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My Warmest Hello


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Hello everyone,


Where to start? What can one say about themselves that can best describe them? Well, let me see here. I am 26 years old and work for the largest security company in the nation. The training is rather intense with this company. We have a work out group, we are going through a Police Academy in January, we also take nationally acclaimed training that is not required to be in law enforcement such as P.A.T.H and Moab. I think you get the idea.


My hobbies are Martial Arts, reading, and learning. Where am I from? For that I offer you this piece of information. "We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image." You will impress me if you can find out where that is from without Google.


Despite that it is not a hobby I am a decent writer. I have already started with a little story in the warders yard and I encourage you to take a look if you have the time. I am interested in meeting others and seeing what we can come up with.


Once again, it is nice meeting you all. I will see you all in the Yard.


09/01/07 Good job to those who guessed the Gospel of Thomas. It is specifically from the Hammadi Library in Egypt. The very scroll that the movie "Stigmata" was about. It dates correctly to be written at the right time as the other scrolls that now are what we know as the bible but for reasons unknown parts of it were left out. The quote above is among those.


Hello Dark Hallow, nice to meet you..i hang out mostly in fiddlesticks, but it's probably not a place you would enjoy since it's just a place to play around and spam uncontrollably.

i haven't been around here long myself about three weeks.


i say your quote comes from the Bible.


Welcome to DM, hope you'll have as much fun here as we all do.


As for your quote, its from the coptic Gospel of Thomas  ;)


Stop by the Band or the the Wolfkin, both great Orgs. I'll check out the story. :D

We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.


That's the gospel of Thomas, is it not?


Anywho welcome to DM!


Welcome to DM!


Enjoying your time here so far?


Check out the ORGs, especially the Band of the Red Hand and the Seanchan!


Whatever you end up doing, have fun!  :)


Hey Dark Hollow, welcome to DM.


If you you ever want a break from the WP side pop up and see us in the Orgs...we don't bite


Well ctaully I do but thats another story.


The Band and the Wolfies are the one that I recommend...but if you join the white tower pop in and say hi to the reds.. ;D


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