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[GAME] Halo 3


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ALL I CAN SAY IS "WOW!"  This game is great.  The graphics are way better than the previous versions and the gameplay is incredible.  Empy and I along with a friend of ours picked up our games at the midnight release and proceeded to play until the early morning.  I'm sure Empy will give a review soon.

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Ok I took yesterday off and played almost all day.


Let me first say I might have been the oldest person in line at Gamestop Monday night. I got the game and played until 5am (way past my bedtime) and think I almost beat the game (I had two more levels left). I woke up and played some multiplayer (can I just say I hate Slayer). I really enjoyed playing some of the objective missions (capture the flag, plant the bomb, etc). I played some coop campaign last night and got to the last board in 4 hours (I knew what I was doing from earlier campaign).


My review: Thank god this has a potentially good multiplayer. The creators recycle the maps they created in the campaign. You run one way.... get to the end.. run back the way you came... and then run the other way again. Seriously. Almost every board you cover the map twice running back and forth. It is obvious they were trying to cram as much single player with the least amount of work. I was originally sad when I learned the single player could be beaten in 6 hours... but now that I have played it... that is just about enough. How boring is it to run back and forth without doing that much except killing people. I will say.... the vehicles are cool. I really like the one you get to fly in.

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Half Life is a good game to play as well.  Which is better we will leave for a later debate?




A debate about which is better would be nice, except for the # of Xboxers on DM makes it rather 'hard' to debate. :P

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I used to play Half Life a lot on the PC.  It was really my first introduction to online FPS.  The laser gun was my favorite. 


"How do we get up there?"  *runs and aims the laser gun at the ground, jumps and fires*


I was good with that gun.


I haven't played HF in like 7 years.

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Some of you may know that I work retail, and we got a heads up about the Halo 3 Collectors edition version of the game with the tin case.  If you buy this one, Microsoft said there is a 20-30% chance that the game will be scratched before you even get home.  Something to do with the packaging.  so my adivce... just buy the regular version in the plastic case.  Same game no pre-buy scratches.

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So I am playing this weekend and a few of us banded together to find all the skulls (they are hidden in the campaign maps and unlock different armor for multiplayer).  I jump into another game after we find them all and everyone is excited I have armor that they do not.  I told em it was because you had to get all the skulls and I take them around and help them out.  Age comes up and they are like because my wife comes in and I say something to her... they ask surprised "Are you married... how old are you?" .... I am like "Yeah I am 29"... "Wow" they say "Thats old... at least you are not 30".  I come to find out they are 14. 


Little bastards.....

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  I was a little fuzzy on the whole sculls things.  What do they do and how do you use them?  I found one and was reminded of Mystery Men.  How do you even pick them up.  I was hitting all sorts of buttons around the one I found and nothing happened.

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A intro to Skulls by Empy:


Skulls are like Cog tags in GoW... or little extra things you can search the maps for and pick up for achivements and extra bonus you can turn on to make levels even harder.  There are 4 Silver skulls and 9 gold (the gold get your achievements).  To pick them up, go up to them and hold RB.  Once you pick it up just throw it away or keep it to brain your enemies with. 


But Empy, why pick them up?  Well they have effects you can turn on while playing through the game.  The silver skulls do not generally make the game harder.  For example... the silver skull named "Grunt Birthday Party" when activated will cause enemies head to explode in confetti when you hit them with a head shot.  The Gold skulls make the game harder and also give you a multiplier when playing in the meta game.  Some of the skull's abilities include: increasing the health of all enemies, moving all enemies up on level, turning off the radar, all enemies have and use extra grenades, you die you go back to beginning of the level, etc etc...


Also picking up skulls unlock armor which can be used in the multiplayer (they unlock the ninja armor).


Whitestar does that help?  Also what is your gamertag?

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Thanks Empy that helped a lot.


I don't have a Gamertag right now as I don't have internet connection to my X-Box.  Maybe next summer of after I finish Grad school I'll set it up, but right now playing the campains and occasionally having friends over to play is all I have time for.

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Some easy off the top of my head skull locations....


First level:  End of Level.... the one when you are trying to save Johnson.  Jump down.  Hug the right until you come to dead end.  Turn left and hug the wall on the right again.  Jump up where those shield guys are.  Jump up when you come to dead end.  You should be on ledge.  Follow ledge around to dead end... should be in corner.  Gold Skull


Floodgate:  Near the start.  Pass that blown up missle launcher and someone will say "Hey over here" or something.  Look up and right.  You will see a Floodie appear.  Shoot him in the head and he will toss you the skull.  If you miss, he jumps away and tosses the skull out of reach.


Halo:  Hug the right wall near start.  Take EVERY right turn.  You will find it in a little alcove.


The others are too hard to explain without charts and maps or me taking you there.

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