more clear-headed. She will be sitting in a small house, reflecting to herself. Soon she will go back out into the world. There was much to be done, and Egwene needed her, but for the moment she would have peace. In the long run i see her becoming the next Cadsuane... never belonging but a figure of power. This will be the last scene in the book.



Well... thats pretty much it. To the very few who bothered to read it, thank you. To the rest... i understand.



I really liked that. I liked that A LOT.


Some of the details I'm not sure about here and there, but I enjoyed your version. I liked the darkness of the ending you foresee.


Obviously, I'd want to know more about Moiraine. I'd want to know if the Tinkers found the song or not.


I want to know what became of the Aiel Prophecy of them being destroyed.


The Ogier as well, I want to know if they decide to open the Book of Translation or if they decide to stay and fight.


I'd want to know what happend to Perrin and the Two Rivers.


Tam and Rand.


Rand's children and wives.


Thom Merrilin.


jahar narishma as the follower.


Padan Fain.


Still, I enjoyed your outline.


Thanks, that means a lot, both of you. And I am writing a book, its called the Daughter of Simon Foster, and with luck it may even be published this year. Alot of luck... heh.


I'd want to know if the Tinkers found the song or not.


Personally i doubt it. To find the song one of them would need to have the Voice, and even if they did simply accessing the Talent of the Voice and singing the Songs of Growing would not bring back the Age of Legends as they believe.


I want to know what became of the Aiel Prophecy of them being destroyed.


I think its possible that they are well on their way. Remember the Aiel we know and love today are already a remenant, so 'a remenant of a remenant' need only refer to a single social change--and we've already seen that occuring.


The Ogier as well, I want to know if they decide to open the Book of Translation or if they decide to stay and fight.


I reckon stay and fight. The other is just way too Tolkien.


On the rest your guess is as good ad mine. No clue.

I'd want to know if the Tinkers found the song or not.


As to this I think those Aiel who have gone to the Tinkers will be the one's who will bring the songs to them. Remember when Rand Loial and the sniffer was in that other world and Loial made that Quater staff, Rand felt he should have known that song. The pure blood Aiel will be drawn to tree and seed songs more than the tinkers with their thinned blood.


I want to know what became of the Aiel Prophecy of them being destroyed.


I think this has already been answered. Several thousand Aiel are still in the waste, and the rements of the Shiado are on their way back. I believe those Aiel will be the survivers of TG.



[glow=green,1,500]Darth_Andrea[/glow]  starwars1.gif


I can't imagine Lan dying personally.  He sought death so much, and it was Nyneave that taught him how to live again.  I think those two are destined for a long life. 


Also I think it's important that Rand fulfill the prophecy about the Crystal Throne, for some reason that seemed paramount when Tuon spoke about it.


other than that I liked all the theories.  Very interesting.


I can't imagine Lan dying personally.  He sought death so much, and it was Nyneave that taught him how to live again.  I think those two are destined for a long life. 


Also I think it's important that Rand fulfill the prophecy about the Crystal Throne, for some reason that seemed paramount when Tuon spoke about it.


other than that I liked all the theories.  Very interesting.


I think that maybe the Crystal Throne is a terangreal and something about what it does needs to be done to Rand. I don't know if it will help or hurt him.


Another thing I might add, the viewings that Min have about Moiraine are clear, and that is that Rand cannot win without her. There has to be more about Moiraine than her reappearance. She is the Gandalf of this tale and something she will have learned will be vital to Rand's cause.


I'll start out by saying it is way easier to tear apart something than it is to try and build it, so, I'll try and go easy on you.:)


Since then i've changed my position on certain things (mostly because of you Robert! You knowledgeable bastard! )


I believe that I was the bastard who threw the time wrench into this the first time ;)


Mat - Will be heading for the Tower of Ghenjei. Will possibly even be there preparing to enter. His part in the prologue will involve him sending his army north to return the Aes Sedai to Tar Valon, or perhaps Caemlyn. Only a small group will travel with him to the Tower, possibly only Thom and Noal.


This would necesitate the prolouge starting some 20 days after the last Mat POV.  Bayle said it was 10 days to whitebridge by river and where Mat is as of the end of KoD's is about the same distance again to the south of whitebridge.  I also have yet to see any indication that Mat had sent the first "half" of the band to Camelyn in the first place.  THey were in south west Andor, near several rivers that could just as easily take them to Murandy or Illian, but I'm guessing it is wisest to not open the Illian can of worms for the time being.  I do agree however that Mat will start out at or near the ToG, just probably 2 weeks after his last POV.


Lan - His part will cover the beginning of Tarmon Gai'don. You will see him arriving in Shienar and meeting up with the force that have gathered to join him, having heard. It will be touching, and it will end with scouts bringing word of a Trolloc army the size of which has never been seen, possibly a million, possibly two. We will leave with Lan preparing the defence. He will have perhaps 50,000 men, perhaps more or less.


Most of this we have argued elsewhere as well,  the same sorts of time restrictions on the beggining of AMoL would aply here as well only more so.  In other threads it looks like it would take at least 1 1/2 months for Lan to make the march.  If you are suggesting that AMoL will take place 1-2 months after most of the end of KoD's then I agree entirely, I simply don't know how RJ planned to get all the pieces in place other wise.


Aviendha - Will also hear of a Trolloc army moving south out of the Shadow's lance. Rhuarc will be gathering his forces to move to meet it. I also believe some sort of confrontation between Aviendha and Graendal will occur--mostly because Aviendha's sort of lacked any limelight, now has an angreal, and someone needs to stir Graendal out of Arad Domon. I'm actually quite looking forward to it.


Me too, and I think that this makes sense.


Tuon - Will have just listened to the sul'dam lay down Rand's request for a meeting, and they will reluctantly also reveal Semirhage hiding out as Anath. Tuon will show no fear. She will calmly start planning her meeting with Rand, and how to get her way. This scene will either end with word being brought of Trollocs in Amadecia, or that will happen perhaps around chapter 3. I'm not sure, though i am fairly certain this will occur. Mostly because of the repeated Seanchan comment of 'i wish to see these shadowspawn of yours' and because the Seanchan need to have the threat of the shadow brought home--until now they only acknowledge in an esoteric sense. But also because there needs to be some evidence of why sealing the waygates was important. And again, as i said, last book--multiple purposes to everything.


Again this would have to take place some time after the end of KoD's.  It took Farede 40 days to make the trip to Tuon, so it would take a similar amount of time for her to have reached Ebou Dar Again.  I would not be suprised to hear about trollocs out of the shadow coast at this point, but frankly I think it would have played that hand too soon, and is more likely pushed back as you suggested.


Egwene - Her scene in the prologue will involve her serving Elaida at dinner. It's my belief that Elaida will have invited others, wanting to show off her success. My guess is Meidani, Pevara, Tarna, Javindhra, Beonin and maybe Silviana. With Duhara out of the Tower i dont see Elaida wanting to impress anyone else. Egwene will essentially make Elaida look like a complete fool, and worse. It will be the deciding moment of her victory. Elaida will snap, commanding Egwene be put in the cells until she is stilled, but we will see on all the women presents faces that it is Elaida they now look down on. Silviana, and perhaps Pevara and Javindhra as well, will escort her down, and as they go, Egwene will talk and they wont silence her. They will put her in the cells though.


Here we depart signifigantly.  I do not see the need for Egwene to be send anywhere, nor do I see Elaida inviting all of the extra Aes Sedai that you suggest. Elaida has been toying with Meidani and has been leading her on, something I don't see her trying to do in a room full of sisters, and Egwene seems to be almost an after thought,  Taken in with Elaida's sudden onset alcoholism, I see a scenario where Egwene is ignored, and proceeds to get Elaida drunk, whereupon Egwene gets her chance alone with one of the moles, and the two of them overpower Elaida.  Perhaps this is the tipping point for Tarna, I do not know.  I think that a seanchan raid, another signifigant difference of opinion between us, woulf then serve the purpose of allowing Egwene to weld the tower together in its wake, and fulfill two prophecies with one stone.


Perrin - This scene will either be Perrin's or Galad's... my guess Galads. It will involve the Whitecloaks meeting up with Perrins force. Something that will no doubt prove interesting with Byar and Dain, not to mention Galad and Berelain. At the end though they will agree to move together, and Perrin will decide it is time to meet up with Rand.


Agreed and I think that they will move into Andor and toward the borderlanders.  This is one reason why I don't think that the band will end up in Andor too.  Simply its too many soldiers and Taveren in one basket.


PART ONE - Pre Tarmon Gai'don.


In this section i will move as chronologically as i can, though its possible the events will be interwoven POV's.


Rand - Will approach the Borderlanders--my guess without Cadsuane, who will be questioning Semirhage. I believe something big will occur with the Borderlanders, they have been around but unaddressed for too many books. Too many side references to the thirteen Aes Sedai with them have been made. Then we have Min's viewing about the darkness around Bashere, plus the fact that we know Perrin gets the Broken Crown, so both Bashere and Tenobia need to die. Then there is the viewing that women who can channel must still hurt Rand on more time. And the viewing that Perrin must be there to save Rand one more time. Too my mind the Thirteen are most likely black. They will shield Rand, and in the ensueing battle Tenobia and Bashere will be killed, likely Elza as well.


I'm not sure how he will escape, unfortunately. I suspect Perrin will play a part, but we dont know for sure that viewing is linked to the one about women channelers--though again my theory of multi-purpose events may be in play, but if Perrin were involved it would leave him with the broken crow, reunited with Rand, and will pull the Borderlanders into the force of the light. Either way Rand being hurt will not last long. One, maybe two seperated chapters. It will solved by before one third of the way through the book.


Agreed, Perrin needs to save Rand and the borderlanders seems to be the place to wrap up the most in one place.

Tarna - Is with Elaida in her rooms on the upper floors of the Tower. Elaida has been ranting and drinking, and is near insensible. Tarna is honest with herself about Elaida's chances, and remarks to herself her respect for Egwene, and how sad it was the girl was to be stilled. Then she becomes aware of noises. She goes to Elaida's balcony and witnesses to'raken arriving. She connects it with Egwene's dreams...


I disagree with the entire premise of a prolonged Seanchan occupation of the tower, it doesn't seem to fit the description of the prophetic dream of ravens hitting the lamp without stopping, and then flying on.  If the pace of the book is going to increase, I don't see how the seanchan attack can be any more than a raid, and if it's a raid, the most likely scenario to my mind is a mass kidnapping, including the kidnapping of ELaida.


Lan - Evacuating Fal Moran, and acknowledging that he cannot hold this force. Instead he decides to slow it as best he can until reinforcements can come.


Again, I think it would be a bad idea for a force of 50,000, (your number) to face a trolloc force of 1,000,000+ and I don't see any way that a force that size would even consider the idea that they could slow a host that size.  IMO Lan will hold at Tarwin's Gap or not at all.


Mesaana - It will start in a meeting of the Forsaken, and end with her awakening to find the Seanchan in the Ajah Quarters. I think it is possible that she will be leashed, either whilst she was unaware in Tel'aran'rhiod, or just after. Maybe she will escape, i cant really say. But there does need to be a scene in which we see the Seanchan are leashing Aes Sedai in the Ajah Quarters, and i like it being from Mesaana... sort of an exclamation point about the Forsaken thinking they stood outside of danger, and Mesaana forced to fight for her life in a battle that did not even involve the Shadow. Alternatively this scene could be played by Alviarin or Beonin.


That would freakin rock.  Messanna as Damane....


Amusingly i see the majority of the sisters that manage to escape... but who knows.

I disagree, and I've said why above and elsewhere. 


Perrin - possibly freeing Rand, definately consolidating the Borderlanders into his army. Word comes to Rand that Tuon will meet.


I agree and would add that Braem wood and the Carlain grass would make a great place for the wolves of Randland to have been gathering unnoticed.


The Band of the Red Hand - Reach Caemlyn. My guess is this will be an Egeanin POV. They will speak with Elayne, and there will be some sort of flare up to do with Bethamin and Seta amongst the captive sul'dam and damane.


Illian, not Camelyn ;)


Lan - Despite his best efforts the Trollocs continue to drive straight at Tar Valon. He stays ahead of them.


Timing is a major problem here.  KoD's left off with the night you and I agree will likely bring the Seanchan attack.  It would take Lan at least a month from that point to even get to Shienar and probably 2 weeks to get from there to TV even if they sprinted ahead of the trolloc horde that you think is coming.  I simply don't see how lan could get to shienar, turn around, and still get to Tar Valon in time to be in sync with your idea for the seanchan attack.  In order for your seanchan plotline to work out they would have to occupy the tower for over a month, I don't see it.


Aviendha - The battle is joined in the south of Saldaea. A scene of wise ones and asha'men channeling. The other possibility is this scene will involve the betrayal of the darkfriend wise ones, during which many will be killed or injured. Aviendha will join Sorilea and Amys in fighting the Wise One Darkfriends, feeling terrible anger at the betrayal. So on, so forth.


DF wiseones would be cool.  I could see how the bleak future that is predicted for the Aiel could even drive greater percentages of wo's and clan/sept chiefs to be secret DF's... 


Romanda - Is sleeping. Or maybe reminiscing on the bonding of Asha'men--possibly she bonded one herself, though i doubt it--and the reaction of the sisters to knowledge of Delana and Halima. She hears cries of alarm and fear, and gets out of bed with Magla and Salita coming too. She comes out to find Lelaine facing off with Egwene who has with her somewhere between fifty and a hundred sisters--most red, and in night-wear, as well as hundreds of novices and accepted. Lelaine is challanging Egwene about the Reds, she is angry but seems very dangerous. Egwene warns them all of the atack on the Tower but Lelaine still reacts with disbelief.


I think that Egwene is hard enough and determined enough that she would die before she surrendured the tower, even temporarily.  Luckily fo me in my theory, she doesn't have to leave the tower ;)


... Elaida realises it is Bryne. The Seanchan Leader then says that it does not matter, they do not have to take the city, just hold the tower until the land force arrives. Elaida protests, and we leave her as she is being punished.


As was discussed it would take a rediculous amount of timing, and luck to march and supply a land force of any size unnoticed to within striking range of TV.


Mat - Is free of the Finns, and with Moiraine and Thom (Noal, i suspect, will die. Heroically, as befits Jain Farstrider.) He heads west to Caemlyn, to rejoin the Band. Moiraine is suitably cool, and also interested in the changes that have occured since she was trapped.


If by Camelyn you really mean Illian then I agree...



This is a really long post, and I'm tired, If I get the chance, I'll tear apart the rest of it for you tommorrow or the next day.  :D  Suffice it to say, I disagree entirely about the prolonged Seanchan Vs. TV thread of this post, and I don't think that Mat and the Band will end up in Camelyn.  I do think that Galad and Perrin will meet up and end up in Braem wood dealing with borderlanders early on.  I do agree that Mat will be doing the Tower of Ghenji thing first off.  And I do think that is would rock hardcore for Avhienda to mess up Graendal and for the Seanchan to accidently end up leashing Messanna.

I think that maybe the Crystal Throne is a terangreal and something about what it does needs to be done to Rand. I don't know if it will help or hurt him.


Another thing I might add, the viewings that Min have about Moiraine are clear, and that is that Rand cannot win without her. There has to be more about Moiraine than her reappearance. She is the Gandalf of this tale and something she will have learned will be vital to Rand's cause. 



The Crystal Throne is indeed a ter'angreal (but it is not the High Seat of the First Amongst Servants--heaps of people believed it was till RJ discredited that). It causes feelings of awe and worship in those approaching it for the one sitting in it.


But Rand will never kneel to it. That was a false prophecy that Ishamael inserted into Luthair's version of the Prophecies--if you need any more evidence then the way it was first mention, with the specific mentions of how both prophecies in Seanchan prior to the consolidation and prophecies currently in Randland were false because they lacked it, then we can actually logically exclude it anyway.


The prophecy may mean one of two things. The first is Rand physically kneeling to the Crystal Throne--and that wont happen because RJ has stated that the mainsequence books will never again return to Seanchan. The second is that Rand metaphorically knees to the Crystal Throne by submitting to the authority of that Throne--specifically, Tuon. And that won't happen because the real prophecies include a prophecy that she will serve him, not the other way round.



This would necesitate the prolouge starting some 20 days after the last Mat POV.  Bayle said it was 10 days to whitebridge by river and where Mat is as of the end of KoD's is about the same distance again to the south of whitebridge.  I also have yet to see any indication that Mat had sent the first "half" of the band to Camelyn in the first place.  THey were in south west Andor, near several rivers that could just as easily take them to Murandy or Illian, but I'm guessing it is wisest to not open the Illian can of worms for the time being.  I do agree however that Mat will start out at or near the ToG, just probably 2 weeks after his last POV.


Keep in mind that i said might. Personally i see it with him just into Andor directing his army north to Caemlyn whilst preparing with Thom and Noal.


That being said, yes it would necesitate the prologue starting some twenty days after Mat's last POV--and there is no issue in that, because time has already passed between when Tuon left him and when she arrived at Ebou Dar. Technically speaking the majority of his journey has already taken place--where RJ chose to have us rejoin him is entirely up to where in that journey he wants included. I think it likely that could be just into Andor, but yes it could be as far as reaching the ToG.


And feel free to write your own outline if you want to include him going to Illian--i personally don't see that as being at all plausible, but to each their own.


Most of this we have argued elsewhere as well,  the same sorts of time restrictions on the beggining of AMoL would aply here as well only more so.  In other threads it looks like it would take at least 1 1/2 months for Lan to make the march.  If you are suggesting that AMoL will take place 1-2 months after most of the end of KoD's then I agree entirely, I simply don't know how RJ planned to get all the pieces in place other wise.


Agreed. I hadn't changed this since last we discussed it--i merely reposted in order to cite it. Now i think it more likely that Lan will arrive to find Shienar in ruins and then follow the Trollocs south.


Again this would have to take place some time after the end of KoD's.  It took Farede 40 days to make the trip to Tuon, so it would take a similar amount of time for her to have reached Ebou Dar Again.  I would not be suprised to hear about trollocs out of the shadow coast at this point, but frankly I think it would have played that hand too soon, and is more likely pushed back as you suggested.


Mmm. And i concidered this not occuring until after the siege of Tar Valon, but I suspect with Semirhage's and Suroth's fall that the Shadow may attempt to take down, or at least destabalize Tuon, before she can meet with Rand and reach an alliance. I also think its nessasary in some ways for Tuon to agree to such an alliance--because although she is intelligent and would put Tarmon Gai'don ahead of Seanchan consolidation, i fear the influence of the false prophecy would prove too distracting if she did not have some real viable experience of what the threat of the Shadow was--Semirhage may serve that, but i think more is required, and since i feel ultimately Rand will gain this alliance--and quickly--i see it occuring that way.


But again, this is just personal--a progression to fit what needs to happen based on my beliefs.


Here we depart signifigantly.  I do not see the need for Egwene to be send anywhere, nor do I see Elaida inviting all of the extra Aes Sedai that you suggest. Elaida has been toying with Meidani and has been leading her on, something I don't see her trying to do in a room full of sisters, and Egwene seems to be almost an after thought,  Taken in with Elaida's sudden onset alcoholism, I see a scenario where Egwene is ignored, and proceeds to get Elaida drunk, whereupon Egwene gets her chance alone with one of the moles, and the two of them overpower Elaida.  Perhaps this is the tipping point for Tarna, I do not know.  I think that a seanchan raid, another signifigant difference of opinion between us, woulf then serve the purpose of allowing Egwene to weld the tower together in its wake, and fulfill two prophecies with one stone.


Egwene's victory needs to occur because of the sisters supporting her in command, not because they physically overwhelmed Elaida. You may well be right about the dinner only involving Meidani--indeed i could definately buy that--but i suspect it will end with Elaida embarressed and ordering Egwene's arrest. Her ascension and victory will come later when she simply steps up to take command in the face of Seanchan invasion, and Elaida's downfall i definately think will be purely her own doing.


I disagree with the entire premise of a prolonged Seanchan occupation of the tower, it doesn't seem to fit the description of the prophetic dream of ravens hitting the lamp without stopping, and then flying on.  If the pace of the book is going to increase, I don't see how the seanchan attack can be any more than a raid, and if it's a raid, the most likely scenario to my mind is a mass kidnapping, including the kidnapping of ELaida.


I disagree, and you know my scenario. A raid would slow the progression because it would fracture the storylines and bring in a whole new subplot of the captured sisters in Seanchan lands. My way allows for things to progress, for the Aes Sedai to unite and Egwene to show her skills as a leader, for the Aes Sedai pride to take such a blow that they will be able to freely enter an Alliance, and ultimately for Tuon to save Egwene by leading an army to aid them, thus fulfilling prophecy and taking the first step in allowing Seanchan and Aes Sedai to work well together.


And you know my disagreement about the lamp and ravens dream. Ultimately it only requires that the Seanchan don't hold the Tower forever. I know you disagree... but again, my progression. :)


Again, I think it would be a bad idea for a force of 50,000, (your number) to face a trolloc force of 1,000,000+ and I don't see any way that a force that size would even consider the idea that they could slow a host that size.  IMO Lan will hold at Tarwin's Gap or not at all.


They wouldn't have faced that force in my initial outline, they would have used delaying tactics to slow it, and a force of 50,000 could do that. Now i don't think they will arrive before the Trollocs anyway.


And 50,000 couldn't hold a million trollocs at the Gap any more than they could out of it. Read the description in EotW, the Gap is way too large a passage to allow a bottleneck.


I agree and would add that Braem wood and the Carlain grass would make a great place for the wolves of Randland to have been gathering unnoticed.


Excellent thought. I could definately see that.


Illian, not Camelyn


Write your own progression. That theory hurts my sense of decency.


Heh. I keed I keed.


Timing is a major problem here.  KoD's left off with the night you and I agree will likely bring the Seanchan attack.  It would take Lan at least a month from that point to even get to Shienar and probably 2 weeks to get from there to TV even if they sprinted ahead of the trolloc horde that you think is coming.  I simply don't see how lan could get to shienar, turn around, and still get to Tar Valon in time to be in sync with your idea for the seanchan attack.  In order for your seanchan plotline to work out they would have to occupy the tower for over a month, I don't see it.


Well, keep in mind we leave Egwene much later chronologically than we do Lan. And besides ive changed my Lan perspective anyway based on your point about time.


DF wiseones would be cool.  I could see how the bleak future that is predicted for the Aiel could even drive greater percentages of wo's and clan/sept chiefs to be secret DF's...


I have this image in my mind of Sorilea literally ripping out some DF Wise One's throat with her bare hands... does that make me bloodthirsty?


I think that Egwene is hard enough and determined enough that she would die before she surrendured the tower, even temporarily.  Luckily fo me in my theory, she doesn't have to leave the tower


I don't know, i think she's also pragmatic and realistic enough to save the Aes Sedai even at the expense of the Tower. I don't think it will be an easy decision, but i think she'd be strong enough to make it.


As was discussed it would take a rediculous amount of timing, and luck to march and supply a land force of any size unnoticed to within striking range of TV.


I disagreed with you then, and i disagree with you now. A force deployed from Almoth accross the Caralain Grass could pass undetected in the time we have witnessed since the plans were first laid out... indeed some effort of that form would have had to have been made anyway for the to'raken to make the trip--supply camps spread every hundred miles. Furthermore the Seanchan have the best organized supply lines in the world.


And lets not forget that we see a general in northern Altara studying maps of Tar Valon too. I could similarily see a force being launched north out of Altara--staggered late so as to not give away the surprise, and therefore arriving late, but it makes sense because not all the damane would be able to remain in Tar Valon and therefore reinforcements would be needed to hold a city so far out of Seanchan lands.


Enough forces to take the Tower in the first attack, with enough to crush the city between the two forces in the second, and a third much larger force to reinforce the city so that it could be held.




And feel free to write your own outline if you want to include him going to Illian--i personally don't see that as being at all plausible, but to each their own.


I did, around the time that you wrote yours, so here's mine


Since it seems fashionable to write out how we think that AMoL will go, I think that I’ll take a shot at it as well, It will present an entirely different perspective on this last book, and comes from a number of my crazy limb climbing theories. Warning, this is potentially full of spoilers.




Mat will send the band and Aludra to Illian, Vanin will be sent to retrieve the rest of the Band and send them to Illian. Aludra will be given gold to have dragons cast . Lielwin Shipless, Doman, a riverboat crew, Thom, Mat, and Noal will travel north by river to the Tower of Ghenji.

Rand will go into beggar mode and disappear. Nynaeve will go looking for Lan. Cadsuane will try tracking Rand by way of Alanna, Min will accompany her. Verin will show up in the tower, she will rescue Stepaneos and the horn after traveling to Illian the end of the hunt for the horn will be announced. Galad will meet up with Perrin’s group reunite with Morgase, and fall for Berlain, they will all head for Camelyn. Gawayn will arrive in Camelyn. Loial will head off to Stedding Shangtai. Logain, after a lengthy discussion with Cadsuane, has returned to the black tower, and has organized the ashamen that are to be allowed to be bonded by red sisters. He’s hatching a plan, Logain Ablair is still marching to War.


1st third of the book


Tuon hears the her truth speaker was Semhirage. Yet still feels convicted to make the dragon reborn kneel to the crystal throne. Yet the throne is in contention on the other side of the ocean, and the time of TG is near. She is desperate to lay hands on Rand, and is desperate to learn the secret of traveling so that she can be crowned empress, restore the empire. News arrives that the horn has been found and sent to Illian. This seals her decision, she sends an envoy to Illian with a peace deal. The dragon needs to travel with Tuon to the imperial court, lands held currently by the return will be placed under the control of Hawkwing’s ancestors, and an alliance will be sealed. Her envoy goes unanswered. The attack against the WT must go on as planned. There must be a way found to travel back to Seandar, if its not the dragon reborn, it will be captured Marath Damane who will supply the secret of traveling.


Egwene goes to dinner, smarts off to Elaida, makes contact with Miedani, and is sent to the dungeons to be stilled. Sylvania is kicked out as mistress of novices for failing to break Egwene. Elaida drinks some more, The seanchan hit the tower in a surprise raid. They succeed at kidnapping Elaida, and a long line of Aes Sedai as per Egwene’s dream. Sylvania, releases Egwene from Prison, Egwene rallies the aes sedai, and organizes circles to travel, find, and reclaim the sisters.


Thom, Mat, and Noal reach the Tower of Ghenji. They are forced to try and reach the center of the tower, in order to rescue Moraine, The snakes and foxes game is their map, and provides them with some measure of defense against the tricks that are going to be pulled on them. The finns will swarm them, and Thom will sing to them to daze them, until Mat can work up the courage to pluck out the eye, linked to the aelfin . They will then travel along the aelfin spiral, till they get to the center. There will be another encounter, fireworks will be used to blind the fins, and they will escape along a Elfin corridor. Running for their lives, they will reach the exit, for a third encounter wit the fins. Noal will be courageous enough to face the finns and buy their escape. Thus ends Jain Farstrider.


Ituralde will keep falling back, and will draw the seanchan further into the trap. The Aiel will pacify Bandar Eban, and consolidate the countryside. The two sides will meet up, and make a truce. Ituralde will be named regent for the lord dragon in Arad Doman. Graendal will show up with King Alsalam and the council of merchants. Ituralde will relinquish his post to Alsalam, and thus Graendal. Bair, Amys, or Melaine will dream of the forsaken in their midsts. Graendal will realize her danger and murder Bair or Amys, she‘ll probably do in Bashere as well. This attack on Bashere may or may not net her Bashere’s seal. Avhienda will unravel the mystery, confront Graendal, and kill her with the help of her Angreal.


2nd third of the book,




Egwene’s sisters catch up to the raken/toraken camps just as Tuon, (A woman with no face, since she has not yet taken her new name.) After a scuffle and a tense hostage situation, Egwene negotiates a return of the kidnapped sisters, including Elaida. In return, Egwene must teach the seanchan the weave for traveling. A truce is reached, and an agreement is struck. They have reached the top together. The Seanchan will leave Randland, travel back to Seanchan, and restore order to the empire. Egwene is officially raised, Elaida is stilled as required by law, then healed by a woman to return her to sisterhood, as a salve to the red ajah. The Tower is healed. Tuon Leaves for Seandar with Damane/Suldame and the fists of heaven to restore order to the imperial court.


Cadsuane has arrived at the silver swan and gathers the sisters there, and travels with them to the secret Cadsuane sisters hideout. She teaches them how to invert weaves, and how to hide the channeling ability, they as per her discussions with Logain, she plans a surprise attack on the Black Tower, to bring the dangerous Taim, to heel. A lightning strike, coordinated by Cadsuane’s sisters, and those ashamen and aes sedai loyal to Logain rend the tower in fire and blood, taim and the male dread lords flee, sisters walk the grounds. Cadsuane, takes charge of both the sisters and the Ashamen. She is teaching the ashamen a lesson in humility, and is teaching Rand that not every weapon is his.


Egwene returns to the tower, and is raised with all due pomp and circumstance. The ferrets are brought to Egwene, and she can’t understand why they are behaving so oddly. The mystery of the too young sitters is solved, and the Hall reunites. Siuan begins trying to figure out why the ferrets are acting so strangely.


Mat hears the rumors that the horn is in Illian, and heads there in all haste. There he meets with the Seanchan envoy, and sets up negotiations. Setelle Anan shows up, having left Luca’s show to return to her husband. She is astounded to hear that Mat is the horn sounder. Hunters for the horn come pouring into Illian.


Perrin and Co. arrive in Camelyn. Morgase and Elayne are reunited. They hear the news of Bashere’s death. They go to meet with the Borderlanders, and Faile tries to meet with Tenobia. Rand has been on his way to meet with the borderlanders in an attempt to convince them to return to the blight. The 13 BA sisters reveal themselves and attempt to capture Rand and they murder the four borderlander rulers. Perrin goes to the BT for reinforcements, and saves the day for Rand this second time. Faile as the heir to Saldea takes control of the borderlanders. Loial arrives with a group with word that there are rumors coming to stedding shangtai that the aiel waste is being overrun with shadowspawn, and that they are headed for Camelyn. Rand breaks, he can’t handle the guilt of all these deaths. Cadsuane and Co., take him to Illian. Perrin begins calling the wolves.


Moraine and Tam come to see Rand, he realizes that he has no control over who lives or who dies, and loses his guilt. The first name that is seared into his mind with guilt has returned from the dead. He laughs, he cries, He straightens out and gets ready to kick some butt. Setelle Anan is healed by Grady.


Tuon returns to Illian, to begin the negotiations that have been setup, only to find her husband is the horn sounder, and Rand has no intention of going anywhere near Seander to kneel to some stupid throne. Her good friend is actually an Aes Sedai,, and that Rand wants her to stay and fight, when she has already promised to leave. She works out a deal, where the lands already held by the Seanchan will continue to be controlled by Artur Hawkwing’s descendants, and that the seanchan forces currently here will stay for the duration of TG. Rand and Co, travel to Ebou Dar to seal the deal. Word comes that Amadicia has been overrun by Shadowspawn pouring out of the shadow coast. Rand meets the tinkers for the first time.


Word reaches Tar Valon that Shadowspawn are massed above Tarwin’s Gap, and that there is a borderlander army there to hold them back, Egwene goes to Illian to inform Rand and coordinat assisstance for Lan’s forces. She finds out that Rand’s channelers are already committed to the attack from the waste and the shadow coast, and that he has made a deal to keep the seanchan in randland in direct opposition to her deal to get them out. Rand faces the Amrylin’s wrath, and Egwene returns, to lead the tower against the shadowspawn at Tarwin’s Gap.


Last Third


Big fight at Tarwin’s Gap, forces of the light losing.


Big fight in Eastern Andor, forces of the light losing


Big fight in Amadicia, forces of the light losing.


Big Fight in Bandar Eban, forces of the light losing.


Min puzzles out Herid Fel‘s riddle. Rand rounds up Mat, the horn, the chodan kal, the ogier, (maybe the tinkers,) and travels to Bandar Eban. He gets the seals from Dobraine. He gathers the aiel,tells them of the fall of the waste, they travel.


Big fight at Tarwin’s Gap, forces of the light still losing.


Big fight in Eastern Andor, forces of the light still losing


Big fight in Amadicia, forces of the light still losing.


Big Fight in Bandar Eban, forces of the light really losing now that the Aiel are gone.


Rand strikes Shayol Ghul, Mat blows the horn, and the horn heroes provide some cover for what comes next. The hour of greatest need arrives, and the Green Man's garden Realm, former sanctuary of the Eye of the world, coalesces around Rand and the few thousand that are caught in the Garden with him.. Rand embraces the song through the Choden Kal, and sings the song of Saidin, the ogier and the aiel sing with him. The Shadowspawn cut the singers outside of the EotW down unmercifully, yet it begins to work, the bore begins to grow shut. Moridin appears, and attempts to rip out Rand’s soul. (Insert favorite body swap, faked death, LTT sacrifice theory here) The attempt to reseal the bore is successful. The remnant of the aiel left with Rand are saved. Due to whatever theory you inserted above, Rand is near death, Alivia helps him to die, either by helping fake the death, or whatever other theory makes sense to you. Rand’s ladies are called in.




Rand’s love will bring him back from the brink of death. Cadsuane died in the fighting, and Logain steps up as the leader of the BT. The guardians and the servants balance each other. Tuon and Mat leave for Seandar, and they leave Berlain in charge of the seanchan holdings in Randland. Lan is crowned king of a new kingdom in the western borderlands, and as the blight retreats, he is finally able to reclaim lost Malkier. Perrin becomes ruler of everything from Saldaea south to Ghealdean. Elayne rules Andor, Murandy, and Carhien. The remnant of the remnant, possibly under Avhienda, return to Rhuidean and see it rebuilt. Rand al Thor returns to the two rivers with Min to live a quiet life where everyone thinks he’s dead. Finally, he’s allowed to put down his mountainous duty.


***I slightly modified some wording to rectify an oversimplification of language that led to 4 pages of debate over the EotW.***



Luckers, I realy liked this and wish I had the skill to do something similar.


I agree with most of it, and most (maybe all) of what I disagree with, I still think you are probably right.



As always the prologue will be big and cover a lot of the setting up of the rest of the book. I thought therefore it deserved its own section. Here is what i see occuring, though perhaps not nessasarily in this order.


Mat - Will be heading for the Tower of Ghenjei. Will possibly even be there preparing to enter. His part in the prologue will involve him sending his army north to return the Aes Sedai to Tar Valon, or perhaps Caemlyn. Only a small group will travel with him to the Tower, possibly only Thom and Noal.


Lan - His part will cover the beginning of Tarmon Gai'don. You will see him arriving in Shienar and meeting up with the force that have gathered to join him, having heard. It will be touching, and it will end with scouts bringing word of a Trolloc army the size of which has never been seen, possibly a million, possibly two. We will leave with Lan preparing the defence. He will have perhaps 50,000 men, perhaps more or less.

I doubt he will have less than 50,000 and I doubt he will have more than 75,000.  50,000 seems like the best number to me.

Aviendha - Will also hear of a Trolloc army moving south out of the Shadow's lance. Rhuarc will be gathering his forces to move to meet it. I also believe some sort of confrontation between Aviendha and Graendal will occur--mostly because Aviendha's sort of lacked any limelight, now has an angreal, and someone needs to stir Graendal out of Arad Domon. I'm actually quite looking forward to it.

Graendal has an angreal too, if Aviendha confronts her it will not be alone. 

Tuon - Will have just listened to the sul'dam lay down Rand's request for a meeting, and they will reluctantly also reveal Semirhage hiding out as Anath. Tuon will show no fear. She will calmly start planning her meeting with Rand, and how to get her way. This scene will either end with word being brought of Trollocs in Amadecia, or that will happen perhaps around chapter 3. I'm not sure, though i am fairly certain this will occur. Mostly because of the repeated Seanchan comment of 'i wish to see these shadowspawn of yours' and because the Seanchan need to have the threat of the shadow brought home--until now they only acknowledge in an esoteric sense. But also because there needs to be some evidence of why sealing the waygates was important. And again, as i said, last book--multiple purposes to everything.

Agree, and I still want to know how the shadow has been able to step up their use of gateways.

Egwene - Her scene in the prologue will involve her serving Elaida at dinner. It's my belief that Elaida will have invited others, wanting to show off her success. My guess is Meidani, Pevara, Tarna, Javindhra, Beonin and maybe Silviana. With Duhara out of the Tower i dont see Elaida wanting to impress anyone else. Egwene will essentially make Elaida look like a complete fool, and worse. It will be the deciding moment of her victory. Elaida will snap, commanding Egwene be put in the cells until she is stilled, but we will see on all the women presents faces that it is Elaida they now look down on. Silviana, and perhaps Pevara and Javindhra as well, will escort her down, and as they go, Egwene will talk and they wont silence her. They will put her in the cells though.

I don't see this many people in this scene.


I also hope to see Elaida break down and swear to the shadow before this happens, or at least before the Seanchan visit.

Perrin - This scene will either be Perrin's or Galad's... my guess Galads. It will involve the Whitecloaks meeting up with Perrins force. Something that will no doubt prove interesting with Byar and Dain, not to mention Galad and Berelain. At the end though they will agree to move together, and Perrin will decide it is time to meet up with Rand.

Agree, but what about Morgase?

Pevara - I believe that following Elaida's spiel, Pevara will call together the Hunters, or go to meet them, in the basement. Specifically i think she will have realised from Elaida's actions that she was being used by Alviarin, who she will come to believe is Black Ajah. Also it puts the Hunters out of harms way. Which they need to be.

Can't argue with this, but I would not be surprised if this is covered in a one paragraph flashback.

Others - There will probably be short scene from Alviarin. Possibly one from Aran'gar having saught out Graendal. Maybe one from Semirhage or Cadsuane. Possibly one from Interulde dealing with Turan, though in truth i think that will be dealt with in passing. There may also be a Seanchan POV of the landing on the roof of the tower, and waiting for enough damane to begin the assault... either here or at the very beginning of chapter one.

I think we will see another Interulde PoV, probably several.

PART ONE - Pre Tarmon Gai'don.


In this section i will move as chronologically as i can, though its possible the events will be interwoven POV's.


Rand - Will approach the Borderlanders--my guess without Cadsuane, who will be questioning Semirhage. I believe something big will occur with the Borderlanders, they have been around but unaddressed for too many books. Too many side references to the thirteen Aes Sedai with them have been made. Then we have Min's viewing about the darkness around Bashere, plus the fact that we know Perrin gets the Broken Crown, so both Bashere and Tenobia need to die. Then there is the viewing that women who can channel must still hurt Rand on more time. And the viewing that Perrin must be there to save Rand one more time. Too my mind the Thirteen are most likely black. They will shield Rand, and in the ensueing battle Tenobia and Bashere will be killed, likely Elza as well.

Didn't Alvarian select most of those Aes Sedai to go north in the first place?

I'm not sure how he will escape, unfortunately. I suspect Perrin will play a part, but we dont know for sure that viewing is linked to the one about women channelers--though again my theory of multi-purpose events may be in play, but if Perrin were involved it would leave him with the broken crow, reunited with Rand, and will pull the Borderlanders into the force of the light. Either way Rand being hurt will not last long. One, maybe two seperated chapters. It will solved by before one third of the way through the book.

Unless the women who will hurt him the second time was Semi and her friends.

Tarna - Is with Elaida in her rooms on the upper floors of the Tower. Elaida has been ranting and drinking, and is near insensible. Tarna is honest with herself about Elaida's chances, and remarks to herself her respect for Egwene, and how sad it was the girl was to be stilled. Then she becomes aware of noises. She goes to Elaida's balcony and witnesses to'raken arriving. She connects it with Egwene's dreams. She tries to rouse Elaida but she wont stop ranting against treasons. She tries to subdue Elaida and force her with her physically, but Elaida reacts by drawing the power and concluding Tarna is treasonous. Tarna is forced to flee without her even as she hears the sounds of running footsteps of the Seanchan.

That will be funny, and much like Hitler and Stalin.

Mat - Entering the Tower of Ghenjei. Since i have no idea what thats like i wont even attempt to describe it. This may be the point in which he loses his eye, as well. I dont think he will find Moiraine in the scene, but if he does it will be at the very end. She likely wont even talk.

I think the scenery will be similar to what we see inside the doorways.

Lan - Evacuating Fal Moran, and acknowledging that he cannot hold this force. Instead he decides to slow it as best he can until reinforcements can come.

Not to mention pissed off at having received no renforcements.

Mesaana - It will start in a meeting of the Forsaken, and end with her awakening to find the Seanchan in the Ajah Quarters. I think it is possible that she will be leashed, either whilst she was unaware in Tel'aran'rhiod, or just after. Maybe she will escape, i cant really say. But there does need to be a scene in which we see the Seanchan are leashing Aes Sedai in the Ajah Quarters, and i like it being from Mesaana... sort of an exclamation point about the Forsaken thinking they stood outside of danger, and Mesaana forced to fight for her life in a battle that did not even involve the Shadow. Alternatively this scene could be played by Alviarin or Beonin.

I hope the Seanchan don't get, or don't realize they get her.

Amusingly i see the majority of the sisters that manage to escape will be Reds, having been warned by Tarna. Its not that i dont see Tarna attempting to warn the other Ajahs, i just dont see her having the time to get to them all. Plus having Read fall in line with Egwene would be an iconic moment of the new unity of the Tower.

I might be able to dispute this if I had a better layout of the Tower, but assuming she does not have to go through another ajah's quarters, which does seem unlikely, you are right.

Egwene - Will be in the cells with Silviana, speaking to her of Elaida. I believe that Silviana will be listening, after what she saw earlier, and admitting the danger of allowing Elaida to continue at Amyrlin. This is when Tarna and the Reds, or perhaps someone else, arrive bringing word of the Seanchan. They will say the Seanchan are still in the Ajah Quarters fighting and leashing sisters. Egwene will turn to Silviana and demand her decision. Egwene is released and takes immediate charge. She sends sisters to gather the novices and the Accepted, as well as to gather any sister they can find. This will be when they meet up with Pevara and her lot, both of them being in the basement levels. Leane will be freed then too. Egwene will come to the conclusion in light of the reported strength of the Seanchan that it is only with the Rebels they will have a chance of fighting back, so she decides to travel to the Rebels. The others agree. My one uncertainty is wether any of them will think to gather angreal or sa'angreal. My guess is that its unlikely, but who knows.

I would agree that the angreal will be left behind, I also feel that the Seanchan will ignore them.  This may turn out to be a signicant boon to the shadow.

Perrin - possibly freeing Rand, definately consolidating the Borderlanders into his army. Word comes to Rand that Tuon will meet.


The Band of the Red Hand - Reach Caemlyn. My guess is this will be an Egeanin POV. They will speak with Elayne, and there will be some sort of flare up to do with Bethamin and Seta amongst the captive sul'dam and damane.

This will be interesting, though I do expect Mat to be with the band at this point.  He will get Elayne to start manufacturing dragons, and to travel him to the ToG. 

Lan - Despite his best efforts the Trollocs continue to drive straight at Tar Valon. He stays ahead of them.

Mixxed feelings about this, but you are probably right.

Aviendha - The battle is joined in the south of Saldaea. A scene of wise ones and asha'men channeling. The other possibility is this scene will involve the betrayal of the darkfriend wise ones, during which many will be killed or injured. Aviendha will join Sorilea and Amys in fighting the Wise One Darkfriends, feeling terrible anger at the betrayal. So on, so forth.


Romanda - Is sleeping. Or maybe reminiscing on the bonding of Asha'men--possibly she bonded one herself, though i doubt it--and the reaction of the sisters to knowledge of Delana and Halima. She hears cries of alarm and fear, and gets out of bed with Magla and Salita coming too. She comes out to find Lelaine facing off with Egwene who has with her somewhere between fifty and a hundred sisters--most red, and in night-wear, as well as hundreds of novices and accepted. Lelaine is challanging Egwene about the Reds, she is angry but seems very dangerous. Egwene warns them all of the atack on the Tower but Lelaine still reacts with disbelief.


Suine and Bryne come along, bryne warns that they must act quickly, because if the Seanchan are allowed to consolidate their hold in the Tower they will be very difficult to force out. Egwene starts issuing commands, she sends Tarna and some others to gather Chubain and his men, commands the forming of circles with novices. It may be that an Aes Sedai attempts to weave a gateway into the Tower and cannot because it comes too close to making a weapon for one man to kill another--its possible Pevara still has the oath rod, and suggests the removing of the oaths, though i am unsure.

I do not see them losing any oaths, though they may modify the no killing oath.

Mat - Meets up with Moiraine. Encounters a problem with the Fins, possibly again the point where he may give up his eye in order to escape.


Elaida - Within the Tower Elaida is in shock. She is leashed. She keeps flashing back to Tarna warning her. With increasing horror she begins to see what she's done to the Tower. She hears a report from one of the Seanchan to their leader. Some of the sisters managed to escape, along with the novices. She learns that someone pulled the Tower Guards and warders that were staying in the Tower baracks out. The Rebel army has moved into the city and is taking up positions around the Tower. There have been battles, in which the Seanchan have been defeated and driven back into the Tower. The leader concludes that they are facing a very intelligent enemy, and Elaida realises it is Bryne. The Seanchan Leader then says that it does not matter, they do not have to take the city, just hold the tower until the land force arrives. Elaida protests, and we leave her as she is being punished.

I do not see Elaida admitting that she was anything but a perfect Amerlyn, if this happens she will almost certainly blame Tarna, the Hall and the Ajahes for her failings. 

Mat - Is free of the Finns, and with Moiraine and Thom (Noal, i suspect, will die. Heroically, as befits Jain Farstrider.) He heads west to Caemlyn, to rejoin the Band. Moiraine is suitably cool, and also interested in the changes that have occured since she was trapped.

I see Rand having a whirlpool visison here, recognizing Moiraine and dragging Flin to her.  This will also put Mat back into action much faster.

Egwene - Reminises over the past two days. Originally the fighting had been very heated, though that had slowed. Now Bryne was employing an attrition tactic, luring the Seanchan to one place, then attacking another by gateway--again the Aes Sedai may have had to remove the oaths to achieve this, something which Egwene is of two minds about--wiping out that other place, then retreating. It seemed to be working in the short term, but Egwene is concerned that it was not enough. She fears that the act of destroying the Seanchan may also destroy the Aes Sedai--or perhaps someone else raises this, again referring to the mice analogy. Too many deaths and the Tower dies. During the course of this we are witness to a short battle between Aes Sedai and Seanchan. Egwene witnesses the way the Aes Sedai and the Asha'men are getting on so well, and feels wonder at that, and also caution. But it makes her think of aid. She sends for Elayne, and likely also to Rand, though his armies are busy and i doubt that any aid from him will come in time.

If she gets aid from Rand it will likely be a handfull of channelers.  Elayne may also be able to get a Few Asha'men from Taim. 

Elayne - Or possibly Mat, or Moiraine. Mat arrives in Caemlyn. He is meeting with Elayne, Teslyn and the others are there, as well as the Seanchan women. there is more exposition of some change in the damane. Dylin is probably there too, and a couple of others. People at first dont realise who Moiraine is, since she was likely severed. Elayne then informs her of the way to heal stilling, though none nearby can perform that weave so she must wait (i actually hope she waits long enough for Flinn or another Asha'men to do it). An Aes Sedai arrives from Egwene--probably Myrelle--informing of the Seanchan attack on the Tower.

I don't think Mat & Co. will be here.

Elayne immediately begins gathering her forces, though i doubt all of Andors armed forces are close enough for easy access. She gets the Kin on side, and possibly the Athan'Miere, though that may prove more difficult. I also really hope that we see a confrontation with Duhara here... i can't wait to see the womens reaction to the situation at the Tower. They possibly also go to the Sisters at the Silver Swan. Mat and the Band join her.

Isn't most of Andor's strength by Camelyn?  I think the Athan'Miere have left, if they aid it will be through Rand.  Again no Mat.

Pevara - The city is silent. People move stealthily to avoid drawing attention from either side. Pevara and her force move forward on a planned attack against the Seanchan position. The attack begins but out of the corner of her eye she catches sight of Alviarin, who was not capture as was originally thought... perhaps Mesaana is with her. They are talking to a sister, possibly Lelaine, and are acting furtive. The woman ducks away, and Pevara is forced to focus on the Seanchan. But she is wary of Alviarin, and decides to warn the others, and try and hunt down the woman later.

No argument.

Seanchan - Or Elaida. With the arrival of reinforcements the assaults on the Tower have increased. One of the Seanchan remarks on how the enemy seem to be everywhere and no where. There are talks of the use of explosives wielded by common soldiers and not channelers. The Seanchan fret that the slope of the battle has changed direction. They worry that reinforcements will not arrive in time.

I don't think Mat will be here.

Egwene - watches Mat and Bryne planning. She thinks about how startled she is at the change in him, but admits had anyone suggested she herself would be anything like what she was now, she would have scoffed. Moiraine has been healed by then, hopefully by an Asha'men. She and many others are present. There is conciderably confidence now that the battle in the Tower can be won, though the battle is far from over. This is when Lan is brought in. He looks ragged, though his eyes are cold and fierce. He does not recognized Moiraine. He warns of the Trolloc army approaching the city. There is shock. Egwene remains cool, and looks to Mat and Bryne. They immediately start manning the defense, including the guarding of the Waygate.

I don't think Mat will be here, but if he is I expect to see wonder from Egwene over the fact taht Mat is the commanding general.

Pevara - and the others have been watching the sister Alviarin met with (Lelaine, maybe) go from sister to sister, speaking quietly with them. Or perhaps one of the Black sisters bound to Pevara is approached. Either way they become aware of Black Sisters organising for something. She gathers those she can be certain of, and follows them. They are taking positions near the main gates, or the Waygate. The Trolloc attack begins. The Blacks link, gather their power, and thats when Pevara strikes. The Black Sisters attempt is shattered, though there are casualties the first onslaught is held. The Blacks flee. In the Ogier Garden the attempt at containment fails, though the Light does manage to contain the Trollocs within the Garden. My guess is that the Band will be playing this roll, with the first real use of the Dragons within the city walls. It seems likely that her bonded Asha'men darkfriends will play some part here.

No garuntee that her Asha'men will be darkfriends, but this does seem likely, again how are the trollocs traveling through the ways in such numbers?

Tuon - She is with Galgan. They are discussing dealing with the force that assaulted Amadecia. They ran wild for a time, but now the Seanchan seem to be regaining control. Perhaps she is reminiscing whilst on a raken, or perhaps Rand agreed to come to Ebou Dar, but this is where the meeting with Rand will take place. She is calm, controlled. He is slightly eradic, and she notices he seems pained. He lays out the situation in his passionate, simple worded way, and she notes the similarities in his speech with Mat's.


She agrees calmly that there is need for unity and he seems suspicious of her easy capitulation. She states that she is aware of the danger, citing Semirhage and the Trolloc assault, and that all the omens said Tarmon Gai'don was upon them. She asks him what his terms would be for the alliance, and he suggests only a ceasation of all hostilities until after Tarmon Gai'don, and that they work together against the shadow.


She says that she can live with that, though she thinks to herself about him kneeling to the Crystal Throne, but she decides that can wait, for now they must deal with the Shadowspawn. Rand, or perhaps Cadsuane, points out that ceasation of hostilities includes stopping leashing women who can channel including the Aes Sedai. Tuon doesn't like that, but Rand won't budge. Tuon decides that leashing marath'damane must again be set aside until more pressing matters are solved, though she refuses to unleash those damane she has already leashed, which Rand swallows--making Nynaeve angry. They reach an agreement, and in honour of that Tuon reveals the assault underway in the Tower. Rand demands they go immediately to put a stop to it.

I still think Rand may learn of that prophecy and deciede to fulfill it by kneeling to Tuon and giving her the Aiel oath about fighting to the death.  I also see Mat with Rand at this point.

Both sides immediately call up the forces near them. For Tuon it includes soldiers and damane, around a thousand soldiers and at least the six damane. For Rand it includes Maidens, some of Perrins force, who came with Perrin, as well as Asha'men and their bonded Aes Sedai under Logain. They travel to the Tower, and the leader of the Seanchan assault comes before Tuon, and tells her of how the assault had been going badly, until the shadowspawn arrive. They rush onto the balcony and see the Aes Sedai engaged in furious battles all around the walls. One or two of the gates may have been compromised. Tuon immediately takes command and orders the Seanchan out against the Shadowspawn.

I see Rand and Tuon giving Mat command.

Note: I believe this will all be from Tuon's POV because it involved the fulfilling of Egwene's dream reguarding the Seanchan women with the sword.

I don't think Tuon will fulfill that dream.  My money is on Eganin.

Egwene - The fighting has been going on without stop for a day, or more. There have been no lulls, and her side was beginning to take to many losses. She fears if it continues there is no hope. She has been seperated from her army during a battle. She hurries through the streets with perhaps one of two other sisters. Trollocs appear, and charge them. Egwene feels no fear though she thinks there is no hope. Her only concern is that the Tower survive. She hopes they will travel away before all is lost. This is when Gawyn and the Younglings arrive along with Coverla thus fulfilling him saving her, though i imagine there is more to it then that... i believe he will have had a scene earlier on when he decides to abandon Elaida's command... but meh.

I think this will happen sooner, I realy should try to write my own version.

There is a lull, and the two share a tender moment, though brief. They fight there way back to joining the others of her group, she discovers two, perhaps more, of the gates have fallen. She decides there is no hope, or perhaps is urged to that decision by Bryne or one of the others. She decides that the Aes Sedai must abandon the city in order that they live to fight another day.

I don't see Egwene doing this.  I see her looking at Bode, and deciding that somethings must be fought for, but a future must be secured as well.  At which point she will order the novices and most of the accepted to be escorted out of danager by a handful of sisters.  While the rest go on to fight to their supposed deaths.

Trollocs break through, and fight is joined again. She is about to issue her commands when suddenly the ground begins exploding under the Trollocs, and lightning begins to fall. At the same time word is brought from a lookout in the tower, that all accross the wall channeling based attacks were striking the trollocs. Someone else brings word of the Seanchan joining the battle. And perhaps that Rand and other Asha'men are with a group of them. Outside the city the Seanchan land force arrives.


Egwene immediatle rallies her forces, and commands that an all out assault be launched. She herself leads a force to find Rand and the others. She finds them near a gate, with Seanchan, unleashing destruction on the Trollocs. She joins them in attack, and the Trollocs break. Egwene and Tuon meet, though they dont really talk. Its more of one of those 'each person takes in the others strength in a glance' type things. They continue to attack the Trollocs accross the river. The force breaks in truth, and word comes that all accross the city the Shadowspawn were in route, and fleeing.


Demandred - Outside the city with perhaps one or two other Forsaken, watching the Trollocs flee. He is furious at Al'thor for intervening. He sets about seeing to the stopping the Trollocs from fleeing all the way back to the Borderlands. Its possible this will be the second such Demandred POV, with one earlier dealing with the who's who of the Shadowspawn army, as well as establishing where the dark channelers had come from, since i dont see them all being just Black Sisters.

Don't forget about him complaining about Al'tor's luck.  Your land of the mad men theory?

Others - During the first part of the book there will be some time given to Interulde and the Seanchan. I have no idea how that will play out, though i don't see Interulde losing. Additionally Rhuarc and the battle with the other Trolloc Army will be given more light then ive suggested, though that could fit in anywhere. Also Verin is, i believe, heading for the Tower to recover the Horn--who knows what part she will play in the events there. Something will no doubt occur with Egwene, too.

Interulde's victory may help convince Tuon that domanae are not as important as she thought.

PART TWO - Tarmon Gai'don.


Following this battle there will be a moment of quietness. The first battle has been won, and now the war is to begin. We will see a meeting of all the major figures for the light, and some final hashing out of problems.


Egwene - We will see her placing the stole on her shoulders, for the first time as Amyrlin within the Tower. Several hours have passed, perhaps a full day. The Trollocs were still in route, and they had scouts out watching to make sure. Several darkfriends had been captured, but most of the Black Ajah had escaped, and Egwene is wary because there is still the chance others still remained hidden. Tuon had commanded the Seanchan forces to camp outside the city. Egwene is furious that the women did not release captive Aes Sedai, and is furious at Rand for having agreed to that.


She is not alone in the room, the Hall is there. Egwene thinks that she is suprised at how easily the two halls blended together, the too-young sitters being replaced by their more suitable counter-parts in the other hall thanks to the Ajah Heads plan, though i doubt Egwene knows of that. The sitters are advising her in reguards to a meeting that is about to happen. She notice that some of them still look uneasy, and that all the Aes Sedai were still reeling after the last week. They don't really seem to know what stance to take on either Rand or the Seanchan. They are still furious, and uneasy at the Seanchan assault, but are aware that without them Tar Valon would have fallen. They are also frightened of the power the shadow was able to bring to bear on the Tower, and the need for unity within the light. One of them makes it clear that Egwene must gain the freedom of the leashed sisters, which Egwene agrees to. She remains calm.

I think Egwene may disolve both Halls and instruct the ajahes to select new sitters, though if this does happen it will not be more than two paragraphs.

Egwene rises and goes to the meeting. I doubt she goes alone, maybe she takes Suine and Bryne, or two sitters--Romanda and Pevara perhaps. Or Tarna. The meeting is in the Hall of the Tower, where Egwene takes the Amyrlin seat. She is irritated that the blue has been removed.

I'm thinking that Tarna will keep her position as keeper and she will be there.

The others begin arriving. Rand, with Cadsuane and Logain, Tuon with Galgan and maybe the leader of the Seanchan assault force. Mat with Talmanes and maybe Teslyn, or Setelle Anan (i hope the later, coz that'd be kind of pointing out how foolish Aes Sedai attitude towards severed sisters are). Perrin with Faile and whatshisname. The spymaster? (Alliandre, Morgase and the rest would not have come to the meeting with the Seanchan, so wouldn't be present). Elayne with Gawyn and Birgitte (Egwene is pleased to see Gawyn. She has bonded him, though he has been with Elayne since the route of the Trollocs). Harine, Shalon and her swordmaster are there on behalf of the Mistress of Ships. Lan with Moiraine and Nynaeve (glaring daggers).


It works out quite well, actually, with each seat in the Hall filled. The meeting will start with Tuon relating reports the raken have brought of the Trolloc horde. They remain in flight though there seems to be someone exerting control again. Other groups who had scouts out support this. Once this has been established, the question is raised of how to respond.

I don't think Rand or Tuon would accept meeting like this, they will demand the primary seat, or an Autherian style round table.

This is when Egwene will step in. She will state that unity is required, that the events of the past few days proved that. She will say that the shadow worked to devide us, and now we need to stand united. She then addresses Tuon directly, saying there is much distrust for the Seanchan, but that they had proven they needed each other. She will then say that that will not happen unless all leashed Aes Sedai are released, irrespective of the results.


And i believe that Tuon will give it to her, in light of what occured. Perhaps Mat will throw his weight behind Egwene--especially if Bode was leashed, which seems possible. Rand may remain silent, but i imagine the others would speak up in support of it. I rather suspect that a healed Satelle Anan will play a big part in this too. She will include her own provisions though, that only Aes Sedai who wished to be released will be so, and that she gets to keep one in particular (specificall, Mesaana, if she was leashed).

I could see Egwene trading Tuon black sisters for light sisters.  I hope the seanchan don't get Mesaana.

Egwene will agree to this, and the meeting will continue. Rand's forces in Illian will move to aid the Seanchan against the Trollocs in Amadacia, and begin ferrying the Seanchan north.


For the actually play out of the battles im uncertain how it will proceed. I believe the tactic will be slash runs because the Trollocs outnumber the forces of the Light. I believe that Interulde and Turan will eventually join Rhuarc, whilst the Aes Sedai, the Seanchan near Tar Valon, Elayne, Lan and eventually the borderlanders and whitecloaks will persue the army north of Tar Valon. The force in Illian and the other Seanchan will be split between the two, as well as dealing with the Murandians who i believe will be under Demandred's influence.

I think Mat will have overall military command as both sides trust him.

The reason i think this is that it is my belief that the Seanchan and the Whitecloaks will eventually come to respect the Aes Sedai--at least in a strange way. And the only real way to foster that is have them forced to fight side-by-side. Even if they don't putting them together makes for interesting drama.


In any case, as i said im not sure the progression, but with the work of Mat, Galgan, Interulde and Bryne, not to mention the lesser brilliant generals, they will employ tactics that will win. Oh, Demandred will pull surprises, especially the Murandians, and there will be loses and back and forth. Eventually the shadowspawn will be forced back towards the borderlands. First slowly, and then with increasing success. It will be around then that Rand begins planning the assault on Shayol Ghoul. Specifically, i suspect another one of those ripples occurs, and maybe the final seals are broken. Maybe Rand decides to break them. I'm not sure. But before we get to that there are things that will occur throughout this section, things of more importance, really, then the battles--because they are character moments.


Logain - I believe it will be noted that Asha'men were fighting on behalf of the Shadow. Logain again tries to warn Rand, and is shut down, so he goes looking for proof, not really expecting a confrontation. Instead he will surprise Taim accidently, and Taim will react with a fight. The fight will be short and messy, several of Logain's Asha'men will die, and i suspect probably either Toveine of Gabrielle. Taim will escape.

I hope Rand does not prove to be this thick.

Gawyn - There will be a confrontation between Gawyn and Rand, and i believe it will end with Gawyn releasing his hatred finally. But honestly, im not sure. It has occured to me that the place Pevara may stash her Asha'men is near Gawyn, and that Gawyn may be able to channel, or that the darkfriend influences him against Rand, or any of a hundred other things. We simply dont know enough.

I would put money on Morgase settling this.  And I do hope that Gawyn or Galad does start to channel, though I doubt it will be anything more impressive than when Rand beat the trolloc with a stick in TEotW.

Actually, now i think about it, i think it likely that Gawyn learns of Rand's presense in the city before saving Egwene, his choice may be to save Egwene over persuing Rand. That makes sense to me.


Nynaeve - There will be a scene between Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve and Myrelle. It's been coming for too long.

I don't think Moiraine and Myrelle will be there at the same time.

Moiraine - The obvious meeting with Rand. Probably one with Suine as well. Both should prove interesting.

I want to see her meet Cadsuane.

Mesaana - if she was captured, with Tuon wielding the bracelet.


The Forsaken - Some sort of meeting will happen with them, possibly concurrent with the assault on Shayol Ghoul. Shaidar Haren will arrive with Taim, and possibly Alviarin in tow. There will be conciderable anger about the way events are turning.


PART THREE - The Strike on Shayol Ghoul.


So, we come to the final part. not all the forces of the light will be involved in the Strike. The forces in Amadacia will have been destroyed by now. In Arad Domon Rhuarc, Interulde, Aviendha, the Wise Ones, some Seanchan, as well as several others will engage the enemy once more, the battle will be fercocious, all out. In souther Shienar Egwene, Elayne, and several others including Tylee Khirgan, Galad, Berelain and the Borderlanders, and so forth. The ta'veren telepathy will play a part in this.


The people in the strike will be, to my mind, Rand, Cadsuane, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Logain, Alivia, Perrin and Mat. They will lead a small strike force of Maidens, Malkieri and likely some others, including Wolves. Its possible Perrin will be elsewhere, he is not needed, as such, but i see him being the one to take down Shaidar Haren. Mat will have the Horn, as brought to him by Verin. Logain's Asha'men will be there, as well as their Aes Sedai, and likely some of those sworn to serve Rand, as well.


The assault will be ferocious, the battle messy. People will die in all three places. During the course of this, Rand will find himself facing Moridin. They will fight, in the course of that fight Rand will sever Moridin's connection to the Dark One. The result will be that with both so near each other, and both drawing on saidin, that a bodyswap will occur. At the same time whatever Moridin wove with saidin will cause a cave in or a land slide, or something seperating the two. As i said i believe Perrin will be the one to face Shaidar Haren.


Elsewhere i see Aviendha dealing with Graendal, Egwene or perhaps Mat dealing with Aran'gar. I'm guessing Logain will get Taim, or perhaps Pevara. I'd be amused if some of the Forsaken just die in battle at the hands of randoms, I see Demandred for this one. I think Cadsuane, Nynaeve and Moiraine will deal with Moghedian and Cyndane. Though it may be Elayne that handles Cyndane if she is indeed hiding out as Sylvase.


It wont be too neat, however. RJ doesn't write like that. And it wont be all losses for the Shadow. I think Cadsuane will die, for sure. And likely Amys. Possibly Rhuarc as well. Lan, again i think is a certainty (more on this in a moment). Birgitte seems a goner. And likely many others beside.

At this point Cadsuane is the only one I would not mind losing, but you are likely correct in the higher body cound.

Anyway, Rand will get into the Pit of Doom. Likely with the Choedan Kal (There will be some reason he didn't use it on Moridin... maybe Moridin caught him by surprise and it was swept out of his hands before he could. Whatever). He will do whatever it is he will do... there is too little information to predict that, though it doubt it will be simply re-sealing the bore.

He will conjure a cute little bunny and turn Shai'tan to the light.



Several months have passed. We are with Moridin. He is in rags, begging on the street, trying to avoid notice. Possibly he was burnt out. He is like the Fisher King. Blinded, without a hand, wounds in his eyes. He still feels hope that if he can avoid being found, he can be healed, and perhaps recover some of what he lost. He may have given up on the Shadow's cause, but he still feels the world is ripe for him. He reflects on the state of the world.


The world believes Rand dead. The forces he had gathered under him fractured. The Aiel returned to the Waste whilst Elayne made claims to Cairhein she was busy trying to consolidate. Darlin holds tear though there is opposition, and Mattin Stepeneos is back in power in Illian. The Aes Sedai do what they can, but they suffered losses themselves, and find themselves being forced to deal with Logain, the Wise Ones and the Windfinders. They no longer stand above the world.


In the north armies still hunt Shadowspawn, but there are still many thousands he can draw upon. Hundreds of thousands who escaped the failures in Arad Domon and Shienar. There are still darkfriends out there, though the Black Ajah and Asha'men darkfriends were nearly wiped out.


The Seanchan are in turmoil. The revelation about the sul'dam is out. Bethamin and Seta are natoriously seeking to become Aes Sedai, along with likely several others amongst the captured sul'dam. Others still are now insisting they be leashed. Uprest sweeps the lands they've conquered and they are having issues retaining control. There are whispers that marath'damane are not evil. Those that fought beside the Aes Sedai speak highly of them.


Moridin feels hope. Then he sees a woman stalking towards him. Alivia. He turns to run and finds himself facing Rand. They bundle him into a building. They reveal they have been tracking him. Moridin is defiant, swearing the return of the Shadow. Alivia kills him.


Rand - Will walk away from Moridin before Alivia kills him. He will be laughing and crying, and feeling free. She will ask him what he intends next, which i suspect, for a time, will be anonymity.


Alviarin - I believe Alviarin will survive the Last Battle as well, though she will be in hiding. She will feel bleak, but plot recovery.


Nynaeve - Nynaeve will have been a recluse since the end of the Last Battle due to Lan's loss. She will be much calmer in herself, much more clear-headed. She will be sitting in a small house, reflecting to herself. Soon she will go back out into the world. There was much to be done, and Egwene needed her, but for the moment she would have peace. In the long run i see her becoming the next Cadsuane... never belonging but a figure of power. This will be the last scene in the book.



Well... thats pretty much it. To the very few who bothered to read it, thank you. To the rest... i understand.


I realy need to write my own version, maybe on the next reread.

I doubt he will have less than 50,000 and I doubt he will have more than 75,000.  50,000 seems like the best number to me.


I was trying to be cautious. In truth it really depends on the viability of the average borderlander to become a soldier--it seems likely to me that many could, but not certain.



Graendal has an angreal too, if Aviendha confronts her it will not be alone. 


Graendal's angreal is described as being very weak, and Aviendha's as very strong. Since the varience between weak and strong angreal can be the difference between doubling and tripling your strength, i think that will leave them being pretty even when it comes to a fight.


Not that i see Aviendha winning, just driving Graendal out. I do think it will be a very cool moment for her, but yeah.


Agree, and I still want to know how the shadow has been able to step up their use of gateways.


I wasn't aware they had? Do you mean the Ways--in which case yeah i do too.


I don't see this many people in this scene.


Its not really nessasary.


Agree, but what about Morgase?


Oh, she'll definately have a part to play in that scene. I've no doubt.


Can't argue with this, but I would not be surprised if this is covered in a one paragraph flashback.


I don't know, this will be the coming to a head of something that has been building since aCoS and has had exposure in all books since with no direct impact on events to date. I think it will at least be a PoV--possibly mixed into the Seanchan arriving and meeting up with and taking orders from Egwene, but yeah, I think there will be definate exposure purely on the realisation about Alviarin.


Indeed, between Egwene 'suddenly' remembering Alviarin's letter, and the clues they have about the Blacks knowing everything to come out of the Amyrlin's office, i think they have all they need. Now RJ just needs a catalyst... i suggest the dinner, but it could just as easily be Alviarin making a move against Doesine.


Didn't Alvarian select most of those Aes Sedai to go north in the first place?


We can guess. Personally i believe they were the ones responsible for freeing Taim, and that after doing that deed and learning of the split in the Tower, they broke into two groups and did what Aes Sedai do best--cozied up to the nearest powers-that-be... which just happened to be a giant borderlander army.


Unless the women who will hurt him the second time was Semi and her friends.


Except they didn't--Semirhage did, but she isn't 'women'... and Min's visions always come true.


I hope the Seanchan don't get, or don't realize they get her.


I can see them not realising... at least for a time.


I might be able to dispute this if I had a better layout of the Tower, but assuming she does not have to go through another ajah's quarters, which does seem unlikely, you are right.


She doesn't. The Ajah Quarters are seperated with only one access, and none of the throughways pass through them. She will have to enter each Quarter seperately, and though i have no doubt that she'd try, she simply doesn't have time. Logically seeking the Red makes sense since they are the largest Ajah even with the Tower united, and with it split... it makes sense to wake the largest majority first.


Besides, she's red.


I do not see Elaida admitting that she was anything but a perfect Amerlyn, if this happens she will almost certainly blame Tarna, the Hall and the Ajahes for her failings.


I think she will. Ultimately she means well, she just lets her prejudices and beliefs blind her. Leashed, with a memory of Tarna trying to save her, i think she would face up to it. I think it would break her like a twig, but i think it will happen--and will prove a fitting end to Elaida.


If she gets aid from Rand it will likely be a handfull of channelers.  Elayne may also be able to get a Few Asha'men from Taim.


Who knows, maybe Logain will get the request with Rand MIA in Ghealdin and with the Seanchan, and maybe Logain will seek aid from the Black Tower, thus causing the confrontation with Taim.


Isn't most of Andor's strength by Camelyn?  I think the Athan'Miere have left, if they aid it will be through Rand.  Again no Mat.


Mat will be back, because Moiraine will need to be back, i feel, at the sumit in Tar Valon. Mat too, but for lesser reasons.


And no it isn't. Most of the forces originally alligned with Elayne are spread throughout Andor, and not even all the forces originally alligned with Arymilla were there. There's maybe thirty thousand around Caemlyn, whilst Andor can marshel 200,000 at full.


Heya nice theory. There's a couple of threads left ouy tho:

Elaine's pregnant, Aviendha soon will be, will Min still be following Rand around? What do you reckon about Alivia helping Rand to die though?

OMG Lan can't die - he's amazing!



Elayne's babies probably won't be born before Tarmon Gai'don. Aviendha, i suspect, wont get pregnant until after the bodyswap, and ive no real idea what part Min will play, nor what will occur to her.


As I said, i believe Alivia helping Rand die refers to her helping him kill Moridin in Rand's body.


All of this is absolutely awesome, but I hope that you all are wrong about at least some of it.  One thing jumped out at me:  what effect will the blowing of the Horn have on Birgitte since she has been artificially placed into reality?


My guess, none. She seems pretty well woven into the pattern, and the Horn did nothing to Rand when it was sounded.



Rand strikes Shayol Ghul, Mat blows the horn, and the horn heroes provide some cover for what comes next. The hour of greatest need arrives, and the Green Man's garden Realm, former sanctuary of the Eye of the world, coalesces around Rand and the few thousand that are caught in the Garden with him.. Rand embraces the song through the Choden Kal, and sings the song of Saidin, the ogier and the aiel sing with him. The Shadowspawn cut the singers outside of the EotW down unmercifully, yet it begins to work, the bore begins to grow shut. Moridin appears, and attempts to rip out Rand’s soul. (Insert favorite body swap, faked death, LTT sacrifice theory here) The attempt to reseal the bore is successful. The remnant of the aiel left with Rand are saved. Due to whatever theory you inserted above, Rand is near death, Alivia helps him to die, either by helping fake the death, or whatever other theory makes sense to you. Rand’s ladies are called in.




Rand’s love will bring him back from the brink of death. Cadsuane died in the fighting, and Logain steps up as the leader of the BT. The guardians and the servants balance each other. Tuon and Mat leave for Seandar, and they leave Berlain in charge of the seanchan holdings in Randland. Lan is crowned king of a new kingdom in the western borderlands, and as the blight retreats, he is finally able to reclaim lost Malkier. Perrin becomes ruler of everything from Saldaea south to Ghealdean. Elayne rules Andor, Murandy, and Carhien. The remnant of the remnant, possibly under Avhienda, return to Rhuidean and see it rebuilt. Rand al Thor returns to the two rivers with Min to live a quiet life where everyone thinks he’s dead. Finally, he’s allowed to put down his mountainous duty.



Yeah, I like alot of these ideas Cloglord.


Currently on a re-reread of WOT, and the Song of Saidin really stood out to me this time. I think it's only mentioned in the 2 first books, and I'd like to see it brought in again. The 'song' themes (Saidin, Tinkers/Aiel, Ogier) seem connected IMO.


I also really like the idea of Rand going back to the Two Rivers and living a quiet life.

He said pretty early on that he could never go back, but with the Body Swap and his duty being done, I'd really like to think that this is what'd happen.





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