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The Big White Book is it worth buying?


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THis might have been asked before but is the Big white book (BWB)accually worth buying or is basically all ofthe inforamtion that it contains located inside the forums in a peicemeal fashion?


I read on Wikapedia about the BWB that Harriet (RJ's Wife) is going to publish a similar book after RJ finished the series off. That will include lots of maps and stuff from RJ's notes. I'm sure she proably understands all of this WOT stuff better than anyone except RJ himself. ;D


i like to think of it as The Great White Book......lol

i paid less than $20 for the book at a local bookstore,large paperback.

it depends on how immersed you are in the series as to whether or not to buy it, i soppose....how deep is your addiction?


I read on Wikapedia about the BWB that Harriet (RJ's Wife) is going to publish a similar book after RJ finished the series off. That will include lots of maps and stuff from RJ's notes. I'm sure she proably understands all of this WOT stuff better than anyone except RJ himself. ;D


I desperately want maps of the Ten Nations, the Free Years, and the original New Era nations on the inside cover map template, with cities marked. I would buy the book for that alone.


The maps in the BWB are of heinously poor quality, contradict known fact, are badly proportioned, and the relation between rivers and borders just plain don't make sense.


In my opinion the BWB is worth buying, especially for the information on historical events like the War of the Second Dragon and the Consolidation.


I bought it for the artwork, but that was terrible. The reading was pretty interesting, stuff about the rise of Artur Hawkwing, the Forsaken, and the cultures of Randland were pretty interesting.


Yes, it seems to be a fairly universal opinion ... the art is not that good ...


Nor are the maps, really.  I also have A Dragonrider's Guide to Pern (a similar type of book for Anne McCaffery's Pern) and the artwork and maps are gorgeous, but there isn't as much information that is useful.  Of course ... Pern is not really as complex as the World of the Wheel, but I digress.  The value of the BWB (and the area in which is it most accurate, by design, I think) is in the history of the world it provides from the Breaking through the "present".


Um just wanted to know is the BWB the same as the wold of robert jordans-The wheel of time 



i have no idea realy


Yip, the "BWB" and "The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time" are one and the same. It's lovingly called the "Big White Book" cause the hardcover version was, well, just that (never actually saw that version in my country... just the small paperback)


The artwork is mostly horrid, I'm including maps here. You really don't want to know how much ocean there is west of Seanchan and east of the West ;)

In my opinion the BWB is worth buying, especially for the information on historical events like the War of the Second Dragon and the Consolidation.

It's been a while. I remember not being that impressed...that may have just been writing style.


In some circles, it's also lovingly known as BWBoBA. (Big White Book of Bad Art).


The information and maps - great. The art? Great for a good laugh :) It can also be a Where's Waldo of 'what info doesn't match the picture' - particularly when it comes to the flags for each country n'such.


In some circles, it's also lovingly known as BWBoBA. (Big White Book of Bad Art).


The information and maps - great. The art? Great for a good laugh :) It can also be a Where's Waldo of 'what info doesn't match the picture' - particularly when it comes to the flags for each country n'such.

:o The Maps are an atrocity against cartography! >:(


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