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[Wii News] Wii Fit, WiiWare hitting US in mid May


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SAN FRANCISCO--On the morning the Game Developers Conference began to shift into high gear, Nintendo has stolen some of the thunder surrounding anticipated announcements by Microsoft. The company has announced release dates for two of its most anticipated projects for its wildly successful Wii console--Wii Fit and WiiWare.


According to Japanese game giant's US arm, Nintendo of America, Wii Fit will go on sale on May 19 across North America. (It will hit the UK and Europe earlier, on April 25.) The game, which has not yet been officially priced, will have players engage in exercise-like activities--including yoga and low-impact calisthenics--via its balance-board peripheral. Players can track their health and exercise progress through a new Wii Fit channel, which will launch alongside the game.


Despite some debate about exactly how much exercise the game will actually entail, Wii Fit has sold over 1.4 million units in Japan to date, much to the pleasure of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. Nintendo also said that third-party publishers are already working on games which use the balance board, such as Namco Bandai's snowsports title Family Ski. In an article printing this morning, the Wall Street Journal has confirmed that the game, which is already available in Japan, is coming to the US later this year.


One week before Wii Fit sparks another retail run on the still-hard-to-find console, Nintendo will launch its eagerly anticipated WiiWare channel. The channel will offer a series of all-new games developed by both independent developers, such as Frontier's LostWinds, and major publishers, such as Square Enix's fantasy-monarch lifestyle sim Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.


Unsurprisingly, Nintendo will be touting the development side of WiiWare during a GDC Panel devoted to the subject tomorrow. Though the WiiWare toolset has remained largely out of the public's eye, NOA is playing up how its "combination of low development barriers and unique game experiences found only on Wii should enable developers to try new ideas with lower risk in a quicker, more creative and affordable way."


GameSpot will have more updates from both the WiiWare and Wii Fit panels direct from the 2008 Game Developers Conference.



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  • Community Administrator

Okay, so first nintendo, brings  the wii, Which is a sophisticated, Assassination Training Program. Now, they bring out software, to make its 'assassins' More physically fit (in not just there right (or left) arm.)


Is anyone else concerned about nintendo releasing its brainwashing software, and taking over the world by using super strong, ninja nerds from within a country to topple the governments?!?!

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Is anyone else concerned about nintendo releasing its brainwashing software, and taking over the world by using super strong, ninja nerds from within a country to topple the governments?!?!


Indeed, I think Chinpokomon showed us that the way to global domination may indeed be through toys. *nods*


Or at least, people will try it.  ;D

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SD, what do you think wii ware is about?  Huh?  Sponsored training programs.  AKA Mercenary training.  ;)


Corruption teaches arm based firearms and basic tactile puzzles, Zelda and No More Heros teach sword fighting.  Fit teaches yoga, flexibility, and fitness.  Wii baseball teaches head bashing motions.  The Zapper gives you small arms practice.


I would like to dub Wii Fit; Wii Wide Load. :P  Seriously though.

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  • Community Administrator

Tenshin, thats not even getting INTO Manhunt 2 for the Wii! You know, the game that allows you to actually make the stabbing, cutting, slicing, sawing, bashing, decapitation, movements with the wii-mote? Probably the only game that could potentially get an Adult Rating for violence, in the U.S.A. ;) (It got an MA I believe, but it Definately got an 18+ in the UK)

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It did initially get an AO and was banned from Europe.  They had to reapply and everything.  That game is just about developing aggression. ;)  NO MERCY!!


Sure, but there is definately some weapon training in that game...


I've never played it, I probably should so I can actually say whats 'in it'.

But after playing GTA:SA for the first 'real' time... At least Manhunt 2 gets to the point of the GTA games...

GTA:SA, I walk 3 steps and I kill someone. By accident! Driving my car, pretty slow, just trying to get to one end of town with out getting in an accident, a pedestrian jumps into the street, infront of your car,killing them. Police chase you, and you die/kill alot of cops. ;)

At least, manhunt, imo just skips the pointless aspects of the game. :P But yea I'd like to see how that game, could actually have a 'good' plot/story to it... I much perfer a game with an awesome story, over gameplay. Kinda like HL2, but it had both awesome gameplay, and story, Unlike halo, which was all gameplay. :P


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  • Community Administrator

I think if you get assassinated by a ninja nerd, you kinda deserve to die.


Have you seen, what wii-fit does to nerds?

I'm not talking about scrawny nerds like Hax, but Nerds with ethe body of someone like uhh.. Think body builder, or Jackie Chan. ;)

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Sorry, I just can't get the picture of a some nerdy guy who thinks that the Wii nunchuk is an actual weapon and thinks "Best killing machine EVER!" when looking in the mirror, out of my head.


Also, if you manage to get ninjad by a beefy fat nerd, you definately deserved it.

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