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The X-Files


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Any fans of The X-Files here about? 


David Duchovny has confirmed that a second film is indeed in the works, hopes are to get filming underway before the end of the year before this mysterious strike they keep mentioning as if there's nothing that can stop it.  Gillian Anderson is on board as well.  Word is that the new film will not feature the alien conspiracy mythology (despite the looming 2012 deadline for invasion!) but will instead be an X-File film. 


Maybe they'll resurrect the Lone Gunmen! 

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I would go see this only because I was a big fan until the last season.  I am not even sure how it ended. 


Well, as you're probably aware it suffered terribly from Jump the Shark syndrome.  And still, I thought Robert Patrick was very cool in the last two seasons.  In truth, it peaked in seasons 3-5 and then dragged on for another 4 seasons.


The series ended on a major downer, gloom and doom, can't recall if Mulder was even still with the FBI or not (own all 9 seasons on DVD, will have to go back re-watch that).  The pending alien invasion was locked in for 2012, the supposed end date of the Mayan calendar.  I recall the final scene vividly - Mulder climbing into bed with Scully, end credits.


I know "reboot" is the buzzword these days, but I wonder if they're planning to reboot the series, possibly starting a new film franchise or trilogy. 

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As long as it's better than the finale I'll go watch it.  God that was one of the most disappointing finale's I've ever seen.  Fox was going on and on advertising "The truth will be revealed" and then they tell us nothing and instead leave us with more questions.  Unfortunately the coming movies doesn't sound like they're gonna answer any more of our questions.  I hope I'm wrong because I loved this series and would love to see it have a proper ending.

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I watched the Xfiles religiously for a couple years, and then got busy with other things (went to college?? I can't remember what years I watched). I saw the first movie and was entertained enough. I'm thinking it's time to rewatch some of the seasons, since I haven't really seen them since that movie!

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  • Community Administrator

Maybe they'll resurrect the Lone Gunmen! 


All three of the Lone Gunmen were at Dragon Con this year.  I didn't get to see any of their panels, but if they're reuinited for a Con, I bet there's rumblings of having them in the movie.


It would be sorta hard to have the lone gunmen in an x-files movie that is after the events of the last season of x-files... I mean, even THAT is stretching it for x-files... And I doubt the government is going to clone them...

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Maybe they'll resurrect the Lone Gunmen! 


All three of the Lone Gunmen were at Dragon Con this year.  I didn't get to see any of their panels, but if they're reuinited for a Con, I bet there's rumblings of having them in the movie.


It would be sorta hard to have the lone gunmen in an x-files movie that is after the events of the last season of x-files... I mean, even THAT is stretching it for x-files... And I doubt the government is going to clone them...


Yeah, but you have to admit that their demise was pretty open ended.  I would not be at all surprised to see them show up in a feature film.  I can't think of a single regular X-Files cast member who wasn't supposedly killed off then resurrected at some point during the show - a few numerous times!

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  • Community Administrator

Maybe they'll resurrect the Lone Gunmen! 


All three of the Lone Gunmen were at Dragon Con this year.  I didn't get to see any of their panels, but if they're reuinited for a Con, I bet there's rumblings of having them in the movie.


It would be sorta hard to have the lone gunmen in an x-files movie that is after the events of the last season of x-files... I mean, even THAT is stretching it for x-files... And I doubt the government is going to clone them...


Yeah, but you have to admit that their demise was pretty open ended.  I would not be at all surprised to see them show up in a feature film.  I can't think of a single regular X-Files cast member who wasn't supposedly killed off then resurrected at some point during the show - a few numerous times!


They are Dead Dead though, They were trapped in a room with a biological weapon that kills 'instnantly' and were dead and burried. The only way they can 'ressurect' them is if Moulder is still seeing dead people...

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And yet it would not be at all inappropriate to find out that TLG faked their own deaths and burials.  If memory serves we never actually see them die nor do we see their bodies, only graves in Arlington.


I can't help but feel that they will be in some way involved in the next film as well as the cigarette smoking man even though he too was killed (again!) and it won't be an alien conspiracy film.

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  • Community Administrator

And yet it would not be at all inappropriate to find out that TLG faked their own deaths and burials.  If memory serves we never actually see them die nor do we see their bodies, only graves in Arlington.


I can't help but feel that they will be in some way involved in the next film as well as the cigarette smoking man even though he too was killed (again!) and it won't be an alien conspiracy film.


We don't see them die, but others do, or escentailly were there when the bodies were recovered... (aka doggit, and fake skully/moulder-lovechild)


Also, we Did see the smoking man die, I think its pretty hard to dodge a missle when you see it come through the window and him lighting up another cig. (quite poetic death to!)

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  • 3 weeks later...
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are set to return as FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully reports Coming Soon.


The studio is referring to the film in casting breakdowns as "Done One" and will likely go for release sometime next year - ten years since the first film and six years since the long-running TV series finale.


Shooting is scheduled to begin on December 10th in Vancouver under the direction of series creator Chris Carter. Carter and Frank Spotnitz wrote the script.

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