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[MOVIE] Juno. No spoilers.


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One of the best movies I've seen in a long time... if for nothing else, then for Ellen Paige's ballsiness.


It's cute. It's feel good. And they didn't take any of the easy options with it, which was awesome. Plus the soundtrack was so perfectly done I'm still not over it.


About the only bad thing about it was that they overdid the 'teen speak' a little.

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I really liked it. The soundtrack was definitely spot on. As Luckers said, *coughplagiaristcough* ( ;)), the way the two girls talked was sometimes over the top and unrealistically full of slang, euphemisms, and pop culture references. Think the level of Clueless, but in a movie that's trying to have a quirky, indie air. It seemed like they were trying just a little too hard with that, but otherwise it was quite good.  The scene where Juno and Bleeker's mom are racing up the stairs was great.  ;D

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Um...the movie was really awesome, but.....I thought the soundtrack, ah, blew chunks.  I thought the singing was terrible and bland.  In a time when you can download music mixing software off the internet for free, the tunes shouldn't sound so homemade.

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Um...the movie was really awesome, but.....I thought the soundtrack, ah, blew chunks.  I thought the singing was terrible and bland.  In a time when you can download music mixing software off the internet for free, the tunes shouldn't sound so homemade.


well if your talking about the actors singing, I thought it fit...

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Um...the movie was really awesome, but.....I thought the soundtrack, ah, blew chunks.  I thought the singing was terrible and bland.  In a time when you can download music mixing software off the internet for free, the tunes shouldn't sound so homemade.


When the tunes are supposed to be by two 16 year olds in a band?  Of course they should sound homemade - that's what they were going for

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He's entitled to his opinion, if it sounds homemade, even on purpose I don't think I'd like it either. I haven't seen the movie and I really have no desire to see it, although I like, Micheal Cera(Cena). That's his name isn't it? Maybe when it comes out on dvd.

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You see i liked the unpolished sound of it all. It set the tone of the movie, and got away from hollywood spitshine.


And incidently, the majority of the music wasn't made for the movie. They are songs from the likes of Kimya Dawson, Sonic Youth, Belle & Sebastian--signed musicians all.

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He's entitled to his opinion, if it sounds homemade, even on purpose I don't think I'd like it either. I haven't seen the movie and I really have no desire to see it, although I like, Micheal Cera(Cena). That's his name isn't it? Maybe when it comes out on dvd.


My opinion is that he is not entitled to his opinion.


Am I entitled to that opinion?


*sits back to watch YK's head explode*

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Wait? What? I thought this movie was about teen obeisity...


And Caddy, put the Staff of Disentitlement down. You know what happens when you play with Staffs... like that time with the Staff of Leporacy... no one had fun that day.

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But... but... I like staffs. Every girl needs to play with a good solid staff every now and again... Wait, you mean the OTHER kind of staffs.  ;D


Well, I could put it down, but then I wouldn't be able to bop you over the head and declare that you are no longer entitled to caution me against doleing out serious illnesses like leprosy. Yeah, you heard me, L-E-P-R-O-S-Y.  8)  ;)

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