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Carai Al Caldazar


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I am Catsohori, lyricist, violinist, writer and somewhat a jack of all art non drawing painting trades. Having read the WoT series after much bothering last year while rereading the Simarillion, I found it's vast epic tale with politics,  romance and combat to be quite interesting. A mixture of the House Wars of Dune, and the epic tales of Middle Earth, I am currently rereading the series as a new  tradition that I will now do once a year.


After much pondering however, and a lack of local fellow WoT readers and fans where I live. I have decided to read and join in discussion here if you will have me upon these boards. I hope to bring some interesting points and ideas if I may, as a young writer to many ideas about the overall world that is WoT.


Thank you for your time!

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Wow... nice intro!  ;D


Raena is probably right *Pokes Raena*! You would fit in at the illuminators org quite well. You might want to check the discussion boards too. ;)


Otherwise there is a lot more to do. Check out the Aiel Org and the WT Org... lots to do in both places. Most importantly though... have fun!

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Another way to get your writting interest out is through the RP, we're always looking for good minions in CotS *grins* no but seriously RP is much fun...lots of nice stuff happening both ooc and ic, we're curently just passed the bowl of wind somewhere and a lot of big time RPs is happening mainplotline



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*Laughs heartily*


I actually test my character concepts by roleplaying them out in forums and out in games. And if you are roleplaying near bowl of winds then perhaps there is something to be joined in. Either a Warder or Aiel suits me, my love of the Fremen has always perked my tastes.

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I know the DF AGL is looking for people...but of course both the shadowy AGLs along with the Gld is looking for members


shadow side got Dreadlords, Darkfriends of well practicaly any path of life (courtesans, farmers, assasins, really anything you can think of that most freemen can be only with a shadowy mind) and Shadowspawn (Trolloc's, Fade's, Darkhounds)

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Welcome to DM! :)


Since you seem to be interested in role-playing, as has been mentioned by others there's a thriving RP community here.  For roleplaying, I'd suggest starting off by reading this post: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,354.0.html  That covers the basics and will give you an idea of where to begin.


Next you'll want to get an idea of the kind of character you'll want to play. Just about every group of people on Randland are represented in some way. When you have an idea of the kind of character you'll want to play, you'll need to come up with a character bio and have it approved for play. For more info on that, check out this post: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,717.0.html


After that, just find your way to the Div boards for your chosen Division and begin to join in on the fun as you await for your bio to be approved and to be assigned a mentor


But no matter what you decide to do with your time here at DM, I hope you enjoy yourself. And once again, welcome aboard. :)

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Sadly enough i have no idea what those acronyms mean either.  :D


Anyway... the orgs aren't so much character testing as the RPs but they are pretty cool. Occasionally they do have their own minor RPs but not too much. Still new warders are always welcome at the Warders Guild (Male and Female I believe, you can check or ask to make sure). Of course the Aiel always welcome new members too.


Now that I think about it I might be mistaken but I believe that DF stands for Dark Friends that's as much as I can figure out. Basically I think she is pretty much saying that you can join the Shadow as quite a lot of different chracter types. Also many light characters are possible of course. i am sure you can PM her for clarification so go ahead. :D


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DF = Darkfriends, DL= Dreadlords, SS=Shadowspawn, Gld stands for Guild leader and AGL for Assistant Group Leader *s*


and yes we all love mail, username of the respective leaders for the different factors is Ashara (DF), Quibby (DL), Nargbert (SS), anyone of them would along with me be happy to answer about shadowy things



Congress of the Shadow GL

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Welcome to DM!


Having fun so far?


Now, do you want honour and glory? If you do, there is only one place for that - and that is the Band of the Red Hand ORG! We are DM's very own music and travel ORG, so pop on by to see what is being discussed. Or maybe you want to gain some honour in a brawl - pop on by and bash a Bander over the head! Or challenge a Bander to a duel in the Arena and gain much fame that way!


Whatever you do here at DM, have loads of fun!  :)

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