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Oh Noes! Mass Effect is Eval!


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lol, I just saw this earlier today. Odd that.



And it's funny how the people who are defending the game are quieted quickly while the ones bashing it get their say. Plus they're saying how it should be rated AO when if this was a movie it'd be rated PG-13.

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  • Community Administrator

lol, I just saw this earlier today. Odd that.



And it's funny how the people who are defending the game are quieted quickly while the ones bashing it get their say. Plus they're saying how it should be rated AO when if this was a movie it'd be rated PG-13.


Most definately!

What I find completely funny about this, is those who were 'argueing against' were talking like Mass Effect were some kind of sex sim game! Litterally! they made it sound like you 'control' the 'action' in the 'bed'. Which even for someone who hasn't played it, knows thats full of bs!


Now I just have to wait to see which political candidates fall for this bait, and we know who's an idiot. ;)

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The most amusing thing for me is the fact that not a single person on the show had ever even heard of this game, other than this scandalous act. Scandalous indeed, a full 30 seconds of sideboob and maybe some bum. Sideboob. On a Mature game. How terrible.


Games are Satan and all. Y'know. SATAN!


I could add a lot about this. Like the media gangrushing the video game industry just like they have all forms of mass media beforehand. Or the fact that Fox markets sex constantly and try and connect any article they can to it.

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To quote joystiq...


The BBFC classification for Mass Effect has revealed that the game has been awarded a 12 rating for "moderate violence and one sex scene".


Violence is pretty common these days, but a sex scene is sure to cause a bit of a stir. According to the extended classification over on the BBFC website the scene in question is "brief and undetailed" but does include "breast nudity in one version of the scene".


The classification goes on to state: "If playing as a male character the scene can take place between him and a human woman or a humanoid female alien. If playing as a female character the scene can take place between her and a male human or a female humanoid alien."



I'm playing the game now, I will see if I can screen cap the incriminating evidence better than the current You Tube versions.  Needless to say if the Brits think it only gets a 12 rating, I think the US has to give up the title of most sex obsessed culture. 


And that lady psych, Brooks or whatever her name was is a crock.  She should have at least examined the game before going on National News Channels to decry its horrid effects.

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Heh, apparently you guys only read the lines, and not the overwhelming information between them, if you're surprised or confused.


This is a classic example of textbook propaganda, designed to sway uneducated opinion against a highly competitive entertainment medium.


It's as simple as TV versus video games for your dollar and attention. TV (and in this case Fox, specifically) has a clear motivation and agenda: turn those with the dollars and control (parents & lawmakers) away from the competition.


Ten minute educational lesson:




See if you can find a technique that -wasn't- used in this volley.

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Of course its propaganda!


We just like poking the idiots behind it for saying something so incredibally stupid.





FX tv series, has.

Plastic Surgeons,


Objectifiying women




Sex in non traditional manners

Nearly full body nudity with out the nudity per the 'guidelines' tv channels use to determine what is, and isn't 'nudity' (which is basically nipple/below the bikini line.) And yes, they 'show' alot of skin, both male/female on that show. ;)





Mass Effect.


brief, non-nudity (as according to the same rules as above, and, even LESS 'nudity' then the above)


Mass Effect is rated M,

Nip/Tuck is rated TV-MA.


Quite simply, Nip/Tuck fit there arguement better then mass effect did. ;)


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Of course its propaganda!


We just like poking the idiots behind it for saying something so incredibally stupid.





FX tv series, has.

Plastic Surgeons,


Objectifiying women




Sex in non traditional manners

Nearly full body nudity with out the nudity per the 'guidelines' tv channels use to determine what is, and isn't 'nudity' (which is basically nipple/below the bikini line.) And yes, they 'show' alot of skin, both male/female on that show. ;)





Mass Effect.


brief, non-nudity (as according to the same rules as above, and, even LESS 'nudity' then the above)


Mass Effect is rated M,

Nip/Tuck is rated TV-MA.


Quite simply, Nip/Tuck fit there arguement better then mass effect did. ;)



You forgot incest.  ;D

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The post-holiday videogame doldrums are the perfect setting for a spicy soap opera like the one going on between Electronic Arts and Fox News.


The "Fair and Balanced" news channel recently aired a panel discussion on Bioware-developed, EA-published videogame Mass Effect. As you might have guessed, game was mis categorized by Fox's expert, ("psychology expert" Cooper Lawrence) and Live Desk host Martha MacCallum as well as the rest of the panel of experts (with the exception of Geoff Keighley, who tried gamely to stem the tide of ignorance). One panelist, categorized Mass Effect as "Luke Skywalker meets Debbie Does Dallas," after expressing his frustration with Princess Enchanted Brides because you "have to figure out what to do."


EA fired back with a strongly worded letter asking Fox to correct the info on the game. This morning, it seems Fox says they've invited EA to appear on their program.


According to MTV.com:


A Fox News spokesperson, who declined to be named, stated, in full  “Fox News Channel has extended several invitations to EA through a company representative to appear on ‘Live Desk With Martha MacCallum’ to discuss ‘Mass Effect’ and the segment which aired on Monday. We have received no response.”


So the ball may be back in EA's proverbial court.





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