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Quiet return


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Well things are different here. *looks around* Hello again. I don't know if anyone here remembers me,  but I was an old member of DM... Deacon Jareth, gaidin to Mandi Sedai. I had to drop off the line due to duties of RL. I have recently started lookinginto coming back. Jusgt want to look around and see how things have changed since I was here a few years ago. If anyone is around who remembers me drop me a line and I look foward to dusting off the old rping skills.



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I think I vaguely remember you :)  Things appear to have changed quite a bit, and as it were?  Trying to figure out where to start anew with my Warder character and get her back to partyingerm.... fighting the good fight >_>



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Guest Arie Ronshor


Mandi's old Sitter here. *chuckles* Yes, I'm everywhere now.


If your interested in getting but into RP I have not only a Warder (Cairma) but also a Trainee (Conor) at your disposal. :D


Well.. you can't dispose me of Cairma.. but Conor may deserve it.. Last time an oldie returned and he got involved, he caused a few problems... and fights....  *le sigh*

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Hmm Iussi.. I remember some rping, involving someone getting into some trouble in the Yard if I remember right. At this time I seem to have forgotten who was in trouble but I can remember. Right now I am just waiting for my return update to be approved and it seems I was able to talk my Aes Sedai into returning as well.. ah the fun begins.


Deacon Gaidin

Daisho al'Dracon

Bonded to Mandi Sedai Green Ajah

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I remember you as well, Wb Hun hehe you might remember me as Akira *grins* another Ren'Shai. I have a new char Kalush who is actually Akira's daughter. At some point I am going to bring her back but its not time yet.... *pokes Daemon*  Chop chop  get to training her lol




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welcome back, think i am to new with my 3-3.5 years here to remember you, your AS i think i heard of in hearsay, never met though i think


Raeyn...i been planing sort of a wet night on the town for my reincarnated TG (reincarnated in that i killed of the original one when i realised she wasnt warder material so i could make place for one who was)..could be fun if it grew into an interaction night with several others


*looks around for interested people*



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