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Well guys I wanted to let you know why you haven't seen me around as much as why I am not right on top of rps right now. I have been pretty sick, and exhausted to the point where getting on my computer was the last thing on my mind. So I found out why and that is because I am having a baby. *winks* Apparently the baby is doing wonky stuff to my thyroid problem, so I am hoping it's all fixed. We are due around the end of June and very excited about it, so I wanted to let you all know and please forgive me if I fall behind I am trying as much as I can right now.  :D

Guest Arie Ronshor

*Grins* Go BABY BOY GO!!


I'm SO excited about this you have no idea. :) Take the time you need, let me know what I can do to alleviate you load around here (other than write RP's for you. :P)


Wow! :D  'Gratz Jade!


*showers in blue champagne*

  • 2 weeks later...

Wonder if our due dates are close to each others... Right now I haven't gotten in to an OB yet (going the 27th of this month) but the clinic is estimating my due date around July 2nd.  I'm starting on week 12 now if that's correct. 


Anyway I hope you haven't been suffering the morning sickness as badly as I have been and, with luck, they tell me that energy levels will begin to return to normal after the first tri-mester so keep your chin up!


I'm very happy for your impending arrival.  Keep us posted and I'll do the same for you guys about my little one.




Thanks hun, my due date is June 18th, so I am a little bit furthur along than you. Congrats on the impending child, is this your first? Nope, I have had no morning sickness sweetie, sorry to hear that you are, I had it with my daughter but not this one. *Hugs*


My first baby.  I'm nervous about a lot of things surrounding the pregnancy and birthing but once he or she is here... well, it's a bit old hat for me as I am the oldest sibling of a handful of younger ones (ages widely spread out) and I have a lot of experience with newborns (my mom spent a lot of time in the hospital and laid up after her last two.)


Needless to say I got a great hubby with me too.  He's really been a trooper so far and I expect that to continue.  Sometimes I think he's more excited than me.  LOL!  He's desperately hoping for a little girl and while I would love that I keep having dreams it's a boy.  *snickers*


Bah, so long as it's healthy that's all that really matters though.  :)




Guest Arie Ronshor

*votes for two boys*... we need more boys.. that are raised by proper women. *nod nods*

  • 2 weeks later...

*snuggles* Thanks for the vote of confidence Andrea. Miya, I am glad to hear he's being great and sounds like you do know what you are doing, I am in the same boat, I am the oldest of 6, so I knew what I was getting into with Jackie. *hugs* How are you feeling after the holiday, worn down at all?


I've got a cold actually,  :-\ ... but my first doctor's appoointment is in just a few hours so I'm really excited today.  Happily I didn't have a lot of family to visit during the holidays so I suppose that helped a ton.  That, and I didn't have a huge dinner to sit there for me to be bemoaning that I couldn't eat.  My hubby and I had a nice simple chicken and dumpling soup. 


Hope your holidays went as smoothly!


You too? Dang it I am sick too and since I can't take anything I am suffering. Oh well, it's for a good cause. *G* Holidays went fairly well, had a few mishaps when my brain didn't function right and I forgot something I never would have before, but that's ok. Thanks Sial!


*huggles Sial*


Baby was okay after our visit to the doctor.  There's just one (thank the Light!) and I think it's going to be an olympic gymnast as it's flipping and rolling like a pro in there!  We only did the 2-d ultrasound this time so we couldn't make out what sex it was so... it will be another month before the cool 3-d one (at least).


Happily we know I and baby are as healthy as one can be while having the sniffles and I'm so silly proud right now it hurts.  My due date is offically July 4th (for you non-US people that's our independance day so, lol, kinda cool.)    :)



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