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Dreadlord trying to train at the Tower


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We allow other divs to train with us (at any age I think it all depends on WS) but you need to go through your DL and our DL.


Andular will help you out and your DL has to approve it.



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has this been solved...?


if the char is an initiate he can go as long as another full dread go with him, as our intiates can freely train outside the fortress as long as superwised


if its a full dread then he just need to report the classes on the req board for aproval of the ws raise when he is done (unless they are ment to count towards reqs in the rank raising system..then he might need to check to be sure they fill the req aimed at)


if you are new in CotS thoug i guess i need to clarify that rank and ws is independant of eachother in our Group...your general contact person for this stuff when he return on friday is Quibby


general info on ws system http://www.shayol-ghul.com/?page_id=36

info on rank system for dread's http://www.shayol-ghul.com/?page_id=14

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ter'Angreal or not, A red sister will be on him the first moment he embraces it. (Although technically if it's breif they may not respond right away, but if there is a second time, than your sunk.)


Also, Warders have the "Sense Shadowspawn", which will imply that a Man of the Shadow who has ill intent will have the swords of any Warder within him that are in his vicinity.


So, if you wish to be stilled and held in the tower, or be made into a warder pincushion, by all means, sign up. ^_^

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Well, a red sister, or any sister, cannot detect male channeling, as we see in the books when Moghedien tricks Elayne and Nynaeve into learning a weave that only gives them headaches. As for warders, they can detect shadow spawn, but not Dark Friends, or else there couldn't be any black ajah in the tower or any dark friend warders. At least in the books the only thing that can detect a man channeling is another man or a ter'angreal like the ones Cadsuane and Nynaeve have, which are not widely known. So unless the WT has one of those and he makes the mistake of channeling constantly and huge amounts, he should be fine.

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