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Survey Results!


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  • Community Administrator


17 Male

7 Female



11 - 16-25

10 - 26-35

3 - 36-45


Hours of TV watched Daily.

21 - 0-4

3 - 5-8



15 - Yes

9 – No


Interested in HD-DVD Players?

4 - Yes

10 - No

10 - Undecided 


Own a PC/Notebook?

24 - Yes

0 - No


Who DIDN'T see those results? :P


Intel vs AMD

16 - Intel

6 - AMD

Geforce vs ATI

Geforce - 14

ATI - 7



Intel & Geforce - 6

Intel & ATI - 5

AMD & Geforce - 4

AMD & ATI - 0



Intel & Geforce - 2

Intel & ATI - 2

AMD & Geforce - 2





Consoles Own(ed)


6 - PS1

6 – PS2

1 – PS3

1 – PSP

3 – XBOX

5 – XBOX 360

10 – Nintendo

7 – Super Nintendo

7 – Nintendo 64

3 – Nintendo Gamecube

4 – Nintendo Wii

6 – Nintendo Gameboy

3 – Nintendo Gameboy Pocket

3 – Nintendo Gameboy Color

3 – Nintendo Gameboy Advanced

4 – Nintendo Gameboy DS

4 – Sega Genesis

1 – Sega Gamegear

1 – Sega Dreamcast



2 – PS1

2 – PS2

1 – Xbox

1 – Xbox 360

1 – Nintendo

2 – Super Nintendo

2 – Nintendo 64

1 - Nintendo Gamecube

2 - Nintendo Gameboy

1 - Nintendo Gameboy Pocket

2 - Nintendo Gameboy Color

1 - Nintendo Gameboy Advanced

1 - Nintendo Gameboy DS



Hours per week playing Video Games.

13 - 0-5

5 - 6-11

3 - 12-17

3 - 18+



Video games on PC or Console?

9 PC

7 - Console

6 - Equal 

2 - Don’t Play.



6 - PC

5 - Console

6 - Equal 

0 - Don’t Play.



3 - PC

1 - Console

1 - Equal 

2 - Don’t Play.

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  • Community Administrator

Mr. AMD got buuuuuuurned. *laugh*


Nah, I believe, most just answered based upon what they knew, and not about which was best.  Hence the majority answered Intel, As intel is far more expensive, crappier, and runs hotter then AMD chips, thusly why places like Dell Loves to use them. :P

So really it shows that at least 50% of the people here, know nothing about amd or intel. (I think there were a few who voted intel to 'spite' me, skewing the results, and maybe a handful from intel actually liked it, vs just name recognition. :P)


But thats just my take on it.

Afterall, if you've been pc gaming for at least the last 6 years, AMD all the way!

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Mr. AMD got buuuuuuurned. *laugh*


Nah, I believe, most just answered based upon what they knew, and not about which was best.  Hence the majority answered Intel, As intel is far more expensive, crappier, and runs hotter then AMD chips, thusly why places like Dell Loves to use them. :P

So really it shows that at least 50% of the people here, know nothing about amd or intel. (I think there were a few who voted intel to 'spite' me, skewing the results, and maybe a handful from intel actually liked it, vs just name recognition. :P)


But thats just my take on it.

Afterall, if you've been pc gaming for at least the last 6 years, AMD all the way!





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  • Community Administrator

It proves SD can get us to do his homework for him.




Proves nothing, as statistics really don't 'prove' anything just show trends, and this is a highly 'biased' statistics at that...

But I can say this, of a good percentage of you are intersted in HDTV's, and you all want to buy a PS3, becuase its better then the 360.


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I was looking at used XBox and PS2 systems online yesterday, and pondering the pros and cons of getting a used PS2 or XBox now and Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player next year, or just wait until next year and get a PS3 or XBox360 with HD-DVD add-on.


Ehh, I don't feel like spending money at the moment anyway.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I was one of the losers that spend waaaaay too much time playing video games...though for me it's only one game really. >.>

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  • Community Administrator

I was the only one to own a Dreamcast and PSP.


One system that killed the sega consoles, and sony's 'failure' UMD disk format? :P (Not that the PSP is a failure, there quite a few games I want to buy, just can't justify $200 for a psp) :P

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SD, did you recognize mine from the comment I left you? ;) 


Concerning AMD vs Intel, they do different tasks extremely well, comparing benchmarks for general FLOPS and Flasking will show that.  I have to admit I lean towards AMD, in my PC, I did set my wife up with a spiffy Intel setup though for my video editing/encoding.

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The dreamcast was a good console.  But when the PS2 comes out 6 months later and can play DVDs and the graphics are just as good.  What can you do.


And the PSP can do more then play awsome games.  You can connect to the internet, play MP3s, if you have a large enough memory card you can download DVDs onto your computer then upload them to your PSP.  ;)

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  • Community Administrator

The dreamcast was a good console.  But when the PS2 comes out 6 months later and can play DVDs and the graphics are just as good.  What can you do.


And the PSP can do more then play awsome games.  You can connect to the internet, play MP3s, if you have a large enough memory card you can download DVDs onto your computer then upload them to your PSP.  ;)


Aye, You can even play the ps3 game Lair on your psp. ;)

I plan to buy a psp sometime in the next 2 years, and probably use my psp with my ps3 & the ps3 eye, as a security camera.... newest firmware update, allows you to turn your ps3 on/off remotely via psp.  ;D

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I also heard they're trying to work it so you can play an PS3 game on your PSP through the Location Free feature.  That's not counting any games that you use both systems at teh same time.


You can also watch a movie that is in the PS3 or play a video or MP3 you have saved on the hard drive.


The PSP and PS3 play together better then the Nintendo DS and Wii.



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  • Community Administrator

I also heard they're trying to work it so you can play an PS3 game on your PSP through the Location Free feature.  That's not counting any games that you use both systems at teh same time.


You can also watch a movie that is in the PS3 or play a video or MP3 you have saved on the hard drive.


The PSP and PS3 play together better then the Nintendo DS and Wii.




Aye, thats probably 'one' thing Sony has done right when it comes to the PSP. :P


I'm probably looking at maybe 2 or 3 games for the psp... but I really at this time can't justify buying one. :P

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I don't personally have technological preferences for one brand over another (Intel vs. AMD, nVidia vs. ATI, Microsoft vs. Sony, etc.), it's like arguing over green apples or red. Let's just enjoy them all!


I do, however, get a kick out of all the fanboyism out there, so I like poking fun at things like "only posers use nVidia, TRUE gamers know ATI is better", by doing things like waving numbers at them. Not because I like whatever particular technology they're bashing, but just because they're funny for bashing it.


Anyway, here's the link that brought that up for me. Valve software's anonymous hardware stats reports:



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