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Final Battle of Evil


who would win   

14 members have voted

  1. 1. who would win

    • Lord of the rings evil
    • wheel of time evil

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ok here it is the final evil battle the armies from Lord of the Rings and Wheel of Time duking it out


on the side of the Lord of the Rings

Sauron with the One Ring and also now we would control the power of the the other great rings of power

The Nazgul with their full power regained since Gandalf said in the books they were only shadows of the power they would posses if Sauron had the one ring

Saurman and his Uraki

all the orc and men armies under Sauron


The Wheel of Time

The Dark One freed from his prison

The 13 Forsaken

all the Shadowspawn and darkfriends


BTW can someone tell me how to add a poll


Feel free to add to either side if ive forgetten anything


ill add my things later on once i see what some other people think


gotto go wheel of time...no matter how powerful Sauron is, he's still "human" and against the DO fully freed, he wouldn't stand a chance.


The Dark One unravels the pattern, breaks the wheel of time and you die. The end.


now...take the DO out of the equation and you've got a SICK battle...


There is no way for Sauromon to win. He dosn't have legions of mages. JRRT wrote his bookes with a miniumum of magic; he is trying to show how Humans can take care of their own problems, how they don't need extra help from others.


The Frosaken and Dreadlords would just rip right whatever forces were arrayed against them. They might not even need to send in the Shadowspawn.


gotto go wheel of time...no matter how powerful Sauron is, he's still "human" and against the DO fully freed, he wouldn't stand a chance.


The Dark One unravels the pattern, breaks the wheel of time and you die. The end.


now...take the DO out of the equation and you've got a SICK battle...

your worng sauron is not human he is the strognest of and angelic order dirctly below god in the Lord of the rings

There is no way for Sauromon to win. He dosn't have legions of mages. JRRT wrote his bookes with a miniumum of magic; he is trying to show how Humans can take care of their own problems, how they don't need extra help from others.


The Frosaken and Dreadlords would just rip right whatever forces were arrayed against them. They might not even need to send in the Shadowspawn.

Think about this tho the capatian of the nine is a powerful sorcer and saruaman also is part of the same order of angles as sauron but far less powerful and who know how powerful the Nazgul truly are when sauron posses the one ring oh and i forget one thing Balrogs they would give any1 a run for their money

Just for the record Balrogs are Maiar like Sauron, Gandalf and the other wizards, that's why gandalf sorta died.  If Melkor could come back through the doors of nights he could control the Balrogs, the dragons and other beasties.  Now that would be a vicious fight but the one BIG wildcard would be Ungoliant.  Oh and by the way I think Sauron is suspending the free DO break wheel thing so go along with it.  I think Melkor has the slight edge in this one


lets talk about the power of both sides greatest generals the forsaken and the Nine



one they cannot be destryoed without the death of sauron as gandalf said the power of their master is in them and they stand or fall by him

their very presence causes fear

their blades can turn people into wraiths under their command

however we dont know much about their powers the only thing i have to go on is that gandalf said they were mere shadows of the terror and power they would wield if the ring was on their masters hand again if anyone knows anything else about their power please elaborate



they have all the knowlege of the age of legends

they can wield balefire

their master can bring them back to life

but i do wonder what would happen if one was stabbed by a morgul blade would the become wraiths and serve the nine and if so would they keep the abilty to channel


Toss in Morgoth on the Sauron side, and I'd say they would have won, if not the evil WoT crew would have taken care of business.

i suppose u could throw morgoth in there but im just curious was he stronger than sauron i havent read the simmerian in awhile been too busy with WOT for much else

Malkor was a Valar, Sauron is a Maiar.


Valar are the gods/higher angels, Maiar are the lesser gods/lower angels. Sorta. Or something.


Sauron is incomparible to the Dark One, Melkor on the other hand, may stand a chance, although not much of one, Melkor still isn't on the same power level as the Dark one, who is the anti-creator, kinda.


The Dark One VS Ilúvatar on the other hand would be a more pitched battle, since Ilúvatar is the creater of Tolkien's world.


I think you are giving Sauron (and the nine) far too much credit. Remember, Sauron was largely destroyed by Isildor, a mortal human.


Malkor was a Valar, Sauron is a Maiar.


Valar are the gods/higher angels, Maiar are the lesser gods/lower angels. Sorta. Or something.


Sauron is incomparible to the Dark One, Melkor on the other hand, may stand a chance, although not much of one, Melkor still isn't on the same power level as the Dark one, who is the anti-creator, kinda.


The Dark One VS Ilúvatar on the other hand would be a more pitched battle, since Ilúvatar is the creater of Tolkien's world.


I think you are giving Sauron (and the nine) far too much credit. Remember, Sauron was largely destroyed by Isildor, a mortal human.

true but remebere lews therin was a mortal man as well and both had armies at their back but i will admit the mere fact the dark one is the polar oppostite of the creator does make him seem a tad more powerful than sauron but the power of all 20 of the rings of power i think would give sauron a MUCH needed powerboost but im still not sure if its enough

I know I will be shot, but!!!  My money is on Mini Chuck Norris!!




I hate Tolkien, and could not even get through the 1st book.  if not for the movies, I would never have known how they turned out. My money would have to be on The Great Lord of the Dark.



While I guess some could argue that Tolkien is the father of current Fantasy, I say fiddlesticks!!


I know I will be shot, but!!!   My money is on Mini Chuck Norris!!




I hate Tolkien, and could not even get through the 1st book.  if not for the movies, I would never have known how they turned out. My money would have to be on The Great Lord of the Dark.



While I guess some could argue that Tolkien is the father of current Fantasy, I say fiddlesticks!!

hertic blashmeire lol j/k each to his own i personally love toliken and im not sure who i like better jordan or toliken


The Dark One unravels the pattern, breaks the wheel of time and you die. The end.




self-quote  ;)


Sorry- but this is the Dark One we're talking about. Someone that can actually break the wheel of time. There's no chance on (middle) Earth that he loses to Sauron and any army he commands....not matter the odds. He wouldn't even need the Forsaken to help him. He would just destroy the world.


I'm going to have to vote for LotR here, for several reasons.


It really comes down to lieutenants for me.  The foot soldiers on either side basically cancel each other out (orcs, trollocs even fades and dreadlords).  For The Dark One, you have the Forsaken.  For Sauron, you have the Nazgul and Sarumon.  But there is a bit more.  As we are talking about Sauron with the ring, he also has control of the people wearing the Elven rings, thus, he has Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel too, the weakest of which should be a fair match for a forsaken.  In addition, Sauron need not worry about his servants plotting against one another.  The Forsaken have exhibited a serious problems with teamwork (see the battle of Shadar Logoth).  The Dark One can bring his servants back from the dead, if there is a suitable body on hand.  Most of Sauron's servants can't be killed and can basically turn you into an ally with a single wound, rather than actually killing the opponent.  I think that The Dark One would find himself all alone very quickly. There is plenty of precedent for exceedingly powerful creatures being bound in Middle Earth (See Morgoth).  Sauron might not exactly be able to destroy the Dark One, but he could probably take him out of the game, much like LTT did.



he also has control of the people wearing the Elven rings, thus, he has Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel too, the weakest of which should be a fair match for a forsaken.




The elven rings were never toutched by Sauron. Also note that the wearers of the three were around at the time of the Last Alliance and afaik were wearing them. Gil-galad had Vilya (which later passed to Elrond); Cirdan had Narya (he gave it to Gandalf when he arrived at the Havens) and Galadriel always posessed Nenya.


I also disagree that if Sauron had control of Elrond, Galadriel and Gandalf they would match the forsaken. Magic in middle earth is infrequently used and its power is little understood at best, Tolkien made a point to make it so. Also the three rings were made with preservation in mind, not destruction and so I doubt that their power could be harnessed for such a purpose. On the other hand the ammount of power the forsaken can wield is clearly spelled out, and rather large indeed (remember sammy shredding Rands armies when they attacked Illian's hill forts? and sammy wasnt the strongest of the forsaken, although far from the weakest).


The Nine are getting way too much credit, all it took was gandalf shooting some light from his hand, or a hobbit-woman double team to take one down (also they are never mentioned at the battle in which Sauron was defeated at the time of the last alliance, and I assume that they would be there if they could, so either they were too insignifigent to deserve mention or they'd been temporarily put out of action, in either case that puts their power at "mortals can give them a headache" level so a hint of Balefire and they're toast).


Afaik it took Tulkas (and some other Valar?) to bind Morgoth (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't toutched a tolkien book since I learned of the wheel of time) eg. enough kickass to atleast equal him, probably more than equal him.


When you say:


The Dark One can bring his servants back from the dead, if there is a suitable body on hand.  Most of Sauron's servants can't be killed and can basically turn you into an ally with a single wound, rather than actually killing the opponent.


You mean:


The Dark One can bring his servants back from the dead, if there is a suitable body on hand. Nine of Sauron's servents are imortal-ish but their leader can be killed by a woman (cough maidens cough) and can turn you into an ally with a single wound (after a number of days, if the wound isn't directly to the heart).


Finally I am going to have to invoke


The Dark One unravels the pattern, breaks the wheel of time and you die. The end.


Because he's right.


Tyrell u say to the Nine can be deafted easily i disagree here is a quote from gandalf after the flood at rivendell "you cannot destroy ringwraiths in that way the power of their master is in them and they stand or fall by him" so as long as sauron exists so do the Nine but i will have to see since there is a war going im sure the dark one would have an infinte supply of bodies for the forsaken provided they didnt mind being orcs or trollocs and plus the ringwraiths are far stronger than we see them in the books becasuse to quote gandalf again "the ringwratihs are deadly enimeies but they are only shadows of the power and terror they would wield if the ruling ring was on their masters hand again


and as to the whole the dark one breaks the wheel i wonder i know this is stretching it alot so i could be wrong here but if the 3 eleven rings were desinged to stop change and heal could it be possible that they could stop him from doing that


Nothing short of the Creator himself could stop the DO from doing that....Prophesy is very specific: only the Dragon Reborn can stop him. The Elven rings, as Tyrell mentioned above, are actually very weak in their power compared to the type of power and "magic" that is channelled by any of the Forsaken...nevermind the DO.


Balefire solves all problems here- and not even much of that would be needed....just a little thin line for each one :) and if that fails.....



The Dark One unravels the pattern, breaks the wheel of time and you die. The end.






first off balefire cant destory the great rings only dragon fire (and no rand does not count) can destory the great rings and only the fires of mt doom can destory the one ring


and secondly if the dark one can be bound away by lews therin than surly sauron can do it as well no matter how powerful lew therin is he is no match for the Lord of the Rings espacaaly if we throw morgoth in there and both of those are divine beings just like shatian

first off balefire cant destory the great rings only dragon fire


LOL ... I'm sorry ... how do you know that?  Balefire doesn't exist in Middle Earth, so how do you know what it can or cannot do?


This is the reason why inter-series questions like this are futilely silly.  There's no basis for comparison.  The different worlds have different rules.  Its not like comparing "apples" and "oranges", its like comparing "inflatable arm-flailing tube men" and "stone anvils".


first off balefire cant destory the great rings only dragon fire


LOL ... I'm sorry ... how do you know that?  Balefire doesn't exist in Middle Earth, so how do you know what it can or cannot do?


This is the reason why inter-series questions like this are futilely silly.  There's no basis for comparison.  The different worlds have different rules.  Its not like comparing "apples" and "oranges", its like comparing "inflatable arm-flailing tube men" and "stone anvils".

lol u have a point there my friend

first off balefire cant destory the great rings only dragon fire (and no rand does not count) can destory the great rings and only the fires of mt doom can destory the one ring


I'm not saying balefire has to destroy the rings....it just has to destroy whoever wears the rings.  :D


PS- gotta go inflatable arm-flailing tube men.....im rooting for the under-dog on this one :)


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