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[Movie] I am Legend


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I saw this movie tonight, Its pretty good, but not the 'greatest movie of all time'.


For those that don't know, this film stars, Will Smith, the sole survivor in New York City after a virus spreads like a plague, killing 90% of the population, leaving the rest of the 9.99999% of the population genetically altered into some kind of Human-Zombie-Vampire, who hunt any remaining human survivors, and probably, other 'human-zombie-vampires'.

Will Smith plays Robert Nevel, a military Scientist, whos daily quest is to survive in New York, but also find a cure for the Virus. The last 'human' he saw was roughly 2.5 years ago, his only companion, is a Dog.



I can't realy go into much more detail with out spoiling anything, but overall, I think the idea/plot is pretty good, It doesn't dwell to much on the 'zombies' or the 'virus' but basically the day-to-day struggles he has to go through, as well as the constant flash backs to that 'fatefull day'.

I would probably rate the movie an 8 or 9 out of 10, or about an 87%.

Plot/story wise it was solid (Beginning, Middle, and End), graphics were existant, Sound? who listens to stuff anyways?! :P




Btw, the character Robert Nevel, is most definately a Legend. ;)

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Having read the book, I have to say when I found out the synopsis of the film, I was a tad disappointed. It is a fanastically original novella, with an exceptionally original story.

Havent seen the film (its not released over here until early Jan), but I will as a tribute to Mathesons work. I hope the narrative and consept of the original story hasnt been altered too detrimentally.

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I hope the narrative and consept of the original story hasnt been altered too detrimentally.


then don't see the movie, I hope this doesn't count as a spoiler but my friend finished the book as we were sitting in the theater for 4 hours waiting at the premier (never read the book, but I typically see premiers with friends).


Any event after the movie was over she, and the two others in our group who had read the book, couldn't stand the movie because to match their words "Armageddon and Robert Neville (the name, not much the character) are the only two things shared from the book to the movie".


Honestly I think it was a good movie, more of a 83% by my taste but still a good movie. Will Smiths performance is very well done imo.

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When I watched the trailer, I was intrigued at first. Being the last person alive on Earth seemed like it could make for an interesting movie, but then I saw the monsters. It made me completely lose interest in the movie, cus I don't wanna see another monster horror/thriller flick.

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I am reading the book now and saw the movie over the weekend.  I thought the movie was pretty good.  Not better than a few other things I have seen this year but still pretty good. 


I have read the synopsis from the book and know it is VERY different.  Just reading the first few chapters of the book  I can tell you the main characters are totally different.  The movie guy is clean cut, scientist and pretty anal.  The guy in the book is a slob.


I REALLY like that the movie is different from the book though.  I read Harry Potter before seeing the movies.  I almost fell asleep in the first two movies.  By the third and forth I had forgotten some of the stuff that happened in the books and enjoyed them much better.  Having a movie that is based on the same concept but a story of its own gives me a chance to enjoy two versions.  As I read the book I will still be surprised as the story plays out. 


Will Smith is a great actor.  The only movie I didn't really like him in was Pursuit of Happiness.... mainly I didn't like the story.  He does a great job in this film as an action guy.  I would suggest this to anyone that likes a movie that works like a thrill ride. 

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My issue is that I think the story is such a fantastic concept FOR a movie, that Id be buggered if I know why they changed it. In the book, Nevilles struggle with the uninfected dog, and his clashes with his neighbour Ben Cortman really help the storys sense of isolation. I can understand to a degree the change from LA to NYC (the iconic landmarks add to a sense of desolation, like in 28 Days Later).

Think about the title "I am Legend". The end off the book wraps this up neatly. Im not sure the movie can (again, I havent seen it though).

As an aside, Charlton Hestons movie "The Omega Man" is apparently based on this story as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I saw the movie. While it was ok, I have also read the book, and have to say the book is a better story, especially the ending where the whole meaning of "legend" is defined.

Still, as a movie it was acceptable, as I am biased by having read the book. I did find the cgi vampire characters too false looking and contrived to be realistic though, and felt some aspects of the novel should have been pursued to greater effect!

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I saw the movie, though I haven't read the book. I think the movie could have been far better done than it was, I mean, they did well at developing Smith's character, but they treated the vampires as a nuisance, a problem to be dealt with, while they showed that there was lots of potential to develop with the vampires.


All in all, it was an OK movie IMO, but I've seen better. There was lots of potential for the movie that they didn't really go into enough IMO.

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