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DM meets Strictly Come Dancing meets Big Brother


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Ok, so I'm not sure what I smoke when I sleep, but some dreams are just too ... good? not to share  ;D


Last night I dreamt there was a Strictly Come Dancing competition, and amongst others most of the DM people had entered.  It was held somewhere in a big Castle like structure (mixed in with Airport Lounge look) in eastern Europe, with a big lake right next to it (I didn't check, but what you wanna bet it was a TQ lake?  :P)


We all had to live there for the duration of the competition, anyway.  I honestly didn't know they were filming us EVERYwhere !  :-[


So some of us who didn't have our Warders / Aes Sedai there, were a bit partnerless and the scrambling and backstabbing was something to behold! *hides the bloody knife and looks all innocent*


Luckily for me, someone flew over from the USA to come to my rescue, and we made it through to the final 5 !!

(I just love dreams: you can fly from the USA to Eastern Europe in an hour!)


Pity I woke up at that stage, cos I'm sure we would have won *nods firmly*


(BTW: I have 2 left feet and all the rhythm and graze of a hippo on acid)


So what do the shrinks think of this ? LOL


And does anyone else have weird dreams like this?





I tend to have weird dreams that involve finding people in something that's a combo mall/school/apartment complex or hotel.  The last one that sticks to mind was trying to find my high school crush to shoot him with a nerf dart and say hello... while zipping around a hotel between parties on a tricycle.


The hotel parties and nerf gun are a direct Kingdom of Loathing influence, as most of our meets take place in hotels that we fully take over, and I have a habit of assaulting people with a nerf gun during the official annual meet-up in  Phoenix... I guess DM hasn't started making a huge re-impression on my brain yet :D


There is time Raeyn :D


*waves her hands around and does her best Italian Bruno accent*  "I couldn't judge that. I was transported by an explosion of talent"




I'm trying to think if I've ::ever:: had a DM-related dream, and I'm not recalling anything.  Still, I'm sure it's bound to happen (and more likely to be a nightmare ::weg::).

Guest nephitess

LOL>..this is why i love ya LG....your a nut!! :-*


I have not had any DM related dreams yet...but am sure i will at some time. :)

  • Moderator

Not counting dreams about my husband, I've had quite a few over the years.


One that springs to mind readily is one that I had several years ago. I think I was still new as Community Admin. I dreamed that the server crashed and Jason fired me. So I got exiled out to the desert with a few others and we were trying to create our own Dragonmount out of sticks and mud. At one point, Jason came out to offer me my job back and I threw rocks at him.


Oh! Another time, I dreamed that Jason's wife made him give up the site. So to save his marriage he came and slept on my couch for a week while he transfered everything to my name.


The first year the site was open, the WT website was hosted on DM and the Community Admin at the time accidentally deleted the folder in a routine update. It was right in the middle of midterms (I was a sophmore in college) and I actually had nightmares about trying to recreate it in addition to the other assignments I had for school.


I swear to god, I don't dream about Jason all the time.


A few monthes ago, I had a half-awake dream. Mom came to wake me up, and I was dreaming I was Jaydena, so I said, Solider, get out of bed and shower for me so I donèt have to. About 15 minutes later, Mom came to wake me up again, and I said, But the soldier already did it for me.


I've had the weirdest dreams lately, but nothing DM related. You folks are just too bloody normal to make the cut ;)


Thinking about it, I've only had one DM related dream, and that was in ther dark ages when I hang out on wotmania. Wotmania and DM had some kind of full-contact treasurehunt, which escalated to include both channeling and thingies like tanks. very odd...Not sure how it ended, because my participation drifted away to be me and a female wotmania-member hiding in a cave, and from there it turned into the kind of dreams Kat usually has... ;D


*Nods at Kath* Actually, The Tower is in Hout Bay here in South Africa, based on the block of flats I lived in as a child, and it's build on many different levels, with lots of ramps and stairways leading to no-where ... what WERE you drinking on that island  ???


*Can only laugh helplessly at Tigara whilst picturing the look on his mother's face* 


Majsju, I DID edit my dream just a teensy weensy bit to make it PG13  ;)


BTW: I tried to get to the top 3 last night, but no luck  :( ... maybe tonight  :P


I often dream that I've gotten on an aeroplane without having bought a ticket  ???


Once I dreamt I'd forgotten I married my cousin when I was at Varsity. We'd done that so he could give me his shares in the family empire, because he was going to drop off the face of the earth and he didn't trust any of the other money-grabbing (sp?) cousins. Then years later, when I was on the point of marrying someone else, he popped up and said: whoa there ...

I think I had this dream a few days after I'd phoned my auditor to find out how far along he was with my Tax, and he said he's just finishing my husband's ...  :o

I got very excited there, until we figured out he was talking about yet another cousin ... dang no husband  >:(


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