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Don't know how I sit with this whole forum thing.

Briwan Dragain

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Look at me, I'm brand new. Woo-hoo. So, introductions are in order, eh? Okay, sure, let's do that. I've read the series... two or three times, and listened to it once (though I'm still in the process of that, halfway through 5 right now). I absolutely love RPing it, but hardly anyone ever knows what it is. Wheel of Time is WAY better than Lord of the Rings and definitely better than Harry Potter so we gotta see about some movies right now!


Which brings me to point 2. I'm a film major. I'm looking to be a writer/director/editor. I enjoy all aspects of film making, though, and am in my second year of school for it. Yay, me. I also like writing and I enjoy drawing lots. So, hopefully we'll be laughing at my renditions of WoT-related things in the next month when I get time to post up some stuff.


I joined TarValon.net at least.. four or five years back (I think that's what I joined, anyway, can't remember) and didn't stick with it long. Hopefully I post more on this forum than I did there. I'm much more for chatting via AIM or Yahoo messenger so feel free to hit me up there (especially if you RP .


Anycase, here's to hoping I stick around long enough for fellow fans to get to know me. Oh, and also I've gone to Dragon*Con the last three years and I absolutely love dressing up. I went as an Aiel this past year (because the year before there had only been one that I saw. This year, wow). I want to do a Whitecloak for next year, probably Aiel again (but way better since the one I did was kinda just thrown together within the last few weeks) and an Asha'man, of course. I did a Warder once but it holds up a lot better when you have an Aes Sedai. Lol. My friend and I joke that this is the greatest undiscovered series out there, since there are so many avid readers and such that have no idea what it is.. but the fanbase for it is HUGE. Just, not in my area.






Here's to hoping you stick around as well!


The RP folk should be around to help you get into all that later, right now, I'm going to suggest that you visit the Illuminator's Organization, they are the creativity outlet where you get to do all your writing, drawing, and film chat. You'll fit in beautifully there.

Guest Stefania Sedai

Welcome to DM! *nails Briwan's feet to the floor* There, now you won't be going anywhere! Oh, don't worry, we'll loosen those up just enough to let you go explore the Orgs. You do sound as if you will fit into the Illuminators quite well. But if you should find yourself looking for a little something more, we would love to have you come join us in the Band of the Red Hand. We are the music and travel Org here at DM, but we are so much more! We have a great time with our brews and our brawls, not to even mention the jousts and the Org game. So have fun and I hope to see you on the boards!


Hahaha. Just what I was hoping to find here. I think I might stick around after all.


So, I suppose that gives me a few questions. I saw the Org stuff the other day and I was, naturally, curious. But, the little browsing I did just gave me some more questions. As iiiiiiin: what exactly are the Orgs? Like.. Ajahs? You get to join one and it just gives you access to what goes on in that particular forum? I couldn't find out clearly, for all of them, what they did and all that jazz.


I ramble. I know it and I apologize. I suppose I'll keep browsing and hopefully pick up on it as I go. Huzzah.

  • Moderator

Hi! Have we met at Dragon*Con? I'm also the WoT track director, AKA, the crazy lady doing all the yelling.


Yeah, the Orgs are sort of like Ajahs, except you can join more than one. Each has a theme. You can participate in any of the public boards without joining though and I think we all love visitors.


Welcome to Dragonmount.


The orgs are really cool place to meet people. I know you said you are into RPing, I hope you still give the orgs a chance. You can go to the White Tower and train to be a warder. Who knows, maybe you will find that Aes Sedai you need. The Aiel org is a really nice place in the Threefold land. We enjoy lots of stuff there. The Wolfkin is full of crazy people who are into nature. Okay, I am a member there, so I fit the crazy discription. We love chili and tequila there too. *grin*

I hope you stick around and feel free to visit the orgs and say "Hi". We do some light RPing at the orgs. Ultralight you might say.

Hope you stick around and have lots of fun!


Come visit the Ogier! You can choose between the peaceful, book-reading, ale-drinking, pipe-smoking kind of Ogier or the weapon-wielding ale-drinking, pipe-smoking, a_ _-kicking, Seanchan-type Ogier!

At present we're trying to decide what type of Halloween costume best fits the Ogier physique...



Welcome to DM!


Each ORG differs, whether that be in their structure or what they focus on. The Band of the Red Hand is DM's music and travel ORG, while the Seanchan are the entertainment ORG. As Kath said, you can particiapte in them with having to join up...but you get a much better experience by signing up for an ORG or ORGs! It opens up private boards and endless amount of fun. With the Band, you end up drinking Brew, brawling, gambling, singing, beating each other up in our ORG Game based on the roll of dice, getting to know Banders and much, much more!


But whatever you do at DM, have fun!  :)


Welcome, Briwan  :)


Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun here.


If you think you might have trouble sticking around, come visit the Red Ajah on the Org side - strangely, very few guys ever leave us .... *innocent look*


Note to self: Ask Head Nut if we can pick "Hotel California" as our theme song ;D


The Seanchan are in charge of entertainment... and men are all about the Red Ajah? Oh, Light help me.


Soooooo, I can join more than one Org? =D Because that would just be swell.


As for Dragon*Con, I may have seen you Kathana but I don't remember exchanging pleasantries.


You can join as many orgs as you want to, but a friendly word of advice is that you start out with one or two and then expand it from there, if you feel that you want to and have the time.  :)


Welcome Briwan Dragain, I hope you do give the Orgs a go. They ar egood fun, and all different.


Ans as my lovely Sis says us reds in the Org side are different in quite a few ways from the ones in the books and we are proud of it, we even have a red Brother, and a number of the reds have warders (male), so alot different, and despite what people say we are not that frightening and the hanging on the walls thing is a little over exagerated ;)


I will forgive for saying WoT is better than LotR, just as long as you have fun and stay around :D


Oh and Wolfies are a lovely bunch as Min said, in fact we have a special newbie thread here on this board so just pop in and say hello and you are sure to get a lovely welcome...if a little different.


Well have fun and hope to see you round :D


And we have the hottest lounge ... not called the Phoenix Lounge for nothing  ;)


btw, Talya - have you given Barmy his soul back yet, or is it still your turn to have it ? *angel face*

Guest nephitess

Welcome to DM!!! We’re glad to have you….please make your self comfortable. There is lots to do here and you’ll quickly learn your way around. I promise. *winks*


We have a huge RP side to the forums...just scroll down the forum and you'll find it. I RP there if you need help please just PM me and i'll be happy to help


Make sure you check out he White Tower Org…visit the Reds, they’ll give you lots of Snugglebites. 


Also the Illiuminators Org is amazing!!! I love it because that is where all the creative people hang out. There are place for those who like graphic design, writing, or crafty stuff like candle making or soaping!!


So please check everything out and find were your comfortable!!



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