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Why all of the hatred toward Perrin (Here we go Again)


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The fact that Perrin was willing to sacrafice all those kids in the Two Rivers, that he claimed will have chance to grow up, is really all that needs to be said.  Perrin is worse than any forsaken and any darkfriend.  I hope Falie and Perrin find themselves as the guest of honor at a trolloc banquet.




It is not that hard to understand Cubarey, Perrin said many times while he was trying to get back Falie back, that he was willing to do anything!! He would have willining died to try to save her, Min told him without him Rand would fail. Yet he went blind nilly willy risking his life and the whole world for Faile. 

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Er, huh?


Those 'kids' in the TR volunteered to be part of a military force.  He didn't kill them in any way, shape, nor form.  As for Perrin's thought, in spite of that thought he was careful, methodical, and didn't waste his peoples' lives.


Should he have just let Faile go?  He would also be letting Alliandre go, and that would have ruined an oath to her -- and ruined half his men.  You just don't /do/ that as a leader if you can stop it.


Yes.  He thought 'the world can burn for Faile!' or such.  Again, people think lots of stupid shit that they don't actually carry out.  I've thought many times that I'd love to kill certain people.  I haven't done it.  Does this make me evil? :)


Perrin is as loyal a friend to Rand as Mat is. Having re-read the series I have come to appreciate both Perrin and Faile as well as Mat.


People u need to stop being so partisan and realize they are each an integral part of the last battle and the story of Rand.


In searching for his wife (who wouldn't search for his or her spouse) Perrin is acting NATURALLY! Any sane man would protect his family when threatened. Consider that his actions have done several things. 1) He's gone into a temporary treaty with the Seanchan thus showing them that Rand is the Dragon Reborn and that Rand and his friends/allies are one tough hombres. 2) They effectively take out all of the Shaido Aiel in one battle. 3) Messema and his crazies are wittled down from the huge army they were thus also taking out a potential threat to Rand at the end.


Long story short the whole point of the story is that all 3 tavarene (Mat, Perrin & Rand) are acting in concert with each other not because of some big plan they developed with each other but because of their background - they are loyal, grounded simple folk from the same village that share the same values i.e. their apprenhension towards hurting people and especially women. The pattern pulls them each in a different path, they are supposedly thousands of leagues seperated from each other yet their actions and plans are almost complementary. Mat's battles against the Seanchan, Perrin's search and battles against the Shaido, Rand and his schemeing all work to one end...the last battle.


I could go on and write a thesis paper on this but I'm tired and need to get back to work.


All those people who are hating on any of the good guys, step back and stop drinking the cool-aid. Not everything is as partisan and black and white as it seems. A lot of the misunderstanding I think people have on this series has to do with perseptive. If you're a teenager there is no way you are going to understand the complexities of a relationship between the opposite sexes. When I started reading this series I was a teenager in university and I hated the way Faile acted. Now I understand she is one of the best characters in the whole story cause the only thing that motivates her is her loyalty to her man and vice versa for Perrin. We should all be so lucky to one day find that special someone that loves us so much.

People u need to stop being so partisan and realize they are each an integral part of the last battle and the story of Rand.


We realize that. Doesn't mean that we can't hate the characters.



We realize that. Doesn't mean that we can't hate the characters.



Listen young man! ( i hate talking down to you, but it must be done) When you get a little more experience under your skinny belt and grow some facial hair; then by all means feel free to "hate"! Till then be quiet and don't speak until spoken to!




I actually think the young know how to hate more than the old. I would imagine with experience, the old would be too wise to hate, whereas the young can't see past their own ego.


I actually think the young know how to hate more than the old. I would imagine with experience, the old would be too wise to hate, whereas the young can't see past their own ego.


Quite the opposite actually. I'm starting to 'see' that not all 'old people' are wise or kind. Most of us get more stubborn in our ways and thinking. You only have to watch what goes on in our daily lives to see how true it is. As for the young, I wish I were 17 again! lol


The fact that Perrin was willing to sacrafice all those kids in the Two Rivers, that he claimed will have chance to grow up, is really all that needs to be said.  Perrin is worse than any forsaken and any darkfriend.  I hope Falie and Perrin find themselves as the guest of honor at a trolloc banquet.




You have a young man (maybe all of 22 or 23) every relative of which was brutally murdered. He is also recently married to a young woman who he loves with every ounce of his being. You have either never experienced personal tragedy and or real love if you can question Perrin's mindset. In short, for Perrid losing Faile would be losing everything good in the world. No wonder he does everything possible to get her back.


It is not that hard to understand Cubarey, Perrin said many times while he was trying to get back Falie back, that he was willing to do anything!! He would have willining died to try to save her, Min told him without him Rand would fail. Yet he went blind nilly willy risking his life and the whole world for Faile. 


I think people don't like Perrin because for like 26 books all his perspectives are like "I want Faile back Grrr!" And he just says that 100 times a chapter in different contexts.


Perrin you need to eat.

No, I need Faile.


Perrin, Masema disappeared.

Where's Faile.


Perrin, Rand just showed up, he says it's urgent.

Does he have Faile with him?


Perrin, it's me Faile.

Hold on, I need to find Faile.


I can appreciate the intensity, but it gets repetitive.


I think people don't like Perrin because for like 26 books all his perspectives are like "I want Faile back Grrr!" And he just says that 100 times a chapter in different contexts.


Perrin you need to eat.

No, I need Faile.


Perrin, Masema disappeared.

Where's Faile.


Perrin, Rand just showed up, he says it's urgent.

Does he have Faile with him?


Perrin, it's me Faile.

Hold on, I need to find Faile.


I can appreciate the intensity, but it gets repetitive.


Aww that's mean but funny as heck! ;D


Perrin should get it on with Berelain. Then people would like him better. Oh no, wait, that'd mean he did cheated on Faile, we wouldn't be allowed to like him then...


These threads that are specifically opened to defend a character make me laugh. The defense always crumbles, however long the defenders hold their ground, and what you are left with is pure comedy. Let the mocking commense!


The way I see it is that the main reason people don't like Perrin is mostly based on their opinion of Faile. Why would Perrin threaten to turn to the dark one for this woman? and other people would find his obession during her captivity understandable because maybe they felt they can relate to Perrin in some way. To me Faile is an intersting character not always likeable but very intersting. Helps Perrin in the Two Rivers but, when he doesn't want to do something done that is his duty as a Lord, she does and then tells him he's better than that. Gets him to drop the tough guy attitude after his family dies and then comforts him as he cries over it. She puts up with Berelain's immature antics but also in many cases just antagonizes the situation and acts like a twelve year old. But after her captivity where she shows alot of potential to be a good leader I don't just find her intersting, I like her. She is after all one of the few heroins in the series that can't channel and has to use her brains more so then them. I'm just worried that when she hears the untruthful rumors about Perrin and Berelain she'll go completely Ape$h!t and act like a twelve year old and then I'll go back to just finding her intersting.


The way I see it is that the main reason people don't like Perrin is mostly based on their opinion of Faile.


I beg to differ. It doesn't matter WHAT Faile is like, what most of us dislike about Perrin is his obsession with her and his willingness to do ANYthing to get her back. The man needs to become less Emo and grow a pair, IMO. A bit more attention to his duty wouldn't come amiss either.


The fact that the CONSEQUENCES of his actions turn out to be good, doesn't mean that we cannot dislike his character, his motivations or his actions.


The way I see it is that the main reason people don't like Perrin is mostly based on their opinion of Faile.


I beg to differ. It doesn't matter WHAT Faile is like, what most of us dislike about Perrin is his obsession with her and his willingness to do ANYthing to get her back. The man needs to become less Emo and grow a pair, IMO. A bit more attention to his duty wouldn't come amiss either.


The fact that the CONSEQUENCES of his actions turn out to be good, doesn't mean that we cannot dislike his character, his motivations or his actions.

Perrin hasn't forgotten his duty, why do people seem to draw that conclusion. He hasn't forgotten about Rand and his duty to him and has dealt with Masema and ensured the safety of Queen Alliandre. And at the same time manage to save his wife in the process. A course he is upset and paranoid, he has no idea how his wife being treated, for all he knows she is dead. I also don't think its too far fetch for me to claim that someone's opinion of Perrin is greatly influenced by their opnion of faile.

I don't deny that the end results were brilliant, and exactly what Rand would want him to accomplish, but I can't help but wonder about Perrin's motives. In my opinion, everything he did was solely aimed at getting Faile back. If, at some stage, it had come down to a choice between letting Masema and his raving mob get away, and saving Faile, what would his choice have been?


I don't deny that the end results were brilliant, and exactly what Rand would want him to accomplish, but I can't help but wonder about Perrin's motives. In my opinion, everything he did was solely aimed at getting Faile back. If, at some stage, it had come down to a choice between letting Masema and his raving mob get away, and saving Faile, what would his choice have been?


Actually what Perrin accomplished and his "brilliant" results might not have been how Rand might have gone about doing things or maybe even Mat. Just admit it and be over with it...you can't stand Perrin> I personally can't stand (loathe) Egwene and Elayne and even Gwayne (girly boy)>


These stories/characters all elicit some sort of emotion and bias towards one person or another. Essentially no matter what they do some individuals will never please us.


Most of you who "hate", dislike, whatever you like Perrin just do it cause he hasn't done the nasty with Berlaine and other girls who fancy him. Deep down you'd all like him to be just like you and your favorite hero Rand flawed, promiscuous and deep down a little horny!  :-*



I don't like Rand either :P


And yes, Multiple Choice - we don't like certain characters. When we talk about is WHY we don't like them, it says more about us than it does about the characters  ;)


Most of you who "hate", dislike, whatever you like Perrin just do it cause he hasn't done the nasty with Berlaine and other girls who fancy him. Deep down you'd all like him to be just like you and your favorite hero Rand flawed, promiscuous and deep down a little horny! 





I hope that even Perrin is a little horny (towards his wife). Being horny is not immoral or an unlikeable trait as long as the object of your desires is your wife. Unless of course you are a repressed Victorian. :P


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