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Does it get better?


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I've been plunking down 50 dollars a shot for the audiobooks and now I am about to stop.


I am on book six the Lord of Chaos. (Should be Lord of stupidity)


Does the series get better ? Seriously this book is just garbage, characters are plain idiotic I loved the first 5 books and they were quite enjoyable. The series has been geting worse and even book 5 was stretching it. Nothing has so far happened in this book. Is it just me or does Robert Jordan realy think that women are that stupid and men that egotistical. Egwaine being close to Rand is now working against him Elaine is just spoiled retarted child. Rand is doing nothing, Perin dispeared, Mat is a complete tool. Does the series get better cause this is geting old really fast and seeing the reviews on amazon are not encouraging at all. I am frustrated with this book and I am regreting plunking down the cash for this book. Seeing that their is 5 more books to go I just can't see that much story to stretch in these 40 hour + audiobooks?

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Well i havent listened to the audio books but the series itself is excellent. Have you read the books? I would recommend reading the books rather than starting with the Audio Books as hearing someone else's way of saying things (in your head when you're reading you make your own voices etc) may spoil it for you.


The books CAN seem a little drawn out, but its necessary - there is SOO much going on and soo many 'main' characters taht there has to be a lot happening.

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I will continue with the books and hope for the best I would like to see a an ending to all this.


I wish I had enough time to read the books, between studies, working, and my 1 hour of personal time I have no free time.. I listen to the books on my way to work and back.

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Maybe thats why the books seem to be more long and drawn out then they actually are. Listening to audiobooks while driving back and forth from work may not allow yourself enough time to get into each book at one large chunk at a time. Lord of Chaos does have some infuriating parts in the book, but to me, its all worth it with one of the best climatic scenes in the entire series. The rest of the books in the series are also good, however, due to the length of each book, then obviously there are some chapters and parts in each book that are kinda boring to get through. However, despite all of that, I still look at the WoT series as being my favorite and best of all the scores and scores of book series in my personal library. :)

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I listen to them when I am at work, then again I work alone as a security guard in a nearly empty office building so I don't have much to worry about and no boss looking over my shoulder. I do tend to be able to get through 5 to 6 disks in a 8 hour shift so It only takes me a week to a week and a half to get through 1 set of disks. However you can dup them into MP3's for a Ipod I suppose if your allowed them where you work. I think you can fit 2 or 3 books on some of the larger storage models. Or get a off brand MP3 player with expandable memory. I don't know alot about MP3 players I stick to burning CD's lol.




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I have mainly done the audio books and as long as you get the "unabridged" ones they are GREAT!  Lord of Chaos is probably my favorite book.  They are very well done and they are very convenient when you don't have the time to sit and read, but can listen while driving or doing other things. 


I am currently doing an actual read of A Path of Daggers, because the unabridged version has not been released in "main stream" yet.  I do find that I catch things I missed in the audio books and you can always go back an re-read easier than rewiding the MP3 player. 


If you don't like Lord of Chaos, I am afraid what is going to happen when you get to book 9....and 10.......but 11 is definatley GREAT!


If you like the series definately stick with it!

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  I had trouble getting through some of the books as well.  The number of characters and loose ends are unbearable. But as some others have pointed out once you get to Winters Heart and Knife of Dreams the story starts to pick up.  My advice is plow on through the books, take your time and buy the books even if you can only read 1 hour a day you have time before book 12 is out.  Make use of the on-line character list when you can't remember someone.

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I have listened to all 11 audio books and unfortunately some of the copies I have are not the unabridged versions. I loved them, they helped my work go by a lot faster. The one advantage I had is that I have also read all the books, some 2 or 3 times. I just wish I had all of them in the unabridged format.. Keep at them. They get better...

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