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[MOVIE] Stardust


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Even though this film was released in the States back in August (I had a look for an old thread, but couldn't find one), it has just been released here in the UK (on Friday), and I went to see it yesterday with my girlfriend, having seen it advertised just about everywhere across London!


Firstly, I was looking forward to the film, after hearing quite a few good reviews in the papers about the film. And I wasn't disappointed. It was fun, light-humoured and in general, an all round good feeling film.


The plot linked well, and was very easy to understand. There were many big name actors (of which many were British, which is good, plus one went to my university :)), and I felt they all put in great performances. I personally thought Charlie Cox (Tristan) put in a strong performance, as well as Michelle Pfeiffer (Lamia).


Even though it was a throughly enjoyable film with a lot going for it, I seriously doubt it will win much in the Awards season. But I could br wrong...


And when the DVD eventually comes out in the UK, it'll be a definite purchase!


Also, has anyone else seen it and want to add comments?

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This was one of my favourite movies this year!  Stardust is the perfect example of a movie that pulls you right in to the story, and no matter how far-fetched it doesn't push you out of the movie back in to reality.  In the 30 Days of Night thread I keep talking about how there were details that just made me disbelieve.  This one told the story beautifully and I loved it.

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My mom and sister came by to visit from out of state (technically 1800 miles away) back in August, and we headed to the movies and saw Stardust.


I had low expectations, but figured I'd sit through it for their enjoyment. I ended up really enjoying it. It's even possible I'll feel like picking it up on DVD, which I don't often do.


The effects were well done, and rarely cheesy (blue blood... man, that was bad! And what was with the "stardust"? Dull gray glitter?), and De Niro's character was hilarious. "You're still our cap'n, cap'n!" "Yeah, we always knew you was a whoopsie!"


I couldn't help but groan when he and the first love interest's pretty-boy fiance shared a knowing wink at the end. My mom and sister didn't catch it. That was some disturbing hilarity for me.


In all, fun film. Great when you're not in the mood for something really profound.

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yeah i would say this was one of the best movies of the year.  one of the few that me and empy agreed on even.  my wife was all like, ok ill go see it since you want to see it, and walked out proclaiming how great it was. 


on another note Y its great to see you back.  hows married life?

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this movie was amazing! I had mediocre expectations and came away with one of my newest favorite movies of the genre. I describe it as Narnia with a hint of princess bride and a romantic twist. Very well done, and perfect for anyone.. It has a very rare  balance so that if on a date BOTH people will like it.

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