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[GAME] Star Wars: Force Unleashed


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  • Community Administrator

I saw this on a post from the guy who does the Ctrl-Alt-Del Comics, Now, while the stuff they pull of is flipping amazing, I'm sure the story is going to be full of Phailure. ;)

But I'll probably play it once through just to have fun with there improved? gravity gun? :P

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I think this game is all about the new affects that they are doing, and the new style of game play, rather than the story. The next Star Wars game that comes out after this one will be the one you'll want to play to actually get the good story and graphics and engines and whatnot. I do plan to play this though, simply because the way they've put it together looks really cool.

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Fall 08, thats all I've heard, I'd guess August or September barring any major QC issues.


Yeah, this game is awesome eye candy and pure geekage fuel for anyone who wants to whoop up with the force.  I'm in, even if there is no motion sensing lightsaber controller.  *Mocks Lego Saga*


This story should require some major retconning though, at least as far as the movies are concerned.

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Since I'm going through this Star Wars phase at the moment, it looks extremely exciting. All the chat about the behind the scenes stuff was very interesting. And by the time the game comes out, I'll probably have the time to fulfil my gaming needs!

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  • Community Administrator

I never trust Gamestop unless it is a firm date is confirmed.  I already have the game reserved and paid for.

Yea, I think thats why he said gamespot. :P


Anyways, Yea, Gamestop is about as reliable as a.... Well, think an old person and remembering stuff...

Best case in point? Gamestop was showing the FFXIII release date, as December 22nd, 2007, and only recently changed it to 12/1/08.

There is no way in hell, I'm pre-ordering any game from game-stop, until I know for a fact its going to be released, at that exact date. From both game press releases, and such. I was going to pre-order Assassins Creed, but I just went instore and bought it. Not that it was a hard game to find..

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