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*SPOILER* Book 8 - Frustration on the First 'real' re-read of books 8 - 11


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I've read books 1 - 7 abour 4 or 5 times now, certainly 1-5 5 times, but books 8 and 9 i've only read once, 10 i started reading, couldnt remember what everyone was up to and started again. I have book 11 but have never even picked it up yet.


Now, I'm a pain in my OWN butt for 'reading the last page' or in the case of this forum, being unable to resist reading the spoilers. My fault, there you go.


So, it happens that I know that this small, young, overly confident woman with silver hair who has just stepped through the doorway with Moghedien in Graendal's home is actually Lanfear re-incarnate. I know it, Moghedien likely knows it, Cyndane CERTAINLY knows it, Graendal knows her name means 'Last Chance' and that she, of the two, holds the power. Cyndane is familiar with Moghedien, and seemingly familiar with Graendal.


How can Graendal not put two and two together? I find it so frustrating that the entire chapter (until Shaidar Haran appeared) was consumed by her "Who was this young woman?" thoughts.


Please put me out of my misery. How long is it before she discovers who Cyndane is / was? Of course this is entirely my own fault, if i hadnt read the spoilers i would simply be trying to stick two ideas together and come out with a whole myself!


Also, something i'm confused about; is Cyndane still one of the Forsaken? Can she channel? Graendal noticed that Moghedien did all of the channelling in their meeting, not Cyndane, although Cyndane did all the talking. Perhaps Moridin knew that Lanfear was more astute and (perhaps, IMHO at least) more intelligent than Moghedien?


I do not remember a pov, where any of the chosen know for sure who Cyndane is,  Halmia surely suspects that she is Lanfear, but not 100 %.  As for her still being one of the Chosen, I am certian she is, but again we never have seen a pov that states this.  unless I am more senile than I think.


Someone knows.  My question is who healed her.  It would have had to be a woman and someone fairly strong in the power (I would assume the weave to heal severing would require a good bit of the power) Now that I think about it, Does the strength of the healer have anything to do with how efficient a same sex healing works.  ie. if Ny had been stronger would Suian and Leanne have been returned stronger?


I'm betting it was Semi but I don't have anything to back that up as my current reread is only just starting TFoH.


It's another good mystery though, like the "too young sitters in Salidar" or "who killed you know who".




Someone knows.  My question is who healed her.  It would have had to be a woman and someone fairly strong in the power (I would assume the weave to heal severing would require a good bit of the power) Now that I think about it, Does the strength of the healer have anything to do with how efficient a same sex healing works.  ie. if Ny had been stronger would Suian and Leanne have been returned stronger?


I'm betting it was Semi but I don't have anything to back that up as my current reread is only just starting TFoH.


It's another good mystery though, like the "too young sitters in Salidar" or "who killed you know who".




there are none among the chosen who can heal that, lanfear was dead. she was brought back in a sutible body, hence she can channel.

As far as i have read, they are healed 100% if they were healed by the oppiste sex.  nothing to do at all with how strong they are.


Read back to, I think it was book 9, when Ishy/Moridin is above the palace when stuckup, and braid yanker were taking the windfinders to heal the weather.  Ishy, makes referance to the fact that these people kept amazing him with new things.


If Semirage had healed her, she would not be near as strong as she is now. 


We can hope this is cleared up in book 12, than again it would also be great to have us always wonder what happened.  However, I think when Mat saves Moraine we will have much better picture of what realy happend, than again, Moraine does like to keep her secrets.



However, Moridin does say in PoD chapter 2 " a way to heal severing, however imperfectly" or words to that effect so Moridin, one of the frosaken, absolutely knew by Book 8 that being severed could be healed and that it left the healed weaker and he had to know this either by a report of what happened to Suian and Leanne or first hand when Lanfear/Cyndane was healed.  Since Cyndane makes her first appearance later on in PoD, it's easy to assume that Cyndane was healed by another woman, at the order of Moridin.


I dont think any of the forsaken healed Cyndane because i dont think any of them knew how to heal being severed, much less being killed.

Im not sure why she isnt as strong as she once was, hopefully we will find that out.

And Graendal does not think Cyndane is Lanfear because Cyndane is weaker in the power then Lanfear was, though still quite strong. Lanfear i believe was the strongest female ever.

As to who knows Cyndane is Lanfear, besides us, i would say Moridin for sure, Arangar has a pretty good idea and maybe Mog.


You do realise that its more than simple for a Black Sister to have healed Cyndane. By the time she returned the entire Rebel Camp knew, and through Moghedian, Aran'gar and the Blacks the Shadow must have known. From there a simple dream command to Aran'gar... or indeed just the sister in question, then a Travel to Shayol Goul--and remember Siuan states that at any one time twenty sisters were off elsewhere in the world--and they heal her and are back before dinner. No drama.




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